Tuesday 28 May 2024

Little Shadow

As soon as the radiation comes out of the ground from all the planets aligning it will be dense and WAJI [Green] – they will be shooting at this energy from earth and the ISS

You are seeing the second SUN in the SKA and many more will see the second SUN in the SKA and between the military and the internet they will have to shut the system down – they cannot hide you from seeing the second SUN which was assembled since 2012 [2021] because you will see the second SUN at the same time all over the planet

The SOULAR flares [CME] are growing stronger and stronger and they keep on coming – if you have a SOUL [BAA] then you can absorb these flares which is radiation to sum and energies to others – with each strike we advanced in consciousness – heightened awareness – SOULAR energies charges those with a SOUL and this in turn activates the ‘superman’ [X] genes which was already within you

You have to do your shadow [ether] work and work on yourself [your cell] and you have to forgive yourself because that is part of the radiation [energy] the radiation is becoming stronger and stronger and if you don’t forgive yourself and operating out of the ‘love and light’ frequency is will become heavy for you to walk through and breathe in this dimension – even if you are one of the ‘Gods’ and ‘Goddess’ or 9ether because you haven’t be around this kind of radiation [energy] your whole life – diet is crucial and hence why you were supposed to be not eating meat, especially once lock down came into play – those eating meat will find it extremely difficult to move through the radiation and so will negative beings, entities+ they cannot breathe in EM 'love' energies they can only breathe in negative energies EM 'hate' which is being deleted - the root CHAKRA aka lower self is being removed 

You always had a 'Choice' 

The SUN has his finger on the trigger my nigg9 [ntchr] neter [nTr] nature [na-ta-ru] 


Forget the bit where he says I guess they don't like booty's in their country but the part where he says you don't kick girls - and this guy is Iranian in a Muslim state - the locals were not having none of it 
There were men who where sent to protect her at all costs and many men remind other men that she is loved by many of us 

Greece is part of Sumerian and the 9ether Greeks are the Etruscans, the 6ether Greeks do not like women and these women we see are 9ethers - Helen and Athens aka Hathor aka A-theer 
The 6ether Greeks hated women and would never make artifacts about them and only kept them for breeding - when you see arms, noses busted you know why 

There is a theme at the moment, old school, a lot of old school festivals, remaking of older songs, much of this is because those over 50+ are struggling to fit in and that is because their energy which was for the 3D has expired, it doesn't stop at these 'old school' themes, many 40s into 50+ are feeing obsolete and many are trying to fit in, into sum where that doesn't exist, old school you only heard at certain times but now old school has become their main school, because there is nothing to replace it for that energy has expired 

Can you see that face or do you have Pareidolia 

California [USA] 3 bows [spheres] this picture is in focus but you can see the heavy distortion - currents in the SKA 

Argentina - looks like a solid object 

Check that out, you can actually see wings made from cloud feathers - look at the attention to detail

Those are crafts sitting in the SKA over Kansas in formation or attack formation - the USA is going to get it the worse because they still have the Golden race in custody 

USA - Crafts sitting in the SKA 

Craft nation 

Check out these images from sum one in Thailand, the thing is whoever is taking these images is on point however this SKA is covering Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia and most importantly Australia, the 6ether European Australians can see them on radar - that quake in Papua also caused a landslide that took out many with many still missing - crafts are sitting over doomed states for a reason 

Friendly warnings 
That guy is a dildo on the left and so is she, listen to their lazy attitude, they said the band played on after they torpedoed the Titanic, sorry we don't play that way - his lazy and her are to quell the masses watching because by the time you find out there will be nothing you can do about it - it will be a decade [2012] before they realise they are in an Apocalypse or a decade coming out of a Apocalypse before they realise the Apocalypse already started   

Sum one took this picture, can you see the cube force field around the SUN 
The Sphere [Circle] and the Square [Cube] are un-identical twins, they can fit into one another and both are 360 - a Cube can trap energies whereas a Triangle [Pyramid] transmutes energies - all planets have a shield [force field] including this one 

The SUN is triggering all the while 

See that 'mesh' [weave] Nuit [Neit] Net [Nu] Nun [Nut] Mut [Mu] Ma [NET] translates ‘to weave’ aka the fabric [Holo] of the Universe [Nu] translates the Deep, the Abyss = all referencing the Universe – Uni together – Verse against aka three forces with the other being love + hate [EM] EMotions

Italian Schuman you can see a couple breaks, blackouts
200hz into 600hz and 500hz into 1000hz - the WAJI [GREEN] also plays a huge role and goes all the way up into 140000hz 

Anything above 9hz causes dizziness 

The Canadian Schuman and you can see how high the WAJI goes 

Double strike 

CMEs are impacting the planet even if they are not earth facing they are having an affect because we are enclosed in a dome 

Plasma from Greek Plassein ‘to mould’ where energies and gas are moulded into ‘images’ called etherians 

Hawaii - is that real - taken today [28th] not real ??

Mutating wavelengths that are changing you from the inside out - we are in the 4[5]D not the 3D and sum people are beyond 5D+ 



nTr [Nature] is not playing - it does not matter how cold or overcast the day [cycle] is, the UV is penetrating, the SUN turns up everyday even when you don't see him 

School holidays, especially in the UK since [and before] 2020 have been washed out, they keep manipulating the weather and the children miss out, they are purposely fu9king with the children 

They can only change things in their time machine, not the main timeframe, they go back to correct things in their history, 30 years is not time travel but is for them - the Tasma Tiger they have been cloning since the 6ether European Australia wiped them out, they use to protect the Aboriginal women at Uluru [Ayres rock], they also wiped out the Dodo and many other animals but you wouldn't know because they cloned them - that was a huge craft in Canada made up of a set of lights, when she said what the fu9k is going on, the Canadian military would have seen both sets, where were they coming from or going to - the guy who narrates always talks bullsh9t - just watch what YOU see and make your own mind UP - I didn't watch the last one but we are not with the Greys or Reptoids or Ashtar Command and their members, they can only abduct their own kind and generically modify them, hence them Cows missing tissue from certain parts of their body  

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