Monday, 20 May 2024

The Devil Within

Lilith [Lalibela] her original origin is from Ethiopia [Abyss]inia] Cush [Kush] and she is a pre-dynastic ‘goddess’ and then she shows up in Sumerian and then into the Hebrew [Habiru] stories - she is not 6ether European but 9ether Ethiopian - Lilith is the 6ether Jew Bible version 

She is the first wife of ‘Adam’ but she didn’t want to lay down with him and ‘Adama’ couldn’t boss her around 

Lilith is the equivalent to the NTR ‘goddess’ Sekhmet in Egipt [Egypt] and Sekhmet is one of the ancient triads of the ‘great Mother’ before the dynastic, she is the wife of Ptah – the Sphinx tells you that, Tara+ all these are ancient primordial mothers but Lilith is the one who didn’t want to lay down with ‘Adama’ Adam so she left and went back up to Heaven [Haven] Sirius which means she made sure that she didn’t incarnate back into the physical and this means that she was a threat because she became very powerful because she wasn’t restricted to the physical body

So she is called the ‘night witch’ or the ‘night hag’ or the ‘night demon’ whereas she used to come and steal men’s virility and do things with them sexually [indeed] but she was also a child killer, not a child killer in the aspect of sum thing negative  - but like when people didn’t deserve certain children to come down here, she would come and take them, but what it really meant was that it wasn’t about when the child got here although they use to put these talisman in the cribs to ward off infant death syndrome which is a spiritual thing – sum children come for a week, sum a couple years – the thing is there is no time limit, that is all the child was supposed to come for – death is not what we think it is, sum come for a certain amount of time 

Lilith goes like this, in the Patriarchal world, men were using sex to dominate women – he could come in and make her pregnant and slow down her process and that was what the men were doing - and today, holding her back, and keep her on lockdown and in order to balance this Lilith is the MENstrual cycle that was used as an early form of birth control when a woman didn’t want an assh9les child – she just forgot the process – she had a mechanism to say no, you’re not the right person – there is a book entitled ‘Mysteries of the Dark Moon’ by Demetra George this book is based on another book entitled ‘the Black Goddess and the Unseen Real’ by Peter Redgrove and this book is hard to get because they keep it out of circulation because of because – its around $700 today

The truth is there are many women who don’t have any boys and there are those who don’t have any girls for a reason, INANNA can stop you from having girls – no girls means his DNA is not going to be in the next generation, why they do this is because there are men who are not supposed to have any offspring down here because they are assh9les, and there are women who are not supposed to have any offspring down here because they too are assh9les, many women had children to keep the man and vice versa knowing that that particular person is an assho9e or they both are  – and look around toady and see how many assh9les we have out here – sum women should have swallowed their offspring but instead today we have millions of assho9es out here clogging up the system 

The men who travel through time seeking her out and slowing her down, Lilith, Inanna+ will stop you from having a daughter to cut his connection to you or/and to stop him 

Those who have artificial insemination [IUI] or IVF which the difference between the two is one is more drugs and the other is less drugs is not a natural 'con'ception [inception] and so that is self-destruction anyway because she [the mother] did not create them and they will develop complications within themselves – but there are reasons why sum children are only here for a certain time and that is because the male that you chose is an assho9e and she doesn’t approve – we have UV which deletes anything that is artificial in this SOULAR system, its a SPIRITUAL thing  

I see it’s the rise of the Lilith, the look in her eyes tell she with it, we took a trip to the abyss, because they said, the SKA was the limit but its not is it 

How do they get away with saying its natural and check the ingredients
Water is liquid crystal and many 6ethers cannot stand water, water is a catalyst for the 9ether body - never drink or eat anything that is not the colours of the CHAKRA system, synthetics will work for those who have synthetic bodies 

AKA Neil Tyson, he is full of sh9t - never take in what him or his side kick says, he is from the Matrix and he is a racCoon 

Cornwall [UK] and that is a cloud, fog wall, natural, of course it is 

Water is coming in, called flash floods because they come in a flash, these are crafts dumping water plus many come in with 'winds' tornadoes, full weather systems like hailstones, lightening, earthquakes+ are taking places on a daily basis to delete the 'world' not the planet, learn the difference - they are flash flooding many places around the planet 

We see you 

The red camera is in front and the blue camera is behind - the two planets are going to opposite one another and Paula Abdul said opposites attract - we have the biggest SOULAR flare to hit and it coming in this timeframe - they take out the Iranian PM - and the beat goes on 

Mexico is burning up, Monkeys are falling from the trees, the heat is also coming from the ground and from the top and we are in the middle - Dulce base must be boiling up down there - Red SUN, is it the SUN or Red Kachina or NIBIRU - look how low whoever it is is 

RED in the field - straight for two days 

Check the codes, energy signatures

DNA [RNA] DEA Upgrades
Read all data in CHAKRA energies
You can see their graph only goes up to 100hz and we are hitting 144hz [9] 

Last 7 days on earth

52 M-class flares
9 X-class flares
45 coronal mass ejections
4 geomagnetic storms

Pink and Purple deletes anything that is artificial to this SOULAR system - 
the MtDNA [Mitochondrial DNA] 'Eve Gene' is being switched off 

Check this trailer for this movie and the trailer came out a month ago, I just saw it on the internet - check the first colour you see and what does he say, there is a storm coming and on the screen it says Summer - which is now - he says, things are going to get bad - we're going to be tested
check ALL the colours especially Purple - subliminal messages 

Check the colour of the SKA 
'Well my friends, the time as come, raise the roof and have sum fun, throw away the work to be done' 

[Violet] Purple [UV] Ultraviolet [Ultraviolence] HAZE [RAIN]  

Mans technology that he built for your daily usage is going to go down, the grid that Tesla built that they haven't updated since the 1940s because they don't know how to is stacked upon one another so it means any part that goes down it all goes down - the light show is designed to take it down
NTR has been good to us since 2012 [2021] but she will soon have her hand forced

Reflection coming from the Dome [Firmament] Van Alan Belt [Electromagnetic Field] Ozone Layer + are the same thing, plus they are using heavy metals - we don't have the same look of the SUN in the four corners of the planet 

BAAL - Killing you softly 
Neurodiverse - Bipolar - Manic depression, call it what you like is the same thing - offline 
Alzheimer [DeMENtia] is de-TRI-MENtal to your health 
MEN [MAN] means MIND [KHU]

Crooked man walking the land 

We do not have the same Moon or SUN in the four corners of this plane 

'God' did this in Saudi and in China - sum times she be like that to get your attention - it will be a decade [2012] 2021 before they realise that we are in an Apocalypse  

You cannot blame the children because the adults who are grown up children are doing the same, you should not be sleeping with your cell phone next to your bed because the cell phone is downloading to you, if that child also took the Jab-ba the Hutt they also have Nanotech [chip] that is also activate and is interfacing with you or the child - every time you or the child walks past a cell phone tower the tower scans you and is downloading and uploading you - is it just the i-phone that is taking a picture of you aka its fu9king with your brainwaves, 3rd eye+ Apple HQ is in NYC which is the Reptilians [Draco] HQ - MENtal health issues, self harm, depression+ the list goes on and on - Tesla electricity is harmful to humans and not natural - the records for clean electricity have been ignored by man and his friends   

'When your under 18 [9] the eye isn't fully developed' 
You always had a choice, are you a parent or a grown up child like your child, are you making the choice for your children  

Can you see the eye - watching you, watching me - right eye 

Universal connection 'Nexus' among the ethers


So, here we see Baphomet which you think is Satan – number one, the Sabbatical Goat the Sabbath [Sabbeth] which is Saturday and the word Saturday comes from the planet Saturn and Saturn is from Satan – the new look at the old ‘god’ Satan

Saturn which represents the ‘black’ planet 'Moon' – Saturn rules Capricorn the Sabbatical Goat – he has the 3rd eye and out of the top of his head shoots the flame aka the Kundalini which is down there but when it comes up there it represents the flame energy which is a form of the Christ – you have the Moon and the ‘black’ Moon which is the same as the Yin and the Yang symbol which is Feminine and Masculine

What you are looking at is an ancient Moorish symbolic – the Moors went up into Europe and set up 16 Universities – you go into a university and you go into a fraternity and fraternities is where you set up your ancient rites [rights] orders, York rites, Scottish rites – Knights ‘Nights’ aka ‘black’ Templar which worshiped Baphomet – this is all Moorish science 

The Christians needed a symbol for Devil so they took the ancient Greek ‘god’ Pan [look at head] which is a form of the ‘god’ Amon Ra and you can see the horns on his head – the second image is the same but you can see you have the Masonic symbol which is also a Star, as above, so below – also called the Star of David – its two inverted pyramids, same picture if you look at the top pyramid going down that is the head of a phallus and if you look at the pyramid going down that is the head of a vagina and pubic hair, as above, so below 

This image is the ‘god’ Abraxis [Abraxas] or Aeon [Aion] Lion coming from Persia who has the ‘black’ dot on his head – the Lion which represents the Sphinx – you can see the wings which represents the Christ and anytime you see any kind of stone that represents the Pineal Gland ‘3rd eye’ and anytime you see the Serpent that represents the Kundalini energy [Serpentine]

The Lion – the beast [666] the beast is when you go to the middle of the earth and you see the Sphinx – the beast aka Lion and 666 is 6Protones 6Electrons and 6Neutrons – the Sphinx is HERU [HORUS] on the Horizon [HORUS-I-ZON] and the beast in their Bible is the Christ – Satan and Christ are one in the same and all they are, are Esoteric terminology – the word Satan means ‘hidden god’ or ‘hidden sun’ and Pineal means ‘Lucifer’ aka the ‘god’ of ‘darkness’ and Christos or Christ represents ‘Satan get behind me’ or it means ‘Christ conquers Satan’ when you conquer Mathematics you become Mathematics, you synthesize it – the ‘black’ means ‘Melanin’ and Shaytaan [Satan] and Sutukh [Shoot] Sut aka Satan only means Melanin in Alchemical terms for Satan and comes back to the ancient ‘god’ Set [Sut] Shoot – Set is also called KIM [KEM] or Kemalist ‘black god’ or ‘hidden god’ or ‘hidden substance’ – the Christ represents the ‘seed’ that is inside of the Melanin – there is one seed that is inside of the Melanin that is called the BINDU seed aka the Christos seed aka the ‘white stone’ 


When this Melanin ‘black’ is synthesized it becomes the ‘Christos’ – Jesus rides to Jerusalem on an ‘ass’ Donkey and Set [Seth] is known has the ass deity ‘god’ they say he had the skin of a Donkey ‘ass’ and Don [Dun] means ‘black’

Heru [Horus] Hero is known has the ‘Face of god’ Jacob [Jack-ab] Jack-al the ‘black god’ wrestled with the angel [angle] all ‘night’ at the end of the night he saw the face of ‘god’ and it was called ‘Peniel’ aka Pineal [gland] aka 3rd eye aka Heru [Horus] that ‘black’ angel was Set [Sut] Seth

You know all that above that is written just means Yin and Yang, and are Alchemical terminology that the Freemasons [6ethers] have turned into moralistic bullsh9t which you are worshipping a Devil which means Diabolos, Dual, Doppelganger, your inner self aka your double – the Devil = double aka Spirit Double [KAA] KA 

The Baphomet or the god of ‘black’ people or the serpent of wisdom is a combination of the male [father] and female [mother] energy together as one and is the Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient originator of the universe, as above so below, this energy never discriminated against any aspect of creation

[Sa-beth] beth means ‘black’ Bethlehem [Beth-le-hem] Bath-le-ham]
Saturday [Satur-day]
Santa Claus [Satan] Claus [Claws]
Devil [D-Eve-Lilith] D-ev-li
GOAT [Greatest Of All Time] do you know what you are reall-Ying saying and where that energy is going

BATH [BETH] BAA-TH means 'black' 
LONDON [LONDUN] DUN [DON] means 'black'

The first ROMAN are 9ethers and so are the Etruscans - the 6ether Europeans didn't have a language or could speak, they use to grunt to answer 

The 9ethers had no choice but to domesticate the 6ether Europeans, so the Moors went into Europe which they call the renaissance taking the 6ethers out of their medieval [middle-evil] period

The 6ethers did not wash [hygiene] they didn't know how to, they also slept with their animals in the house, in the bed which many still do today, this is how we got Chicken Pox, Measles+ Europe 'medieval' middle-evil - was a very dirty place to be in - they showed the 6ether Europeans how to boil water and use a flannel, they introduced a Kraal which is an Ethiopian word for fencing to keep the animals secure and out of the house 

The 6ether Europeans wore wigs that mice would live in, they plastered their faces with foundation upon foundation without using water to wash down after the day was done - they were declining and taking down Europe with them, so the Moors had to domesticate them or they would have infected us all and today, the 'black' plague is once again here, middle-evil [medieval] 

Water system built by the KISH [KUSH] and TUR [TURK] means 'black base' and nothing to do with the 6ether ROMANS who had slaves with them that they made work for them and would have built over the original site - why did they put MEDUSA [MEDU NETU] head upside down who was head of the birthing priestess also called the Gorgons - all she has to do is look at you and its over, maybe this is why they rebuilt and placed that block upside down, they are already rebuilt this place 7 times already - Medusa hair are locks has in braids 

Take this water gauge built by the 9ether in KHMT for the people to know how much water they had for the year for crops and when the 6ether Romans come in and after them the 6ether Muslims come in, the 6ether Romans added that pillar and bar and the 6ether Muslims added 'Islamic' art so they could claim that they built this system when neither did, but these are hallmarks from invading forces usurping 9ethers work - 6ether Romans would keep slaves who were MaStar [Mason] builders to build for them and sum they would be murdered so they couldn't build for anyone else or chop their hands off - toady they charge you for the water and have a tax system when they had nothing like that before - you cannot keep stealing other peoples culture but today man knows the truth - these places that are occupied by invaders around the planet are going underwater themselves because you didn't share and you took the piss out of NATURE [NETU] NTR [NATARU] NATARA [TARA] NETERU [NET] TERU [HERU]  

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