The ability to telepathically communicate
Once the frequency dropped, the 9ether became maimed in
the five [7] senses and was cut off from their [4] higher senses which are
clairvoyance, psychometry, telepathy and intuition
Man [Mind] became subconscious, indoctrination from man
and the lost of sone [sound] formed a sone consciousness which resulted in the
organ [brain] being reduced, meaning we lost access to data that contained
[data] information [light]+ which contained information about past lives and
all events, experiences, knowledge+ and we moved to the realm of the
Sone consciousness is not sensitive to this information,
but it is telepathic consciousness that is the real consciousness of man [Mind]
Khu, and now it has become subconscious, you have been asleep, you see this frequency
was reduced to 7.89hz which meant that the 9ethers would go offline and the
6ethers would be able [Abel] to function, the 9ether needed the minimum of
144hz to fully use their organ [brain] which would mean the 6ethers would go
offline at 144hz [which is now]
The sone consciousness when it was 7.89hz meant that we
could not remember and thus many lost their immortality of their BAA [soul]- look around you- see the soulless
Many people do not have any files and many if they do,
from the 6ethers- they come from another
The BAA and the KAA are different and are attached only
in your body [Kha] both are energies however the BAA is the overall energy;
this is a soul-ar system and you need a BAA to be here for this is a soul-ar
system for soul-ar beings – many do not have any files because they have no BAA
With sone consciousness, the cognitive process is very
slow because now man speaks his thoughts, you are now thinking, imaging+ connecting to others, to another
The strong dominance caused by sone [verbal] language
does not allow you to distinguish your thoughts from the imposed ones, therefore,
it is easy for a person to implement other people's thoughts, which the person
is not aware of, and they begin to control them
It is no coincidence that most people are completely
incapable of resisting hypnosis
The introduction of sone language has completely
repressed the telepathic language, rather, the use of sone language destroys
the telepathic perception
Baal’Star [Bastard] language English is spell-binding, sensations, feelings and emotions remain outside the transmission when using mans languages
You don’t know what you are going to be thinking of in
the next five minutes, sum times you get a word or an image and you don’t know
where it came from, where did that thought come from, sum times you transmit
and another picks up on it
We are connected to the Universal Mind aka the Universal Consciousness
Consciousness is such a long Greek word, consciousness is
alchemy, metaphysics, it is ether [melanin] KAA.NU
All is merging, all your past records [past lives]
memories, data files, your consciousness
A word is silver, and silence is gold
Western science has to informe an opinion and they have
said that telePTAHy cannot happen, because their devices do not register
electromagnetic radiation, they cannot tell you that the 6ethers do not have
electromagnetic radiation aka electromagnetic energies-
radiation is energies
to the 9ethers
The 9ether is the device, they can scroll through images
in their mind [head]- with the 3rd eye and use Magi aka Black Magic
with the black being KAANU [alchemy], the radiation is virtually not recorded by modern
devices- the 3rd eye and [Black Magic] combined – in a room with
fellow 9ethers, then they could all connect and become [1] with the same mind
and communicate, even long distance, even on the other side of the planet
The use of sone language from our ancestors, the knowledge
of the properties of sone and mastery [MaStar-y] of how to reproduce them came
from the supreme beings, this array of beings that brought their technology to
this soular system, these-beings [ANU.NAGA], this was necessary for our
ancestors to transform the planet and minds of the masses
Sone language played the role of an instrument and a
means of communication
We know that a resonance can destroy structures [Jericho]
The sone reflected from the walls of a property folds
(interferes), and circular waves are formed
If compound sone waves are used to illuminate an object
and achieve resonance, the form of sone composition will remain, and the rest
of the object will be destroyed
When your mum shouted at you, you were destroyed, don't lie
It was no coincidence that before the 18th century all
the instruments were musical and only after the 17th century, Kestler, a
chopper, a saw and other working tools were invented, they retuned [Italy] all
the instruments the Muur(s) had made and brought with them into Europe 800
years earlier – these tools had nothing to do with musical sounds, and quickly
pushed out the Magic art of sone from the field of material production
The first verse of their Bible says, In the beginning was
the word, and the word was [God], and the word is [God], the word was not in
English, what language were they speaking 2,000 years ago, the word was sone, a
frequency, a vibration, a tone, a sone, a acoustic
Tune-in and drop out, connect to the higher source
The art of sounds [sone] was called Galurgy (voice + urgy)
Galurgy was replaced by Haldea [Chaldea], a more
simplified knowledge than Galurgy
Don’t you think that the word Galurgy is the word Galaxy
The lady in red
MAAT + HERU combined NRG
this evening [4.4.2022]
Same evening [4.4.2022] look what came in around 11pm
Not seen that code before
Energies are hitting the planet
Read all data in energy [radiation]
The sun is popping off consecutive days
CME [3] are inbound – NASA say they are not earth-
facing, ok then- maybe these [3] are going to become [1]
Plasma is hitting
[C] class is constantly hitting the planet
The planet is hot and so are you
-tick tock
these images is five days old, NASA are withholding data
Signature craft- is that the craft above the portal [sun]
When you watch the footage this craft comes past real fast [light speed]
Couple cubes and what is that on the left
Ukraine is in Russia and on YT I saw a thumbnail saying there are 110,000 troops from NATO to the US to the Ukraine, maybe more from different places- that is 110,000
The ANU.NAGA warned Putin to step down or his people would be taken has slaves and sum would be food- the build up continues over there
They are not fighting each other
Russia sum years back just rolled into Crimea, Russia sum years back just rolled into Georgia and took them over, Ukraine is nothing to Putin, Ukraine is being cleansed
Will might go to his bunker- if he killed [faked his death] himself - this would get the false the attention that they want, Jaden his head and all them lines going across his forehead is worrying, he is under pressure- his body like many of them is reverting back to factory settings [UV] and there is nothing they can do about it - the brain is sending out signals to a female avatar and its jamming, sum one changed the vehicle but not the onboard computer, it cannot compute
These sink holes are going to flush up more than water
Sum one is running out of time
ancient antenna [Antarctica]
Hummingbird is just a name for a bird that hums [Om] and they have a cousin called the Spinebill
These birds are not flying, they produce electromagnetic friction [levitation]
Sadly we will never know what they were truly called
Noordin Kasoma makes bikes using bamboo, bark, clothes and
old jeans
This word INANGA is now the English word HARP – and goes
back 1000s of years and is the mother of all Pianos
Transylvania literally means beyond the forest, from
Latin, from trans > beyond + sylva (sylvan)
So called in reference to the wooded mountains that
surround it
Sylvan means of the woods, from Latin silvanus >>
pertaining to wood or forest
Originally only in silvanae > goddesses of the woods,
from silva > wood, woodland, forest, orchard, grove > of unknown origin
Bucegi Mt
The back of this monument looks like the Sphinx in KHMT –
this was built a long time ago
The Sphinx was photographed for the first time in 1900
but from a front position, not from a lateral one, as it usually appears in the
well-known pictures and I cannot find the lateral images
Near the Sphinx stands another group of rocks that they
say was eroded by weather called Babele
These formations placed at 2292 meters altitude are
devoted to the Earth and the Sky, to the Sun and the Moon, and to Mars, the god
of war and of agriculture, why Mars and who is the god of war and agriculture
These base formations look like they served as platforms,
foundation, sum thing was here or landed here – later on like with mist of
these ancient sites other beings moved in and reversed the technology
Regaleira Farm today, Portugal
Port-ugal just means new port, l like Puerto Rico
Spain - and a new port, what did they use these places once the Muurs had left
Last image is of George Kennan [1870] who is from Abkhazian
Called the Kazus [Akazites] because they are from
Kazastan which comes under Tartar, the Kazus have telepathic vision, they
recorded by sone, vibrations+ has you can see from all the technologies in
Tartaria [Russia] – they had their own language and it wasn’t verbally based
The 6ether Kazus became known has the Cossacks
The 9ether Kazus held out for has long as they could
until the [revolution] the [revolution] wiped out mostly the adults leaving the
children to be raised by the 6ether Kazus who taught them a Bastard [Baal’Star]
language making them redundant over time to only using 5% [10%] of their brain,
which was the story of today around the planet – so the 9ether Kazus could not
form sone consciousness which they could not access the data files of their
ancient data, they had become subconscious and lost the connection [alchemy]
Who is copying who, their hats are made from Bear skin
Earth the word comes from the Sumerian word Eridu
Eridu took the form of Ereth and means again earth
The Jews called the planet Earth
The Muslims whose Qur’an was conceived from the Bible
called it Ard [E.ARTH] as you can see Ereth and Ard comes Eridu
The Sumerian word for earth or ground was actually Adama
The planet was also called at one-point Tiwawaat [Tiamat]
and Ta, the planet was also called Ki
We know what her name is and why the Jews, Romans and
Greeks cannot name her after their own, because s-he is not theirs to name or
There is another world beneath your feet
Holland and Den-mark have a connection but not Germany
Den [Tan] mark
RAM space
The Baby Lion [Babylon] AKUR [AKIR] EKUR [E.KUR] complex
Wa-Set [Luxor]
As Above
So Below
As Within
So Without
As the Universe
So the Soul
This means only those with a BAA [soul] are connected to
source, and it's also a mirror
Wombmen are already circumcised and connected to source
Hippo is where you connect to [God]
In the beginning [God] created heaven, the earth which is light and body
The earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surfaces of the deep and the spirit of [God] was hovering over the waters
The dark waters was always here
The spirit of [God] is the proton light
Out of the dark waters the proton light gave life
The dark waters birthed the proton light
-What is the dark surface = [water] it reflects light
Above image is the [7] day cycle from conception
Sperm merging with the flesh = this is your heaven and earth
All natural seeds grow in the dark water
As above, so below
The Europeans and Muslims are in big sh9t for digging up the dead
Look at his skin- that is pure ether [KAANU] when they dig them up they also eat the body because they are dumb mtf and think they can extract the melanin
What I wanted to draw your attention is to his smile, right before death, whatever he saw made him smile- keep that in mind
Gold is a power conductor and stores, holds, energy
Muslim [6ether] man and Nubian [Afar] man
Here you can see for scale how tall the BENNU is against the KHMT
and who built KHMT
Here is your answer because they left everything on the walls of KHMT [Egypt]
Here is your answer because they left everything on stone tablets in Suma [Sumerian]
there are 6 and 9 ether Nephilian
The Greek [Etruscan] piece with the woman [she has been repainted over has the Greeks hate women] and the beast is a dinosaur
Mongolian pictures
Camels are from what is called the USA aka West-KHMT- is
this a Camel or a bigger version of the Camel
They can only change what is in their reality- which is only 10minutes or 10 years [decade] which has now expired
Touchpad - Intel processor
The yellow parts are to demonstrate that their body or avatar is shimmering [waves]
When A.NU moves it sones like metals contracting, like a submarine descending, these are magnetic fields emitting from them, when the Annunaqi were in Morocco the soldiers reported seeing their skin shimmer
The Dogon are also known has the rubber people and were the first to be observed by the Spanish wearing rubber soles on their feet and playing football
You come from source, not a cave system
Nubian [Naga] people - there was no Indians+ 5,000 years ago of any kind [Pakistani, Goa, Tamil, Bengali or Indians] you came from the Caucasian Mt
Asian - Indians
Asia - Orientals
Only the 9ethers who were building the stone records are in Nagalan
Today most don't ever make it past the hospital
This is less than 100 years ago
Sri Sundra [SUN.RA]
Baby in womb, other images show the foetus and IN.ANNA [KALI] checking baby heartbeat
Sri is from the word Sirius
If the Indians+ really knew about birth they wouldn't have 1.5billon people
Dakar in Senegal and Dhaka [Dacca] Dakka in Bangladesh are named by Naga
Dhaka is the same size has Illinois- yet Illinois have around 13million people and Dhaka has over 25million people - too many people - not just in Dhaka- in India with too many men
She fought for the Femi9 principle, we must also fight for the Femi9 principle
Match the [words] in this track, not the title to the image above
Imhotep translates He who comes in peace
-take a leaf out of his book and leave in peace
Perpetual cycle is life - death and rebirth
-in-order to build, one must first destroy
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