This spiritual army does not have the poWRA yet, we still have the siStars out in the field
There are too many followers and consumers, rather than leaders and employers, we still have the created matrix
A sphere [circle] with like-minded can start with just [2] it can start with just [1]
We have the formula - but we have been given cointelpro, we have been given everything and nothing at the same time - is like the choice between 1984 with George Orwell or Brave New World with Aldous Huxley, they gave us the choice between Brave New World over 1984 because they knew if they tried to take everything from us and force us into repression, that sooner or later we would rebel
This is the rebellion [the rage against the machine]
We are nothing without the FEMI.9 principle, we cannot advance without he-r
You see all these rituals, words, spiritual systems, religious
context, certain language+ they don’t work for sum of you and you find yourself
falling short to these lower lights which got condense, which is light bending on
itself which we constructed into things like Hieroglyphics and words, signs and
All these and more means you sacrifice sum thing external
that is outside of you, this same energy is not going to sacrifice itself for
you, you are giving away your poWRA to sum thing that cannot retain you and cannot
console [con-soul] you, it cannot save your soul –
To receive messages from source [God] is a certain technique,
this is a certain internal spiritual thing that you actually have to do or
actually be in, as a [Om]presence- a presence is a form of energy and this energy
is going to be correlated based upon the environment, the surroundings+
So, you have to find this space to be in as a KAA because
that space has the things that is derived in that environment aka consciousness,
thought forms, feelings, the body of water- which is dense, more so than what
you see in the [1][2] and [3] dimension and how we can see the perspective from
the [4][5] and [6] dimension as far as the stars+ [a bigger body of water], when
you think of this body of water – its sum thing your body can swim in but the physically
is more metaphysical [beyond]
When you are in certain spaces, you derive certain
awareness – leading to developing a mind, a mind is an awareness that doesn’t
change – your mind protects your spirit [K.AA] double you
When we connect, we are joining of energies to create
another energy
-the Mason [Ma'Sem] [Virgo] house do not need to take energy, they can create it themselves, the only house sign that can do this
When you want to be in the presence of [God] there is no specific
thought or feeling or word that can reach that space- this is sum thing that
you already intuitively know how to get into and one of the rules that you can
actually do down here is- separating from things, detaching, releasing from things,
letting go
We all create the mental world by us creating awareness and
thoughts and for the most part that conceals your spirit, so your spirit can
contract but for your spirit [KAA] to expand- that is sum thing that you have
to shed away – that you have to expand out of, as a form of inflammation [information]
– that you inflame yourself out of in sum way shape or form
To be with [god] is to
be absent from the body and in this context, the body is the mind and is less
dense, that chakra [body] of water is less dense- so to separate is from a
thought and a feeling that came together to be a mind
You must know how to point your mind in the right speculative
energy and not be directed by other spirits who have made their minds more
superior with the physical forms down here such has the Greeks, the Jews and other
allegories to create ruler-ship
Separate from the mentality [mental], this allows you to
feel lighter
One of the techniques you can use is separating from the
body, because to be with [God] is to be absent from the body and the body is
referring to all the thoughts, men and all the women in the body is referring
to feelings, once you inner-stand these are the first bodies – you will then
inner-stand that you can be used has a vessel
When you separate from the mental state you will become
lighter, thus closer to [God] and when you actually practice this [where the mind
goes, the body goes] – separate from a mental form and you will feel more lighter
and more of being in the present [presence] of [god] aka source
What is [God] in this context, this is [All] possibilities – in
the matrix you have limitations in this realm of realities because its only the
3rd dimension and this is limited because its explained by scientist
and Greek philosophy
[All] possibilities are not a consciousness on its own, it’s
a parameter – it is a space, and in that space, you can be used has a vessel to
express what [All] possibilities can mean, through the limitations of possibilities
within that dimension – that can be used has a vessel or has a representation
of what [God] represents, because [God] cannot speak for itself [it-cells] aka
[All] possibilities cannot speak for itself aka its cells
When you go about doing things in a nu way, this is when you
are using alchemy and are being used has a vessel to expand the universe and
transmute energy and transform the circumstance, for others to may not be able
to transform, who do not have the know-how, this is when you become an anchor for
You are a spirit [KAA] in the context of [All] possibilities
and when you were in that space of trying to be aware of [All] possibilities –
not only thinking of what is possible in front of you – once you are in that
space, you are an anchor to bring sum unknown things down here to things that
are known already and this is how you receive messages from [God]
A lot of the time, messages from [All] possibilities can
be filtered through the system in the [1[2][3] dimension as a song may come on,
a thought form may hit your mind, a feeling may hit your heart, a action may be
perceived from another individual or group of individuals outside of you that
they may not exactly know what they are doing but are riding a certain wave
that can be perceived just from the wave frequency that you are in, for you
to see sum thing a certain way, messages can be filtered through many ways in
the [1[2][3] dimension- it has to be filtered, it has to be birthed through the
realm of reality, through a light form whether its through a sone or a thought or
feeling, which is no sone but it can be a visualisation – as a vision [dream], a vision
is consciousness and you can only receive consciousness aka a body of water if
you are in a space as a spirit and depending on what kind of conscious vision it
is – will determine what space you are in
When its in your favour, this lets you know you were in
the right space has everything begins to materialise- which led you to the
right spaceship in the physical form and most of the time you were being used
has a vessel for sum thing whether it appeared to be negative or positive to other
individuals, this lets you also know you are on your Ptah as you go along
because you are receiving messages
To be one with [God]
is to be absent from the body and in this context, the body is the first body
you create – which is the mind
Regulate your thoughts and feelings [e-motion]
Lora - the spirit world is right there
South Africa
They say this story was written by the son of A.NU and
N.TU, the story talks about the civilization that started in ABZU and how the
Reptilians descendent to earth
The triangle object is a mother-ship in which the Reptilians
travelled – called Mbembenunu and in KHMT they call it Ben [Bennu] the Greeks
called it Obelisk
Triangles are important, just like the Bermuda triangle-
the spiral, the golden mean, like the MIR [MER] MA.RE [pyramid]
Norwegian settlement
What are these metal rods [flagpoles or thunderpole] for,
why so many – is this atmospheric
10,000 people from Norway disappeared and until this day no one knows
where they are and many do not know this even took place
Did you know that a primary school class and teacher or teachers disappeared in Malta, near a cave-system, the Maltase closed down the cave
system on the island for 10 years, this event took place in the 70s, until this day those primary school children
and teacher have never been seen, the story is going to change over the years from the authorises because people are conscious now and know sh9t is happening out there, there are many other stories and this is
still taking place today
Sacred ground, disturbed by the European Australians
There is no such thing as National Parks
Many were disturbed by man- but all is part of this MaStar plan
Giants are here once again
Fisher man finds baby Dragon
Laser Kat
Donkey and Zebra
Animals have feelings, HuMans do not
There are those who honour all life and there are those who do not
Most relationships don't make it that far
Only at the edge will you really know who you are
They were given to the French and fought with valour
under that flag
Pershing gave away the sharpest tool that he had in
America's tool box -Racism [6ether] Supremacy
When they got home [USA] they found out that the KKK had
burned down their homes, now isn’t that a bi9ch- the 9ether is the only race out here reminding all the other races how barbaric they are- there are sum things that the 9ether will not accept or do - there are sum things that another wouldn't do
Why doesn’t anyone ever talk about the pyramid [MIR]
found in the grand-canyon that had African artifacts that dated back over 10,000
Wahanee [Golden City] in the USA [Atlantis] West-Egypt is the USA
The Cahokia Mounds State historic site is the site
directly across the Mississippi [Miss-ISISI-ppi] River from modern St. Louis,
This historic park lies in south-western Illinois between
East St. Louis and Collinsville
You can see clearly that this was pyramid shaped [MIR]
originally but it was built out of earth and lost the original shape over time
The original casting stones were removed when the Muslims built Cairo
What is going on up there
Contrail- manmade or sum thing entering the 3D [5D]
Not sure they are real
[X] rays are constantly hitting the planet
The temperature is all over the place
Hurricane season is going to be spicy this year along with Monsoon [Moon season]
AM and PM [9.4.2022]
Codes have changed
Life force [Blue] throat [Mercury]
Look at the recordings on the Schuman
The vibration is changing once again and you will need to match the frequency
event mode
We've had a lot of energies in the last 9 days, communication will be affected, internet connection is in the water, not in the SKA - the grid is under pressure and they will have to trip the electrics from cutting out and staying out
What is happening with CV19- they will be rebooting it
They are spraying the Ska is a vain attempt to hide and to
keep the planet cold
10AM [10.4.2022] code breaker comes in
From 5:15AM [10.4.2022] and at 9:45AM you see the strikes come in
These are new codes and colours which are energies [light] and means nu frequencies, be mindful of the changes around you, others that are in your company, not all can process these energies
Tut(s) body charger Neb Ankh
[sarcophagus is made from pure Nub [Nubian] [gold], the degree of purity of the
gold used was not reached by science until the beginning of the 20th century
A block of pure gold weighing
about 110 kg
There is not a single piece of
gold like its weight on the ground
This interlocking is very
precise and inlaid with turquoise, agate and all the precious stones that there
is no equal on the planet
None of these thousands of
little pieces of precious stones fell, despite remaining underground in a very
hot desert for over 5,000 years about 3500 years
Precision and beauty
This type of engineering has
not been repeated in all human civilizations
It cannot be done as now, no
matter how much they use the latest equipment
The body charger [Neb Ankh] is
for astral travelling, when they left to go to other planets, dimensions,
realms and expanses
Rare Nub
Inside of the 9ethers are 375
rare crystals, inside of your muscles are 375 rare minerals which are only
found on different planets and different asteroids in the Kosmos [these
minerals plug into the soil [sole] soul, which also contains minerals- circuit
board], within your 9ether shell [skin] are 375 different metals and these
metals can only be found in different parts of the Kosmos and 50 are rare golds
that are not found on this planet
375 x 3 = 1125 [1+1+2+5] = [9]
the Golden mean
Within this Karbon, the minerals and metals, the crystals
that are within you make up a superior energy, crystals, metals and minerals
causes you to become radioactive beings which means radiation that you come
into contact with you guys absorb it and not only do you absorb it you actually
build on it, this combination allows you to tap into infinit8 powra, no amount
of western research will fully explain your natural abilities, the metals
within you allow you to tap into the Kosmic energy, the metals within you pull
in the electrical energy, the crystals pull in the magnetic energy and the
minerals within your body pulls in the radiation
[drink Himalayan pink salt to
replace sum of these minerals that you are loosening]
So when in mediation, within seconds you are connected to
the Kosmos
Your body is designed to run on high levels of
frequencies and high vibrations, your metals promote the vibrational energy and
this is why vibranium which is what they call Melanin [Kanu] which is nothing
but metals within your shell [skin] the metals provide your vibrational energy
and the crystals within you provide the frequencies, the minerals balance out
both of them so that the frequencies won’t supersede the vibrations and that
the vibrations won’t supersede the frequencies so that you are balanced
Antimatter = NWN
Matter = NWNT
KAANU [Melanin]
Your vibrations rise and your minerals are there to make
sure that your frequencies rise and your frequencies rise your minerals are
there to make sure your vibrations rise, so the tri-system is one-system that
is working together for us, with us
Your 9ether hair is made of crystals, minerals and metals
all together, your hair is called ether which is nothing but pure Karbon and
although your hair looks black, it is actually a light brown and is really dark
gold, look in the sun and see that you have a golden texture to it, you are
golden beings, hair grows out of your crown chakra
50 types of rare gold [Nub][Nubians] within you with 50
different types of rare Koppa with 275 other traceable metals that is within
your shell [skin] which make up this metallic organic exoskeleton, you are
built differently and accordingly, because of who you are, you have the ability
to pull in energy as well as cast out energy and all works within your
mind-set, everything works within the settings of your mind
Your pineal gland is an organic Quartz crystal that is in
the middle of your muscle [brain] and because its organic, when your
frequencies rise and your vibrations rise and you go into deep Ka’A mode, what happens
is your pineal gland pushes out this KAANU goo all over your brain and this is
when you are in deep spirit [Ka’A] mode, that KAANU [goo] is inside of us, when
you go full Ka’A mode that KAANU will be seen in your eyes
All of your books are within you, not on paper, the data
is out there, inner-stand what KAANU is and what you have within yourself
I wrote this so that you separate yourself from
mainstream, you are not mainstream
When you go into meditation you are pulling in Kosmic
energy in at the rate of 750,000 mega-hz per second, you think at the rate of 477 million miles [thoths] per second [instantly], this Kosmic energy goes inside of your body, housed in
special veins that are designed to pull in spirit [Ka’A] energy which is Kosmic
energy and you can feel that energy going inside of you, in the middle of your
hand is your [Krst] Karast-hole [Christ] and in your feet, the same thing, by
staying in meditative states you fill up that energy within you, your crystals
within you are designed to absorb and hold that energy within you, the crystals within you are designed to hold that energy within
you, this also causes your blood-cells to multiple, your blood is nothing put
plasma many of you have high blood pressure which is nothing more than the Kundanlini rising
Many have sight, but few have vision
the signs [symbols] are in the SKA [SKI] SKY
[8.4.2022] they say this is a planet, lets go with that, this craft then pulls up beside the planet and NASA kill the feed for 8hrs
Its huge
Huge crafts, structures
the portal [sun] you can see heavy distortion emitting from the light [core]
check out the colours
Barcode - Castle
Shark [Australia]
The Sahara and Chile
Fishing traps, whale traps, HAARP - if not, what are they
The capital of Brazil looks like a bird at night
Tartar [Naki] Naga
Near enough a full sphere
Ancient city in Russia Dagestan [Nagestan] Dagan
Dagestan -Mountain people
Shrubbery [UK]
He means 8miles long, not wide [??]
Lots of booms coming from over there, there are structures down there
Altai Mt
Russia [China] Mongolian mountain range+
Dagestan means Mountain people
Found are these preserved footwear+
Last two images, the image on the right is from last decade and cost $900 the other is over 2,000 years
You are looking at magnetic technology - those are magnets
Your soul [sole] plugs into the soil [earth
Alkebulan [Al-keb-ulan]
The Sahara (Arabic: الصحراء
الكبرى, aṣ-Ṣaḥrāʾ
al-Kubrā, Kebra the Great Desert this is to make that the desert separates,
that there is a sub-continent this area is the size of the US or China
There is a huge city complex under [Al] Kubra
Sand is from silicone [from trees] we had mountain type tress before they were cut down, which is were the bulk of sand comes from, why sand can be read
There is nothing nu- under the sun, every invention, technology you see, has already been seen on this planet
Mt Kali-ash
Look carefully
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