Wednesday 22 May 2024

Public Sector

Lilith [Lalbela] Lilbela
First woman 

Lilith was the Great Mother – she was involved in INANNA descent – after the Great Mother [Lilith] was overthrown they created man – Lilith was rejecting this false creation – when she went back up to heaven [haven] Sirius and went to her particular realm and they could not retrieve her – she can come to men and by her sleeping with these men she puts this darkness in them – that darkness is Melanin and they said they made these people filthy – they said that she sleeps with them and she makes them unclean and filthy but those words filthy and unclean is not referring to hygiene – its science, its talking about an alien object that does not coincide with creation, we are talking about sum thing that is beyond creation

This world was built out of several primal worlds or it came into being after several primal worlds, which is where we are from – so what Lalbela [Lillith] was doing was in each one of us, she was putting back several of that primal world inside of us in this alien creation – she put the virus which is Melanin – because Melanin makes up several of those primal worlds and she was putting that back in us as the link to get back home – this is also in one of the Asaru [Osiris] and Amon records where the children fell and Atum gave them all a ‘tear’ from the water from his eye [tears are crystals] so they could see their way back home, he basically transferred the 3rd eye, so they could see their way back home and that was the key to seeing [sea-ing] their way back home - your EYE is made from Quartz Crystal 

Lilith sleeps with man and gave him back his Melanin, so he can see [sea] his way back home before creation    

‘Lil’ Lillith [Lilith] Lil-Leeth translates ‘Of the shadow hour period’

Lilith [Lalbela] Lilbela is from the NTH gate [Abyssinia] Ethiopia 
Adam [A-daam] 'dark red' brownish 
Awdawm 'of the ground' Earthling 
Ah - Life - Daam - Blood 
Adama [A-da-ma] 'of the ground, earthling
Ad-aw-maw 'the earth' 
A'aferti [A'afar-ti] Afar 'the Choice' [Pharaoh] 
[Eth-iopia] Ether + Utopia 'black perfection'  

When she says, who are you talking to and he replies you, watch how many times her eyes blink because if you notice she doesn't or hardly blinks at all - HAHA - she's pretty and she was controlling her energy and even admiring his audacity - 

 Protect the women at all costs - there are men sent here for this specific timeline and they will protect her full stop 

Heartbeat - without her we are nothing [no thing] 


2024 Electric Car from £14,000 - £59,000+ 

Electric Cars - check the price $1685 between 1901 - 1910 

Indonesia [IN-DON-ESIA] ASIA [Melan-ESIA] DON[DUN]
That first images the driver has locks, braids - sum one was driving Electric Cars a long time ago 
Tartarian technology - sum one has been lying - the natural electric world 

And those that remembered the truth were put into asylums - the Mandela effect, do you remember that Mandela was killed in prison in the 80s and for those that do - you are good to go and for those that don't - you have been affected - there will be those who do not know full stop - we have had many Mandela effects [MK-ULTRA] worldwide on the masses - you won't be electrocuting us in asylums 
MAAT is asking if your remember 

NTR is methodical - systematic 

You are looking at the birth of a new ocean - KENYA - South Africa is going under water 


M4 Italy gets hit twice and near a volcano with 30 tremors, the third might trigger it - these two planets are opposite one another 

Ultraviolet [UV] is Ultraviole-nce and means you go offline [Schuman] from 7hz to 144hz
Many cannot function over 9hz, it makes them go 'dizzy' insane [in Cain] in the membrane
The Aurora Borealis strike is affecting us all, even those who can process these energies are struggling, remember to take time out for yourself, we are all under the cosh - the mind [KHU] is key, this is your processing area [CROWN] for processing not for making decisions but for processing, do not go to the KHU for answers, only for processing - what's the KHU   

Schuman for 3 days straight - fire in the hole

Mexico will continue to be blasted with an increase in temperatures in certain places for the next 10 days - Dulce city and all underground bunkers will be roasting because the heat is hitting the core and bouncing straight back to the ground - surface levels, grout levels, this is a slow burn, sum thing will have to given because they are being methodical, systematic - this is torture, they will have to give sum thing up  


What is inside those clouds [crafts] and where is that concentration of red coming from

Check that craft shape-shifting over SPAIN [PORTUGAL] GIBRALTAR - see the colours emitting from the craft, orb, probe, scout - what was manifesting over BRAZIL [PORTUGAL] and what about TEXAS [USA] - three different places around the planet - four corners to the planet, we don't have the same look, we never get any crafts over say NIGER or JAMACIA or the MALDIVES, its the same places year in year out 

You see the Texas clips, see how the whole dimension gets shut down, this is why we all won't have the same outcome, say for example, London will be shutdown but say Scotland may be functioning, here this town in Texas gets shut down and has far as the eye can see its pitch black - we are earmarked for different outcomes - crafts upon crafts are in the SKA with craft - carriers, so keep this mind that sum places are being stretched out more than other - the girl with the mirror!! and they say she is missing, check her hand going in the mirror like in the movie the Matrix with Neo 
That girl home alone but the tv reflection, I have seen that happen to a few people 
Check out all the footages - expand your range of thought 

Nature vs Machine 

The Blueprint to Mankind was written by Sophia [Seshat] Stewart and was made into a movie called the Terminator - the Sumerian cylinder shows the Atomic bomb - A.I nearly wiped out the last time 
John Conner is the abbreviation for Jesus Christ [JC] - that is your Christ [Christos] Karast - you were sent to rewrite his story and this is why it is my story [mystery] - we are in real time, they already walk among us - now go to Sophia second book entitled the 3RD EYE which was made into another movie called the Matrix which means 3 [TRIad] TRINITY and NEO which is another word for ONE [YOU] you are that NEURON that was sent to crash the hijacked MATRIX and crash that bi9ch [Lilith] from the inside out just like NEO did [Matrix Revolutions] TRI-logy

The nanotechnology is in more than Coca Cola. Kraft, Nestle, Unilever, Keystone, Heinz, Hershey all use nanotechnology in their products

3 is the root number to 9 
FEMI.9 [FEMININE] she is always there to save us but we must go to source 'her' 

HiStory [History] will only repeat itself to those who do not KNOW [GNOSIS [GNO] NO [KNOW] the HiStory, this is why they are doomed to repeat it

We cannot bombard ourselves with all the dismal and the gloom of what is happening because if we TRI and track consciousness through the 9ethers as far as how they are getting mess up it will be a 24hr operation, you  have to let the ‘dead lie with the dead’ – there was a certain amount people that where placed in the ‘front lines’ to take the hit – go to jail, get killed, get hooked on A-Class drugs, alcoholic+ so that the conscious people could get them selves together and not have any distractions while you get your head together – many of these people that were sent their KARMA [KAMA] was already messed up and they were the ones to take the hit – sum of these people down here can only function at certain levels, sum can only eat, sleep, sex and exists on a dollar mode – sum are just hardwired that way to do fu9k all down here but just to function  - they don’t have a cause whereas you are a rebel with a cause – and so they were put on the front line to take the hit because that was who he or she was going to be about in the first place – every now and again sum of the conscious people get caught up in a mess and this is all part of the filtering process, those on the front line know there is a choice and the conscious people know there is a choice

These people are decoys just like in KHMT and with the Pharaohs, they had decoys and you never really got to the real person, just like we have clones out here today – when we see those get taken out keep it mind, that was for another to go through, that person was the decoy for you to get the knowledge and the information, its playing out in our daily lives and everything is based on your light

If you have no consciousness then you have no light so when the spiritual world is scanning down here, they are scanning you has an individual and can only read the light that is in that individual, they are scanning your consciousness ‘light’ and those without light ‘consciousness’ are classed as dead – they never really lived  

They are not really dead, this movie the Highlander, when they take one head and the other body gets quicken – for every person that goes to the other realm, you get quickened – these people are not actually dying, they are freeing themselves – so they are living for the physical realm is the realm of death and the spiritual ‘holo’ holographic is the realm of the living, this word live has two meanings, one is to live sum where as in reside and the other meaning of the word live, is live, current, electricity+

So, although we are having a SOULAR/SPIRITUAL awakening ‘activation’ we have to keep in mind this is an ecological system, ultimately no one dies, all those checking out of here are only going to the place that we are going

Our reality is changing, our DNA is changing, so our particular reality is changing and our particular terrain is changing from a physical back to a spiritual ‘holographic’ realm and means a NU dimension and a new reality [program] and a NU avatar [BODI] that will not be dictated by the 7 senses or the jailhouse of the physical reality that is called the Matrix [society]

So, when we see people being taken out or in their rituals+ they are enhancing us because those terracotta warriors or those that were taken in KATRINA+ is nothing but the same genetic background of the indigenous people and that is how the 9ethers rise – everything that is done against them is actually fortifying them – keep this in kind so that you don’t add EMotion –

The Monk knows you have to separate yourself from the outside world, and is talking about your mind because you don’t have to go physically – if your mind is right you can walk right through this stuff that you see going on that is actually playing out for you to benefit from- be of the world but not from the world

[Look at image, 2pac said both 'black' and 'white' smoke crack tonight] 

Don't break the line 

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