Photon Belt
The AKUR [AKIR] AKER Gate has been in the making in
recent years all leading to the ascension process that we find ourselves all involved
in – all the planets had been going through the trappiest system, we are in a
different dimension [4D+] all planets have their 5D shield activated
The planets are spinning quicker [Chakra systems] and
this planet is moving closer to the galactic centre which is the ether hole aka
Sagittarius [A] the centre of the Milky Way
We are going through what is called a
centrifugal-convergence towards that space and this is allowing us access to a
higher level of data [information] light
During these times our ancestors knew that we were to
take in galactic Intel, we are to align ourselves to be able to access the
data that is coming through and with this specific [Lions Gate] we are a lot
closer than we have ever been to the galactic centre which is the main reason
why they are saying that the planet is spinning faster
This is sum thing that we can participate in – we are
dealing with mathematics [Ma’AT-e-Ma’AT-ics]
When they say EMC2 [which means human mass =
energy x the speed of light] when you look at the human body it is a body of
mass coupled that the planets, sun, soular system and us who are moving faster
on the planet in the acceleration means that we are participating by way of
mass acceleration which is the human body
We have [2] forces working against you, the force that is
accelerating you further and then you have a force that is pushing you
backwards – however the balance of these [2] forces are going to determine how
fast the mass moves [MaStar] the spin symmetry of the universe] by remaining
neutral [Be Still] in moments like these but more specifically in order to
accelerate and move with the times of the planet- the very basic thing you have
to do is follow your heart – this sones very vague but this is the science, the
essence of what Ptah teaches in ancient KHMT [KHEMET]
Ptah if you notice holds the Djer pillar and the
Wadjet and when you find sum thing that you lov9 to do you are extrapolating
charged gravity by way of the heart which is accelerating you quicker than the
average person which deems you a [God] or [Goddess] in real [reel] time because
you are following or phase-locking with nature [NTR]
So, in essence when the planet is moving quicker put your
focus on sum thing you lov9 doing because its going to accelerate you further
than the average person out here by way of the heart perturbating or beating at
a different rate
That energy that you accumulate by doing sum thing that
you lov9 doing- is your energy content and in essence is what is going to take
you further in your passion, desire+ whatever it is that you are trying to
fulfil in that moment
The planet is spinning faster has we come closer and
closer towards the galactic centre and is giving us more access to information
– this gate is open now but will peak around the [8]8.2022 and your body will
need to be operating at its optimum prime to receive the light [codes] that are
coming through into the 12.8.2022 Sirius [helical rising], sum of you will be
fasting so the body can absorb these energies, codes, radiation, light, data+
coming from the photon-belt, not all bodies have ether or a Chakra system
Big mama is the ether hole [portal] and our ancestors
knew that this ether hole is what modulates the data [information] that is
coming through to us by way of using the sun as a medium via the sunspots by
way of delivering the data [information] to us – so this is our opportunity to
get into line by having discipline to allow the body to raise its voltage to
thus receive the information that is coming through – you have seen the images
of our ancestors having fixed hand positions towards the sun or towards one
another [discharging], there are [9] positions, you have sun-gazing, you see
them kneeling, standing in certain positions, this and more lets you know that
these events and like the AKUR gate are electricity or electrical discharges
taking place and information coming through
You have seen the ancestors standing on a base [720o]
and not sum thing that is flat, that base is what you call an insulator and by
standing on an insulator like glass, wood, stone+ this allowed them to process
has much information [data] has possible and when they step off the base, this
allowed them to discharge the data [light] information- electricity to either themselves, a
planet or sum one outside of them that they were trying heal or inform or guide
The Ul-Mec [Olmec] which their name literally means rubber
people knew how to use it to their advantage when charging their ether bodies,
they left records about it
You will see the synchronicity playing out by way of a
phone call and you had just been thinking about that person and they called you,
people not plugged in or plugged out will say sum thing to you that you were not
expecting that from them+
Your hearing shifts has your hearing what’s going on around you, noise all shifts to the back of your head then comes back to normal, depression in sone
Your [5] senses [7] are all heightened, sum more than others, your [4] higher senses, clairvoyance, psychometry, telepathy and intuition, your 3rd eye, Chakra system and KAANU have all been upgraded – there are those still eating meat who are online, can you imagine where they would be really at if they reduced or stop eating meat, use that has a gauge to understand how poWRA-full you really are – Melanin itself is photoreceptive which allows absorption of the whole electromagnetic spectrum, which is information, so by default the average person is going to receive a download because the 9ether is tethered to the universe by the body [KHA] which is the highest form of technology aka the [black] body
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
In the movie they used a keyboard in place of a human [emotions] instrument – they know about sone [sound]
The average day is not 24hrs – we do not measure time
because that means you are running a race, survival of the fittest- you are not
in any race and are not trying to get sum where to a destination – this causes
stress on the tissues which is called aging and causes people to age – it is
all referenced to perception, if you can look at your life from a holistic
perception, even down to how the Ulmec knew that days were actually tones and
these tones are cues for the galactic harmonic [galactic centre] by setting the
tone of the day to a higher way of living on each tone or what we call
day-to-day – so in order to elevate to a higher octave you have to do sum thing
that resonates and will allow you to resonate at a higher frequency – so they
knew days are tones and did not look at days has numbers but they used numbers
has galactic cues to gauge what was going on in the cosmos
Move away from western time and lose the anatomical response
by way of your circadian rhythm which you engage life from a linear perspective
as oppose to how our ancestors looked which was with a holistic perspective
Time is relative, you could be doing sum thing that is exciting
and time moves fast – that is by us following sum thing that we lov9, sum thing
with passion which is allowing us to fold space and time and in mathematics
[Ma’At-e-Ma’At-ics] that is called torsion tension
Just know that when you wake up in each cycle [day] you
must live better than you did the previous cycle [day before] and to do this
your octave level must be raised higher than the day before – thus this phase
locks you in with nature
Do would be Monday, the first Do is at a higher octave
when you repeat, Re [Rey] would be Tuesday+
The days of the week is like the solfeggio scale or an
Your disciplined by way of acquiescing to a higher state
of living by eating right, exercising the body and electrifying the body-
you’re going to set the tone of the day if you have sum thing negative, a
thought or your thought about sum thing straight away at the start of the day
is going to be your tone of the day- all this allows you to communicate with
nature – our ancestors understood infrasound like Elephants, everything
resonates, everything oscillates, thus produces a sone [sound] there are people
who cannot see certain colours [colour blind] and there are sum people who
cannot hear certain octaves like the Romans who cannot hear certain sones – in
order to hear you must live a certain way thus allowing you to hear certain
vibrations – the poWRA is going up and you must raise the voltage in your body,
we are on amalgamation cells and cells are capacitors [piezo electric quartz] in
the membrane – so when you elevate and live a certain way and you electrify the
body+ this will allow you to stream [tap] into a higher frequency, sone that
the average person cannot hear – raise your frequency in the AM- this will
allow [NTR] to communicate to you
Sirius aka the [black] sun that is fuelling our main sun
– Sirius is moving around Sirius [A] and what is taking place is the
gravitational pull of Sirius [B], which is so strong that its pulling hydrogen
[Ions] from Sirius [A] – Sirius serves has a support system for Sirius [B] and
has this is happening Hydrogen is being delivered throughout the soul-ar system, stimulating the soular flares that are occurring daily – which is all
information- soular flares can destroy also
So, what is to take place is – the ancestors knew that it
is important that you merge with the information that is coming through and
specifically that is by way of sun-gazing – you have to be downloading from the
sun which the fuel [data] that is coming from Sirius aka the codes are coming from
Sirius which is in a higher dimension and these codes are coming from that
higher dimension, you are in the 3D which is now 4D+ so you need to go up a step or two
Hydrogen Ions that is coming from Sirius via the sun hits your 3rd
eye and thus you will receive the data [information] you need the stimulation that then activates a certain part of the brain which can only be from source to
activate that part of the brain – this part of the brain is called the
thalamus-reticular-nuclei that have what you call the pacemaker cells that
actually sit on the thalamus, so when that part of the brain is stimulated this
triggers an electrical current in the cerebral cortex which is then responsible
for rising your level of consciousness, all three glands work together +
Melanin [KAANU] ether, so the Falcon with the sun-disc above its head is a
straight reference to the medulla oblongata – the medulla oblongata being the
Falcon and the sun disc being the thalamus – so by stimulating the thalamus you’re
creating a reaction in the cerebral cortex which is taking you to from a 32
vertebrae to a 33 venerate aka rising the Kundalini [Serpentine] and that sends
the response to the cosmos
[the Falcon from the USA]
Harpy Falcon on Atlantis [America] the rising not the Eagle
Ezekiel 44
The Priesthood Restored
[44] Then the man brought me back to the outer gate of
the sanctuary, the one facing east, and it was shut. 2 The Lord said to me,
“This gate is to remain shut. It must not be opened; no one may enter through
it. It is to remain shut because the Lord, the God of Israel, has entered
through it. 3 The prince himself is the only one who may sit inside the gateway
to eat in the presence of the Lord. He is to enter by way of the portico
[pillar] of the gateway and go out the same way.”
4 Then the man brought me by way of the north gate to the
front of the temple. I looked and saw the glory of the Lord filling the temple
of the Lord, and I fell facedown.
[This is exactly what the AKUR gate means] [Man means Mind]
Last two years we have seen those in their ego [Root]
Chakra just run with it, we have seen a lot of people go down in these last
few years and during this phase, its already started for many, they have
gone down and we will see many going down during this gate opening, those in
their Ego will go down, the Root Chakra has/is already deleted and those with
their heart open shall receive the codes – there are a lot of people who are
talking all that jazz and will be exposed now and when the gate closes, this
will be interesting times ahead for sure
[Manage your tri-system]
The JASON [July] August [September] October [November]
months are very important, the proximity of the planet compared to higher star
systems, no one knows how the soular system looks in 2022, NIBIRU with its satellites
is present in this soular system and this is causing compression or acceleration
increases which gives 9ethers the capacity to receive a high levels of Intel-
coming through insight, intuition, downloads – this is why the media tools are
plastered with fear tactics in music, news+ all types of media stories trying
to scare the masses – all this is not going to refract the light that is coming
through – the JASON months mean we are higher to higher star systems
Betelgeuse [Beetle Juice] Supernova is happening and has
been firing up over the years, Betelgeuse is in the [7] siStar stars in SAH
[SAHU] Orion-Belt, its actually [9] but you can only see [7]
Stars are portals in the movie Stargate, the portal has a
liquid atmosphere – which is liquid crystal – we see this in a lot of movies
where the portal has a liquid feel to it- that is a star, its plasma that is
intelligent because its being compressed at a certain level thus the more
compressed the more intelligence that star has in consciousness
You see the gate, those who have been running from the
Ego are going down which is the portal closing down on them, there is nothing
that you can do but to protect your light [data] information
Plasma is conscious so when you inner-stand that Plasma
[to mould, go shape, to figure][you have Plasma in you called Khaybet] is
conscious then Plasma is mindful and is going to allow those running on truth
to receive the information rather than those who are not, that is how the egg
operates when selecting a sperm
Betelgeuse is a star and is like the portal in Stargate-
keep in mind that SAH [SA.HU] aka Orion-Belt is also a Stargate – all these
wars are about Stargates, Stargates are dimensions and that is how you get to
environments through dimensions aka Stargates – these wars here are also about
these portals, these are real estates because they understand about the portals
– Ukraine has a portal under it
Betelgeuse [Beetle Juice] is going to go Supernova, waves
imploding on itself again, this is compression which produces acceleration which
is what we call gravity today and this is what is speeding up ‘time’ as they
The SAHU Stargate has opened up, this has been ongoing
for a while now – the main reason was to allow the main flux of information to
flow through, our role is to discipline ourselves physically to receive the
information that is coming through
The heart space is coming up for many, how do you cultivate
the heart – know thyself, study certain things that tug on your heartstrings, including
the sh9t that happened to you
We are all different and energy affects us all
differently, the heart is what generates the magnetic field, by strengthening
the magnetic field, this strengthens the heart and at the same time your heart
must be light has a feather [SHU] MA.AT
Information and process, you must process all information
that you have received which is individual to you
We oscillate in and out of existence in the speed of
light, so you are constantly flicking back and forth – the idea is to obtain
data and file that data into the universe- that data cannot be the same sh9t
you have been studying already, the same data, repeated environments,
boyfriends, girlfriends, relationships, the same experiences that you have been
doing over and over – it’s the same data and nothing is higher data, so the
universe cannot upgrade your reality because you haven’t given her anything to
work with, you’re not teaching the universe anything outside of her own reference
point what it is, because you’re not feeding her with higher levels of
The universe needs to upgrade and she can only do this by
taking on higher levels of information which is coming from you, Sirius is trying to help your dry ass, if you cannot
get her wet then you will not pass through her portal [pum pum] the universe is
going to upgrade our physical reality which is going to in turn allow us to
access the magnetic field, you should remain studious because this strengthens
the magnetic field – this is a higher resonance
The magnetic field is what moves beyond the physical body,
and remains conscious when we transition
There are those who have developed a level of compassion
whilst being down here, there are those who do not have Melanin or are 9ether, who
do not have a Chakra system or 3rd eye activation but they have [1]
ion + they grew a heart [Chakra], they are coming through this portal with many
others, there are things they saw down here and do not like what they saw down
here because it was wrong [negative] – these people have a level of compassion
You heart is generating the magnetic field and is like a
compass and you cannot say compassion without saying compass, when you become
studious and come from your heart space and by investing in yourself, they say
knowledge is self [cell], the magnetic field is a compass that leads you to where you
are trying to get to – when you see others, like a homeless person and you feel
that [compassion], that is your empathy [em-Ptah-y] imploding aka your magnetic
field which is magnetism
The compass is leading you to your destiny
You were specifically put down here to do this work, your ancestors
carved out a space to live out a specific archetype – anyone of these beings
that are principal energies we can use because the ether [black] body is photoreceptive
and this means you can receive information that you cannot physically see
Knowledge is 360o so even if you do not
understand sum thing, keep on pushing because you’re always going to come full
The magnetic field stores all the information that you
have taken in and is what guides [compass] you, through your passion, you are
conscious and know the ancestors are watching and you are doing things with a
pure intent – how much energy [conscious] you have and your intention with
it = consciousness
The goal is to maintain the information that you obtained
while you were down here in the physical and retain it so that you can take it
with you so that you will know what to do with it in the next life because you
retained the information that strengthened the magnetic field to a point now
that you are still conscious when your leave the physical body – its all
electron [electricity] you emit [time] electromagnetism, you will come back
with an advantage, old BAA [soul]
[8] is infinity, its wealth, wealth also being a wealth
of knowledge, lov9, bliss, yes monetary, lots tide into this gateway, there is
spiritual wealth, look out for spiritual rather than physical energy, the heart
is so key and you will need to dig deep, this open space will allow you to
naturally follow your passion this develops compassion for people [energies]
Leo deals with creation and is when the MIR(s) where
created [Leo [I AM] creator] and look how the MIR(s) are still standing the test
of time, because no matter how you look at them, they have come full circle and
are still present modern day structures, this means that the original people of
this planet have a superior level of knowledge, Leo demon-strates this - you can do sum thing small like manage sum
thing better, this field allows the user to demonstrate leadership by taking
control and managing, becoming a leader, if you have been lacking and you know
it do sum thing in this field, even if you had a better day than yesterday- this counts, that is a form of leadership, its been hard down here and many are struggling,
you must dig deeper to match these resonating frequencies- this is the filtering process
These Matrix codes can be broken, they are all waves,
there is nothing outside of your cells, to break the Matrix codes you just need
to look at the codes how our ancestors did – so the next time you are looking
at stars know that they are our Ascended MaStars who knew how to make
successful transitions and return back has a star – this creates an anatomical
response – the change of perception is going to set up the resonance in the
body to allow a two-way communication between you and that star, the neutrons
are refracting light as above, so below- when you next look up and see the
stars, think talk that these are my Ascended MaStars and this changes the
resonating frequency
We are getting closer to the black hole [galactic centre]
and the photon belt is going to be very heavy indeed – the sun is letting off
every day and all these soular flares, coronal mass ejections, soular storms,
soular winds, black holes+ are all responses to the black body in reference to
the energy flux that we are taking on here in the physical reality
Sekhmet [AKUR] energy deals with purification and
represents thermonuclear dynamics by way of the heat of the sun – when we see
soular flares and all these fires, this is a form of Sekhmet energy,
Last year we saw loads of Churches go up in flames, can
you imagine when the Mosques have to come down, the planet must be purified,
everything that is pollutant must be removed from this planet, from this soul-ar system, the antichrist is the darker side of Melanin [antimatter]
Learn sum thin new, new ways of doing sum thing, give sum thing up, anything that creates a crease on your brain, new music, higher levels of thinking or consciousness is individual, we are all at different levels of waves of consciousness, so what sum one might know or do may come across superior to you and that is because you don't know yet, know things, have an interest, where does you passion take you, even if you drank more water, this is leadership, you taking control, what sum one finds easy maybe hard for sum one else and with that in mind, you are the MaStar of your destiny, even if you change or want to change your mindset this is still a form of learning, mastery, leadership [Nimrud]
-you know what you have to do
Babylon is Baby Lion
Heart [WAJI] Chakra is
connected to the KHU [Mind] -stay above the soular plexus Chakra, the Root [Red]
Chakra is/has been removed
Melanin is also WAJI not
just ETHER
You need KAANU [Melanin] to be connected to the Denderah
Things that you are thinking are automatically being picked up and showing up in your media sites when you access certain pages, learn the difference between A.I and source
Cats fur is very electrostatic and picks up electrostatic energy – you putting your feet in the ground is you embodying Sekhmet energy
because you are allowing the body to receive electrostatic energy
The pupils of the eyes are black holes – the Dogon(s) eyes were completely black allowing them to see the whole spectrum of light – blackness has the capacity to absorb light – all of it, the darker you are the more [light] that you are processing [to black, to strong]
Next time you see sum one who is blacker than midnight know that they are absorbing more light than Buzz Lightyear – instant [speed of light]
I wonder who this is, you cannot see their face but KAA is telling me she is female
Very interesting piece, she is in flight attire - you can see her flight visors
Image from 1885 found in Honduras [PERU][HERU] which was founded in
Ulmec [Olmec]
There should be a MIR [MER] nearby
S-he is wearing a space suit, flight attire with gears
Look where his hands are, controlling levers, gears for a machine
Those two have things missing from their hands
Sum of these structures are machines
Onyx primarily refers to the parallel banded variety of
chalcedony, a silicate mineral
Agate and onyx are both varieties of layered chalcedony
that differ only in the form of the bands: agate has curved bands and onyx has
parallel bands
The colours of its bands range from black to almost every
colour << black is not a colour and here they say >> its bands
range from black to almost every << black is where all colours come from
Obsidian is a naturally occurring volcanic glass formed
when lava extruded from a volcano cools’ rapidly with minimal crystal growth
It is an igneous rock
INCA stone Masonry
Ulmec [Olmec] are pioneer buildings, out of the rubber people
we get the Moors
Last 24hrs
We are in event mode, the
Canadian Schumann charts must be off the wall, we can see the Italian charts are
blasting out however Canada is near enough the crown of the planet and they
have been getting it for the last couple weeks especially
[3] tones hitting the planet
DNA [RNA] upgrades
Red in the Crown
[2] light sources
Huge amounts of energy [volts] involved
Florida [USA]
Planetary body, light source at the top left, not sure what that is coming down but its solid
This craft was blazing it
across [space] in the footage, the craft was speeding towards the portal [sun]
and NASA cut the feed, that craft was shifting
I heard Seattle [Washington] this morning or was dreaming about the word, its going
down big time
KFC starts selling chicken feet and necks in China to
battle soaring costs
This bucket features chicken feet, chicken wing tips,
necks and other parts traditionally favoured by Chinese people," Yum China
CEO Joey Wat said of KFC's new "super abundant chicken bucket" earnings
call last week
Food is running out- KFC is a chemical experiment like MD, 99.9% of food is coming from a factory plant- only mutants can eat mutant food
That girl in her room, the one where she didn't know she is doing that, that is heavy, if I saw that during the night, I would move out when she went to work the next day, change my phone number and have plastic surgery
the spirit realm is right there
Plastic Bombastic
Salon [Saloon] Sal [Sol] + Am[on]
Midday [Noon] Amon [A-Moon] Amun
Imagine you are born so-called 'ugly' or you are born and you felt that you were 'ugly' and now you transform, do you still feel that you are ugly with the transformation [yes you do]
Look at the last image, the lady on the left depends on the lady on the right and yet it is the same energy, one is ego and the other alter ego - who you are and who you are not - the identity of the BAA
Really good book to give sum one who feels 'ugly' like a young person going through the motions,
e-motions, energy motions
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