Thursday 16 May 2024

My Heart [Your Heart] Our Heart

Telepathy comes from the heart, not the mind and if you hold a picture of them in your head [mind] for 9seconds or more, you are going to call them

Your call is going to be an Electro Magnetic Pulse [EMP] which your thought is a vibration and its going to go to that particular person and this is how you call sum one with your mind [KHU] 

Just hold a picture of them in your mind and think about them for 9seconds straight – they taught us to use 9 and that is for a specific reason

When you hold this picture of whoever it is in your mind the Neurochemistry of our brain [muscle that contracts and expands] is impacted by what we think because the brain operates off of electromagnetic waves – so every thought is an electromagnetic frequency - as above, so below – so when you think about sum one or sum thing, you are sending a pulse out, so the longer you hold that thought of that person ‘energy’ the stronger the pulse will be, so you can i-Magi-ne if you dwell about sum one for 5minutes straight you will really be calling sum one

The downside its that you may be calling sum one and no one is answering the phone call ‘pulse’ – so basic 101 telepathy – to receive a call, to know sum one is calling you is to have what is deemed a random thought yourself of sum one, that random thought is placed into your mind – it could be sum one who you haven’t thought of in years, they are calling you – its not random or coincidence, you can either answer or let the answer machine take the call

You don’t think of people for no reason, you will think of things for no reason but you don’t think of people for no reason – if a person comes into your mind, they are thinking about you, they are pulsating about you  

That pulse ‘thought’ is scanned by the Universe which is the collective server and she [Alpha + Omega] can intervene by way of sending that particular person a download [vision] dream, it can play out with a favourite song, sum thing that only that particular person knows is sum thing from you, she can respond to what you are feeding the server ‘her’ and depending how strong that pulse is

PATH [PTAH] translates Opener of the Ways [Waves]

 Have you ever had a thought and you were in a room with others and you had a thought but didn't verbalise it and sum one else in the room said what you had thought of, that is because they picked up your thought or sum one says, I was going to say that, same thing 

The minds eye also has 7 little eyes beside the minds eye which allows you to see multiple images at the same time along with your 7 senses, say for example you can sense sum one without seeing them

Once the two spheres converge and the middle rises up, the two remain in the background, focus on the central dot and the two spheres fade away, you will see the two spheres wave around, do this in the dark, keep trying because this does work - you are training the eye - remember many have a calcified eye and this will not work, test yourself 

As above, so below, as within, so you are never without, as the universe, so the soul 


I had this dream [vision] last night, it was intense and I had to come out of it because my body was hurting, and my head [Crown]  it started off with me walking in a shopping mall with offices, kind of reminded me of Canary Wharf in London and I was walking by myself and there were a few people and we were all walking underground in the shopping mall and when we got to the end of the mall we couldn’t get out and so sum one broke the windows but there was metal grills, shutters that wouldn’t come up because the power was out ****as the dream [vision] is playing out I’m finding these things out has go along*** more people, on the way to get out of the mall I had walked past an ex-girlfriend but we didn’t say nothing to one another, we all had turned around to try another way out because the metal grills wouldn’t go up because the power was out, we all walked towards another exit route and then there was panic – out of nowhere came these robot type beings, they were humanoid robot beings and people started to panic and started running which caused confusion, so I walked on and was going to make it but I remembered my ex-girlfriend while I was in the dream ****I became conscious in the dream because I thought don't leave her ***  so I stood to the side to allow the traffic of people to pass and the mass of people started to ease – why people were panicking was because these beings, humanoid beings were not using any type of weapon but they all had a force field that when connected with you or you came into contact with you exploded and dirt 'ash' would scatter everywhere and when I looked closely it was like the movie War of the Worlds when the land craft came up and used its laser to zap the people and you saw the ‘dirt’ ether that was all that was left, I saw this and I had stood to the side and was watching, people were passing by, I was standing to the side and I could see all this, the more the people were ‘zapped’ the more the humanoid robots grew in number – the last of the people ran pass me and then I thought she didn’t make it but I didn't see this to know this 

This reminds me of what took place in Miami [USA] in January and I didn’t watch any movie or footages or discussed anything with no one last night or recently or thoughts about the movie, I hadn’t educed anything before I slept last night, I know what these robots look like but cannot describe them in words or maybe I'm not meant to, they were semi holographic, physical, solid but not, they didn’t have human heads, but had the body of a human has in arms, legs+ you knew they were robots and they all walked in unison, they grew in numbers the more they took out the humans, this wasn’t about the ex-girlfriend or Canary Wharf, I know they use things that are valuable to you, sum thing familiar [environment] I’m not going to dwell on it but this download left a profound affect on me
In the trailer Tom Cruises character stands in front of the mirror and dusts all the dirt off of him, this is the ether 'ash' and this is what happened in the vision -      

Top left image - Trans-Lu-cent skin [lucent] iridescent blue [Lu-minescence]   
Found in the 80s but only documented in 2006 
They are not from KI [earth] 

A Japanese fishing boat sum years was attacked and resulted in a fire and the crew had to jump into the water where the Orca bit them up and killed them, 700 attacks since 202/20 vision 

Cannibalism is already up and running in the North - how do you know that you are not already consuming Horse meat - what does it taste like - look at the second images, what does it say - Hot Sausage above on the sign, and it it says Hot Dog, two types of 'flesh' Dog meat - 
Human hand being sold at Smithfield market last image 

Sum one wrote this is a Muslim female plane HAHA



France - HAITI [NIGER] NTR does not want you to be comfortable for your remainder on this planet - sum hails are being used to destroy crops and infrastructure 

Milan floods again - this is Monza near Milan - the ROMAN empire will be dismantled by NTR and full crew 

White and red means ready now and black and blue means charging - earthquake weather 

Check the colours 


They said it will be a decade in before they realise we are in an Apocalypse - watch all these footages because you increase your range of thought so that you can run if you have to rather than be frozen with fear - we are in real time 

Always just watch the footages for yourself - that time traveller is making sense now - when they show the shadow on the beach and they pan the camera to the SUN I watched on payback and you can see on the left side the binary STAR NIBIRU but when the guy said cloaked UFO I thought BINGO 

Red bricks usually contain Mercury and under this landing site is a fuel depot containing Mercury 

They are getting you ready for what is already here 

Immigration, asylum seeker, refugee, migrant+ increases around the planet and is all part of the plan - this is on purpose for the 3D to descend into 'Chaos' and out of 'Chaos' comes 'Order' but we have to get there - distractions cause reactions 

Help us crash this Wendy House 


Image is from Mexico - second is reduced brightness, you can the photo is in focus - look how low 

Double bubble, binary SUN - we do not have the same look of the SUN or Moon in the four corners of this planet, why, because we all have a different outcome - together is to gather, not the same 

What 'Star' has a shield to protect it and is right beside this planet 

NASA cut the feed for hours, the SUN is triggering, top image, top arrow, what is that and bottom two arrows, the SUN plasma blast is connecting with that left corner, yet we are in vast space they say, how comes the left corner is lighting up like the Godfather if we are in vas emptiness unless we were in an enclosed environment - next image we can see a cloaked cube, NIBIRU is not the only one up there, and next to that image, that is not a glitch and last image, that is a cluster of crafts coming in top right and the last two arrows, are they planets and where are they going, both came from in from left and the other right but to me they are on their way towards the SUN and on the SUN all the SUN spots are at the equator and all the planets seem to aligning with that position and these SUN spots are facing the planet - you need ETHER to absorb radiation  

Cloaked craft, that left corner is lighting up how if we are in vast space and right image shows a plant 

Cluster of crafts coming in and those two planets heading towards the SUN

Sum things came through 

This trigger came in at 18:00 and was a huge blast, many triggers happened yesterday [check date stamp] we have more on the way to this planet - many SOULAR energies are on the way and this 18:00 is packing a punch 

They say X8.8 is that X9 because that means you are fu9ked including everyone in red, the largest of the 25th SOULAR cycle, this is a direct message from the SUN and he says "no truce' 
We are in session - in 48hrs these SOULAR waves would have reached the planet - that is X8.8 near enough X9 or X10
Its not just Brazil - stay out of the SUN if you do not have ETHER to absorb the radiation - red deletes anything that is artificial to this planet 
The SUN is not playing - Corona means SUN and the SUN is trying to kill you, watch the children, leave water out for birds+ 

Top left arrow is fist impact and second arrow is second impact right arrow is dome - firmament - van alan belt - ozone layer - EMF - that is the planet in the middle - white side is daytime and below would be night time and under you can see that arrow that is all the energy accumulated - there is no dome protecting the night time side and means this house is full of energy - the Atom is being exposed to UVC radiation which is a detoxifier, a germ killer and mutating wavelength, so if you are under the dome which is sealed you are being deleted if you are not from this SOULAR system - if you are not from this SOULAR system you must avoid the SUN at all costs - its doesn't matter if its cold, cloudy outside, the temperature means you are being heated up like a microwave dinner that microwave dinners are not being heated up, they are being cooked up - you are being heated up from the inside out - this is Ultraviolet light, Gamma radiation - we had 5 X-flares within 24-32hrs, these X-flares are keeping the Atom open, UVC radiation which is a detoxifier, a germ killer and mutating wavelength is changing the Atom which in turn is going to change the DNA which in turn is going to change the phenotype of that individual - no matter what it is that organism will not look the same - so what are we changing into - this has been going on for a long time and we have not had a break and eventually sum thing must give way or take place - check where that X8.8 is for the USA and South America and Canada to Northern Africa to Europe  - Summer will have virus and diseases, all them old diseases and viruses will be rearing their heads - your lymphatic system which is your immune system is going to directly be affected, you have one in your brain that pushes the waste out from your brain and that is going to be switched off - people will be going offline, turning insane in the membrane, you are going to see characteristics in people that you didn't know they had 

The Carrington event was one huge X-flare that shut the electrical grid down whereas we have a accumulation of Coronal Mass Ejections [CME] on the daytime side as well as on the night time side and they are taking away the magnetic field [EMF] has we speak - what we are receiving is a Pepsi Max version - lockdown 


See that speaker box - that sphere is vibrating

Clearly we all didn't have the same look during the light show - sphere in shape - interesting times that we are in

Check that out, look how low the SKA is and what does that remind of you

This is already the fifth time that this "anomaly" has reappeared in the same location, leaving Antarctica towards the Atlantic

It's not typical for the region to have waves of several meters high colliding in the open sea Sum thing is happening and the system is trying to hide it

This anomaly is not a data error, as they are claiming
Pay attention to the timeline where the anomaly appeared on the radar

21.02.2024 [10.04.2024] 25.04.2024 [06.05.2024] 09.05.2024

See that map, its called the Urbano Monte's world atlas, created 430 years ago in 1587, and was recently restored for public access - that sphere is covered by the dome, firmament, EMF, ozone layer, Van Alan Belt - we have 3 outer ice walls with land in each and with people - they lied to us but the data does not lie, that is a NASA images of the planet, the purple is UV and check the gold which was for the ozone layer, black is the ether, red is hydrogen [hy-dragon] and check the shape - Hemisphere in Latin Hemi means half aka half a sphere and that is called a dome - the only thing that is flat is the people trying to compute this - look where Australia is on a globe map, that is impossible ask Tom Cruise , one plane hence why we saw the light show around the planet, they told us once we see the lights in all four corners of the planet it will be show time and we have now had an X8.8 [X9] buckle up because things are going Pepsi Max 

This image comes from Australia and you can see a sphere shape cutting through the clouds and below is a craft the Russian pulled from Antarctica and underneath the craft you can see the electromagnetic turbine sphere shape, in the Australian image the air is being funnelled upwards and that is going from the turbine of a cloaked craft, there will be a breeze coming from the turbine below 

Star family are sitting in the SK since 2012 when NIBIRU was reintroduced back into this SOULAR system 

Millennium Falcon 

Canaanite and Egyptians both wear the ATEF crown - that is Osiris [Asar-u] on the right who is the Chief pharaoh over Egypt and his curse has been unleashed - Sar-s 

Half this building is under the ground, they are not constructing it, they are reconstructing it - windows that are doors, check the last image, does the scaffolding match the construction, why are the bottom windows below the ground while soil is still around the building itself 

St Louis World’s Fair 1904 and World Fair Buffalo, NY 1901
Nothing in these ancient Roman Byzantine cities was temporary
They added wooded entrances and ice cream stands so that they could fare down the true history of America [Tameri] the oldest cities in the world
This would add value to Europe and the Vatican, London and Milan
European elites didn’t build anything for the fair, it was all a distraction to justify the removal of Tartarian, Moorish architectural beauty

Moscow [Tartraian] - half this building is under the ground 

Germany 1850 - the generation of horse and cart but you built these structures, no you didn't they were already there - where are all the people 

Cambridge [KAM] bridge [KHAMAI] KHEMET was built at the same time HERU [PERU] was constructed

 This is HERU [PERU] - why are all these buildings that are half underground important - because the mud flood is coming to a place near you - and what is interesting is that so many places around the planet got hit last time - so you can imagine what type of flood is coming this time 

Check that out in HERU [PERU] AZTLAN 

When the ULMEC [OLMEC] returned to AZTLAN they found the bloodlines had been infected, the AZTECA and the INCA and [MAYAN] so they destroyed the infected ones and the rest, sum where taken to inner earth and sum to ANGKOR WAT which can hold 750,000 people, not saying that was the amount that was taken - just the capacity - the Reptoids who are mixed Greys and Reptilians were the ones who taught them cannibalism, blood sacrificing - last image shows ATLAN-TIS [ATLAS] AZTLAN and you can see a volcano erupting and a MIR [pyramid] collapsing 
ANG [ANKH] KOR [HOR] HORUS [HERU] and WAT [WATT] power, light+

Those skulls that they keep showing us do not have anything to do with the HuMans [HuMins] and are other beings, mixes, the last man found is the first man 

The records left behind was to warn you and here we are all again, other beings have influenced the species again  - that last images is all that is left after the NAZI destroyed this particular stone record - the second from last you can see where the mud flood came in and the height of ANKH-KOR-WATT [ANGKOR]

There are young people walking around with the nu blueprints to the structures that have yet to be built, but before you can build, you must first destroy - time and time again we see the reSet button being hit but this time we are hitting the button because we know what needs to be done  

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