Wednesday, 13 April 2022

the [inner-child]

Parents and their KAMA [KARMA] children – normally spawned by the male who was or is soulless and 9times out of 10, that child is going to be Karmic

Many children are here when they should not be and many children are here for the Karmic fields

It is especially important because you must also watch out for the programming that is taking place out here – be careful on who is in your relationships- this includes your relationship with your parents, your friends, and who you keep company with+ how you perceive yourself is what you are going to attract outside of you

People are being found out now, people who should never have had children, their emotional maturity levels do not match up, children are a reflection of their parents and this shows  

Information gained through media sties, from those in the 3D tv world, no one is using critical thinking or even common sense

You can see how the child relates to the parent or parent

The child will not have anything in common with you and at times the child will be in opposition with you- keep in mind that sum people were never meant to be parents and only had children for the sake or to keep one from leaving the other

The child will even tell you that they don’t see you has a parent, they might not even need to tell you this because you have already noticed this about them- you may feel this is talkback

Anyone can make children but the installation is what goes first, many were not even emotionally stable before having children and when they did, they fuelled the child with their emotions  

These children will do anything to disrupt you, many that had the Jabba the Hutt will be going offline, the next wave is incoming, there will be increased negative behaviour, attitudes, changes, watch your children for they are watching you, do not under estimate no-one out here, they might not have all the words or jargon language, the degree or masters, all they need to know are the right buttons to select on you, they know what triggers you have and what emotional hardware you carry, because you told them already, men, children just need to know the basics on you and then BOOOMBABY they have the manual to your construct  

There are people going offline, they are flipping the script, people that you have known for a long time now are just buffering, glitching out, not just 10-year-olds and upwards+ grown ass people 

We have KAA [spirits] coming in and taking over bodies, people may not be how you remember them, many do not even know what they are doing out here – and sum are totally trapped in this 3D realm and this is all that they know and this is all that they care about, there is no more connection aka to source

This is a soul-ar system and you will need your soul to be here or you get deleted – the light that poWRAs your body is soular light and you will not be able to elevate without one – there is no consciousness to many people, they are just trending out here and it shows
X-rays are hitting the planet constantly 

There is a difference between sh9t parental skills and the soulless children [adults] 

Soulless are those without soular light and does not stop at sh9t children, there are those who sold the soul [light] to others, gave it away to others and sum let others in, there are those who stream energies to stay alive, you will notice them when they are around you- for they drain you in many ways

There is a void within the middle of their body and anything from entities, extra-terrestrials, other beings, other spirits+ can see the weak, the vulnerable and take them over, even take over the ones who drink alcohol, and even from those who open portals with them – you really don’t know what your partner or child does when they are not with you and what they think is a joke to them is in fact very serious and has consequences and you the recipient will be none the wiser- only if you know the individual prior to the changes – you need to know these things and more if you are on your KAA Ptah only, if you have a soul contract, you need to be mindful in the run in

Sum ones habits and dislikes and all of a sudden they no longer dislike, things that they never agreed on before but now they tick the yes box+ these are signs that you are looking for – the blank look [1000 mile gaze], the offline look, the eyes are dead [no soular light is present] – you can see it, you can feel it, even your spirit guides tells you, its you that must be in alignment with what you are dealing with even if they are related to you, even if they are your own- do not override the signs

Goosebumps are leftover primordial warning systems, when your hair stands up, when you go to talk and it comes out scrambled, when you feel uneasy+ all this and more+ is letting you know about sum one

Energy recognises energy and if you can detect sum ones energy is off, move on out, get out of the way, do not allow that persons energy cables [cords] [AURA] to connect with yours

If there is no sparkle [glint] in the eyes, then let them go, you must pay attention especially now in the last [3] years – if sum thing happens and you question that person and there is no logical explanation and its that blank stare, you better recognise or ask sum body

If a person does not think or put any type of thought into what they are doing – those on repeated cycles, doing the same thing over and over, not the ones who have the ability to correct themselves, but the ones on autopilot, the ones looping in the 3D matrix – walk on by

10, 20+ years ago the conversations were not how they are today, today many are conscious and many are on higher consciousness – all adding to the ability to elevate, we know this now, you know this now because your conscious are you not, your conscious more than those with titles before their name, your more conscious than your parents, you’re here to break the cycles because your too enlightened to be in a 9-5 and get married, have children and die

You are so aware that this is profound to others, you know how to use discernment because you are coming into your awareness – if sum thing comes into your consciousness, you then become aware, sum times people do not become aware, so therefore if they don’t know- they don’t know – tri and only answer when sum one asks you sum thing that is direct, check yourself in case you have already answered that question and know if they are only engaging with you because of energy or because they genuinely want to know sum thing     

Have boundaries, parameters for yourself and for others, know thyself and respect thyself first, if you don't, they won't  

Find a space where you belong, no more thoughts on what people think about you – if you have those like that in your circle, move away from that sphere [circle], you have ideas that are different from the status quo- maybe its you, your the problem here 

We are in a space where we don’t have time for this sh9t no more, no one who is on your level of elevation should have any kind of influence or effect on where your heading, if they do, then you have to let these people go

The weak are constantly externalizing their poWRA, there are those who do not have the ability to think for themselves, they do not have any creativity

There are practitioners out there who restore souls, who strengthen and balance souls but only if the prior soul contract was no void, there are sum people who practitioners must not restore – if you have a BMW car then you are going to go to a BMW specialist for parts, for maintenance and for balancing, so if you are a 9ether then you must go to a 9ether and not a [6][7][8] ether which is lower, you can only go for like for like energy or above in this field   

The gift of restoring souls means that you also take in those energies from that person, many people are looking old now and you can see it in their face, the energy they took from others now weigh them down, mainstream people -new age people fu9ked things up by getting involved in African spiritual systems and using English words to express the energies  

When you operate on higher levels you are able to bring different ways of thinking, learning down here that allows others to develop, evolve, this can only be achieved if you are evolving yourself, its very intricate and you must know what you are doing

Parenting skills and the soulless are different, sum of you were sent through these parents because that was the only portal available at that time to get you down here, so even if you were not loved by your parent or parents, don’t dwell on that, you would have been compensated in sum way along the way in life, there are those whose avatar is not fully functional, sum are in the wrong type of body which can be done on purpose, sum of you were given to grandmother or aunt or to the system, sum of you had to be removed, this and more will let you know why, when you put things into order about your life thus far, when you know your purpose fully- then nothing can get in the way for you now walk in your Ptah, knowing, instead of believing

Sum one I knew was in another relationship with a woman, he had a child with a previous woman to which his child did not relate to the actual birth mother- however the new woman that he was with, they went onto have a child together, the child from the previous mother and the new mother was actually the mother of his first child- this is sum thing that I was witness to

I thought about my friend and how he and the child’s mother got together and the circumstances surrounding their relationship – the friend and his new woman have a strong bond and it is the new woman that is the sun in that particular soular system rather than the birth mother who actually carried him –

Even in abortions, you could have had an abortion 10 or 15 years ago, you weren’t ready for that child and 10, 15 years later, you meet that child but he or she came from another vessel

Miscarriages, sum of you were simply not ready or that child or that partner are not ready right now, even IN.ANNA+ can stop you from having children, she can also stop you from having a daughter so that no one can come back through you or him and it ends with you

It takes a lot to get you down here, so please, regardless of your childhood, know that you are a special light, you are part of the MaStars plan, for you are here right now, in this moment of change  

You are not the shell [body], the Akashic records, who you really are and who you have really always been is on file, the shell is not who you are

There are sum energies that were never meant to mix, there are and were many karmic cycles before and many do not know that they have or had already compromised their energies, this healing work is far deeper than what is being said about these karmic fields – you are going to do the shadow work in this lifetime that you know about because you are currently in this cycle right now – but what about the karmic cycles that brought you to this planet that you still haven’t dealt with – have you done the shadow work for those aspects – healing is on a grander level rather than just what you see here in the 3D realm, go deeper 

There are many versions of existence of who you are especially when you look at the multiverse, there are many different versions of you, so on this planet you may just be that person but on another planet or dimension and when you run into yourself again, you may be this person – you may be doing the exact same thing there, has you are doing here

If you are a SEM [SEMU] [priest] here [not that 6ether type priest] then you are a [SEMU] there from a multiverse perspective, there are other versions of you that are operating at the same time and in other star-systems

There are so many [Gods] on this planet right now, many that have returned that you know about, that you read about, they are in vessels and the vessels are conscious of who they are, this is why the clones, say like Michelle Obama who they used the DNA from Tiyi
Tiyi her avatar has a code, like the chassis plate for a car, every avatar has one, so the clone of Tiyi which is Michelle [Michael] the shell cannot go through portals because it is the clone and not the original avatar – this is sum thing that they never knew until they tried to use any of their clones and none could use the portals

You were galactic at one point, then we fell [conscious levels]- Tartara is very key to where you are coming from, this was a very technology-based place, we had light cities, they were crystal cities

It is the greys, reptilians, hybrids that hijacked the matrix of planet Ki, to keep the masses at a certain level and they started entering viruses so that the matrix would bend on itself [on its people] the planet was never created to be in the position she is in right now

There are species here that are malevolent, there are species here that you just do not go out of your way to be friends with or mate with, do you get that, do not practice lower vibrational things that they do, teaching their young from an early age that its alright to fu9k a beast, this is not what your offspring should be doing, making friends or mating with a species that is malevolent towards your race or your being, is a red flag moment, these are very serious times ahead, codes have been upgrading and anything that is artificial goes offline

UV has increased since this video was uploaded and they will be losing their form because UV fu9ks with them  

Portugal's collapse will end Europeans reign in Aztlan [South America] and will send shockwaves to the rest of Europe when they officially declare its over
Changamire [Changa] Chango [Shango] 
They say he had superpowers - do they know who Shango is 

Real DNA barcode

This is the Schumann graph- don't they look the same-
Your DNA code is mutating 

From 16:45pm into 9:45pm 12.4.2022 
energy fields 

90 degree angle in space is the force field [shield] around this planet
what is the other hexagon shield 

Texas- different sizes and styles, weight, nature is not playing with you, if that hits you, your finished, damage will be done to land-crops and buildings, cars+  

What is going on out there, the 3D world is carrying on like nothing is happening, like there is a program being run, that all is alright, a temporary program - 
Namibia [M6] 
Sum thing is coming, they are waiting for it, whether its a X-flare,  M9+ earthquake, power goes out full stop or a asteroid, whatever it is is due - April 1st was the nu energy for the planet and you, over the last 13 days the sun has been trigger HA.PI - we have seen this on the Schuman graphic and you have also received the energies, they know this and hence why we have this man-made field over us, no matter what, man is not higher than NTR, he cannot beat her only delay her
Stay grounded, focus and on y-our Ptah 

Things are taking place 

Love the way she says, we advise viewer discretion- which she pronounced sum other word   
Big trouble in little China 
She might speak posh but she is still Indian 

Shanghai [Shango] 

The man-machine black cube [A.I] 5G
Skynet [Amazon] Starlink
Who is running CERN – is it not the black cube [A.I]

The world wide web was developed at CERN

The development of the World Wide Web was begun in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee and his colleagues at CERN, an international scientific organization based in Geneva, SS-witzerland

They created a protocol, HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which standardized communication between servers and clients

Their text-based Web browser was made available for general release in January 1992

They are offering a satellite cell phone which means the cell phone directly connects to the satellite [tracking]

The signal comes from Sirius   

Huge whatever it is and how does the sun get his horns 

2018 images of crafts just sitting there just off of Colorado [USA]  

Visor, goggles, glasses with wolf type muzzle - is this part of his helmet or wtf is going on here 
genetic splicing 

There is no such place as Bolivia and these are not former slaves for they were already there before the Spanish or Portuguese 

The word ABANU [BANTU] translates [those created by A.NU] another word in ZULU is UMUNTU OMNYAMA – which is the combination of the ANU gene and the LARE [LARES] gene – NYAMA means animal- genetic engineering labs were created in an attempt by the Abammnuka [Annunaki] to create the perfect avatar  

Planet NYABIRU [NI.BIRU] and the relative scale of earth time
EARTH time is a miniature scale of planet NIBIRU time
This is how- one NIBIRU year cycle or [1] [SAH] is equal to 3600 or 3650 earth years
When you divide that number by [10] times it becomes [365] days in one earth-year or 365 [Ebiro] days

Banyankole of Uganda refers to days as [Ebiro] >> meaning that the ancients of that region related planet Nibiro [Nibiru] to a day
A day on Nibiru is 240 hours which is 10 days on earth
A day on earth is 24 hours

Nibiru is 4 times larger than Earth and this explains why every living thing that was brought down here from Nibiru was gigantic because it was formed relative to the body mass index of Nibiru not earth, the body mass index of the Nibirians was big to fit with the large size of that planet

With time genetic manipulation managed to introduce smaller versions of creatures of Nibiru to earth in proportion with it

That is why everything that is pre flood is Gigantic, from lizards, turtles, snakes, humans, and dogs Everything was Nibirian in size on this planet

You can see them gathered at the bottom and going up in dimensions 

Look at these symbols and the ones below 

And these symbols 

The emblem of Iran resembles the Sikh Khanda symbol for a reason
There is a history before the 1600s 
Paki [Naki] Naga 
Singh [Sango] Shango 
North Naga- Sindh, Punjab, Haryana, and Gujarat
Sikh comes from the word Shakti from Sanskrit [Saknoti] is able, is strong, from PIE *kak- to enable
Iran was called Persia at one point 

This symbol, the Khanda [Khalsa] was picked by Ayatollah Khomeini
Khomeini's grandfather was an immigrant from India, and had the surname Hindi
Ayatollah Khomeini who was born in Punjab, India changed the name of Persia to Iran after the Shah was overthrown in 1977 and also insisted that the Sikh flag emblem be put on the Iranian flag
Khomeini was well known to have been influenced by Sikh culture and the Sikh religion, which was relatively uncontaminated during his time and after all Khomeini(s) grandfather was from India and this is a reflection of his own origins
The Sikh flag consists of two sabres over a broadsword and a Sikh Chakkar, an iron ring worn on the original head of the warriors
The chakkar is optional on the flag
The Sikh Flag is called the Nishan Sahib meaning the Respected Mark

The mark is over the 3rd eye [Nishan Sahib] and the Chakkar is another word for the Chakra
Iran the name like the rest of them are from this part of history and does not reflect the history before 

Origin of Khanda symbol
The current Khanda began to evolve after the British occupied Panjab
A new battalion known as Rattray's Sikhs which became 45 Sikhs of the British Indian Army was set up soon after 1849
The soldiers of this battalion used to have an insignia pinned on the front of their turbans that was just a circle or a Chakar on the top of which there used to be a Khanda standing upright with the handle of the Khanda touching the upper edge of the Chakkar

With having the surname Hindi which comes from Hindu – we can see that its only the Naga, Bantu [Buddha] and the Hindu Kush [Kish] all the way into Afghanistan which would be Iran
Hindi or Hindu would just be the word India [indi]  

In Hindu, Naga means a race of serpents, offspring of Kaduru, guardians of the under-regions; 1785, from Sanskrit Naga >> serpent, snake >> a word of unknown origin- they say

Naga, Buddha and Hindu- these names do not have no origins until around the 1600s

Look at the word Kaduru [Ka-Huru] Heru [Haru] 


Nose is busted and missing arms from the Harappan period
Nishan Sahib over the 3rd eye
9ether man 

Hara [Haru] Hari [Heru] 

Also found in INDA [INDIA] 

K’angra Valley
Angkor [Angra]

They say this part of the cave system is unfinished - sum thing happened here
[Ajanta Caves] India Cave 24
The construction of Cave 24 was abruptly with the Harisena(s) death- they say

Hari [Haru] Heru 

Stone records were left of a people before, and they were 9ether, many people are in for a shock,  shockwave - they were from Asia and Asian which are todays Indians - and Orientals 

Osaka [China] 
Onaka [O-Naga]
Look how big the blocks are

From KHMT [Egypt] into Aztlan [South America] into Tartarean [Prussia] Russia 
One source




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