The importance of forgiving your parents or parent who
after all only assumed those titles when you came into the world, when called
individually they are known has Mum [Mother] and Dad [Father] which is again
another set of assumed titles and before these titles they were known has Jack
and Jill
Think of the era in which your ‘parents’ where born and when they met and the age
and now the environment – what was home like for you, and your siblings if any,
what was ‘mum’ and ‘dad’ like in terms of compatibility between themselves, what was your childhood
like, fester ‘Magi’ for a second or two on that
There is a quickening taking place that is affecting us
all and we are all ‘thinking’ about things, many of you will be auditing your
life thus far, calculations, the energies are forcing the issue making many
point the finger and especially at mothers when the finger needs to be pointed at you
What goes around comes around, as above, so below, if you
want to end the cycle ‘generational trauma’ you have to step back and look at
your parents or parent, even if he [Father] is missing from the unit you know
enough about him to formulate sum things about him, you are to look at your
parents with new eyes, who were they at 18 or 20, 21, 23 or 25+ who were YOU at 18, 20,
21+ they were younger minds with lesser information than if they were in their
30s, 40s+ how old are you now
So, they had sum limitations just like you have sum
limitations yourself today, do you even have children, I wonder why, what
limited you, you cannot say you didn’t meet the right one, you lost the right
one you mean, seriously, you have passed through their ages into 40, and seen the world for what it is, you have
sum limitations yourself – now let compassion activate once you have taken a
step back and thought about Jack and Jill who had to climb a hill [life]
If you have children and you have done everything you can
for your children – if you do not know how to forgive your parents this is what
happens ‘simulation’ you will say that I did this and that for you, why would
you say that and they will reply, yes you did this and that for me but you
wasn’t there when I needed you – you will say I work or my work means there are
times that I >>> YAWN OUT LOUD >>> you can mix it up however
this has played out for you whereby the child or children are letting you know
they are not a HAPI bunny – they are letting you know the time that you have spent is not adequate - it wasn't sufficient
The level of compassion, check yourself at the door, what
happened to your childhood, what happened to your childrens childhood
Granted sum of you were the second child or you where sent to grandparents, aunts to
live with and maybe they didn’t have or you where with your parents or parent
and they withdrew EMotional impute – sum parents have aged and not naturally,
they had to grow up, maybe they didn’t have choices or had forced choices –
what about those who were adopted, those that were adopted this shows their
‘parents’ couldn’t even get to the first level for they were that broken
already or was you a miscellaneous, where you 'Con'ceived out of love [EM] or 'Con'venience
Holding against your parents to which sum of you now today are
married to your parent, if you are a man you are married to your Mother and if
you are a woman you are married to your Father – your husband or partner is
just like your Father on sum level and he will not be EMotionally accessible
Today Fatherhood is not just the price tag ‘finance’ you
have with that but its also the wisdom that you will both impart on your
children – what is that level, love, compassion, helping in the home, learning
how to ride a bike, homework+ whatever that level is – if the Father is just
the ‘price tag’ and cannot function and impart wisdom then what – what is that level from
the Father – what was your Fathers ‘price tag’ – different reasons right, does
he feel like a man, did your Father feel like a man, people looking for a
Father figure consciously and subconsciously – Masculine energy – what was your
Fathers ‘Masculine’ energy like with your Mothers ‘Feminine’ energy, what was your Mothers Masculine energies like before Father - what were her boyfriends energies like
I’ve seen sum one who was angry at her Mother and in turn
attracted friends just like her Mother
They say it takes a whole village to raise a child and
for many we didn’t grow up in a village or community, but you may have had say
20% from your Mother, your Dad 10%, that lady who spoke to you and she lived on
your home street and she gave you 20% - in school your teacher gave you 5% and
one of the dinner ladies 5% - an aunt or granddad or grandmother gave you 20%,
uncle+ gives you – they watched over you, gave you sum advice while you were
walking in the world, purchased you sum thing to eat once+ showed you affection+ that was your
village or your community
[20%] point being your Mother may have only had 20% to give
to another soul to grow out of 100% - that is all she had to give – she becomes
overloaded for she didn't have that 80% to give you because less was given to her – do you look at the reasons why,
do you know all the reasons, have you felt all the reasons why, does it matter
between you and your parents – will your children forgive you for your lack of EMotional impute, are you coming in at 100% or falling short at 20% - search yourself
These children are way too smart for your Micky Mouse
show, they see right through you, many have already worked out their parents –
these children, your daughter has come to teach you about yourself and you
don’t like it – Mothers talking at daughter and not with daughter – the boys
also for they are their Fathers, we are not so much dealing with the ‘boys’ but
they will be your Father – but we are dealing with the FEMI-NINE energy which in
order to break the cycle of ‘generational trauma’ then you are going to have to
forgive your parents or parent, the one you hate [love] you have to forgive your Mother to bypass or crush 'generational trauma' [curses] for me I have no children in this world and I forgave my Mother a while back but I also removed her from my heart because my heart must be lighter than a feather, you can still charge them from a distance, where its safer, thoughts are charged whether positive or negative and I hold nothing against her for EYE inner-stand now
There is a natural shift that your parents get older and you come
along and your the parents, and now you are the ones telling them what to do and now you are older, they
are now teaching you, not telling you, they are teaching you, you have to now
learn from them too, sum don't like this, sum want to be the parent, mum or dad but without earning their stripes, many demand that you call them mum or dad because they think that is their right because they made you, they created you - but what the child is asking is what did you install in me apart from all your weaknesses, bad traits, lack of maturity and most importantly the lack of love [EM] - not being there is not just physically, they are referring to the lack of mental, spiritual - soular and EMotional impute
So, if you are the MA'other now, your daughter will be teaching you about yourself by showing up all your weakness that you knew you already had, to break generational curses is to break bread with your daughter [MtDNA] and speak [throat Chakra - Blue] from the heart [WAJI Green] Chakra to her, own your sh9t, what you say will come from the heart [earth] and s-he will feel what you say [Om] for it will resonate because it came from the heart, your thoughts are what either betrays you or fails you or takes care of you, we want you to be a wellbeing, its all MEN-TAL [MEN -ITAL] ITAL - don't beat yourself up over a program
Don't point the finger at your Mother, check yourself at the door, you didn't have it to give and that is no ones fault - show gratitude to your parent or parent, don't knock your grandparents, remember the things they did do with what they knew - say th-ANKH you
More harmony is needed from you, you must balance,
forgiveness is key during this phase, the energy is dense and you must be
operating from the heart space, this means your heart must be lighter than a
feather – this is the Misery chapter and part of this chapter was the fallout
between energies - to forgive your parents is to forgive yourself and this takes sum doing and is not achieved in one sitting, balance and you will find forgiveness, remember you were given more light than them, they were created in a different era and the energy was only stirring back then, you 'know' more and when you know more you have to do better - isn't that why your down here - to do better - find balance please
HEART CHAKRA is WAJI [GREEN] and is the same energy penetrating this dimension
Words have weight especially when applied from the HEART - the word H-EAR-T and EAR-TH are the same letters - the server is severing us [NU] and can only feed us what we are thinking, she listens EAR [HEAR] the FEMI9 energy is surrounding this planet [EARTH] and penetrating this realm
Many Females have been under the cosh for a really long time and they must be freed and her children, the more we come from the HEART the more she is freed - the EARTH must be freed, as above, so below, she must be set free or all this is over for without her we are nothing, no thing - find sum space and open a channel, to let go is not to hold, forgive yourself so you can be at peace with yourself - the planet is terraforming herself and we must follow her - shed your skin, shed the layers of the old
Saying the word Sorry comes from the word Sorrow, are you in Sorrow, what for, you are in a learning zone, program, simulation, experience, did you learn sum thing, then say th-ANKH you, they will say, what for and you reply for teaching me sum thing, their cells [self] will vibrate at the prospect at the thought that they actually did sum thing right 'positive' by you, your Sorry 'apology' will be in your words that have weight because these words comes from the HEART
Break Bread with people
Check Nature - sum times she be like that
LYRA [CAT] KAT - seen over the USA Colorado 2024 - image mirrored
This was over NYC [DRACO HQ] IN 2021
3 types of KAT displayed over the SKA of this planet and serves has a warning to the Reptilians, the Cat and Reptile are cousins, they both hiss, both have slit eyes and both have a 3rd eye, the Lion and Crocodile are cousins - the LYRANS are here - the KAT beings - remember ANUNNAKI means these beings and there are many that come under that name - the lead beings among them left their offspring here and they have returned for their planet and offspring
Watch the first clip - look at the woman - is that a glitch Matrix with the clone shutting down, was it recharging or downloading, what is he talking about absent seizures that last a couple seconds - why does he then breakdown the terminology - that person sleeping whatever it is is coming from them, when they become conscious they return into them, its like they knocked those things on purpose to wake them up so they can gain entry, they may be the host - Vietnam they say was because of a buildings lights being left on, what was the building or what is that building built over - was that a 'ghost child' between the curtain - the Lars [Lares] in the woods, that chainsaw is for cutting down trees and their habitat, they hate you, wait until they are weaponized
The other image is from Route66 when they were constructing the road, check the top of a MIR
images are from Kalifornia - AMERICA [TAMERI] TA-MERI
Priests from TIBET took Marijuana when TEHUTI sent the
HETU ‘temple’ priest SEMU [SIMU] from the MER [pyramid] around the world to
spread knowledge – Mary Jane was used to open the 3rd eye
THC builds up what is called the Endocannabinoid system
in which the Endocannabinoid is your spirit body that ‘Con’nects [Nexus] you to
your physical body – you have Endocannabinoid receptors on every major organ - 9ether wombmen have THC in their breast milk which naturally calms the child and Nexas the child 'parental bonding' the child 'baby' never takes his or eyes off of Mama Bear when fuelling
[Cell] Self [Solf] Sol [Soul] Know your Soul
On all the MIR complexes is says 'Know thyself' and one complex says 'Know God' the text is about you and you only
beings’ opened a portal between the third and fourth dimension by igniting a
nuclear type of explosion that collapsed the fourth into the third so now we
need ‘sleep’
We need to be able to live in two dimensions simultaneously
and nature [nTr] has a way of adjusting to whatever you throw at her
So, when we go to ‘sleep’ our dreams [visions] are fourth
dimensional Mental [Mind] Matrix
When we are ‘awake’ we are in a three-dimensional fixed position
reality [reel-ity] of the 3D Matrix
The 3D Matrix has a damper on it like a silencer on a gun
and that is the holographic projector setup by the ‘Dark Knight’ satellite and
the Moon [DeathStar] – and this is what is keeping many ‘thinking’ here is more
real [reel] than higher dimensions which have been here longer
The ‘Dark Knight’ satellite and the Moon work together to
keep this holographic projection in place and hence why they never collide – ‘Dark
Knight’ satellite follows a north-south polar orbit, whereas the Moon follows
an east-west equatorial orbit – but they are on the same trajectory lines but
the never collide – that is not natural – they are on the same trajectory lines
but never collide the ‘Dark Knight’ satellite and the Moon – this doesn’t make
sense unless they its being controlled because they move at different speeds
but they never collide
So, before the holographic projector was put in place we
didn’t need ‘sleep’ because we didn’t perceive the ‘Con’cept of time – the ‘Con’cept
of time is a delay in your ability to Magi [manifest] your creative potential –
whereas you didn’t have a delay before – and back then most of the people were
benevolent good-hearted kind people and any kind of ‘Con’flict did not result
in violence – you were in healing, the planet was University Earth and today
she is the prison ‘prism’ planet
What changed, one of the ANUNNAKI didn’t like the FEMI[NINE]
nature of the Matri-arch-s with the planet and in the planet and who was this
You have to read all that as energy this is in a story
format like a ‘Con’ceptual physics story and done so for the user to readily
grasp these ‘Con’cepts rather than a mathematical formula - so Homosexual + Masculine
energy wanted to rule over Feminine energy ‘source’
[ENLIL is homosexual but he is into more than just ass]
Even with the Mothership, until I see it I can only read
it as an energy signature – anything that you don’t see you have to read it as an
energy signature and in the description of the ‘thing’ tells you the nature of
the ‘thing’ or energy tells you the nature of the ‘thing’ like those crafts
over Thailand, look at the colours that are emitting from these ‘light’ crafts,
this promotes harmony before you get your assed whopped – those crafts have
been emitting these ‘colours’ energies for a number of years now and they are iridescent
Chakra energies – they haven’t plasma anybody or interfered with anything, so
we read the energy signature and what does it say, this promotes harmony
The Mother plane when read as energy is all things coming
fourth from the divine FEMININE as the Great Mother but when read as an actual ‘Con’struct
it becomes a physical object and if you haven’t seen it you have a miscalculation
taking place because you cannot physically see the object, so you have to see it as
an energy – anything that sum one tells you that you cannot physically see, you
have to read the energy because the energy will ‘hold’ the description in that
energy that is being used –
When you now come into 'Con'tact with anyone, place, thing you read the energy and what are the energy signatures telling you, what are you repelling or accepting EMbracing
We are dealing with energies now and you must read all
data as energy first before you apply it to the 3D reality because the 3D
reality is primarily elusive in its ‘understanding’ of spiritual things because
you have to translate it like a foreign language into the common language – if your
in China, you have to translate it into Chinese [Mandarin] if your in America you
have to translates it in the American English, if you are in London you have to
be able to translate it into the Queens, I mean the Kings language – and with
all these different perceptions you have to be able to reduce them common descriptive
analysis that the average person can digest – read everything in energy first
until you can see ‘sea’ it
Nature adjusts, she is always replenishing herself [her cells] and we look to nature for inspiration, guidance and strength - read all data 'light' as energy streams, signatures until you Sea 'See' it - Sea it is to know it, unseen is to believe it and the era of believing is well and truly over - we are in the era of the 'Knowing'
Princess Neaky Minajhida >> Nicki Minaj >> why did they really bring her in - who is in the clone, is the clone breaking down or about to be deleted, we have not had sum one of value 'energy' for a minute, not saying this for the clone but EMotions are highly prized assets out here and many want to cash in
The 'hidden' continues to be 'revealed' much is going to be released - Epstein is not dead
Special investigation by the Evening Standard British newspaper that is owned by the Russians, what kind of 'Special investigation' are we talking about here - to crash this Wendy House is to kill the Matrix from the inside out - protect the women and children
What is going on here for real for real
Now you know why many go missing from 'National Parks' - the UK with London have the underground system with many satellite stations that are not on the map or have been closed for a long time but serve other interests - when the water comes in and where sinkholes 'vents' shafts, everything down there gets flushed up and out into the light, Dulce base in Mexico must have at least one million animal headed beings down there - the ANUNNAKI are on the ground and below the ground, they are sitting in the SKA, we also have ANUNNAQI mercenaries, the ones whose skin shimmers we saw them in Morocco and Russia+ when we see crafts low to the ground there are cloaked beings walking around below these crafts - all military around the world can see them on radar, thermal cameras+ but cannot intervene or do nothing because these mercenaries will frighten you and these soldiers are not ready for this, Navy Seal, Marine+ without your gun or body kit what are you
What is this or these caught on radar over Texas [USA]
Brazil [Monte Verde] today 30.5.2024 recorded the lowest temperature of the year, the first negative temperature with frost -4C
In the UK they have said we will get 50days of rain this summer, do they mean it rained for 40 days and 40 nights - just saying - the SUN is triggering we can see this on the satellite uploads - they have to do sum thing - how can it be minus in Brazil????
Plenty of spiking - well over 9hz
Sum one wrote this: For this simple cicada stir-fry, all you need are some of your favourite vegetables, oil, butter, and salt and pepper to taste. For an added crunch, hold the cicadas over an open flame until the sound stops!! - ok then - millions into billions, many places have built concrete jungles over their habitat or paved the ground but NTR be adjusting - who eats insects - when the Reptilian eats the fly, think of the 80s news-reporter whose tongue came when the 'bug' was around him - we don't eat insects, so who eats insects
People are sick, sore throats, body flushes, ascension symptoms
are the same for FLU symptoms, mental blockages, mental breakdowns, nervous
systems+ hot and cold weather – weather manipulation by man and his machines
and the 9ethers are also playing with the w-eather [aether] ether
Its 'windy' out there and we have many 'storms' appearing out of nowhere
Marcus Mosiah Garvey said look for me in the whirlwind - the USA is being torn apart systemically, weather systems following the slave path the UK [London, Liverpool, Bristol] are being made to watch before they shall receive -London is the engine house for Washington [USA] and Europe
Marcus is also here for the Dutty Moors who sold out the 9ethers to the 6ethers
Storms are hitting China+ ancestors are fueling these weather systems
[Double M which is an electron symbol]
Many were sent with the letter M during that decade [era]
Robert Nesta Marley [Marcus Garvey] Malcom X [Michael Jackson] Alice Malsenior Walker
[Martin King] Nelson Emmanuel Mandela, Robert Mugabe+
The spiritual battle is already over, it is the physical battle that is to play out, just like the spiritual poles have already been moved, it is the physical poles that have to be moved - the 9ethers must use their spiritual systems while others will use their physical systems
This was 29.5.2024 [yesterday] and the British police say they didn't know it was taking place?? oh shut up - this march was in London and co-ordinated in other countries like Belgium, so don't say you didn't know - they let this take place and wanted it to take place, your PM is Indian, your Mayor is Indian - let that sink in - what does Palestine have to do with the price of beans and a couple years back it was Ukraine - 24hrs later the news is blasted in London with sum adults being shot and a child - the child being the operative word, this is to counteract the sway of energies - the police claiming a investigation is underway and cannot confirm nothing - all bs to cover bs and create division - stay out of the their Matrix - the Crusaders War is all they have left to fight for - lock up your daughters, the Romans 'British' are coming - 9ethers must not get involved with the Crusaders war which is a religious war, you have spiritual armory because you have spiritual system - the only battle you will fight is for your right to shine, for the protection of her and children and the protection of this planet
KANADA - there are two SUNs in this image
Hungary - what the fu9k is going on here - all that 'black' mass is solid and that looks like an eye in the middle, you can see straight lines, vertical lines - even if that image was taken over Hungary we are talking Germany and Serbia+ what kind of structure is this
So this is the image side profile and looks like a Sunfish
Flipped we have other 'black' spheres up there, planetary bodies, we also have war-planets up there and that may be an machine eye, Jupiter also has an eye that is also a weapon, like laser discharge - we could be looking at a planetary body armed or not, the planet is not the size NASA[NOAA] show you, she is the size of Jupiter - NIBIRU is our magnetic SUN and is holding her at different intervals or she would have collapsed a while back - but the EMF is going to collapse full stop equalling zer0 point gravity - levitation - the SOULAR system has changed up there and we are in a higher dimension - we are heading with NIBIRU aka trappist system towards Sirius - so to say this is another planetary body is plausible
See that craft, beam 'laser' on and this is how they trigger the SUN
Singapore SKA [7] light spectrum
Iceland - that is a craft(s) - eruptions taking place over there
TARNAKI [TANAGA] aka New Zealand - look inside the cloud cloaking and see solid mass - you can see the craft
What are those
Man and his machines - UV messes with artificial electrics
Hubble telescope is modified plane and all satellites are held up by helium balloons and is to why ground based satellites face up and these helium satellites face down - they are bouncing the signal up and down and bouncing the signal off the dome