Friday, 10 May 2024

The Return Journey...

'Back to the Future' is in your hands 

The reason your conscious and others are not will vary, sum are hardwired to never leave the hijacked Matrix, sum come from the Matrix

This is not a movement and this is key now, separate from those who are just ‘trending’ those on the bandwagon, and you must know this as we go on closer and closer into the apocalypse or going to the end of the apocalypse

It is you that has to merge into the frequency not the other way around, many are saying ‘God’ is going to come and save them, ok lets go with that, ‘God’ is here and is in the form of a frequency and you need to be able to merge onto that frequency, you save yourself, so this is not a movement were you have to go out and tell the masses – the key is, you cannot wake [activate] millions, billions of people, this activation is not just this year or last or the one before that, Venus [Lahamu] passed in front of the SUN in 2011 and this was the activation for the FEMI9 energy to be deployed, the year after NIBIRU was reintroduced back into this SOULAR system and after that the SIGI ritual was activated in 2001[2002]

It is a small number that is needed out of billions of people, who many are not HuMin [HuMan] other beings use HuMan [HuMin] avatars, we also have IVF, clones, hybrids, transgender, who are not HuMin [HuMan] there are those with machinery parts, so what is deemed HuMin [HuMan] is not they are Mankind, a kind of Man - Man [Men] Mem means 'Mind' and NTR will show you who they are

If you tried to wake up these people you would be here for a real long time – the only ones that need to know what is going on are the ones who are woke [activated] now, this process is fully underway

The reason you are ‘woke’ is because sum incarnations passed, in the past history, a couple thousand years ago, you said we are going into a hibernation – at that time we had been on this planet for a couple thousand million KI years and now it is time for us to go through the Metamorphosis stage, where we go through a higher realm, back to the ‘Godhood’ and at that particular time you actually in so many ways, gave this planet up, you outgrew it and gave it to the 6ethers hence why he renamed everything, told you what this tree, animal, place is called and he is always exploring because he is a baby but one day you are to wake up and retake your planet but it will be on a greater level than what we have here now – so you encoded a code within yourself, a timer to go off in which you would wake you up into the future, back to the future

So you set your timer to go off that would wake you up into the future and this is why many of you are online now, your already ‘woke’ its just that when you ‘wake’ up it does take a little bit for you to adjust and focus 2012 [2021] one decade, same frequency

The process of you being ‘woke’ and you have to stumble through the maze, however you set the timer on when you were going to wake up, like for me 2009 was important to me and leading up to 2011

The others haven’t ‘woke’ up yet but those people set their timer to go off at another time [date] they set theirs for 11 o’clock and you set yours for 6 o’clock and those whose timer went off at 11 o’clock are trying to wake up those whose timer is going off at 6 o’clock and this is pissing them off for they are not ready to wake up yet

So the reason why you are catching resistance from the masses is because they haven’t set their timers to wake up yet – there are sum people who are woke and are searching and hence why you can give sum one the knowledge and they get it the first day, then you can have a person who watches all the uploads, media sites, social sites goes to meetings+ and is based on a social thing and they cannot bear witness to nothing and all that learning and they are still dead, that means they are still the sh9t they were in the 80s, in the 90s, 10s, 20s have you ever spoken to sum one recently and found they were dead inside and that they are still the same sh9t they were in the 80s, 90s, 00s

What you have are two different dimensions, this is a physical world that is a hologram but if you were to open yourself up, the ones who are sum how interested in this knowledge and see the person who is rejecting this, you will find out that you have a semi-dim light that came on and those people, their light is still dormant and the reason you can’t tell is because your looking with your HuMan eyes which is a cheat, this an illusion, it only submits things which are a series of events that do not exist

So, the difference between you and the others, including 9ethers and other 9ethers is they are still dormant but their light is still on and doesn’t mean they are negative – its just that not everyone can wake up at the same time, plus if they did it would jam the frequency

Based on NTR and based on cycles, everything does not come around at the same time, sum flowers bloom before other flowers – the key is the timer is going off and it doesn’t make a difference how much you try and tell anyone anything they are going to reject it because of the simple fact they are in another dimension and they are stuck sum where in the 80s, 90s and 10 years ago, these are good people and they have your back but they are still good dead people and all of a sudden they just lose it

So, if you are speaking to a person and they are not ‘woke’ and you come into their room [dimension] and scream ‘get up’ that will scare the h3ll out of sum one – the things that you are saying they cannot compute because they are still using logic and rationale which is only for the physical mundane laws of the world 

Shut your mouth and to activate ‘woke’ others is to let others activate from what they see you doing, let them come to you, you don’t go to no one – these are good people but they are dead energy people using old programs  

9/11 gave them 10 earth years in their time machine which is 10 minutes and that expired 2012 [2021] which was the same frequency and now the superior frequency is consuming this planet and you 

To be a Chosen One, you have to Choose what frequency you want - the problem was always 'Choice'

'either no one told me or nobody knows' > for we are writing were we left off, this is why its called a mystery [myStory] myStary] Neo [One] is you 

Not the 6th version - its the 7th, we are going into the 8th root man 'mind' 

The original writer of the Matrix which was originally called the 3rd Eye is Sophia Stewart 
Sophia [Seshat] Sesha [Sasha] name translates 'to write' and she is Tehuti 'Thoth' [thought] counterpart
None of the 'Gods' NTR left - we are reincarnated over and over when the dome went up and trapped us all here but we have the clues [codes] 

You must Choose 'Choice' what frequency you want to be on and only you can make that decision aka Choice - you are accountable for yourself only 

FEMI9 NRG - she has always been there to save us but you have to go to her 'source' 

Afro-beat is easy on my ears and makes me humble 

The Prophecy [Prophet] Profit is a lie but many will kill to hold on to that lie [Profit] 


All [3] broods are coming up from the ground aka the 13th year brood, the 17th year brood and the 20th year brood and this hasn’t happened in 221 years and 221 years ago would be 1803 and in 1803 [18:03] 6:03 [9] everything was centred around the Mississippi River

1803 in May and June of that year Congress Thomas Jefferson was PM and was negotiating with
Napoleon because Napoleon was getting his ass busted in HAITI – this is where they purchased the Louisiana aka this is where they purchased the Mississippi [Miss-ISIS-ippi] when the Cicadas were out in that magnitude

And so here we are in 2024 in this 8 year or if you take their leap year [2025] in this [9] year we are seeing the same frequency is being activated – they are starting elections now in the USA by campaigning but we don’t see no one and elections in the USA are in November – Trump was the last PM [45TH] and the clone [Biden] is just holding on, what are they waiting for – probably the EMP to come in or water, who knows but each day that they are still in charge is a bonus to them

Egypt and Germany


Roman and Italy 

When they come up they are red-eyed but when they come out of their exo-skin they are albino, you can eat them because they are 100% protein 

The CIKADA does have a very powerful spiritual meaning – that little insect after this mating season stays in the earth, on the back of the males wings he can vibrate from 300 to 400 beats per second and in that vibration which man has been able to record that vibration, tone, sound, frequency at 6hz – they are at 6D and we are going into 5D – that is the frequency in which we are hearing – this is Theta and Theta is that in-between frequency and is a low type of consciousness    

So, they started in May into June and will reach from the Southern part of the US into the east coast but their concentration will be in Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana all the way up, in DC they have already announced it that have never had Cicadas since Jefferson was PM, hence why they are bringing in the election’s rhetoric - Californians are just plain excluded from this

Check the land that back then when he was PM, people that lived on that land is now been covered over, built up over aka they have disconnected the 9ethers who once resided on that land, the 6ether European Americans does not give a fu9k, but sum one does – these Cicadas being that consciousness, they come up in the trillions, not billions or millions, trillions, these 3 pods come up together – once they feel the rays, frequency of the SUNs electrical rays hit the ground they begin the song and when the SUN goes down, they switch off – they are powered by the electromagnetics of the SUN and they begin their transmission of the Theta waves which the people are moving through but is dealing with your consciousness – its dealing with your bodies frequency and you cannot stop this because they are powered [the frequency] by the SUN and are turned off by the SUN which is divine intelligence Vs artificial intelligence

This is divine intelligence on Turtle Island and on Turtle Island they are being bombarded with artificial intelligence because before the 13th year brood, the 17th year brood and the 20th year brood they go down has a Nymph feeding off the roots, microbial in the soil [earth] for 13th, 17th and 20th and in that vibrational period that they are underground, they have captured the imagination of the people,  appearing in all cultures around the world, in ancient Greece the Theta and Greek alphabet [Alpha-bet] beta to China+ 

You are being called into your spiritual meaning – what is this little creature doing, he is shedding his skeleton and leaves those shells everywhere – the Cicadas are calling us, transformation and change and they are indicating to us – trees emit aroma therapy from their leaves and what is happening is those on that land are getting rebooted for the world ‘wood’ wide web which is under the ground – all of the manmade internet is coming from the oceans, satellites in the SKA point downwards and all they are doing is bouncing the signal off of the dome [satellites] back down – 99% transmission comes from the ground – they cut down these trees to cut the natural internet connection, in recent years they have cut down many trees because it was blocking their manmade connection form their 5G 

The Cicada [circle] cycle are a unique life cycle and they shed their bodies and spread their wings, just like the Butterfly ‘Cocoon’ [Meta Morph] states from dormant to awakenings ‘online’ rebirth and growth – we are not going underground, we are going within, the inner- interverse

The Cicadas have a peak that reaches 6.915hz – that is what that one little bug can create that frequency alone, now times that by trillions, anything above 7hz many people cannot match anything higher and we will not see this happen again for another 200+ years – they are the symbol for Theta and was used to describe the Cosmos, Cosmos consciousness – when you see the snake swallowing its tail – same with the SUNDISC which is an earlier symbol of Theta, the sphere ‘circle’ with the dot in the middle – the Greeks took the same Theta symbol and changed it to death

Daydreaming, fantasies are connected to this frequency and repositories of memory which means activating your MtDNA [Mitochondria] – its activating the Akashic records during the next two months May into June for those residing on the eastern side of the USA [TAMERI] – it is abnormal in awoken adults but normal to children up to the age of 13 – why 13, puberty [Broods 7. 13. 20. the ages of the child/teen/adult] they stay in the earth ‘soil’ for 13 years and come up as juveniles, adolescent – behaviour, anxiety from the lymphatic system and inhibitions – also the Theta deals with or promotes the activity of complex learning and memory – you have to do that transformation from within – your higher self ‘cell’ we are just revealing the hertz signal because the DNA picks it up as memory, the automated system gets speed by the frequency – Cicadas do have these cycles but not in this magnitude – go back 27 years from 221 [1803] years and that was 1776 and what was that = Pluto was in Aquarius when the USA was founded and where is Pluto right now, retrograde in Aquarius – as above, so below – it’s a cycle, repeated – when is Americans independence day July 4th independence from whom – these little bugs are in tune with the above while they are below

You are the earth, the receivers of codes to the earth, you are plugged into the earth, you are made from the earth, you are spiritual Sharman’s caretakers of the earth through healing the earth, you are NaTaRu ‘watchers’ guardians of this planet, why didn’t they just wipe the 9ether out, because the planet would die, there must be a certain amount of 9ethers on this planet or she dies – you have to better yourself to bring yourself to your higher self

We are dealing with know thyself and the self-deals with spiritual energy that lives forever [once energy is created it can never be destroyed] but you have to learn to keep the spirit connected – just imagine you are the Cicada and you spend 13 years eating off the roots until you outgrow the roots and can transform and come up and shed you skin and make new, a new rebirth setting your wings free - the Cicadas represent the eyes on the human body – the Cicadas represent the elements air and earth

Read this book if you are hard enough 

The sacred wombman, the Great Mother, we also have to get back to our real women, knowing who they are, identifying her and knowing her powers – the Patriarchal system is h3ll bent on suppressing her but its not going to happen, the Cicada when she mates, she impregnates around 600 eggs, she mates with the males that have the highest frequency

When you were growing up there was a lot greener areas and today, they are covered by concrete or buildings and hence why many places the Cicadas cannot come up – this is why we have the word Urban, they are banning nature ‘u’ r ban from nature, they are covering up by using asphalt and concrete over the mother frequency of earth, think of all them highways, motorways, concrete jungles+ all to block her out – many places are being torn up, destroyed, houses+ because she wants to speak to us 

NTR wants you out, GM crops are being destroyed, green land for GM animals are being destroyed, people are being forced to move off the land because NTR wants it back, the frequency of Metu Ntr must be heard – even at 6.5hz they are electrifying the Schuman resonating frequency which is also being converted – these Cicadas are part of the frequency that is going into the electrical grid of the earth – the SCHUMAN is going from double Masculine to single Masculine and single Feminine, we are in the SOULAR maximum and we are well over the 7hz so you can imagine all those who only have capacity for 7hz and we are hitting say 45hz plus the Cicadas – the eclipse criss-crossed right in Illinois and the majority of the population of the USA is on the east-coast, we keep an eye on the USA[TAMERI], the eclipse activated the grid, plus the spring energy which was April 1st [Nu Year]

They come up and recreate the frequency so we can remake ourselves - transformation

[S.E.X] sacred – energy – exchange >>> spiritual – energy – exchange >>> soul – energy – exchange

Not everyone has a soul down here and this is very important to know when dealing with energies, we all have spirit but not everyone has a soul and so therefore cannot make soular energy – you can have the highest of frequency without having to be physical with a male and female if you know how to balance – its is the female who has the energy, it is the female who turns on your MtDNA, not you, you will spend your whole lifetime trying to turn it on – read this book, you can read on pdf – the Mother [Metu] is the language, she is the frequency 

The first teacher to the HuMins is the METU [Mother] – the first 54 days the embryo is female, did you know that, they covered this over in 1951, that everyone born down here is female for 54 days [2 months] she is the divine intelligence

Lose the EGO – change the word around and its GEO [Earth] the planet is a female entity, so is the Universe Alpha and OM-ega [ega] ego [geo]  

This is a global event but AZTLAN [South America] and TAMERI was originally the farmland – FARM [PHARM [PHARMACY] the energy of the trees, forests, jungles aka the planets electrical grid

If you are near trees, walk with them, walk in the natural electric grid, its all Nexus ‘connected’ wherever you are – especially Walnut, Pine trees+ the aroma alone from that will boost your immune system, not everyone can plug into the earth, your immune system is your nervous system, is your CHAKRA system, its all Nexus and will calm your blood pressure and keep you grounded, many of the 9ethers have plant, vegetation in their DNA already – PINE [Evergreen] tree is the first one to release its pollen that givens permission for others to release their pollen – this is why they keep male trees in the cities because if you kept females she would pollenate and produce fruit and you don’t want that because you want to create allergies – Hay fever – car pollution+ living in London I would have Hayfever, but in Italy, nothing – when pollen is released you have to have the opposite, if you release sperm and you don’t have a woman, then you are not going to produce no children – the pollen is released and just clogs you up – it is the Bee keepers that would take the pollen – currently over 600million Bees were taken out, during Summer look out for Ladybirds and Bees and Butterflies, not the white winged ones, the other Butterflies, where are the Bees or Ladybirds? the Bees where the antidote for the allergy, NTR is the medicine chest, the whole forest is medicine, the problem is those who were created on the earth [6ethers] cannot benefit from the medicine chest and so if they can’t nor can you is the message – however nature [NTR] is fighting back, because this is her planet, factory medicine vs NTR [PHARM] FARM – tornadoes are ripping down buildings, if the 9ethers don’t want it, it won’t stay, MAAT is asking is this what you want and the 9ethers are saying fu9k no – you do not eat nothing if it is not in its own packaging

LAW [LAND] AIR [WATER] you are caretakers of this planet, not sum stupid clarity organisation like Friends of the Earth, nope, MAAT wants to know if anyone cares, she wants to know those that honour all life and will protect all life, the planet, plant, animal and human kingdoms are being emptied out but will be restocked, replenished 

We are at the point of 11,400 years ago for we had been on repeat, this figure is near enough the 10,000 year bracket that the 6ether Europeans love to use and we know why, it is the final cycle that we were repeating and is when the ice started to melt releasing them from their ice jails

So, if you are in the USA [TAMERI] and the Cicada is not effecting you, this is because its downloading you, you have to tune in, its 'white noise' just like you are use to traffic noise, power lines, airplanes+ that is white noise, your subconscious reads it and that is what you want aka tune into yourself, your subconscious holds 90% of your conscious and you use 10% so if your getting that download with that frequency of Theta then you are walking in Medi-tation [Medi-cine]

Natures Prime time is high NOON - we have [3] SUNs, one Sunrise, second Midday Sun and the third Sunset  - you break fast [breakfast] and eat around Noon and what you eat you burn off come sunset this is your Cicada [Circadian] rhythm - when the SUN goes down your Melatonin releases, your body, rests, rejuvenates, fires back up and the Suns rays [frequency] activates the HuMin 

There are over 10 million different insects, not total, that is how intricate the eco-system is - with trees is the 'Wide Wood [world] NET' she is calling you 

She will have the final say 
**what is making the red-light reflect - the dome - the SUN, MOON, NIBIRU and the STARS are under the dome with us - we are inside a sealed environment 

Babylonian Money Magic - Jupiter have a bartering system that the money system on KI is based on - this all helps to faze physical money out, in the UK they are promoting stabbings for a reason also
We are in their World Order that they are still trying to implement 

Make America great again, means you have to leave [Gullah Wars] FL and whoever is leftover will make TAMERI great once again 

Clicking on the internet to picking cotton is one fibre industry – read that again

A.I is causing mental illness - do you have a 4G or 5G cell phone or do you have a 4G or 5G cell phone + you took the Jabba the Hutt + boosters aka accelerators - are you working in front of a monitor [computer] all day and then coming home to watch another monitor [tv] then you are fu9ked, the nanotech in the Jab-ba is now activated, many people are breaking down - nervous breakdown is your immune system crashing and your brain is frying - your brain is being eroded and will be classified later as Dementia [De-MEN-tia] MENTAL [CROWN] like Neo said, the problem is Choice - if you have children make sure your 'Will' is up to date - you always had a choice, NTR will back you if you rage against the machine - you don't have one life to give, you have many 

Ringing in your ears, codes in your ears is the frequency, also called ascension disorder, you are being activated and in that activation your body is doing sum thing it is not use to getting and these are the Theta waves, you are shifting, we are shifting – you have to find in the Universe what gives you, your power, this is the X-MEN [men or man means mind] the inverse [innerverse] gives you your power  - puts your consciousness to its highest level and see what you magi [imagination] aka manifest, write down your dreams [visions] downloads 

'White' bright core holds all [7] light spectrums, light is sound 
Check the colours 
The SUN is not 93 million miles away, you have seen when a plane or bird goes past the SUN the plane blocks out the SUN that is millions of miles away??  - pink and red deletes 

South America [AZTLAND] 2024 and the same symbol written in the last 100years from the Sumerians 3,500 years ago they say - the signs and symbols are in the SKA 

Crafts in the SKA over NYC [DRACO HQ] 

New Mexico 
Low Rider 
Watching you, watching me 
[the person who took these picture is who you need to hang out with] 

Whoever controls the SKA controls this planet 

They have found UFOs and reversed engineered them, Hitler also found sum, crash crafts [UFOs] are shot down, the word Vimana means 'flying machines' - that top left image looks A.I but we know they have to tell the masses with the lie but we know the truth is more disturbing than the lie - what is the lie, that 9ethers aka Nagas [Niggas] were on 'flying machines' and how do we know this because they left stone records and physical records 

All that SKA [SKY] SKI for you to travel - why is the SKA Blue - two life force energies, one is Blue and one is Green [WAJI] LAHMU [MARS] also has a Blue SKA 
Blue and Green make Turquoise 

This footage originally had audio and its two soldiers who are filming from a base looking out to the ocean, they sounded like they were Arabic speakers 'Turkey' this was one of the best footages at that time - the craft also shape shifts 

That wall in Siberia - the 'great' wall in China also goes into Pakistan however at the end of that upload they show more and you can see it looks like the side of a MIR [pyramid] - that funnel cloud in China was more detailed than other footages that we have seen, what was that red flash just before the funnel came out, that was a craft doing that - and that red swirling light source straight after the China footage, there was a craft in there 

HAIL-STONES are ice stones made by crafts
HAIL means Greetings

Dumbbell set 30kg [66lb] 

We have yet to see sum one dying from a direct hit from these hailstones, these are small to the ones we have seen previously, designed to damages vehicles, crops, manmade solar panels, buildings+

30kg dropping from the SKA is no joke, imagine that dumbbell set dropping from the SKA, you will not make it but its coming - NTR hates many and sum are going to feel her wrath  

The fact that no one has died yet means that NTR and her forces are careful, they care, they are making sure they leave the Nuclear reactors to last and making sure we are safe
NTR can be cruel like that, cruel to be kind and she is showing kindness while she cleans up her house

Go and read the Book of Revelations again, but this time from your OWN perspective 

***how do the Freemasons who wrote their Bible know what is going to take place [1] because we have been here before [2] sum one told them - when the dome went up, this trapped us all and we played out the same scenario 7 times but this time many are stepping off of the Merry 'Mary' go round  

This came in from Greece after I had written the above and these are designer Ice-stones, these are the Gucci of hailstones, you are dying if stuck by one of these, you know NTR hates you big time, there are places who are being targeted for a reason and its not racism, she hates your energy 

Eviction notices are being served in the USA and around the planet 

Land slide in JAPAN [IAPAN] so they built a road around the damage area while they repair the road
the man from Del Monte said yes but NTR said no - JAPAN has been shrinking for the last decade and will be washed over, especially for allowing Fukushima to happen - you are on borrowed time 
Land slides mean land is moving below you - eviction notices are being served 

The Gremio Arena and the Beira Rio stadium, have been turned into giant muddy swimming pools as a result of the unprecedented floods drowning sum parts of Brazil right now
Its quite easy for them to come down here and blast everything up but you wouldn't learn nothing, you know they are here but the guy down the road who resides on the same street has you doesn't 

The equator line is like an elastic band - any asteroid that comes in and hits in the right place will cause a Tsunami - who controls the water 

All for Wine and not for food?? hailstones will rain down when the time is right 

Oil spill Trinidad and Tobago - where did it come from 

While you are distracted with humans, I mean immigrants
The sphere in the USA is A.I [SKYNET] 

You are being replaced - they only need 500m going forward one world - all supermarkets, independents, local, will be going - you will have to fight the machine 

From Russia with love 

Is it hot, NTR wouldn't do them like that - is it sonar from the US military - hence why they are cornered like that?? 

Aerosol = AIR + SOUL 

These transmissions leave a signature pattern on high level cloud formations that are saturated with electrically conductive heavy metal nanoparticles which are dispersed from jet aircraft as part of the ongoing climate engineering insanity

Aluminium [Alzheimer] when you use fluorine this helps to absorb the Aluminium within the body, Aluminium is in chemicals dispensed from above, also designed to be used has a canvas to block out the Sun, NI.BIRU and federation, also use to disrupt your input and output signals, block connection signals+ fry your brain - they have been pumping the SKA since the 60s 

Aluminium [Alzheimer] + Barium [BA] + [AL] = BAAL  

What is going on down [up] there 

SOULS COMING THROUGH THE PORTAL - look at that - those are stars 'vessels' ships 

The planet map is upside down, whatever is in the South is actually in the North 

The earth is not how NASA show you, she is about the size of Jupiter, see that vent on the SUN, its 80,000 miles across 

Who is in the red is burning up [Mexico]
SOULAR NRG hitting - 5 storms heading towards KI with 3 direct impacts starting Friday 

Check the CROWN of the planet that is coming through the dome

DOME cracked open 

Here we go - incoming - take it easy out there - people will be going offline - these are mutating wavelengths - when we see the 'northern lights' in all four corners of the planet it will be show time 
CHAKRA energies, RED + HERU combined = FEM9 [MAAT KARMA] 

We do not have the same look in the four corners of this planet - white light holds all [7] light spectrums 

Europe looks PURPLE [HAZE] RAIN 

That is this planet in the middle 

Mexico, parts have blackouts because the heat is extremely hot - its not even red on the graph, its purple - more blackouts to continue, they have to trip the electricity because its frying, the dome must be cracked open over there - the SUN is trying to kill those without Melanin which absorbs radiation and converts it to energy whereas those without will burn up - the Sahara and Mexico share the same temperature, the North is the South - last image is from Mexico at 11pm, they said because they are heating up, many are going to die, including creatures that live over there, Dulce 'Raccoon city' underground will be boiling up - those with aircon, if an EMP comes in you will lose power or if they trip the manmade grid

A state of emergency was introduced in the Irkutsk region due to out-of-control fires and high winds
Apocalyptic fires in Russia; 200 buildings – same theme like California, Texas, China, Chile, Canada+ and they only do this when they don't want you to see the SKA 

Check that SOULAR shield 

Two planets coming from either side when will they meet, what day does that fall on 

 DNA [RNA] DEA upgrades 
MtDNA [Mitochondria DNA] is being switched off
The planet is heating up, when you have a virus, your body heats up to produce more red cells to kill the virus, the planet is heating up, the Flu [In-Flu-enza] was reclassified and is now called COVID aka SARS - the 'black' plague never went away - all old diseases, viruses are back 
The symptoms are the same, boost your immune system 

Blood-clots, heart failure, brain damage+ the list goes on, for those that took the Jabba the Hutt and all the boosters aka accelerators you have been incubating and now during the Summer we are going to start seeing people drop, the UK PM [government] entered a 4 years deal with the funeral directors, let that sink in, the UK government entered a 4 year contract with funeral directors that started last year or this year, I don't know because I wasn't stupid enough to take sum thing 'free' from the government - if you go to the doctors today and say you have a cold or flu symptoms, they reclassified the flu and common cold has COVID and means you will receive treatment 

SARS [A-SAR-U] all them 'guinea pigs' running around the planet are going to die first -
They want you sick, hot cold weather - chemicals that are sprayed from planes to break down your immune system making you prone to sickness - you had a choice


Denial is the most predictable of all HuMin responses 

Oval EYE watches us 
This is your brain [dome] with two hemispheres, as above, so below  

Shadow Play - how do you get a reflection from clouds unless the light was bouncing off of sum thing - the screen in the SKA - the reflection is coming off of the dome 

From left to right, ANUBU who is the gatekeeper and brings you to the places where all things meet [the Verve, Bittersweet] that is your heart being weight against the Feather [SHU] which represents the laws of MAAT next is ANPU kneeling and is the scale setter of MAAT the scales, next is AMMIT whose name translates 'eater of the dead' and she is depicted has a Crocodile head, Lion mane and the Hippo who all three will devour a man and bascially if you heart is too heavy she eats the heart and you stay in the pits of her stomach full stop and next is THOTH [TEHUTI] maStar scribe and will record your Book of Life - this is an example that they left for you, however your heart is being weighed now and KARMA [KAMA] is being dispensed now, you will receive your KARMA in real time and then once you leave your avatar, ANUBU will take you by the hand - those feathers in the SKA are symbolic and do not mean gestures, they mean sum of you are fu9ked 

MAAT is asking you sum thing

Hieroglyphs are in the codes 

Last 3days 
Blackouts, heavy energies hitting and then the machine [Schuman] cuts out 

Read all the data in CHAKRA [SHANKH] energies 

You can see we have [3] tones - from 200hz+ and 500hz+ and over 144hz+ from the old tones of 7hz and 14hz and 20hz - many only have the capacity for 7hz and and anything above 9hz causes headaches so what do you thinks 200hz or 500hz or 144hz is doing 

U.V. – Gamma X-rays are [3] forms of 'black' [ether] light coming from cosmic rays that come from outside of this soular-system

[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves 
[the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]

[1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe [Asaru]
[3] AmunRe = the #HIDDEN #ONE

which is a part of the 3black-lights called
[1] U.V. RAYS [2] GAMMA RAYS [3] X RAYs
[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultraviolet light – black light – purple light
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gam-ma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray [the hidden one] 

You can absorb radiation through Ether [Melanin] KAANU for those without, don't stay for prolonged times in the SUN, drink water, eat electric foods - keep mind on stand-by, nice and easy, stay out of harms way its safer 

Melanin is a superconductor and semi conductor, Melanin takes in information independently and processes that information and then puts out that information independently 

Nixon after winning the 1500M semi-final without breaking a sweat [Melanin] 

Student eating lunch alone after being newly integrated into a high school 1959 

You were called a nigg9, black bast9rd, wog, dirty by Gandhi, despised and denigrated but here you are, making us look stupid out here, all because you are coated in Melanin, you are the only ones going through healing and trauma at the same time

Slavery, Ebola, HIV/AIDS, Coca - Cola+ could not kill you, names could not wound you, you made me a believer out of you 

Wake up and smell the coffee, its decaf - many are sitting at home because A.I [CGI] is making all the movies, the movie Gravity with George Clooney and Sandra Bullock [Bullocks] is 100% CGI and only their faces are real - many of them will start singing like a Canary, we are only keeping an eye and with Hip Hop because a lot of 9ethers are connected to Rap music in the USA and Soul 

Keanu is my man but its stops at the movie the Matrix, even Trinity would be disgusted 


This is not a choice nor anything to do with drugs or mental states, they are hardwired, genetically making the choice, they will never introduce castration because they know its genetics 
I have heard many men say, you know that girl I slept and I say, yes, and he says, she is pregnant and I say, your in big sh9t now, what are you going to say to your girl [main girl] or wife and how did this happen and he replies, we had a couple drinks and....I've never heard - I slept with a child - how did that happen, I had sum drinks?? maybe its the company I keep 

Children [boys and girls] and women [men] must be protected and every woman [girl] are ATOL protected and what that means is that MAAT [LILLITH] EVE [NINTI] KALI MAA will step in 

Help us to crash their Matrix, no jail time or fines or protest or new laws are going to work and we have seen enough globally to know this, crash the Matrix from the inside out and it will die, it starts with Choice, those that want toys and those that want life - if you had to greet the back of teeth or your eyes glazed over when you watched the above upload, then you have a pulse an Electro Magnetic Pulse [EMP] send the signals and she will do the rest - prayer is to talk 'thoughts' to 'God' - this happened, similar - to two of my aunts and it was covered up because no one knew what to do and partly denial that this could have happened, they are in their 70s now and they were around the same ages has Ashley, one had a child has the guy who did this was her mothers brother and others who I know who are guys were raped by men, many are Princes and once the root Chakra is ruptured they can never be King and the Babylonians know this  

This is why I feel so deeply about women and children, whatever happens in your childhood shapes your adulthood and all children have the right to their childhood - you have a duty of care - too many children were taken in this particular batch of HuMins [HuMans] you may not like sum ones colour of their skin but you will find unity in sum one taking from a child, fathers, uncles, brothers, granddad, cousin, godfathers, who care about their daughters, mothers, aunts, siStars, cousins, grandmothers, there are those that use their brute force against her and there are those who will use their brute force for her

We are running around in circles - help us to crash this Wendy House

Bi9ch we are waiting for you, while your down here and when you take your last breath sum one will be with you - he used his brute force to dominate her - forget his title in the 3D world - remember that was for 8hrs they say, and many people saw what was taking place and did fu9k all but little do they know that they are also now in KARMA [KAMA] with this bi9ch - he beat her to death over 8hrs - their are to many men out there that love women and children and many were sent to protect her 

UV deletes anything that is artificial to this SOULAR system
NTR did not make you and so she will have the final say 

Always look at the eyes, they are clearly not the same, lazy eye means its common, yes common among their kind and he also has blue eyes to which Zeus [ENLIL] always proclaims is his greatest invention - we have Maasai warriors drinking blood from cows or I have seen Africans drinking Urine from cows, so both races do sum fu9k up things out here but eating testicles is called Cannibalism [Cannibal] just like eating Pigs which is Cannibalism, eating your Placenta is borderline Cannibalism
Cannibal - CAIN + ABEL [say the word really fast] look at his right eye, the size and then the left eye 

They say they are the 'chosen ones' then you don't need A.I protecting you, your don't need military forces, drones, satellites protecting you, the US cannot protect you, you are on your own 

JAYZ is homo like Will Smith

Snow White 

Not the same person, s-he was cloned, so why the clone, when they are away attending 'meetings' or ritual steps in or if they have killed you in a sacrifice - sum of the clones have mechanical parts including sexual parts, sum have phalluses - sum of the clones think they are the actual person 

All these PMs are homosexuals or lesbians or with no fannies but have a phallus  - we cannot have Homosexual energy over Feminine 'children' energy, many of them hate women and children 

This is the CHAKRA system and GAY means when you are HAPI and Platonic [Plato] means to have a homosexual relationship, causal sex between two men 

So, my biggest question is this, two men cannot produce a child, yet the Homosexuals are still here, how comes they have not died out, who is having inverted offspring, the Greeks both 6ether and 9ether knew that if they didn't keep women they would die out, so it was once a year off to the island of Lesbo [Lesbian] and shave her hair off and she was to wear a robe and bend over, her hair shaved off was to give the impression she was a he - what if homosexuals - Lesbians were given their own planet, not land, they would be extinct within one generation, many women are married to a Homosexual called Bisexual and sum are married to secret Necrophilia and Paedophilia and Zoophila and they wonder why their marriage is over or why they sleep in separate rooms, the Romans love sum ass, Italian women many have had anal sex, anytime you see Orientals with a European man, that is for anal sex not for Oriental food 

If you are Homo you should be who you are, yet many singers continue to sing using the word lady or woman when you are clearly singing about men, they hate being called Homosexual and want to be referred to has gay, I am sure you are HAPI but that is an emotion, we are dealing with your sexual preference which is ass and we don't know how to compute because NTR did not make you -truth is if you did sing about men no one would purchase your music which is sales which is money, Babylonia Sex Magic, Babylonia Money Magic+ 

A war breaks out in Sumera [Sumerian] aka Babylonia and all go to battle [Vale of Siddim] and many Kings flee, it is ANU who is pissed off and by the time they destroyed the people of Gomorrah they are Kingless and are likely annexed into the city of Sodom which is also then destroyed, when you see the images, these cities were peppered with holes where you can see crafts used ‘brimstone’ and fire ‘laser’ weapons and levelled the cities

Siddom [Sodom] = Sodomy is anal penetration
Gomorrah = Gonorrhoea [STD] Sexual Transmitted Disease  

Anal and frontal sex with children [Paedophilia] and animals [Zoophila] and dead people [Necrophilia] and Homosexual which is same gender sex

In Italy [Roman] anal is first option for many, women do not get anything out of it and in Greece, I would pretend I'm into anal to see if the woman is or has done it and once she said yes, it was see you later alligator - no one wants a shitty pumpum - if he is sticking in there and in her pumpum that is not going to work with me, when a man ejaculates he also sucks in at the same time - think about that - if he cums in the ass, what is in the ass, waste - sh9t 

Babylonian Sex, Money and Blood Magic

So my thing is, this was in Sumeria and the first King of Sumer was Sargon [Nimrud] and he is 9ether, there were no 6ethers yet- so these cities were 9ether ‘black’ cities – look at the name Go-Moor-rah [Go-Muur-ah] – maybe they had 6ethers slaves because the 9ethers put the 6ethers in slavery first, I’m just saying – look at the name

But my real point is where are these cities today, where are they hiding today, the cities were destroyed but not the practices, where are these Paedophilia – is it Disney World in Florida? or Little Saint James aka Epstein Island or below the Vatican, what about Necrophilia – do you know anyone who works in a Morgue, have you ever seen a vacancy for a job ever advertised for a Morgue worker, have you seen how many men have been caught sexing dead people in the Morgues, tons of them and what about Homosexuals aka bum bandits, where is their capital, where is there a high concentration of them – in truth in 2024 the cities are in main cities and this is why we are all fu9ked in sum way or another because they reside among us 

These hailstones the weight of a Babylon Talent need to unleashed on these modern day cities and they will, if NTR did not create it, she will destroy it - those are the rules, wherever they have Mardi Gras [Pride], New Orleans is already below the water line and has been sinking for a while and means when the water comes in, its goodbye, there are a lot of 'Gods' based there - Canada, Brazil, Austria, Portugal, Russia, SS-witzerland, Trinidad and Tobago, in Jamaica they have Hedonism which are Homosexual events, we are also taking about Lesbians [Lesbos Island Greece] - the thing is this is a learning zone and they wanted to know how would Homosexual aka inverted energy would work down here and what we thought and does their energy work, is it compatible with Heterosexual, Matriarchal energies - nope, they are forcing themselves on us and children 

You cannot just murder sum one based on gender - he took out one of his one because of gender - we still need education about inverts, Zeus [ENLIL] Pan+ are all Homos

 Are they Homosexual or twins because they are the only two ever recorded
We need more clarity on Homosexual [Homosapien] because if 'God' put that gene in the HuMin mantle frame then do we have Homosexual Dogs, Cows, Horses, Goats??  

Everything that is in the 3D is being torn down and this impacts all those who whole heartedly 'believed' in it and they will do everything, including die to preserve it 

Prehistoric, before hiStory, whose history 

White 'albino' alligator born in FL, not the first - the albino gene - what triggers the gene or is it a case of 1 in a million type scenarios 

They have only been to the lower orbit of the planets atmosphere aka they can only reach the top of the SKA - Fly Me to The Moon lets you know they never went to the Moon, the NSA went 9 years before NASA - they were taken there by another group and warned by the Reptilians not to come back but Hitler gave up the 6ethers to be traded for a base on the Moon - the actual Moon landings that we saw did not happen but the earth Nominee Hitler made a deal 

How did they call from the Moon to the USA 

Teach the children the truth so they don't grow up to be as dumb has you


 This baby managed to be in the same photo with his Father, Grandfather, Great-Grandfather and Great-Great-Grandfather together  >> 5 generations alive

That was so good - that made my Friday, check him out - look at his face, whoever the adult is salute to you for you triggered that little man #Special 

This track is getting to me - the 'feeing' is making me humble

Cavemen [Neanderthals] do not have a history for they came out of a cave system

They call this South Americas [AZTLAN] largest rock art, its a stone record, that is the Sun in the middle and what is going around the SUN - the figure on the left of the SUN with dots looks like its going sum where 

Reservoir in Spain that reveals its secret, they must have seen that before they filled it with water, there are many Stonehenge's around the planet and the one in the UK [Salisbury] is around a million years old, everything must fit into their 7,000 - 10,000 range - the Sphinx is a million years old 

Most of that building is under the ground from the mud flood, no one builds ground level windows, why is the mud flood important because its on the way once again 
TARTAR built by the 9ethers - Wi Fi cities all connected 

Scottish MIR - on a private estate that belongs to the same family for centuries - sum one posted this and used the third image but its the first and second image - once every 100 years at midnight the MIR [pyramid] gives off a piercing shriek sound and a giant beam of light is emitted pointing straight into the SKA, there is  MIR in France and they built a motorway over it, I posted the original image way back - the MIRs is architecture that was brought to this planet, they are also on LAHMU [MARS] not on the MOON  

They wanted us to 'think' about things later on and here we all are 'thinking' 
The walls in PERU [HERU] is a Jigsaw puzzle aka Jig Saw 

This is a Jig Saw, you wouldn't need a Jigsaw to make a cardboard puzzle, the images below in black and white are from TURKEY [TURKISH] KISH [KUSH] which comes under Sumer and Sargon [Nimrud] who him and his seeds are MaStar builders - the Romans are 9ethers with 9ether Generals first, so to the Greeks, all the answers are present - we have them for all records were left in stone - how do you think the 6ether Europeans know all this to build there own, when the 6ether Romans took over they kept 9ether builders to build what they wanted, sum they chopped their hands off so they could not build for anyone else  

DEEP in the amazon - is that real

PERU [HERU] why does he look like those in Easter [East - Star] Ester Island - global network - this rotates clockwise - the Big Dipper is the 7siStars - the Stars are there, its just that we have distortion light, artificial light that is blinding us - if in pitch black you can see the whole Milky Way - the energy is still coming in - the 6.5hz, they knew it was coming, they know when everything is coming in - hence why they had to put 5G in place and everything you see in 2024 is to interfere with what is incoming aka the battle of the frequencies - they are going for the mind - you can see that consciousness has shifted in the heavens and on KI - hence these 'smart cities' all these algorithms - you would do the same if you knew you only had a certain amount of time - when the STAR moves when you look at it, that is you, you are tided to that STAR - hence your STAR family 

Western history told you your history and yet others left their history is stone, metal and actual 

Touch pad 

Aerial view of CHINA forbidden city which is clearly a computer chip, circuit board 
Unlimited clean Wi-Fi connection and unlimited clean electricity
Now we have dirty harmful Tesla electricity and have to pay for dirt and Wi-Fi ??  

Can you imagine how much power [electricity] these trees would produce before they cut them down and caused the frequency to fall 

His people were taught this knowledge for 1000s years to 100 of generations - its already within him - through extremities you will find the answers, extremities shapes a character, shapes the soul - 14 years old, if that was my son I would be made up 

Drill head found in coal that is millions of years old in 1852 - we had been on repeat 

Metallic Stainless Steel Dub Scarab from in AZTLAN [South America] nature NTR be like that sum times 


RS 2000 


Dior spring and summer ?? where are we going with this 

Its a jungle out there and I feel like I am going insane in the membrane
Stay on task 

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