Tuesday 7 May 2024

Road Maps

In higher realms thoughts are ‘things’ – it is the thought [Thoth] that generates the ‘thing’ as you will soon learn and to graduate off of this planet you have got to learn how to control your thoughts because you are going to a place where ‘universal thought’ is being applied and if you misapply you will not be able to stay there and that is why you’re going through the teaching simulation now

When you graduate where thoughts are things you must have combined thoughts or else you’re out of uniform – the uniform of soul badgery, where you soul earns merit badges for learning the hard way, that is your reward but right now you’ve got to earn that degree, masters+ the degree of having spent time on KI and coming through that program much more stronger in your soul progression which will now enable you to teach others because when you go to through a program on KI – you’ve have gone through a course

You have had seven programs already and we are going into the eight program  
The universe is mental the mind is all – thoughts, imagery, imagination, images, see it is to visualise it

Learn the curriculum and pass or you stay here, when you come back down here you will have more to do plus the lessons you didn’t turn up to and the homework that you never handed in and additional lessons and homework, sum of you will come back through the plant or animal kingdoms, sum of you will go to the 1D first and then 2D before you even come back to the 3D – learn and earn or stay and decay

The temple [HETU][IY] of a living ‘God’ needs to be explained, the skull [head] that you have when properly understood is a temple – it is so full of potential power with glandular interest there that the best way that the ancients could show this was to build the Sphinx and we now know that Solomon Mines is Solo [Holo] Mon [Amon] Mines [Mind] was about his mind and yours which is temple is housed – you have upper and lower chambers

Napoleon and the Grenadiers come through and see the Sphinx who has the head of a woman – a 9ether woman and he and the Grenadiers went crazy and began shooting at the Sphinx [Isis] [Aset] they let off 19 shots into her nose and then coming back and then climbing up and then pickaxing the nose and then telling us they didn’t know what the Sphinx used to look like but have tons of drawings showing how Isis [Aset] looked like

Isis [Aset] name translates, seat, pulpit and throne and is talking about her mind, the seat [pulpit] throne of consciousness

There is a Sphinx on LAHMU [Mars] and in NAGALAN [India] and TAMERI [America]
The Sphinx is looking outward and eastward with a pyramid complex, there are 7 ‘secrets’ of the Sphinx

The head of the woman on the Cats [Sphynx - Sphinx aka Lynx] body and also the scales on the body, there are wings on the body, there are claws and hoofs and a tail and shows that everything that moved, crawled or flew on KI was subjugated or was dominated by the chief creature of KI and everything on her body needs those other things to survive until their consciousness rises enough and can outgrow them  

The animal portion of man [man means mind] was located in what is called the primal urge aka the lower Chakra, the animal brain which is located just below the navel and is connected [Nexus] to one of the units of the spine – this brain is in your gut

You have two brains, the main brain [head] has different loaves, two hemispheres, and we have all studied the brain – wherever you have neurons then you have the capability of thinking and relaying energy, neurons centre in the brain are connected to what is called Glial cells which are then connected to what is called Axons and Dendrites which are like junction [NET] boxes, from one to the other, all it means is you have a place that is like a computer that can think and process ‘thoughts’ – there is what is called a Coaxial cable [power cable] that gives it energy depending on what kind of energy passes through there, the computer generates more energy, the neuron centre can generate more thought – then based on how many programs you have in that neuron centre [how many programs you have for that computer] can be smarter or dumber and once it kicks in, its fused, its joined – the key is this, the neuron wherever it is found is capable of generating or processing thoughts, that is all you have to know

Anywhere you have a neuron that is linked to other neurons or to the spine or to nerve centres it means that neuron can function – what does a neuron do >> a neuron generates and process thoughts coming and going >> you have a collection of neurons up and down your spine and in certain pockets throughout the body of which one is called the Solar [Soul-ar] Plexus and just a little bit below it and above the spleen and above the navel you will have neuron centre, that is where you animal brain is located – in Oriental philosophy, the Yoruba philosophy and in the ancient Zulu, they say, concentration upon the solar [soul-ar] plexus with energies coming in from either the Moon or the Sun [Sol] Soul will turn a person more like an animal [animalistic] than before, you can act like an animal and still be human because most of your ideas of survival, hunger, fear, fighting come generated from that selection of neurons at the soul-ar plexus, they do not come from your head - brain, it comes from your gut where your second brain is located – that gut feeling, I felt the pain in my stomach, the pit in my stomach, I couldn't speak my stomach became all knotty+ that is your animal brain talking aka your gut brain talking to either fight or flight, to fear or love – to detest [hate] – these are your EMotional hubs

We do not use the full capacity of our brain; we have more usage of our animal brain which is not a good look – humans are worse than the animals today and those neurons centres work better than the brain we have up there which is misfiring and when you do, you begin to get a headache – too much energy being used and the cables are jamming

Mankind who taught the humans warned that if the ‘Sons of the Gods’ were to awaken to the usage of their upper brain power it will be over – we have a quickening and the masses are becoming more and more conscious, the MIR [pyramid] complex is switched on, all the pyramids are switched on with NIBIRU controlling the main MIR complex system

NIBIRU is our magnetic sun and the main SUN [Hologram] is our electric sun  

We have a quickening - SOULAR FLARES = SOULAR N.R.G

The Spirit world which is the Holographic world is merging into this world, the Physical world, the Spirit world is behind NIBIRU and the SUN - I have been seeing sh9t that I cannot explain coming from the Spirit world, a lot of 'black' patches, not shadow beings, if I try and look they dissipate - things moving and when I look there is nothing there, they are coming from my peripheral aka the 'whites' of my eye aka side vision by Western science, aka the 'corner of my eye' they mean no harm but I must adjust because the Spirit world will consume this planet [4D]5D+  

There are positive and negative beings, entities so one must use disCERNment 

Mercator map from 1595, an accurate map of the North Pole
On the current maps 4 islands and in the centre the tree of life which was erased
All cultures contain Swastika, which is this region of 4 islands with rivers reflecting Swastika and the North Star with a large carriage in the SKA
This is Eden, where everything began, all creation on earth
Black Rock at the magnetic North Pole or at the North Pole itself
Described by Mercator as 33 "French" miles, it provided a supposed explanation as to why all compasses point to this location, the island appeared on maps from the 16th and 17th centuries, this ‘black rock’ is magnetic

“In the centre of four lands is a whirlpool that includes four captivating seas that divide the North, and the water circulates and falls to earth as if it had been poured through a filtered funnel
It is four degrees wide on each side of the pole, making a total of eight degrees
Except that directly below the pole lies a bare rock in the middle of the sea
Its circumference is nearly 33 French miles and is all of magnetic stone many years ago” - this was written by Mercator

This planet, SOULAR system, Galaxy is rotating clockwise aka spiral number 9 

Symbol is from Ethiopia [Abyssinia] Lalibela and found in KHMT [Egypt] to Sumer to India with the HINDU KUSH - the KUSH are from ETHIOPIA - you can see the same symbol in the Swastika image 

Half of this building is under the ground - the ingenious people are not European Cuban 

This place is one of 10 forbidden areas, so in 2024 we have places that are forbidden zones, doesn't that sound like Planet of the Apes - these are Dragons bones and many Dragons are still here 
APE comes from the word APEP 

HAHA - he had to do that or no pumpum for you tonight - this was staged but was funny to watch

If she's flirting, she's a keeper
If she's just being nice, she needs a raise 

Look at the one at the front, he or she is not looking up or into the camera - the image on the right and they recognized each other look at the paw - #Special 

Been hearing this track for a while, found it today

She is the holy ghost 

This looks good to watch but is stupid because most of these animals, it was the humans fault in the first place, like those Bison, the European Americans murdered a million at 3,000+ a week for a few years and now the land is barren without them and here they are trying to undo what they did in the first place, they cloned sum Bison and released them to a herd that then was wiped out by the cloned Bison who had Pneumonia  - when they say 'wild' its wild to the Europeans but natural to everyone else, animals do not need humans to survive but the human needs the animals to survive, they think everyone needs 'domesticating' - who took their 'freedom' and what treatment would they need from you apart from you placing a tracking collar or chip in them

Europeans - Elephants remember, the only reason the Elephant doesn't crush that guy is because they know you kill - with the rifle - for 1000s of years the animals have coexisted with the 9ethers but today they reside in fear - both ethers will be dealt with for disturbing the animal kingdoms 

KAT-FLOWER that only blooms once a year in the Himalayas 

We are going into the 8th root man [man means mind] people are coming and people are leaving, you will always have the Nexus, its the attachment that we struggle with, you can Nexus with those that have transferred to the other side

Women, mothers, grandmothers - who have transferred do have the choice to stay on the planets negative field and guide their children from there 

Build children, give them memories

Muse [Museum] Music - the Sound of Life 

Wallace D Wattles was 21 when he wrote this book but he was a scribe and he does not look 21 and Rhonda Byrne who rewrote the book based on what Wattles wrote - Rhonda took it to another level by bringing sales assistants [consultants] making a documentary and even she said herself Rhonda was going through sum thing when in actuality it was all about sales, many people purchased this book thinking they would make millions but the only ones making millions was Rhonda and her sales team - no one talks about the Secret or have we seen anyone say this is what happened for me 

The words, contents comes from TEHUTI and was left to enrich the MIND [KHU] and not for monetary gains - DMT [Dimethyltyptamine] is produced in the brain and DMT is another word for KAANU [MELANIN] ETHER -  not everyone has an active Pineal Gland [3rd EYE] and not everyone produces DMT in the brain [membrane]  

The group lead singer of Earth, Wind and Fire his name is Maurice White and after reading TEHUTI [THOTH] words which is where Wallace D Wattles was scribing from and Rhonda Byrne was getting her contents for her version of the book from, Maurice reinvented the band and had new ideas, Maurice enriched his mind which is what the words from TEHUTI does, they are commands for the brain, resetting the brain for sum thing else - after resetting himself Maurice and the band went on to smash all records

Maurice White was an American musician, best known as the founder, leader, main songwriter and chief producer of the band Earth, Wind and Fire, also serving as the band's co-lead singer with Philip Bailey

Described as a "visionary" by Vibe and a "mastermind" by Variety, White was nominated for a total of 22 Grammys, of which he won [7] 

He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the Vocal Group Hall of Fame as a member of Earth, Wind & Fire and was also inducted individually into the Songwriters Hall of Fame

Songwriters, look what Maurice and Philip wrote about, the knowledge that Maurice and Philip shared in their words reached many - the message was in the music - enrichment to share and that is what they did, look at what they achieved - seek knowledge of thyself first and all will be made available to you, prosperity will come, not talking about money, prosperity does not mean finances, wealth+ like that but you will be rewarded for your deeds - the message is in the MUSE-SIC 


*Inducted Into The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame (2000)
*Inducted Into The Songwriters Hall Of Fame (2010)
*GRAMMY Lifetime Achievement Award (2016)

1976: 18th GRAMMY Awards

Winner: “Shining Star” (Best R&B Vocal Performance By A Duo, Group Or Chorus)
1977: 19th GRAMMY Awards
Nomination: “Gratitude” (Best R&B Vocal Performance By A Duo, Group Or Chorus)
Nomination: “Earth, Wind & Fire” (Best Instrumental Composition- Maurice White)
Nomination: “Can’t Hide Love” (Best Arrangement For Voices)
1979: 21st GRAMMY Awards
Winner: “All ‘N All” (Best R&B Vocal Performance By A Duo, Group Or Chorus)
Winner: “Got To Get You Into My Life” (Best Arrangement Accompanying Vocal(s)- Maurice White)
Winner: “Runnin’” (Best R&B Instrumental Performance)
Nomination: “Got To Get You Into My Life” (Best Pop Vocal Group)
Nomination: “Fantasy” (Best R&B Song- Maurice White)

1980: 22nd GRAMMY Awards

Winner: “After The Love Has Gone” (Best R&B Vocal Performance By A Duo, Group Or Chorus)
Winner: “Boogie Wonderland” (Best R&B Instrumental Performance)
Nomination: “Boogie Wonderland” (Best Disco Recording)
Nomination: “After The Love Has Gone” (Record Of The Year)
Nomination: (Producer Of The Year- Maurice White)

1982: 24th GRAMMY Awards

Nomination: “Let’s Groove” (Best R&B Vocal Performance By A Duo Or Group)

1983: 25th GRAMMY Awards

Winner: “Wanna Be With You” (Best R&B Vocal Performance By A Duo Or Group)

1984: 26th GRAMMY Awards

Nomination: “Fall In Love With Me” (Best R&B Vocal Performance By A Duo Or Group)

1994: 36th GRAMMY Awards

Nomination: “Sunday Morning” (Best R&B Vocal Performance By A Duo Or Group)

2004: 46th GRAMMY Awards

Nomination: “Hold Me” (Best Traditional R&B Vocal Performance)

2005: 47th GRAMMY Awards

Nomination: “Show Me The Way” (Best R&B Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocals)

2006: 48th GRAMMY Awards

Nomination: “Illumination” (Best R&B Album)

1976: 3rd American Music Awards

Nomination: (Favorite Band, Duo Or Group- Soul/Rhythm & Blues)
Nomination: (Favorite Band, Duo Or Group- Pop/Rock)
Nomination: “That’s The Way Of The World” (Favorite Album- Soul/Rhythm & Blues)

1977: 4th American Music Awards

Winner: (Favorite Band, Duo Or Group- Soul/Rhythm & Blues)
Nomination: (Favorite Band, Duo Or Group- Pop/Rock)
Nomination: “That’s The Way Of The World” (Favorite Album- Soul/Rhythm & Blues)
Nomination: “Spirit” (Favorite Album- Soul/Rhythm & Blues)

1978: 5th American Music Awards

Winner: (Favorite Band, Duo Or Group- Soul/Rhythm & Blues)
1979: 6th American Music Awards
Winner: (Favorite Band, Duo Or Group- Soul/Rhythm & Blues)
Nomination: “All ‘N All” (Favorite Album- Soul/Rhythm & Blues)

1980: 7th American Music Awards

Nomination: (Favorite Band, Duo Or Group- Soul/Rhythm & Blues)

1981: 8th American Music Awards

Winner: (Favorite Band, Duo Or Group- Soul/Rhythm & Blues)


Shining Star (1975)
Singasong (1975)
Getaway (1976)
September (1978)
Got To Get You Into My Life (1978)
Boogie Wonderland (1979)
After The Love Has Gone (1979)
Let’s Groove (1981)


Faces (1980)
Powerlight (1983)
Touch The World (1987)
The Best Of Earth, Wind & Fire Vol. II (1988)
The Essential Earth, Wind & Fire (2003)


September (Certified 03/2006)


Head To The Sky (1973)
Open Our Eyes (1974)
Raise! (1981)


That’s The Way Of The World (1975)
Gratitude (1975)
Spirit (1976)
All ‘N All (1977)
The Best Of Earth, Wind & Fire Vol. I (1978)
I Am (1979)


Earth, Wind & Fire: Live (VHS/DVD-2001 Release)
Earth, Wind & Fire: Live At Montreux (DVD-2004 Release)


Chicago / EWF: Live At The Greek Theatre (DVD-2005 Release)


-Crystal Globe Award (1981)
-NAACP Hall Of Fame Image Award (1994)
-Star On Hollywood’s Walk Of Fame (1995)
-ASCAP Rhythm & Soul Heritage Award (2002)
-BET Awards Lifetime Achievement Award (2002)
-Inducted Into Hollywood’s RockWalk (2003)
-Inducted Into The Vocal Group Hall Of Fame (2003)

-GRAMMY Hall Of Fame, “That’s The Way Of The World” (2004)
-NARAS Signature Governors Award (2004)
-GRAMMY Hall Of Fame, “Shining Star” (2008)
-TV Land’s Entertainer Award (2009)
-The Daniel L. Stephenson Humanitarian Award For Lifetime Achievement In Music (2009)
-Soul Train Awards Legend Award (2011)
-Trumpet Awards Lifetime Achievement Award (2012)
-Ebony Lifetime Achievement Award (2016)
-Inducted Into The Memphis Music Hall Of Fame (2017)
-Added To The National Recording Registry (U.S. Library Of Congress), “September” (2019)
-The Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery – Portrait Of A Nation Prize (2019)
-Kennedy Center Honoree (2019)
-SoulMusic.com Hall Of Fame – Category: Producer/Arranger (2021)
-SoulMusic.com Hall Of Fame, “September” – Category: Classic Soul/R&B Single (2021)
-Inducted Into The Illinois Rock & Roll Museum Hall Of Fame (2023)

There is no secret, knowledge is to be shared not misused - follow passion [compass] and prosperity will be given unto thee - message in the music 

1882 is 142 years ago 

They only drew what they saw - others have and continue to part of history 

Everything we see, we have seen already 

Carved from the heart of a mountain - laser precision cutting - by whom 

Ethiopia is the NTH gate 

No its not because they are hands and how did they do that, its the size of the hands that academia doesn't want you to think about, these hands prints might not make sense on how they have different colours just like how we have these structures carved from solid stone or metals but they are clues, records+ 

28,000 year old dildo found in Germany [check her face] 
Parthenogenesis - there was a time when a female, she was capable of reproducing seminal fluids on her own internally, without the help of male sperm  - 28,000 years ??? 

There are no rings for a tree or is there any marrow segments for the bone - however they were not exactly human back then were they 

Was this for wheels for sum thing 

OLMEC [ULMEC] [MAYA] and on the right a RAPTOR F-22 
Can you see the correlation 

AZT [AZTLAN] South America 

Check his eyes 


They were already circumnavigating the planet and beyond while the Europeans were coming out of their cave systems and they were using horses while the 9ethers were on Vimanas

TA means land and MERI [MER] MIR [MAR] means pyramid - [AMERI]CA is West Africa

AZTLAN [South America] part of TAMERI [America] 
MER [MIR] = PYRAMID  and TA means Land or Earth
Land of the pyramids 


Laser precision cut from granite - check between the toes - this is 12ft statue to scale of how tall they were - check the arrows, where the Romans - Greeks, Europeans, 6ether Arab Muslims smashed the nose off, hands, chest and toe - the details on the belt, the curvature of the belly button, muscle tone
What technology did the 9ethers have access to back then that confuses the Europeans today 

The book sizes make sense now to the Europeans 

The guy in the middle and bottom right tells everyone that he is a descendent of Tut - 6etehr Arab Muslims are not and Tut is 9ether - I had this girlfriend and she said never trust anyone who has slits for lips, she said she wouldn't never go out with anyone who had slits for lips and she is Irish - she said they were Monkey lips and she said many pedos have these lips 

6ether Europeans and 6ether Arab Muslims aka all those in this image are not from Egypt and have nothing to do with Egypt hence why they are digging everything up, show me another place in the world where 6ether Arab Muslims or 6ether Europeans did up their dead unless its not your dead

SARS [ASARU] is designed to take out all those involved in digging up 9ethers - the pharaohs curse

This is near Portugal who are quaking in their boots at the thought that Brazil is going down - they call this an island, this is the top of a volcano 

What was that over Fairfax [USA] was that the firmament or a craft the hull of a ship - this was near Oklahoma and Texas - the US military could see it on radar and
Since the eclipse things have ramped up over there

The Kabbalah talks of a great war between two oceans and they are talking about the USA I bet the Simpsons won't tell you this 

Images comes from Texas [USA] a couple days ago - is this a rectangular sunset or are these rectangular windows coming from the SUN or sum thing else 

These images came out around 4 years ago and here you can see 3 windows or 3 light sources and is from Texas also, and looking at the image the 3 windows are coming from the SUNs direction 

General Robert E Lee and his men slaughtered the 9ethers that were already there and is to why Texas is fu9ked, all those murdered are in the energies and are here to pay you back, Texas will have its own war within a war - what is incoming from beyond the horizon 

KANSAS [USA] will be going bye-bye 

When places around the planet get taken out or are systematically being targeted, many people pray to 'God' to save them when we know he cannot do fu9k all because she overrules him - the energy the Europeans stole must be paid back in full with interest - eye 4 an eye - if you are praying to 'God' to help or stop this, then what 'God' is doing this ???

ERDOGAN [ER]DRAGON he is the proxy for ENLIL 
NTR is methodical, she is eroding them from the land 


Free 'con'cert that was a ritual for homosexual energies in Brazil, is that the black sun under her right arm and she is wearing all black [ether] we know she is their priestess - look at her crown 

Keep in mind we are under the dome and nothing can escape the dome 
Check that spout, funnel in Kendell USA - the Bible belt in the USA will be wiped out, also all lakes that are not lakes will be dried up so everyone can see the bones of the people the European American murdered and flooded their homes, many of these states are earmarked for deletion - the energies in these weather system comes from those that were murdered and is to why they shoot missiles into weather systems to piss them off even more, all you are doing is adding more pain to your kind who you obviously do not give a fu9k about - we cannot pray for these people for one we do not share the same 'God' their 'God' is in jail and our 'God' NTR is on the warpath, she is wearing heels, she wants you to leave, anywhere you see water coming in or tornadoes she wants you to leave, has Africa ever had a tornado, no they haven't, we only started having tornadoes, hurricanes, cyclones+ when the Europeans started slavery and invaded TA.MERI [America] - tornadoes come with pure devastations but leave in pure silence, these tornados are crafts - that was between 60 and 80 tornadoes [crafts] that took out those states, all this is designed to mess with the Europeans mind - all this fu9ks with their psyche along with the Schuman - NTR wants you to 'feel' what its like to have everything you have/had taken away from you, just like that Brazilian lady said, now you know the message in the storm 

Australia, Indonesia, UK, Canada, Europe, China+ the list goes on and on who are fu9ked for we see them getting battered everyday, every week - they want you out, there don't care where you go, leave
They told us around 7 years ago that the Europeans will not be permitted to live comfortably for the remainder of their time on KI 

Your time is up 

YEMAYA is 'NTR' QUEEN of the SEA [Original Merman/Mermaid] Ogdoad

The WATER [MATER] MOYA is being directed from source 

WATER [MOYA] is liquid crystal 
See [Sea] that wave [W] M is an electron symbol - WATER holds frequencies, currenSea [currency] 
Images below of the sound waves clouds are the same things 

XCLASS on the way, NASA cut the feed - high frequencies are hitting 

All that PLASMA [UV] sitting in the atmosphere and at times leaks into this planet, when the dome comes down it will be over - see the 90 degree cube around the planet, the bottom arrow shows the force field going around this planet - right image the EMF buckles 

In 2024 we can see things are different up there - that Red curve is the dome that NASA call bow shock but is the FEMI.9 ELECTRON N.R.G [HYDROGEN] HIGH-DRAGON] 
HERU + MAAT combined energies - when the dome opens all energies seep in
Read all data in Chakra energies 'colours'   

Left side is coming from the SUN - so why is it red in bed 

By the time you read this post we had 11 M-CLASS and 2 X-CLASS that was sent in the last 32hrs and would have impacted - the planet is highly charged and even I feel off balance, I feel faint, tired
There is a increase in radiation which Ether can absorb [skin] and sum of those tornadoes where nocturnal - these X and M flares are messing with the A.I and WIFI - all their manmade connections are being affected, digital currency is not going to work, in the USA they are preparing for election but that is not until November but they are starting now, where are all the campaigners? there will no elections in November because the world would have changed by then 

There is much tension in the air and Phil Collins said he can feel it in the air tonight 

Adults make the world go round but you make the sun rise and set - these adults are grown children and they think its about them and it is not, its about you - grown children trying to reach grown children, why - because they like toys and the world gives them toys - however the Universe gives you life 

Protect yourself at all times  

Planets coming in from either side???

ARIZONA where they never set the time - the SUN is 93million light years YAWN OUT LOUD 
White 'bright' core holds all [7] light spectrums - yellow rim, red hue

Check the shape, we don't have the same SUN or MOON in the same four corners of this planet 
How does light reflect off of the clouds that are only holding vaporised water 

We do not have this same SUN in the four corners of this planet 
All planets have a shield 


Sound waves 

Saudi [AL] Ghor 

NTR said fu9k off and take your monkey sh9t with you 

Watch the footage from Egypt 

Egypt [Egipt] KHMT [KHEMET] does not belong to 6ether Muslims or 6ether Europeans, KHMT translates Land of the Blacks - the Chief of KHMT is Osiris [Asaru] and not Mohammed or Allah 

They are at the main MIR complex - NIBIRU travels at light speed and is our magnetic sun and controls the poles of this planet - this is not an invasion, its a reintroduction - they have been assembling since 2012 and following protocol - its 2024 [2025 leap year] and the year of the Dragon

There is a plug under the ear of ASET [ISIS] and when they plug in and switch her on, things will never be the same again 

JERUSALEM [HERU-SOL-AMON] HERU-SOL-EM] and ISRAEL [ISIS-RA-EL] does not exist and that land is part of EDIRU [SUMER] and EGYPT - there is a spaceport there, one of three and belongs to the 'Gods' its 'Gods' land, not mans, the 'Gods' being the ANUNNAKI - you are going to have to leave dead or alive - nuked or fried, either way, they want the land back 

You have visitors - no Scottish rights no more - crafts are sitting over doomed states

Craft nation over FL [USA] how many crafts can you see, the US military can also see them on radar and there is nothing that they can do about it 

Crafts are sitting in the SKA 

Check the V craft 

A line of waterspouts over the Gulf of Mexico, image is an older image but those are crafts docking and extracting the water to dump sum where else – the planet right now is taking in a huge amount of water, places around the planet are filling up – any asteroid that hits in a certain place will cause a Tsunami 
When you see fish dropping from the SKA, this is why - and the US military can see them on radar and do fu9k all about them 

Vietnam ???

Left side, another anomaly over the USA that appeared on radar 
Since the eclipse things have started to amp up 

Its back and its grown in size 

Cloud 'orb' Nevada [USA] 


Go to 17mins if you just want to see the footages - shape shifters 

Check the symptoms, you can be born like that because your mother could actually be the one that gives you dis-order while you are in the womb - drugs, dopamine opens doors that if you do not know what you are doing or are unsupervised will condemn you for other beings are in that field who fu9k with your heart and mind - the mind bends but can be bend back 

Mental illness is at a all time high, but this is not mental health issues 


Watch and learn 
Stay on point they walk amongst us however the UV fu9ks with them - they will not be able to hide no more and they are relying on you to accept them - the lizard [dinosaurs] beings have got to go


Paedophilia the word exists because the practice exists = Sodomy, sex with children  
Epstein is not dead, he is in a padded cell 

MAAT is asking is this what you want 
The Universe is reading our thoughts

All that was 'hidden' must be revealed first 

How many reasons do you need to crash their Matrix - help us to crash them all once and for all 

A lot of things that were going on that involved children like child pornography, child abuse, Paedophilia and things like dealing with the recreational mindset in things like music and television which is eventually going to be A.I out – they fall because Pluto gives indication to, exposure, everything that is corrupted is coming to the forefront, all those who are sitting over people who have committed sh9t against other humans, animals, the plants, trees in the Amazon that have been cut down by organisations, corporations that own these companies, animals like in India where they have a ritual to hack to death the KAU[COW] COW farms to breed for their skin to make car seats, the list goes on and on, all those who have made ‘money’ from suffering, anything that violates will be brought out into the light [unseen] into the [seen] and this is what Pluto and Aquarius represents

Castration for rapists should have been implemented 100 years ago 

So true 

Watch the word bank 'controversy' or is this observation - Jake sparks inspires me 

The one in the middle was born a man and the one on the right was the boy and Will had the gender swapped rather than sacrifice them - hence why Jaden is always suicidal because he was born the girl and Willow the boy - the inverts have got to go

All inverts will be removed from this planet because NTR did not create them - we are waiting for Fu9k Daddy [P-Diddy] to start talking, once he does they all will 

Homosexual energy is flat and temporal unlike Heterosexual, Matriarchal energy which is enriching 

There is always a European at the end of 9ether energy in the 3D - he tried to bully her and now this has caused waves, Hip-Hop [Rap] is heavy among 9ethers especially in the USA with JayZ and Drake who are both homosexual sitting at the top so to speak - we also have P-Diddy on the run and many people starting to talk up and get involved, Rap music is a $15 billion dollar industry and many were ripped off and continue to be ripped off [exploited] and many are killed [murdered] - the thing is the energy has shifted and has an edge to it - what Kendrick said is coming into fruition, culture vultures

Vlad attitude is like he thinks he sits at the top - women, 9ether women are backed by their man
Vlad threatened her with her job and the backlash is what we will see - he feels comfortable that he can say whatever he wants on 9ether culture - not religion, culture - he doesn't realize what he has done
Identity 'culture' thief is on the rise but the 9ethers eye is wide open

Vlad has 5M followers with a huge percentage being 9ether 
Kendrick new song Not like us is on 19M in 24hrs - who is he talking about 

Do people know who Kanye and Kendrick and Tyree are

What he has done especially during this timeframe is cause a wave among the 9ethers internally - a 6ether just disrespected a 9ether woman - he feels so comfortable in 9ether culture that he can talk down to her while he makes money from her culture 

This is nothing new but in this timeframe it is everything - its not about Vlad but its about how comfortable 6ethers feel in 9ethers culture and the wave is that the 9ethers will agree with what he said about her and other 9ethers will not - we have a variance now - the reinstatement of the FEMI9 energy is on so many levels 

Koreans following 9ethers tends, 9ethers do not follow trends, they set them 

Without 9ethers there is no trends, they lose Kanye but go for Stormzy 

Hip Hop can be taught in universities and you can obtain a degree aka in 9ethers cultures taught by 6ethers at their institutes - 9ethers created the culture that they now sit over

Attention is currenSea  

6ethers are evidence of entropy - stealing energy from 9ethers because they cannot generate energy themselves 

Its the lessons, there is no right or wrong, its about the energy, its not about colour

When Pluto does its thing, Pluto is going to shed light on those who have been engaged in an artificial fake ‘unseen’ capacity

9erhers are the ELOHYEEM 'these beings' and they control the narrative and their mental ways controls the ionosphere and the ionosphere is responsible for materializing the material world, its the NAGA [NIGG9] NET and it is the NAGA [ETHER] NET controls the world because all MATER comes through HER - the vessel that brings life for us all and we are in the house sign of Taurus the KAU [COW] corresponding letter is B which stands for BAPHOMET [who is female] her energy can kill - this is about the FEMALE being reinstated and the energies are here and this creates a tidal wave - the protection of the 9ether woman and children 

This is an extension of the 9ethers energy whose house needs to be cleaned out to bring in the new superior energy 

9ether men do not talk, they smash things up, this Wendy House must be dismantled 

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