Sunday 26 May 2024

Plastic Dreams

 In INDI [INDIA] they have a Matrix ‘God’ called MAYA – and its also called Illusion in Gnosticism – there are a further several names and is called the Holographic Universe 

The world that you reside in doesn’t exist – it’s a series of events that never existed 

We are sum where in the Universe bouncing around – the DOGON say that in the beginning there was nothing and all that existed was Sirius B – the Greeks aka the Etruscans say that in the beginning before the creation of the Universe the only thing that existed was GAIA – but GAIA is the EARTH 

Before the Universe existed, the EARTH existed, its just that, they just weren’t in the physical, same like Egypt, Egypt when first created it wasn’t even in this dimension – this planet wasn’t in the physical, and she was called the Great Mother [TIAMAT] and when TIAMAT was overthrown, they turned her into the physical and trapped her into a physical EARTH 

The E-ARTH was always here, the great war that was fought in heaven was fought on EARTH 
[E-RETH] and we were trapped in-between, they slowed down the physical EARTH realm 

The book KABALON [KYBALION] – the [3] initiates KABALON not the Kabballah and the [3] initiates, the [3] LAW [Land][Air][Water] and the first LAW is that everything vibrates – they slowed down the vibratory rate and we got trapped in these physical dense body – which a prison [prism] that has trapped the SOUL [BAA] and at the same time we had these more advanced senses and maneuvered just like semi-physical ‘gods’ – in the beginning when we first came to this EARTH and the EARTH was first formed – this book by Rudolph Steiner Universe, Earth and Man, Rudolph was Hitler teacher before Adolf  Hitler kicked him out of Germany – all part of the Rosicrucian society – Rudolph also wrote Cosmic Memory – they talk of how in the beginning the physical world was like a little dim mist and the spiritual [holographic] world was illuminated and as the vibratory rate [7hz] fell the physical world became more and more visible and the spiritual world disappeared – its all on the same EARTH 

The physical world is the illusionary world – Holographic Universe by Michael Talbert – this is a science book

When the physical world came into view and we developed this physical body and these two eyes – this caused the spiritual senses to shut down and we became more dependent on the five senses – its is the 6ethers who do not use no more than 10% of their brain – the 9ethers use another part of the brain which is called the Pineal Gland – whereas the 6ethers have a calcified Pineal Gland and this means it doesn’t work and means cannot use or have access to his brain which works because we all grew up in society [Matrix] that is only conductive for 10% of the brain [7hz]  – this caused the 9ethers brains to shut down because of the hijacked Matrix 

What shuts down the Pineal Gland at that time was Monotheistic religion – Mono means one, single aka one ‘deity’ system aka one ‘god’ system – since then the 9ethers have been deprogramming themselves – so ask yourself this, if the ancients worshipped many ‘gods’ is there anything wrong with that – no, there isn’t, its only when sum one told you that there was sum thing wrong with it – that is programming, reality is only what you told yourself what it is – sanity is only what you told yourself it is if you deprogram yourself 

They worshipped the [7] components of the one ‘god’ the ‘god’ one – you cannot explain the body ‘god’ system through Monotheistic – its too vast – you cannot look at a vehicle and say its just a headlight – there are too many components 

The one deity system shut the 9ethers down in their brain and is called the archetypes of the collective unconsciousness and the Melanin works on a multi-deity system – its chaos and never stops moving – it’s a multiple deity system that the 9ethers can stream from and access and they were able to tap into archetypes of the collective unconsciousness – when you break it down to one deity this goes dormant and the 9ethers go blind 

We have a ‘quickening’ taking place and it will not be for everyone, we have different levels to consciousness and people are at different levels to consciousness 

This is an Alchemy process 

The SUN is blasting out and we have had many CMEs from the SUN in the last week into this week that is ending, these plasma strikes are shifting the levels of consciousness in you, and the planet, everyone [including the animals and plant kingdoms] regardless if they have Melanin or not are becoming conscious accordingly to their level of consciousness – many components are coming together and we can see this being played out down here 

Holographic [Holo] Solo [Sol] Sal [Soul] Sole [Soil] 

Plasma from Greek Plassein ‘to mould’ where energies and gas are moulded into ‘images’ called etherians 

Nuit [Neit] Net [Nu] Nun [Nut] Mut [Mu] Ma [NET] translates ‘to weave’ aka the fabric [Holo] of the Universe [Nu] translates the Deep, the Abyss = all referencing the Universe – Uni together
– Verse against aka three forces with the other being love + hate [EM] EMotions

The Universe is the collective consciousness that serves you  

You learn sum thing new everyday 

When he uses the word 'strange' and 'believe' he is still regulating his channel, we had been on repeat and many will still repeat because they do not know the history - remember solar eclipse is SOULAR eclipse - so even they say its a bad omen, bad omen for who? not those with a SOUL because this is a SOULAR system and you need a SOUL to be here in this system - that was interesting about the Cows [KAU] beside the TREE [WATTS] many people have also said the rays from the SUN are different and that woman talking about she has never seen anything like this in her entire lifetime, how old are you, 30 or 40, that is only 40 years ago and would bring us to 1980 - she has only started to take notice like everyone in 20/20 [2020] - when the SKA changed he saw that, glitching or mans simulation - the car picking up 'ghosts' are not glitches - the camera that they are using to read humans is key

It will be a decade before they realise that they are in an Apocalypse and for many they will realise we coming towards or the peak of this Apocalypse 

Crafts in convey, cylinder shapes, spheres+ 

These two planets are still playing a huge role 

Huge tri-craft and next to that is a cluster of slow moving crafts, two planetary bodies and what is that 'Star' and what is that white line - remember they are shooting up there the ISS is fully loaded 

Holland - why the exact oval shape 

Hungary - same oval shape and 'black' clouds and crafts loitering in the SKA 

Kailfornia [USA] crafts are sitting over doomed cities 

JAPAN [IAPAN] IPAN - what are these 'white' bright columns 

Crooked man walking the land 

The SKA around the planet has changed - look at this and the colours 

Ohio [USA] you can see the SKA has fallen - what is that mesh type structure - look how low the SKA is and in other images 

Holographic SKA no clouds directly in front of the SUN - is that is the SUN and where is the rest of it 

CHINA - check their SKA 

SCHUMAN - read all data in CHAKRA energies 

Sings and symbols in the SKA 

PINK and RED deletes anything that is artificial to this SOULAR system 

Left to right is coming from the SUN, check the colours - red [bow] is the dome and the planet in the middle - NIBIRU is on the right collecting all energies [radiation] and is returning into the planet at night - SUN [electrical] during the daytime and NIBIRU [magnetic] 24hrs 


Both images are from THAILAND - what is beyond the SKA, what is beyond the horizon

Arizona and Ethiopia getting blasted 

 WEATHER [WAETHER] AETHER [ETHER] - who is controlling the 'weather' 
Memorial Day Weekend will be disrupted by tornadoes, severe storms and heatwaves because NTR wants to know if you remember her, ancestors want to know if you remember them 
Iranian PM taken out and CONGO failed coup - chess pieces are being moved with 'Checkmate' on the horizon - Queen protects King 

Mexico is heating up and increasing in heat - this hailstone in comes unusually to Mexico 

The atmosphere [SKA] is highly charged 

Those are crafts - that looked solid because it was - crafts are taking water from one place and dumping 'flash floods' else where, the planet has taken in a lot of water and is flushing down below and the surface out - this is a controlled operation by the beings that control the SKA, because whoever is controlling the SKA is controlling this planet 

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