Saturday, 30 April 2022

Route 63

From 2012 we have seen crafts firing energy based weapons
the loop folded on itself into 2021- which is the same frequency

Who is this with rings about the body, is it Jupiter, is it Saturn, is it a craft- its got a beam [ray] coming from whatever it is- NASA cut the feed- maybe they are laser, plasma fighting up there around the portal 

This craft also shows up on the left- NASA cut the feed for hours 

Electromagnetic fields connecting with the portal [sun]
These beams are used to trigger the sun into reacting  

NASA cut the feed for 3hrs and these two crafts show up  

The sun is not the same in the [4] corners of this plan-Net

Red and Blue [KA.CHI.NA] 

WAJI and Purple in the shield 
All these images are coming from Philadelphia [USA] 

The sun is busy 
We should start to see an influx of heavy magnetic weather from tonight, could be around 3hrs into 12hrs worth of heavy magnetic storms 

Sum-thing else is causing the magnetic flux, like a magnetic sun [son] aka NI.BIRU, the main Sun is electrical  
Electrons + Protons increases 
The North pole [Crown] is letting all the energies [radiation] in
They are trying to keep the planet cool 

From 8am [30.4.2022] 

Different frequencies 

Ultraviolet [Purple] Mono [Moon] 

We have a soular eclipse incoming

Tones in right ear aka right hemisphere, adjustments are being made, you will feel tired and in sum cases a little out of sync - many will be offline - 

You may experience hot flushes, head [crown] tensing, this and more are body adjustments – DNA adjustments, it is your light [soul] that is poWRA-ing your body, not the other way around 

The poWRA that is hitting is disrupting the satellites 


That beam is real 


Super-cell is a huge craft
You can see the shape 

 Main craft is being shadowed by other shuttles 

The Ukraine footage is interesting, all week and last week YT have been posting footages of the Ukrainian military taking out Russia tanks, installations, men+ all the rest of it, however we know Ukraine does not have the technology to do so and Russia is not the Bear for nothing 
None of us had even heard the name Ukraine mentioned before until now
The footage shows crafts observing 
At one point they try and take out the scouts, probes, orb crafts and nothing
They are not fighting Ukrainians, they are fighting the Galactic Federation members, they are fighting the Anunnaki and they want Putin to go down has the one who pressed the button 
May 9th is Russia(s) victory day and they will want to celebrate it- lets see what he does between now and then 
So who is doing all the shooting over there 

Lake Mead 
the water level is so low that a valve is revealed

NASA say they found this on LAH.MU [Lahmu]

If you want to know about Lahmu, watch this guys, go back to around 2016+ 
Lahmu was an outpost for the Annunaki- they held Gold up there also, Lahmu is an exotic version of Egypt, there are 9ethers on Lahmu and is to why NASA have 25 probes taking pictures with sum land probes, mining operations [watch Total Recall- the original movie - Lares are up there

Tirbu name [Simeon] Tribu colour [Gold] 
Body part [Ears]
Tribu function [faith] = For Always In The Heath 
Simeon Niger [Nigg9] means [ether][black] 

cut your losses and build a nu bridge 

Look how tall the doorways are compared to the height of the people in the middle of the photograph

No mortar is holding these precision blocks in place 

Inca site

The most prominent structure, an enormous rectangular two-story once roofed structure
The lower part of the temple ruins
The complex is a circuit exactly like KHMT [Egypt] with storage buildings- huge- what for, there are residential buildings
The thick inclined walls and trapezoidal shaped openings for windows and doors that provided the anti-seismic protection
The upper part of the walls was finished in adobe
The temple has a huge central wall that is almost 12m high, and is flanked on each side by a row of [11] columns, only one has survived
The temple had one of the largest single gable roofs in the Incan empire with its peak at the central wall, then stretching over the columns and some 25 metres (82ft) beyond on each side
Towards the east of the temple there are 152 circular units
The deposits are unique in this construction, since unlike other Inca structures, they are not square
Adjoining the temple to the north are [12] other quarters which is divided into separate squared units
There is an artificial lake is fed by a spring through two sets of finely constructed stone fountains There is a raised platform beside one of them
The lake is a central feature of the site that is overlooked by both the temple and the raised platform
Between the northern fountain and the raised platform archaeologists found a deep layer of ash that may be from rocket fuel or sum type of afterburn  

Chaco canyon
Where heaven, earth meets
Similar designs

Ignore the dates, the Bible doesn't have any
Step- MIR [MER] 
Look how tall the being is to the MER for scale 


Adult Horse

Tamil Nadu [Nada]
Tamil Naki
Tama Naga 

Sharman [Sufi] Sadhus 
Loc [Locks] 

All the ancient cultures have the RaStar
Last image is that of a Spartan
Zeus has locks and we are not talking about eco-warriors  

Images are from the second half the century 
Why are clay, mud

Aswan [NTH gate]
Hathor [Ha-thor] thor [Athyr] A-theer [Atheer]  on the left
and Bes on the right 
Bes is in India and South America and KHMT at the same time 

Crete [Mesopotamia] 
Staircase over two floors 

Amman [Aman] Amon 
[7] or [9] capsules
Not a tomb or graves 
Adobe [Iy] in Eridu [Jordan]
South points towards Mecca [MER.KAA] MEKAA – [they kept the name]
The [Iy] is divided into three sections, one section stretches straight from the mouth in a northward direction, a second section branches off towards the east on the right-hand side, and a third section branches off towards the west on the left-hand side
Look at the ceiling, roof, entrance point or exit point- this was used before the others come in and reuse the site  

[2] buildings that the first floor window is the door 
Manhattan [NY] 1890 
This mud-flood, when did it happen 

Tobacco and Coffee plantations 

Where did all this clay, mud come from 

Get a Pit and leave the girlfriend 



These are Egyptian Geese [Goose] aka Geb [Gib] Gibson 


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Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...