Ready Brek
The soul-ar eclipse and nu Mono [Moon] is a nu energy
dispersing or an attenuation of energy – this is a great time to do the things
that you normally don’t do, like psychic inner - work
[Psy means soul] and
[Chi is your life
force energy + a BAA [soul]
Pre-meditated means you thought [thoth] about it first- a thought is a feeling, its an emotion, you festered on it which is where they get the word man-ifestation- but we do not see man in nature - a thought is an image, its imagery its i-magi-nation - you only hear the words Pre-meditated in murders, in acts of negativity, Pre-mediated is to think about it first, Pre-med is to i-magi-ne
The Schumann shows these codes have changed
You can do psychic work because portals are open
Psychics here can only go to the 3D but for those with
KAANU you can go beyond the 3D, this is called Metaphysics – there is nothing
wrong with data from the 3D but we are in 4D [5D] and you want to evolve
This is an Al-chem-y [Al] Chemical [Khemical] process
The sun is a like antithetical to the psychic work and is
why its better to do this work at night, you have the 3am connection with the
sub-mind [sub consciousness connects to the spirit world]
There are times that I get sent to bed, my body starts
shutting me down and out of nowhere I’m tired, there are times I’m up all am,
and then there are times when I have to sleep, sleep is for Melanin [KAANU]
re-plenishment – re-production
I don’t work with the Mono [Moon] directly, the Moon
gives off cold energy, whereas the sun gives off hot energy – the soul-ar
eclipse is a doorway that doesn’t just open during the night-time, however the
doorway is open full stop during this phase [3 days before and 3 days after]
If you mediate [Istal] Distal and are going within – the eclipse
is a portal and you have a portal within you because of the sun complex – yours
is the soul-ar plexus [Chakra]
As above, so below >> so the BAA [sol] soul [sal]
The sun centre is where on your body- there you go, what
you do is to channel your energy towards the centre aka soul-ar plexus [chakra]
– the soular plexus looks like a bundle of nerves – from the centre that travel
outwards and it what their Bible refer to has the Manger, and is where the sun
seed is fed, you know their song, away in a manger no crib for a bed- theirs is
a Mickey Mouse on Ice bullsh9t and yours is real [reel] in the field
There is a Mono [Luna] seed and a Star [Sun] seed and the
waters [that they call the river Jordan] empties into the sea of Galilee
The river Jordan is your spinal column [Djed] fluid that
has cerebral spinal fluid, which is the western medical term and in their Bible
cerebral spinal fluid is called the river Jordan – the river Jordan empties
into the sea of Galilee – and is within the soular plexus – where the Luna-sun seed
every 29th day of the month or every day of the month when you were
born at that particular time – a Luna, sun seed is created that travels all the way
down and sits at the top left of the Kidneys – if it is not lost in sexual
excess – it then continues its travel to the other side and is then raised up
3days [72hrs] [9] later to sit at the right hand of the father aka your
right-side of your brain- where you connect with the most-high
After, it does that [12] times [12] [months] and is what they
refer to in their Bible has the 144,000 that will be saved, which is a frequency
The Bible had to take out reincarnation and rewrite the
word soul-ar and make their word solar, why, because they do not have a soul
[BAA] many people get confused between what the spirit [KAA] and soul [BAA] are
and think that it is the same thing, many also get confused with what the holy
spirit is and think it is the same thing, not everyone has the alien implants
[Chakra system] nor do they have an active pineal gland [3rd eye] – nor does everyone have a soul, we
are all not in the same boat
The energies are always there, it is down to the user to
use these energies, the choice was always yours to make, the 144,000 [144hz]
can only save themselves if they reach the frequency, hence why they say, many
people will be called, but few will be chosen, you have to choose the frequency
you want [wish] to be operating from
Tjet translates [welfare] and is talking about you, the
Tjet [you] are plugs for the planet, they are the fuel-doors, combined they are
the [Djed] [Sed][Zeb] that translates [stability], this is Asaru(s) backbone or
spinal column which is the spine in you that your Kundalini [serpentine] travels up
Asaru translates He who is seen, The eye
Osiris translates the body
Asaru is Chief of KHMT
ENKI [INKI] EN.QI [Asaru] translates Ruler of Ki and is here right now
This is about the body [Krishna] Kha [avatar] coming back
together aka you are the body
Chakra [Root] which is being removed and is why you must get
out of your lower [3] Chakra(s) and stay above the equator [soul plexus]
Red means danger, but not to the sou-ar being
Red is the colour of the FEMI9 ELECTRIN NRG [MAAT + HERU ] combined
Read all data in energies aka Chakra colours
Purple Mono
Energy lingers
From last night, check out that red barcode
Over last night
Ultraviolet rays are constantly hitting the planet – UVA
[UVB] and UVC along with soular-energy [CME] it is relentless out here; with
each passing moment the noose gets tighter and tighter
These rays are detoxifying you and the planet and is
irreversible, these are mutating waves, they change your DNA [RNA] molecule
structure from the inside out
UV rays destroys anything that is artificial to this
soul-ar system, you must have a soul to be here, you must have consciousness
and the tears of the sun aka the rays of the sun, soul2soul, back to life,
however do you want me, I want you to be the best that you can be – come with
your hands open, come with your heart open
Blue and Red make Purple
You are being judged on this life and not your previous
lives, many had the opportunity to do what is right in this Life [Live] [Love]
Jove [Dove], many with [1] ion had the chance to grow a heart or grow their
heart chakra
There is nothing inside the man-made Matrix that can help you escape it, so stop looking
S.O.S save our souls, no it is save y-our soul, you will
be protected for saving your light – forget the body because it is not going
where you are going, which is Meta [Maat] beyond, yes beyond the 3D
You are being graded on you soul-ar energy, its quality, its strength
14,000hz and 1,400hz +
Well over 144hz
Check out the codes
The size of city blocks
[7] colour coded frequencies
PolSka [Poland] Pole-land
Remember the reptilian has the power of a man+
testosterone has been increased- she can kill you, s-he has the strength of GGG
Craft nation
Fleets just sitting there
Signature craft
Who is shooting up there
So much plasma is triggering
Why is it not worse than this, with all the plasma discharge over the last couple days and no data- which makes think, what if NASA are showing sum thing that happened before, like this is the last time it ended and they are just showing the thread because how comes the sun is triggering and nothing is happening down here
Crafts made of light
I had a dream [vision] about Australia a couple days back
and what I thought was an Antarctica wall going around the island was actually
a crater impact that covered the entire island- I became conscious in the
vision because Australia was so clear in the vision and I began to focus in on
Australia, when I saw Australia, I became aware [conscious] and this caused the
vision not to flow anymore because now I wished to name the energy
Australia is going to be blasted out of contention
There is a crater in Australia that is dated 2billion and
they say it is the oldest -older than the ABZU crater by 200million years- remember these are earth years
M7 for Japan
M5 for Argentina- at a depth of 300 miles in a drilling oil- gas operations [???] the depth is deep, like for a underground base
Shields up
Not alone
Colorado [USA]
MER is the SKA
Lots going on
Sphere [rainbow] and funnel
We will start to see increased under 40s cardiovascular events
The couple with the 1920s house, either that was well written or that was so good
This is their updates
Do not mess with the Ouija-board, do not engage with sum one who has
Sum of these Rakes are actually grey, human and other beings genetic experiments, offspring
wtf is going on
Sum of what the uploader writes may not be true like the caption written for the thumbnail image
the stuff we see today, like mass serial killers, statistic killers, everything back then, still occurs today
That woman whose head was covered, what did she really look like
None of the children are ever smiling
There is a woman in there wearing sun-glasses
The last 400 [512] years and they only went live this side of the century, its taken them this long to correct things, go back in their time machine and correct their time-line
The clone is glitching, tic- tock
March 1926
What lies beneath is not Michelle Pfeiffer
They say this is the remains of a well, used by the old
Manhattan Company, used for the City's water supply about the year 1800, in New
York City
Look at that door and those windows where the stairs are
This guy is bang on the money
1904 and 1914
I also have seen the patterns in their history
this 10 year [decade] loop ended in 2012 [2021] but began just under 100 years ago
The other thing I noticed is that everyone is wearing suits, and a hat or cap- which I do not think they made
None of these people built any of the buildings we see in these images
How comes no one remembers electric scooters, no-ones grandparents remembers the eclectic scooter
All them wars and MK-Ultra
Guoliang tunnel is a road linking Guoliang Village to the
outside world
Before it was constructed, crude and dangerous stone cut
steps were the only exit for the villagers
In 1972, thirteen locals guided by a man called Shen
Mingxin, started raising fund by selling their goats and crops, and bought sum
hand-tools (mostly hammers and chisels)
Without one electric equipment or large machinery, they
carved a 1300-meter-long Guoliang tunnel along the side of and through the
At the most difficult stage, the tunnel progressed at a
rate of one meter every three days
After 5 years of hardworking, this road was open to
traffic in 1st May 1977 -which is today [45] years ago
Takshaka and Nagini - King and Queen of the Naga serpents
Hari Krishna
Heru [Haru] Hari or an Avatar, an incarnation of [God] in
The [Gods] that predate the Bible, Quran, are many and sum are women
Heru Krishna, the story of the little [black] blue boy
from the Hindu Kush empire
Surya Kund
Sun Kundalini
108 [9] small shrines placed between the numerous
pyramidal steps
Intricate stone carvings of Hindu Kush [deities] are
enshrined between the steps of the Surya Kund
Shurah [Sura] translates, row, line, step
Look at these gates, door
Over 2million temples [abodes] in INDA
Kaliningrad [near todays Poland and Ukraine]
2017- Royal Castle was dug up and reveals the rest of the
Russia uses the site to hold their nuclear weapons and at
one stage the Germans had control
This place from 1945 has seen much damage, they even blew
up parts of the castle
What Knights built this place, which would have been
under Prussia has the Russians didn’t exist
reel-ity [reality]
Everybody that came with you, cannot go with you
Don't let no-one dim that light in you
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