Monday, 15 August 2022

SKA watch

 U.V.C [Purple] SKA
Ultraviolet = [Ultra]violence 

Ultraviolet is tearing us all a nu assh9le 

Cosmic [Cosmos] energy is IHM [AUM] OWM [OM] 

We are dealing with 777 and not 666
U.V. – Gamma X-rays are [3] forms of ETHER [KAANU [Black] light coming from Cosmic Rays [IHM] that come from outside of this soular system

[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves 
aka [the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]

Ultraviolet Cosmos Waves [UVC]UVB[UVA]
Energy is being blasted into the core of Ki, the heat is coming from the ground [core] and up to the surface and slamming into us all above this is the purple backlight

[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultraviolet light
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gamma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray [the hidden one]

Nu [Nun] is the secret name for Amun [Am-Un]
Nu-mbers [Un-iverse]

The hidden ones are activating  

Italy [Plasma bar] 

Radiation [Radiate] Radiare meaning to emit beams, from Radius [ray] from whence they get the ray, as in sun rays, this was taken from Re- the true dark existence in which all light and chaos was born and this radiation formed a rapidly expanding sphere called the primordial fireball

Plasma [Plassein] means to mould, figure, to image – where energies and gasses are moulded into images, called etherians and is the energy [colour] of  the NTH gate 


Buckle up the sun is getting ready to go Delta -X 
Delta means to change or the change in motion
Sh9t getting ready to go Pepsi Max 

Shields up 

All changing 

Polska and Kalifornia- that is a huge mother-ship on the bottom left 

Thailand- I thought those were structures in the SKA- its the reflection from a car 

USA + Italy
The yeast is rising 

Thailand- the SKA just opened up and released 


Whatever is going to happen over that region, these crafts have been on duty for the last two years, the Thailand military can see them on radar 

These are harmonic tones, harmony despite what is to come - we are being supervised 


Clouds are real close to the ground 

You have company 


Driving along in my automobile, my baby beside me at the wheel


Not seen this craft for a minute

Sum thing passed the sun at record speed causing the sun to go Lulu 

Anytime I see this craft I know it doesn't' matter what happens down here- the higher ones are supervising us all 

There is sum thing about this guy that I do not trust - I stopped watching him and mrmbb33 because they always say they don't know what it is when they do, there is sum thing about them that is fake- anyhow, check out the crafts in the SKA, watch the footages for what they are rather than what he says and check out mrmbb33 channel 

Jason A is Bible based but the content is good 



The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU] [Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU [Neb Heru], and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]

Look at all them cubes 

Whatever is coming out of the sun is huge- look at the angles on that structure 

[7] tones
No matter what they spray, use HAARP, distraction- the sun turns up everyday, without fail and sends out the access codes- come rain or shine

Do not let no one dim that light in you 

Event mode 

This is different 


Its already getting darker [???] in the evening [no beginning of days, no ending of nights] 
The Moon is on a 90o angle from the sun 

Look at the radiation [colours] Blue is life force 

The left image looks cube-ish 


Turquoise is made from Blue and Green 

NIBIRU is really close [the magnetic sun] 


Red band 
Mutating wavelengths that are changing your molecule structure from the inside out 

Chakra energies 

Manage your tri-system to manage the energies coming in
You are not a mutant so don't eat mutant foods 

If famous people are eating it- then it must be alright- he said 

Stop following trends out here you are not a mutant race- you do not have lets say bird intestines 

Aftermath of a flash flood in Afghanistan, looks like sum thing blew up rather than the power of water, looks like the aftermath of an earthquake 

No water flowing- Portugal have one h3ll of a debt to pay back

Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Laos+
South East Asia 

Sudan [lower KHMT] 

There is still a culling taking place whether it is through diseases, viruses or war [Nuclear] they want 5billion taken out- so while many plan to go holiday and plan things for now and next year in the 3D, please know that sh9t is going to get a lot worse- we are at extinction levels - this culling is coming from your own people and there is UV that is deleting anything that is not from this soular system, anything that is artificial to this soular system must be wiped out - so while many think we are going back to sum form of normality, stay with what your spirit guide is telling you, what your [5] senses [7] are telling [9] you 

Stay away from those who are not on your frequency 

Melanin [Ether] sits in Carbon [Karbon] 
Written 110 years ago, 2 days ago 

Demon-crats are using ra-Coon faces to bully Africa
US threatens Africa with sanctions if it buys anything except grain and fertilizer from Russia
Really, why does Africa buy grain and fertilizer from Russia, Russian grain and fertilizer [???] 

Trump [Tramp] is chatty, he might end up 6ft under if he is not careful, many need a saviour and many need a hero, he represents a different Reptilian family, yeah he wants to tell you sum thing, so does Alex Jones and David Icke and all the rest of the Reptilians- however, you are connected to Sirius [5D] and you will receive your guidance, protection and strength from source, not from sum alien being in 3D 

The Challenger explodes and everyone is killed but 6 out if the 7 are alive- what kind of Micky Mouse sh9t is this- two of the shuttles where taken out because NASA did not listen- they have tried to take certain things up to the ISS and they have also tried to bring things down that is forbidden 

To me these astronauts were never on that shuttle in the first place, but sum- body-beings were- the original members either never knew - they had their memories wiped, they were clones+  

This is not the first mass extinction to take place
You cannot go to the ether realms [space] without Melanin 

Coral fossil [Indonesia] 

Ether Tomatoes

Hmmmmm- I wonder what they coated [painted] it in 

Asaru [Osiris] is the vegetation [WAJI] NTR 
Tefnut is moisture 
This planet [Ki] Ma holds Moya [water] and soil [soul] which contains minerals, the planet was here first, then the plant kingdoms 
NTR Rene-nut-et colour [energies] coded all the fruits and vegetation 
Mother nature [Medu Netu] added her charm 

We t-ankh Nature [NTR] NETER [NA.TA.RU] and all her helpers for providing for the animal and human [humin] kingdoms, not man who is bleeding her dry 

The planet is being emptied of the resources that we need to survive because we are in reSet 

Payback is going to be a bi9ch for many

Animals are conscious 


Chronos is Clipping the Wings of Eros

Charalambos wrote: the amazing Greek mythology in a beautiful painting
-and Pepi replied: that you call amazing Greek Metallurgy playing little boy that is disgusting that is not Metallurgy that’s paedophilia

-well said 

No soul is present 

What a c99t, I watched this last night, animalistic nature- since they have made serial killers part of their society it is accepted today for all sorts of crimes to take place and be accepted has the norm, Matthew is hardwired naturally to do what he did - there are plenty of Matthews+ out there
Matthew actually good looking, why the behaviour or what [???]
If this was in another country, they would have beaten the sh9t out of him without having to take the death penalty off the table, many people have said to me that the UK is soft [police]
When crimes like this take place and they remove the death penalty he must be castrated because he can pleasure himself over what he has done in jail- these are not crimes, these are natural behaviours from the animal Kadmon - yes the heaven Kadmon does this as well has we've all been under the dome with each other for far too long 

We all cannot be on the same planet  

Who is this lady of Uruk, what [Queen] was she
Stolen from Eridu [Iraq] by the USA invasion
They say its a mask but looks more like she was pulled from a wall, her crown looks like was smashed off along with her nose- Muslims hate women and they many hate 9ether women in charge- have no God before [Yawn out loud] me- means there was and many were female 

Gold double bladed axe
On the votive blade is an inscription 
 Found in Crete
Crete and Greece are part of Mesopotamia [Eridu] 

Khefera, the babe that crawls on all fours, the Dub ‘scarab’ as the sun pushes up in the morning, I am Re, the man that walks on two in the midday SKA, and I am that Atum [Temu], the elder that dodders along with staff on three, in the evening, as the Sun sets

I am of the wombman
The goddess of the gods
The Netert of the Neter

Khefera [Khafri] translates Appearing like Re [Body double] 

Reconstruction of the facial features of Rameses by the 6ether Muslim Arabs on the left and on the right in stone is Rameses who is 9ether midnight - the 6ether version looks like a older version of Prince William 

Rameses [born of Ra (God)] Ra-me-sees [the begotten sun of Re] 

Remember when they said they found the shroud of Turin that was worn by their Jesus and had the imprint of him and they said it was Prince William - ok then
William is actually a Henry [William is a nick name] or is it Harry 

So many artifacts left through stone statues, stone figures, paintings, structures, pottery+
They knew they had around 5,000 years to leave records before the frequency dropped and no one would remember Jack sh9t - it would seem to many that all they did was make art, yes they did, art that has meaning, that informs, educates and lets us all know where you are going, because you have to know where you are coming from in order to know where you are going 

We are all trying to get to the same place 

    Mexico [Olmec] [Ulmex]  

Mexican revolutionary leaders Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata sitting next to each other at Palacio Nacional in Mexico City, Mexico on the 6 December 1914
Villa is sitting in the presidential chair
Cristeros [Cristos] 
Spanish against who [???] 

What a great country it has become, people risking their children's death and their own just to get out of that place

Hanuman [Mexico] 

Old newspaper clippings about Giant bones and skeletons being found in the United States, Mexico, and elsewhere late 1800’s and early 1900’s
The word wild is a western word, like wildlife, wild rice, wildebeest+ wild just means natural [nature] this article is referring to the likes of the Lares [Sasquatch] it is the 6ethers who are the wild people of this planet- still in their animalistic nature 

Illinois [USA]
Found a tunnel under house
Some historians, notice, do not know, but assume that the tunnel was built in the 1840s which was 50 years before the house was built
But no one knows his origin or do they
Beth and Gary Machens discovered during sidewalk repairs
The entrance arch to the tunnel is made of limestone, and the tunnel itself is an arched brick passage, the floor is mostly stone, with pieces of wood and mud laying everywhere
At one end of the tunnel, a large pile of mud is blocking what appears to be a continuation of the tunnel
Beth Mahens said they want to dig up some of the dirt to see if they can safely explore the tunnel further, if not, they will close it and preserve it
The house was built in 1890, the tunnel is estimated to be from 1840, so it stayed here for 50 years What it was used for I do not know
We have maps dating back to 1863 and this house was not there and no other house on this site
Somebody put in a lot of effort to build this only to have it blocked down, Mahens said

Tut(s) fold away bed- they say Egypt is what 5,000, 3,000, 1,5000- lets go with the 1,500 and today here is the very same African design 

Palmyra Castle
Eridu [Syria] 
They call this place Dara and maybe linked to Darius [not sure that is his real name] who is one of the Persian [Ethiopian Kings 
[Last image is from Australia] 
Organ [sone] 

What he is wearing around his neck is also around the Dharma

Dharma [wheel] 

[Hieroglyphs] is from Hiero [Heru] ‘sacred’ and Glyphs ‘carving’ which is describing a picturesque script and [Cuneiform] is also a mere script, from Cuneus meaning ‘wedge’

These are European words to describe the technique in creating these symbols 

[NADU] NAGA [NAKI] ANUNNAKI and their parent HINDU KUSH and the BANTU 

Monastery [Mono-Star-y] Aster [A star]
Armenia [Amen] founded in 1991

Iy means coast land, house, isles [temple] and many were converted into Churches  

Constructed from roughly hewn stones that have been overlaid with plaster within the interior of the building, a few rooms, a portico and each have vaulted ceilings that still stand mostly intact
The western walls of the [Iy] sit adjacent to the portico, whereas the southern wall at the altar
[Al] tar joins one of the rooms, its hard to say how this place looked originally, you can see small rocks added to block out [???] or to fill [???]

IN.ANNA [Ishtar] is also written Ashteroth, as Ish-Star as in female star, the word star is from Middle English, Steorra, stellar, Steliate; constellation, from Latin Stella, Star
If you look real close at the word disaster, the word [star] comes from the word dis-aster, aster means star, the word [star] was taken from Ishtar
Mona [Mono] means single -

Bridge constructed in Yemen 

Yemaya [Ya-Maya] is [Queen] of the Sea- the original mermaid [mer-man] Yeman [Yemen] 
Ogdoad - her people settled here - before the Muslims and arabs 

They came from NI.BIRU which also makes them NIBIRIANS [NYABIRU]
KHMT or GHM [KHM] wasn’t around until almost 250,000 years of interactions on Ki [earth]   
Their main base was Uganda, Congo, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Yemen, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan and Cambodia and in South America

GHM was a son of a Nibirian and a NTU [one of the original first HuMins]
KHMT is known by many names and today, the Muslims in KHMT call this place Egypt
These ancient pictograms read GHM.T and do not read KHEMET [KHM.T]
All in All, it reads GHM.T- meaning the Land of Gahima or the land of GHM
GHM was a person, and T was a land

KHMT means the land of the [ether] black and is referring to the many tribes on this land 

Awwam [Iy] Temple
Sanctuary of the Queen of Sheba
SHE.BA is a region, where the 12 tribes were based in 12 provinces
Sheba would be Makada
This site is in today called Yemen
Shaped in an Oval

The only flood hero in the history of Earth [Ki]
His name was ZIUSDRA aka [ENKI] not Noah
There was never a Noah
Ziusdra was a third reincarnation of EN.KI 

Ether stone tablet of Nabu-apla-iddina
On the top of the stone are 13 symbols of the other [Gods] 

Cult is from the word Occult which also comes from the word Culture - meaning hidden

Many going through this exact thing during their changes, I went through this years ago, on and off, you will inevitably do so as well, this usually comes right after the ego death no one said spiritual evolution is easy, it isn't all Zen and peace you will be rebuilt- it comes in waves

It will cause light and chaos all around you, but trust me it's worth it, in the end, there is no way to cope with spiritual ascension, so sit back enjoy the ride

What they don't tell us is, after each arc, we go through a many spiritual awakenings, rebirth, reborn
Each one, emptying out what we once were to make room for the nu

As we grow, constantly working our way back towards ourselves and apotheosis, we will always die to what is useless for the next part of the journey

This left me busted 

When I was younger 'society' taught us that people with this type of condition are called spastic which comes from the word spasm - from muscle spasm- the word spastic is derogatory 

The Little Giant apologies for being him, that got to me
Your life is a test and pass that test and the rewards are has high as the SKA

LG may have the lost or control of his muscles but he hasn't lost control of his emotions



BADU [BADO] is a high priestess from LAHMU- many are here   
Badoula [Soul Guide], she is a guide, she can guide you, she is a witness, in-spirit [inspirational], she is there during poWRA-full transitions, she is there when you need her  

Be real with yourself [your cells] whatever is left is all yours 

Woodstock after 50 years 

 1989 [999] 
If I could go back physically to a couple places, one would have been to Woodstock, with over 100,000 people- can you imagine the lov9 in this place with the 999 energy 
1989 an era of bliss [bless] 

Thinking of you Murray and Stacey  

If I told a story it would be like the girls, in detail

Forever doesn't exist- one day you will have to give back all the energy that you used - that day is here 
Don't hold on to energy, take sum by all means, but don't be greedy 

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