Saturday 18 May 2024

Dead Awakens

Space is made from liquid crystal which is what water is and called [Moya] 

The afterlife in Yoruba is called AWO – which when explained, they say we are born into a family and are the first [manifestation] of that family line whether that line goes back 5million years, whether 2million years, whether 500,000 years, that you will eternally be evolving and rebirthing into that family line which is called reincarnation – you are the first replication of that family line in each Magi [manifestation]

There are steps [path] that you take and that you have to go [8] times the coming and going and each of those sequences of return you have 12 steps of quality attributes, character development you must maStar – and there is a period where you don’t have to come back anymore and you become a part of the light, energy that you were before and you’re an aspect of that energy that you begun your process but you always come back in the family that gave birth you to

So my mother and father gave birth to me but the only thing they had to give birth to me was themselves and once I got on the earth – the earth further gave my Magi [manifestation] by feeding me, banana, mango, beans, carrots+ which all comes from thee bushes or trees that gives their sustenance from the earth from the minerals of the earth  - the rest of me is animated [spirit] from the light that comes from the SUN, MOON and the Stars and the Milky Way and everything in the Cosmos+ and I AM them all and that is replicated in my children when they are born and we are the product of our parents when they gave birth to us – so we are a continuum as an unbroken chain of ‘living’ life [live] there is no dying in this process, there is only transforming but no dying – there is no afterlife, there is only this life, I AM my mother and father – I AM my grandparents – I AM my great grandparents and so on+ I AM a culmination of them and my children is a continuum of all that for eternity

That is what they teach in Yoruba about the afterlife – is the forever beginning and forever living – life is forever living, we are constantly restoring our living    

We are the Universe, we are microcosm of the macrocosm

Hold out your hand and you will see five fingers or you will see tiny creatures called cells, billions that have united to create the illusion of five fingers – but even in the illusion they’ve created the utility in the illusion and possibility of use [aka you can use your hand for many things] but its not one thing, its billions of little things working in unity to create the one thing – that’s perpetual and we wash our hands aka wash away the dead cells, they renew and give birth to themselves every day and you don’t realise that you are washing away millions of dead aspects of yourself [your cell] that is being renewed in every few days you’re renewing your whole body – every few weeks we are a new body – when the total organism collapses because of overuse it goes back to the mineral that it came from in the beginning, the water evaporates and goes to the SKA and comes back down as rain and we drink the water without ever thinking about it

So when people talk about ‘God’ what about him [he] ancient spiritual systems never relate ‘God’ or ‘he’ to ‘God’ and back then they didn’t even have the word ‘God’ – any ‘God’ is ‘every’ and ‘all’ things at once, including you, you’re an aspect of that ‘every’ and ‘all’ things at once – the space between you and I that is perceived to be nothingness have billions of microorganisms living full lives right in front of our faces and we can’t even see them, but we know they are there because we can breathe them in and if our system is broken or weak, when we breathe them in we are sick and that is called an infection but normally we are swimming in this sea of living creatures without being conscious of the living creatures that make up what we call air that we breathe that keeps us alive

You are part of this one organism called the divine and are not earthbound, you are beyond
Once energy is created it can never be destroyed, so you either return to earth or you return to source 

ABO also means Magic [Magi] and PATH [PTAH]

Now, sum of you had to be placed in certain families because you needed to be the one to shake that lineage up, sum of you were placed into certain families because that was all that was available - this is a key cycle and many had to get down here by any means necessary  

The Wandjina world is real, those are real [reel] realities and realms that you go to but they lied to you and taught you, that you were dreaming to keep you trapped in here to make you think this world [physical] was the only world whereas you go to other worlds, realities every night, every dream that you have ever had – is not a dream, those are other realities that you went to and that is why they seem so real [surreal] and those dreams that you have were your still here – you wasn’t dreaming, when your still here - you were astral projecting into the future in what they call time here, never existed

The word Dream comes from the Aboriginal word DRAUMR [DREAMER]
Draumr [Dreamer] Dream [Visions] i-Magi-nary events seen while sleeping
Wandjina [Dreamworld] Dreamtime
Daydreaming [nightdreaming] two different dimensions [‘Con’sciousness]
Parallel [Para means offsite] [Astral] A-Star [Spirit] worlds [realms] expanses, dimensions+ are all describing the same thing 
Dreams, visions, downloads, uploads, Nexus to server, imagination – Magi


You got that right, huge mothership sitting in the SKA, look how low it is - Ukraine was never about Russia, are they still fighting, does anyone give a fu9k, all them reptilian offspring now in the UK+ - there were more crafts up there, and the military can see them on radar and there is nothing you can do, sum of these crafts are manned by siStars - crafts are over major doomed states, military bases+ 

Mexico - we have seen other versions coming out of volcanoes 

So the red images shows one planet or craft going pass the SUN [portal] which is triggering the SUN and the other on the right is still inbound, check the energy signature - are they planets or craft

Red in the crown - incoming 

Canadian Schuman cuts out 

Russian Schuman 30mins cut out 

RED is in the field - Italian Schuman 

The Schuman is over 144hz from 7hz, this means those who were on 7hz for 1000s of years are now struggling, their capacity is limited and those who can operate above 7hz + the semiconductor and superconductor can go beyond Europe education is limiting their progression 
Scholar that word is School + Solar [Soular] there are those who do not have a Soul and hence why everyone was grouped together or this would be exposed - consciousness is at an all time high and many are far more higher than any European 'Con'cept 

Texas gets shut down - tornado rips through the doomed state - power down, over a million without power - trucks dragged in the wind, buildings smashed - day turned to night - soon Texas will only be able to Text Us - check the power towers, bent by 'wind' - NTR hates you because why would she do you like this - Houston you do have a problem 

Colombia - remember the word equator 'line' means equal - all that water - the equator is like a rubber, elastic band and when you pull that band all the way back and let go - what happens

One plane - south and north - look at this image not like up and down, look from an aerial view aka looking down 

Mercury is used [thermometer] to measure the temperature which is on 71.F in London, it does not matter how cloudy or overcast it is 

The planet is hot and they are trying to keep her cool, all that red means the SUN is trying to kill you, land is dying up, water is dying up, animals and humans will die, ether absorbs radiation, stay out of the SUN 

Bristol 'Skid Row' of the UK - and Skid Row itself in the USA - what is the difference, tents vs caravans, is the UK and USA 1st world countries - collapsing

Sum are clones that are updating and sum are being remotely operated 
With Kanye these flash froze him 

See that craft in India - clouds hold cloaked crafts 

Usher cloned - the trouble with the clones they think they are the real person 

What was that over Baltimore - was that from the dome, artificial SKA 

Walkman - remember this 

Sum one posted this and wrote - Museums in 3000 years and they even included C-section 

Head of the DRACO [DRACULA] DRAKE [DRAGON] REPTILIAN in Europe with Baphomet  

Human meat, babies - most people don't care but once you know you know 

Watch your children - tell them the truth 

There are those who are insane [in Cain] and their are those who are practicing insanity because they have been down here with the insane for too long - we need to leave, only Europeans do sum fu9ked up things that is the bomb to them but leaves the rest of us speechless 

Tick, tock 

Shame on you - 

Geppetto was actually a slave master
He made his puppets from slave skin and hair
Pinocchio was actually a possessed doll made from slave skin and hair
He was seen walking around without Geppetto, and no one knows where the puppet is located today, this makes sense now when you find out who Walt Disney really is

Pin [Pineal Gland] and Occhio [Eye in Italian]

Your eye develops in the womb making it your first eye and is the seat of the BAA [Soul] this is the pulpit, throne and takes its orders from flight boss aka you the captain

Pinocchio is a story about the Pineal Gland – and remember Jimmy the Cricket, he is his conscious [JC is also Jesus Christ] JC is his higher-self – when Pinocchio lies his nose grows, Christ means Crystalized -I-magi-nation

Pinocchio cannot focus, he gets guided by the Wolf, Pinocchio drinks, smokes Marijuana, attends sex parties and has a police record+ he is being controlled but he wants to be real but we are born into families that lie – we are born into SIN, which is an archery term – when you draw your bow and miss the target that is called a SIN, the Moon cycle also means that those created within the Moon cycle were born into SIN – Cupid is an archer, many of these stories have an esoteric concept on the other side

Pinocchio is not real he is a puppet – a lot of people had family that were puppets that were born into programs like religion+ and those who invented the tel-lie-vision and they told them what was real [reel] they controlled your emotions – it is down to you to cut the strings when you realise the truth – think about your childhood, Santa Claus, tooth fairy+ when you’re a child your parents, guardians are the truth, that is who you looked to first – you are modelling them, you take that energy on as you, your vision of the world comes from your family – how does Santa come down the chimney when you don’t have one, how does the tooth fairy put the money under your pillow, to the average child this is normal but you’re not average are you – families that create a paradigm for you becomes your vortex, your ‘belief’ system – this becomes your ‘world’ and not the earth, your perception is coming from your people

Is that 9 or 11 pointed Star 
The statue of Liberty as seen from above

Where is the rest of it [PERU] HERU AZTLAN 

ALGHOR [Saudi Arabia] ERIDU 

The Persians are a delegation in SUMER and they are from Ethiopia - this is a fridge that they constructed 

Those in Iran [Sumer] today have nothing to do with ancient Sumer and will be washed away with their religion 

6ether Arab Muslims who the Orientals [Asia], Europeans and Indians [Asian] are all from the same cloth [Cauc-asia/n] stealing from 9ethers culture [vulture] busted nose for good measure 
NTR has sum thing in store for you - those are Arab actors posing has the AFAR people who are from Egypt [Egipt] which Egypt is still a part of the NTH gate called Abyssinia [Ethiopia] 

Repton [England] they removed the aerial - antenna 

Brazil and India with 14,000km between them but they have the same symbol of the Zodiac with the central centre - global network 

Mud construction [Yemen] first image and the second and third come from Indian [INDI] INDA and CHINA artifacts - Western European science, history tells us that they used hammers and chisels, which we know they didn't and we know that the 9ethetrs were involved and did use advanced technology, this technology is still advanced to what the European has today and many of these ancient sites are earthquake proof and are still standing - attention to detail  

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