Wednesday 1 May 2024

Walk in [Walk out]

The SOUL[BAA] is a resonating signature that is the Nexus [Connection] between the material and spiritual and the BAA[SOUL] is the record keeper of your physical experience, of your temporal experience 

The BAA etches the deepest experiences [simulations] that you have that are EMotional to you, say you have a deep EMotional crisis, if you are not balancing that particular crisis by innerstanding how to alleviate or to change the judgmental perception of what that thing is to you, you find out that your own judgement of yourself becomes a mark [wound] that you leave on your BAA

Your BAA is like a facet and can be bent out of shape but can also be bent back into shape 

And has you go through the birth canal again – remember energy can never be destroyed once its created and so your thoughts become an energy signature that create out of your own experience and it becomes your return ticket – that damage, that need, whatever it is that you do to disrupt the balance is what it is all about, maintaining and balancing with yourself – and all the things that you do that is outside of balance 

If you are not seeking balance or the seeking the balance of peace within, to innerstand what your thoughts are in Nexus to your BAA[SOUL], how your thoughts can override the Observer, which is the teacher for the BAA, it is the judge for the BAA 

We tend to think that our thoughts are the only thing we need to run on but that fuel is used up very quickly because your thoughts can turn on you, your thoughts can start dictating to you and that is when it becomes an addiction –

So what happens now is your Observer now must see the thought process as sum thing that is the learning, that is the guide, direction to your balance 

So if your thoughts are not pointing towards equilibrium [MA.AT] and a balancing of all the energies that have come through [CROWN] your thinking process, through your EMotions, through your actions – if your thoughts are always about sum one else doing sum thing to you or you are blaming yourself for this or that on sum one else who is not doing, while your doing the same aka not balancing yourself, the BAA is taking notes, its recording, and what happens is, people leave and they leave with a heavy burden, a heavy heart with things they have still to accomplish – guilt, hatred, greed, jealousy+ aka the [7] deadly sins or the [7] deadly thought processes that causes you to be kept imprisoned by the body and this is what the BUDDHA [BUNTU] warned us against – the taste for the HuMin body is the taste for sensations that keeps you imprisoned, your need to constantly fuel the body because the body then overrides and dictates what it is reality is, and it is not and we have to innerstand that the body, avatar, physical, material is an illusion, even though we have agreed to feel it and to be part of it before we came down here, the problem for many is they think of it is real, maybe they have been down here too long 

The organizer [you] and the one that is the distiller of your experiences = becomes the BAA and you are the one who essentially says what is going to be etched on it and that is the Book of Life and the Book of Life is your BAA and is where you are writing your experiences and what it is that your going to return with or if you found peace [balance] – if you have not allowed the material world to addict you, then you return by choice and not compelled to come back and balance what you didn’t balance while in the physical form 

BAA[BA] means, translates ‘strength, powerful’  

PSY means SOUL
CHIC [CHI] CHE is your two life force energies; one is Blue and the other is Green, Psychic and Psyche are Western terms to describe those with a BAA [SOUL] who they are studying  
Those with SOULAR NRG [EN.R.G-Y] N.R.G 
EN [EM]  


[1] Levity - Gravitation (physical attraction) [2] Electromagnetism (emotions) [3] the weak (love) [4] strong (hate) - these are nuclear force - the nature of things 'seen' and 'unseen
[3] and [4] are the same source and you control [MOTION] its direction depending on [MODE]  
LOVE + HATE [EM] are the same strength, they are from the same SOURCE 
yOUR love is a force - wave 

The MIND [KHU] is fro processing only and not making decisions - the heart talks to the mind but the mind does not talk back to he heart  

To whom much is given, much is required 


Listen to those words 

SUNRISE 1972 SUNSET 2024  
[1+9+7+2 = 10] + [2+2+4 = 8] 10+8= 9 
That lucky git was called home, his work here is done - we are losing people, people coming and going, perpetual cycles of life, where life ends, life begins, you will always have the Nexus with that person 'light' energy, its the attachment that we struggle with - the physical  

1923 and look at the Sphinx [BabyLion] in the background and it is 2024 today
100+ years - don't you see how much data came about after 1920s [7:20] 9 in the last 100 years, you have never been more conscious at any other time than now

What impacted in INDIA towards the end there is an arrow pointing downwards, that looks sum thing landed and dug itself into the ground, like in Nigeria- look at the way the grooves are imprinted into the soil, the trees are still there but you can see they are drooping down and hence the red arrow whatever it was went into the ground and btw look how big it is, those are people standing around the rim of the impact 

It will be a decade before they realize that they are in an Apocalypse or it will be a decade before they realize the Apocalypse has started already 
NTR is on the warpath 

Inverted, what do you see - unless you have Pareidolia  

Crafts in convoy 

Seek and thy shall find 

At least two crafts sitting in the SKA 

Crafts sitting in the SKA 

Vietnam - check the shape of the SUN 


Blackouts - see the codes that look like Hieroglyphs

RED [MAAT + HERU] combined energy 

Thailand - the buildings are in focus yet the SKA looks like a painting - look at the SUN and the SKA backdrop the colours 'energies'  

UV BACKDROP [SCOTLAND] which is in the South 

This will be the year 2024 [2025] when the weather will be off the mtf hook 

The planet, plant and animal kingdoms are ATOL protected, what they are not telling you is that the HuMan [HuMnin ] kingdom is at extinction [endangered] level - we are at extinction and part of the endangered species list  

60-year-old Alejandra Rodriguez wins Miss Universe Buenos Aires 2024 
Check the neck and we can’t see the hands 

Twice - played that on slow-motion and he does get hit twice 

[UK] Bristol

 Lots of data - very important information 

That Skinwalker was big but looked like it transformed into a woman - this was recorded in 2020 - that girl with the reflection, we've seen that before with others, the little boy with the light balloon, look in the background at the SKA - who was in that sleepwalking body - that mirror test is good if there is no space between my finger leave this place - that image of Sirius through a telescope, he said it looks like a giant a computer screen - monitor, its going around the Star, you can see the patterns and it is not pixel distortion, see the colours - those lights over Missouri were part of a huge craft and not lens flare  

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