Monday, 22 August 2022

the 9th Circuit

 Ptah finder [find her]

When the Buffalo are in search of water, it is the Path-finder that leads the herd down to the water and it is normally a matriarch 

Would you walk a righteous Ptah without the promise of heaven, paradise, streets paved in gold
Would you slay your siStar, your brother-man, for another mans greed – cause’ if you [believe] that your god is better than another man, how are you going to end all your suffering, cause if you [believe] that your god is better than another womb-man, how are you going to end all your suffering and strife

You [believe] great god is going to come from the SKA, take away everything and make everybody feel high, but if you know life is worth you would look for yours here on earth – its at hand, cause’ if you [believe] that your god is better than another man, how are you going to end all your suffering

Forgiveness and love, let light guide you

Coons and their god 

The uploaded entitled this upload Signs you'll see just before Jesus comes, ok then, while your waiting for your Jesus, look at all the places around the world in this upload
Nature [NTR] hates you, even Uganda is getting washed out, no one is immune    

TA-NEHISI [Sudan] Lower Egypt [KHMT] gets washed out
is this nature or the dam 

Call it climate change- its called cleansing 

Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil 


[Know] thyself don’t [believe] in your cells [selves]
I AM [Be Still]

As above, so below, as within, so you are never without
As the universe, so the soul 

Not everyone has a B.AA [soul] and is to why KJ2 had to rewrite their Bible and take out reincarnation because 6ethers do not have a BAA, they have K.AA [spirit] 

Although Stanley Kubrick thinks he pulled off the Moon landings he must keep in mind the year [era]

She was holding an infant
We have been here many times before 

This story of this girl does not quite add up, they said they found her in 1999 at the top of s volcano, near Argentina, they have had 23 years to tell us about her
They say she is 15 and was sacrificed – she was not sacrificed
They give a date that she died 500 years ago which is the length and breath of slavery, so while slavery was taking place, this 15-year-old was being sacrificed to ‘gods’ and they say that she is preserved this well because she was frozen during sleep- so which one is it, was she sacrificed or did sum form of ice-age freeze her over

They say she was part of the INCA empire [Mandinka]
Mand-INKA the Mandinka are from Alkebulan- maybe she is
She reminds me of the 9ether captain they found on the Moon with her craft
What is interesting is the Melanin [Ether] on both these females, after time how it dissolves, Melanin evolves every 3-5 years and both have significant time elapses  
Things don’t add up, like the dates and what or where she was found and how+ she wouldn’t have been on her own

They have displayed her in a museum that means she is 9ether because the 6ethers love to display the dead of 9ethers after they have dug them up 

There was blood in her body and her internal organs remained- this means they would have cloned her

She was given 34 years for using media sites and retweeting posts
If you knew how deep this thing is for women under mans- law, many will be grateful when Al [Ghor] gets flooded, when he cannot rule her no more- trapped into sum thing that is 2,000 light years behind the rest of the world, primitive ways must end for all, especially for women- siStars will come together
They stone women, looking forward to the return energy coming to a place near you   

[Al]asKa [parabolic ball] 

Sun disc 

The all seeing eye 

Check out the soular plexus energy streaming through 

Red energy 


DNA [RNA] upgrades- look at the codes 

Reboot [German Schuman] 

Outside is humming, the Canadian Schuman must be rocking and rolling 

Last 2 days I have been eating more and more [body needs fuel] there is a lot of energies hitting the planet and you - feeling hot flushes and tired but cannot shut down at times

22.8.2022 [18] 1+8 = [9] Nu week 

Reptilian HQ 
Mutating wavelengths 

Radiation [energies] streaming in 

What lies beneath 

You can see a binary sun, but what about those crafts 

The speaker box is pumping 

What is beyond the horizon 

Hor-iz-on [HOURS + ATON] 

Crystal liquid 

[7] tones 

Old images, can you see her 

Split SKA 

Thailand [that region]

Malaysia [that cloud on the top left is hold a craft as well] 
They have been watched for a long time now, much danger is coming for that region  


Stacked image
How many crafts can you see 


What is beyond the horizon 
Florida [USA] weather system getting ready to slam into the east-coast 

360 [sphere] shield 

Musk satellites over Offenburg
They look like a Barcode 

WAJI [Green] element is Magnesium 

Can you see the grid, the fabric of the Un-i-verse aka the holographic program

NEIT [NUIT] translates to weave
NUN [NUNET] translates The deep, abyss
NUT translates the energy of Nu

All secret names for AMUN [AMON] AMEN which translates The Hidden One 

AMUN RE [X-Ray] X-CLASS [3 lights] [3 tones] 

The dead shall consume the living 
The spirit said to the dildo, go away, people have no idea what they are doing
One thing is for sure, they are becoming more and more prevalent
Everything is speeding up, so 3am is not when we connect with the spirit world - its getting earlier 
These spirit are trapped here
That lady who said that her vision is enshrouded in dark purple- that is the NTH gate, Plasma [Plassein] means to mould, figure, to image – where energies and gasses are moulded into images, called etherians
I go to this place - its all in your i-magi-nation - I too have had sum being(s) sit on the end of my bed and felt the weight of my bed go down when they sat, however I do not have any bad experiences or a takeover of my body 

5G and network towers are spontaneously catching fire, dirty electric made by your boy Tesla that is harmful to HuMins [HuMans] that causes Cancer [Cane-cer]

Without one plasma, laser weapon being fired, nature [NTR] and her forces are tearing this Wendy House down, 5G rolled out in January of this year – NTR are doing their part and we must continue to do ours, during the start of lockdown many people were setting these towers alight – for those who took the Jaba the Hutt and the accelerator [booster Jaba] things are already taking place, people are dropping to the ground– between the UV and the higher forces- things are in hand

You always had a choice

Here we go again 

That scar is from the Chernobyl fall out where people had to have their Thyroid cancer removed, Chernobyl also had a HAARP facility 

Your wings [butterfly] Thyroid are your gills when you were in the womb [water] vertebrates 

Our biology is changing in the lower realms, they say its every seven years the cells in our bodies go through a death and rebirth

KAANU [ETHER] Melanin evolves every 3-4 years but this last 3 years thing have changed rapidly

The DNA [RNA] patterning is also changing [upgrading]

During this cosmic [galactic] shift y-our DNA patterning is mutating because of the frequency fluctuations and this will make our bodies go through many ascension symptoms and many of you are experiencing them now, the light is now powering the body, not the other way around, it is the body that is taking the brunt

You know the symptoms that come with upgrades, these symptoms are happening because your body is resisting these higher frequencies, they’re foreign to y-our physical structure, this transformation isn’t going to be easy especially on a physical level, this is why you must maintain your tri-system, and your Chakra system

Your body [KHA] is purging out all the sh9t you have accumulated over the many years, sum of you will be sluggish, listen to what your body is telling you, cut out what you know you need to cut out

The reason is these toxic chemicals are foreign to our natural vessel and when ingested it doesn’t know what to do with it so it stores it

These toxins are being stored in our fat which then becomes diseased and cancerous+

Granted the 9ether body is the Mercedes and the 6ether body is a Pinto, the 6ether body will not be able to go to higher frequency, but then again, nor will sum of the 9ether who have compromised their vessel 

The progression of the HuMin [HuMan] up until now, there is a huge difference, they are patching up their body with animal parts, there are more clones, hybrids on the planet than HuMin [HuMan]

The consciousness awakening of the human race from then to now show the real time progression, we know we are upgrading because they are bombarding toxins and poisons in vaccines, air, food water+ this should tell you exactly what [they] are fearing, they fear the hidden one(s) ascension

Genetics are changing, UV is deleting all those without a soul, UV is deleting anything that is artificial to this soular system

As the sperm activates the egg during conception the DNA keys and codes trigger growth and replication of the pre-programmed pattern contained within the codes

As this process continues, familiar looking organs and tissues develop and you have an embryo
Locked in this tiny embryo are all the codes to grow an upgraded version of you
Also, contained within these DNA [RNA] codes are y-our etheric memories and ancestral patterns of the bloodline of the parents of the emerging child

What western scientists don’t understand is what lies within y-our so-called junk DNA is y-our memories of y-our past lives, parallel lives and lives on other worlds

Also, contained within y-our DNA [RNA] is the codes that will trigger y-our ascension, it is the hidden code

The light is consuming your avatar, this is all contained in the configurations of y-our DNA [RNA]

The 9ether have 12 strands of DNA and each strand corresponds to a density level of experience
Western scientists are only able to detect the strand that corresponds to this 3rd density level of vibration

As we activate these dormant strands of DNA [RNA] we are experiencing higher levels of reality
Levels of reality our minds could never comprehend before

You have pre-destined activation programs in your DNA [RNA] that automatically ignite the dormant strands once you reach a certain frequency in y-our evolution and that time is now

Listen up, not everyone is going to be upgraded, while many are being upgraded in waves, many are being downgraded in waves, the frequency had been asking you if you remember for the longest, the frequency had been asking you to simulate the vibration - do what you can with what you have

[TARA.NAKI] Nu Zealand and Thailand [same region]

These [3] crafts assembled in 2012

Flies come from dead flesh, sum one wrote that Mosquitoes are from bones
I thought they were man-made, a cross between the fly and sum thing else 
Sickle cell offspring have a natural resistance against Malaria 

Not the first time Orcas [Orkas] have attacked boats, a Japanese crew where also attacked, payback is going to be a bi9ch for many, all them whale hunts you c99ts

Payback coming for all those involved

 Taken out if the water for selfies and then dies, the USA military have a motto, no one gets left behind, so does nature [NTR] she doesn't forget 

25% of the USA is uncharted 
the LARE and SIMIAN are intelligent ape people 

Bani Hasan [Beni-Hassan]

HETU means abode, house, isles, coast-lands, in Sumerian they are called [Iy]
These are not tombs described by Western history
39 cut [rooms]

Did they know that the 6ether Europeans would break into these HET.U – sum have openings and sum were sealed for a reason

The frequency was going to drop and records needed to be left so that when we activated, we would remember who we were [are]

Illustrations are everywhere in KHMT [Egypt] with scenes depicting local and regional life, also depicted was fishing, hunting, weaving, bird trapping, farming, agriculture, faming, martial arts, travel and warfare, there are also biographical texts

Between the French, English, Germans and Arabs they have robbed these places, why are several pillars cut; they have sections missing, but the top section remains attached to the ceiling, this place could well have been still online, you can see where they have repainted many images 

Nearby is the HETU for PAKHET [PAKH] who is also part of the AKUR pantheon, she is part of the KAMMU [KAT] beings [Lyra] Lyon [Lion] 

PAKHET means ‘she who scratches’ she is also like her siStars SEKHMET and BASTET the NTR of war, she is part of the soular dynasties, she also wears the solar disk as part of her crown

The river Nile and the Mississippi river are the same river 

Memphis, in Egypt and Memphis in the USA which is West-Africa
These [3] great triad provinces or sites were set up as H.T.M that is from [H] Heliopolis [ANNU], to [T] Thebes [NU-AMUN], to [M] Memphis [TATTU] in TAMA-RE of the West

Thieves in the temple tonight [Prince]
Egypt [KHEMET] KHAMI [KAMMU] is a stone library that is online


NI.BIRU controls the poles
the great MIR [pyramid] is called E.KUR [AKUR] AKIR which translates Mountain
The Lotus and AKUR are connected 
NIBIRU travels at light speed 

Nebuchadnezzar [He has dreadlocks] 
Morpheus [Tehuti] ship is called the Nebuchadnezzar

Bible- Daniel interprets Nebuchadnezzar's dreams, the ship's captain is named Morpheus, after the 6ether Greek god of dreams who in reality is ASARU [Osiris] the NTR of sleep aka KAANU [ETHER realms] Melanin

When the ship is destroyed in the second film, he quotes or rather paraphrases Daniel, saying: "I dreamed a dream…but now that dream is gone from me" [Daniel 2:3]

Daniel could also translate dreams- he is a SEMU [priest]
DANI[El] is based on DAN [Judge]

We go to Ya’quwb [Ya’qob] (Jacob) whose son is called DAN who are a tribu, one of the 12 tribus of SHEBA [JUDAH] 144

The Danes were of the tribu [tribe] of Dan

[Iy] of Daniel is in Susa which is in Eridu [Mesopotamia] in modern day Iran, which is Islamic but claimed by the Christians in their Bible – this is 9ether history being claimed by 6ethers 

Last two images, what is under that cloth [the truth]
Praying to, what [???] are they doing 

We do not pray to walls 

Regensberg [Germany]
Etruscan [Moors] base before the 6ether Romans 

Mongolian mixes and South American on the left and $5 Indians on the right   

Sioux Indians

The lady, Rainbow Sistesso is the Granddaughter of a Sioux Indian Chief Yellow Cloud- not sure if they are the same person or mother and daughter because they look like different people

Rainbow Sistesso reminds me of actress Debbie Allen from A Different World programme 

What dimension is Saturn in- its not the 3rd 

The Horns [racks] are antennas - get it 
[3] headed being is ANU [Braham]

Its coming back to you bi9ch and all your friends involved over the 100s of years  


Ptah translates Opener, One who opens the way
Holding the Djed with the Ankh and was Sceptre – his beard [9ether] is touching them, powerful combination

You are the Opener, One who opens the way 

Forgiveness and love

We only have one chance and it starts with you, your heart must be lighter than a feather 

5 MIR(s) based on a platform- there are MIR(s) underneath – the main 5 are rounded [sphere] and not cube [square] that are interconnected- this is a major landing site 

Mexico [Mixtec] Mutec
Mec [Mac]
Ul-Mec [Olmec]   

Mutec-zuma who was the last Emporia of Mexico
[Mutec] is part of Aztlan [USA + South America] 

The Ul-mec are pioneer builders, out of them we get the Moors 

Australia - different worlds 

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