Friday, 8 April 2022

Shiva lining

Do you know your name, many don’t know their name except when they change it – and now you say, my name is [this] and I am [A]

You are not what you are when you say that, you are saying what you [do] and you become a HuMan doer – like they say, not a HuMan being

So, you are doing what present humanity has been programmed to do and until you learn how to undo, and to stop that automatic reflex created process of reinforcing the matrix and the paradigm you’re in – then you are not going nowhere

Everything I am saying to you is questioning- and the necessary part of that is to analyse the questions that you have about yourself [your-cells], your life, about the people around you+ about everything that is going on right now in your perception- and if you do not question it methodically and impeccably – then you won’t be doing any multidimensional travel, then you won’t be doing nothing for the next set of incarnations [for those who are going to be returned] 

You see all this that is going on out here in their 3D world, entertainment+ is to keep you from contemplating your escape route – keep your eye on the ball [BAAL]

Know thyself [thy-cells] and stay there 

Let the K.AA guide, guide you, you can go to the Mtu [mother] energy and talk with her, i-magi-ne what you want, she already knows, break bread with her
Spheres [cubes] unidentical twins are important - get sum around you  

The word [know] and the word [no] are the same pronunciation, yet if you were to really pronounce the word know- then you would have to start by using the letter [k]  

The word know is taken from the word Gnosis, again wtf is the letter [g] doing there, take out the letter [g] and it still would be nosis – gnosis means knowing [knowledge]

We lose the sone in words because sum one couldn’t hear or pronounce [process] certain words [octave] 


A special clan of Gnostics [Abiru] exists in Rwanda and Burundi
The term Abiru has two meanings
[1] Gnostics and [2] Abiru also refers to general Nigroes - excluding blacks descended from Ham and those descended from the Twa pedigree

Among the Abiru as Gnostics, clans from all genus attained the initiation into the mystery school
There are Gnostics that are Hutu [Iru], Tutsi [Bene Ham], and Twa

BAA – transition from the earth plane to the holographic [spirit] [heaven] world- the KAA is just the spirit energy

Denderah [Dendera] the HET.U [house] of Atheer [Hathor] 

There are no incarnations during the sun cycle however, there is still time for many, but the bulk are leaving on a jet plane, don’t know when I’ll be back again…

Soul-ar energy streaming to the planet

Last 48hrs into 72hrs I had been wide awake, no sleep but felt alright about it 

Taken every hour from 5.4.2022 into the 6.4.2022 

None of the [3] flares from the sun have been recorded on their instruments, we have huge amounts of plasma and yet they are saying its plain sailing- what is going on out there

Brace for impact [7.4.2022] if there is one 

7.4.2022 - look at the evening  strikes, look at them codes 

Every hour- check out these codes 

Russian machine cuts out 

Most of the container ships are missing

This is from the month of March which was only 8days ago
while the 3D world watches Will Smith and Ukraine, Metu Ntr is busy, sum are from the planet and nature- but sum are from man
Trying to keep the planet cold by delaying the Nu NRG is not going to work, delay all you want, no one is leaving this house
When you see that light in the SKA with the Japanese footage, know that was a craft, they did the same thing to a US military base in Afghanistan when the US moved technology, when they were advised not to move what they had found, so the US base was blasted 
Japan allowed Fu9k-you-shiva to take place on their watch and their reward is to be wiped off of the map, Japan had been shrinking in size in the last decade- you don't have long, star family are pissed at you 
When you see the meteorite come down over Brazil [12:46] pause it and see the circuit board light up which is the holographic code which is the 5D+ - that is not a meteorite- that is a craft pod [shuttle] when the shuttle enters the 3D [Boom sone] the shuttle splits into 2, if you have playback, reduce the speed - the second pod cloaks - star family are on the ground 
The snow - the plasma hits the planet and goes to the plasma sphere in the centre of the planet and comes straight back up which is why UV is ground level, them bunkers down there have to have the air-conditioning on because its roasting down there and up here, people are wearing shorts and t-shirts because the body is hot - all star family are doing is sending in more CME(s) which melts the snow, heats the planet even further, sum thing has to give   

Watch for more distractions 

Keep your eye on the ball [sphere] 360 

NASA take out 5hrs worth of data, the sun is still sending out CME(s) that are earth facing, the Russian Schuman cuts out- here we can see NI.BIRU or another cube system 

Two huge crafts- that are very close to one another and they are bigger than the size of this planet  

sun-one left you records in stone to let you know when they would be present, that time is now 


Taken from the same window in Quebec [KANADA]
Very important images, taken 7.4.2022 [am]
This is the sight from the Northern hemisphere that goes towards Scotland 



Contrail from sum thing, they did launch a rocket during the week - is this incoming 


These are constellations
-the [stick man] is SAH [SAHU] (Orion) 


and with original colours still on it 

Front and back
speaker boxes 

City of the Gods
125,000 at its peak with a total of around 20million 

Why doesn’t anyone ever talk about the pyramid [MIR] found in the grand-canyon that had African artifacts that dated back over 10,000 years

Wahanee [Golden City]

The Cahokia Mounds State historic site is the site directly across the Mississippi [Miss-ISISI-ppi] River from modern St. Louis, Missouri
This historic park lies in south-western Illinois between East St. Louis and Collinsville
You can see clearly that this was pyramid shaped [MIR] originally but it was built out of earth and lost the original shape over time 

Persian [Ethiopion] Achaemenid rhyton made of lapis lazuli and gold

I wonder how they were used- rhyton I see that they all look like they would tip over, at least when filled with liquid
Maybe they weren't meant to be set down until empty, or maybe there was a second part against which they were propped when set down on a table- even the word rhyton [rhythm]

Odyysian is another word for Osiris 

Camel in INDA [NAGA]

Kangal [Kanga]

 The good shepherd
No leashes in the last image, huge dogs, here they are not fighting has we can see the two owners pacifying the dogs- these dogs are at least 5,000 years old, before the other races were invented  

The word Kurdish or Kurd came about around the 16th centaury and the word Mastiff comes from the French word, neither Kurds [Iran] or the French were here where this dog was first introduced in 
Sumer by the ANU.NAGA 

Human and higher [God] look at size of feet while he is being given a massage

I thought that was a Tiger or sum Kat in the middle 

There is a labyrinth inside this Kastle [Castle] in Eridu [Syria today]  

They are all related
European royal reptilian gathered in London for the funeral of Edward VII
9 reigning kings, of the 9, 4 would be deposed of and 1 assassinated

So, you have Norway, Bulgaria, Portugal, Germany and Prussia, Hellenes and Belgian, Spain, United Kingdom and Denmark [1910]  

Standing, from left to right: King Haakon VII of Norway, Tsar Ferdinand of the Bulgarians, King Manuel II of Portugal and the Algarve, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany and Prussia, King George I of the Hellenes and King Albert I of the Belgians
Seated, from left to right: King Alfonso XIII of Spain, King George V of the United Kingdom, and King Frederick VIII of Denmark

This rule by men was for [77 years] or 100 years which is the length and breath of the dollar bill which has expired 

Tibet, Nepal+ are all names from the 1900s
  The horns are made from metal [koppa, brass, silver], this variety of natural pipe on which the sone was extracted by the method of transfusion 

Fortress in Tibet- NAZI images, if the NAZI came here- then there is  reason

Greyhound station
Coin-operated TV
Nothing is new under the sun


Dead on display, 2,000+ year old skull with hair wrapped around two ropes
Not sure this is her or his hair, hair isn’t attached to and doesn’t grow from the skull, hair grows from the crown chakra, did they glue the hair back onto the skull >> and if so, why 

[El] Rey
El [Al]
Rey [Ray]
Re [Ra]
Amon Re

Ulmec [Olmec]

The original name is unknown for this site, only the one they made up in 1909
Landing site and residencies  


Imperial cities

Maruri comes from the word Maur [Muur] and means [black], so does Tuscan [Cusco] which means [black base] or [black element] or [black son]

Heru [Peru]

Precision engineering, look at these terraces, built on a slope

At the top was a complex of buildings with windows facing the city and [3] towers
They were erected from rectangular blocks of green-grey, the walls are using yellow limestone
The first of the towers - Moyok Mark [Muyuk Mark], that is - the Round Fortress and its foundation consists of [3] concentric walls

In the tower there was a tank

The two smaller towers were rectangular, this is Salya Marka [Kaklak Marka] and Spider Marka
The basements of the tower were connected by tunnels that were covered with stone beams
The tunnel network was pretty lit with electrical lights
This zig-zag formation, sone, current, is this a defence wall, one side, against water, against invasions, what kind of technology is this, there are parts missing from this impressive site

 All connect and align to SAH [SAHU] Orion 

These are attachments- devices, water [current] and stone [frequencies]

Global Network
One source 

In Rwanda Juru means heavens [haven]
Julu [Juru] Heru [Zulu] all means the same


And means children of those who descend from the heavens
Abenguni Is the same thing from which the term Nguni [Ngoni] come from

The Iru (Bantu) of which the Zulu are a small branch were genetically created by the Abammanuka [Annunaki] in Mesopotamia

Meso-potamia means Land between two Rivers and can refer to the area between the Blue and the White Nile or the land between river Congo and river Nile and refer to Tigris and Euphrates in Iraq because Iraq is in Mesopotamia which is Eridu [Sumerian]

How comes the R-wanda people have records of the Annunaki [Abammanuka] Anunna [Anutu] in their language, literature

This is where ENKI and ENLIL set up their bases, keep in mind that the map of the planet is upside down and there is a subterranean base also here in ABZU 

The word Buddha comes from the Bantu people
There is no connection to ancient INDA [INDIA] NAGA and modern day Indians [whatever they class themselves has] 

This is a Hindu Kish [Kush] fortress 
The Kushites are from Ethiopia 


Silver [Silva] Shiva 

A silver lining is a metaphor for optimism in the common English-language, which means a negative occurrence may have a positive aspect to it

Sh9t must take place first, but s-he is with us, we don't fight alone  


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