You need your light when
you leave this place, this is what you are fighting to protect, your light, you
are a star-system, a neutron star
BAA [soul] and KAA [spirit]
life force is an energy
As above, so below, as within, so you are never without, as the universe, so the soul
When the [2] neutrons stars come together and then
BOOOMBABY- the portal opens, you create worlds of your own, why would you want
to give this up – why are you afraid to lov9, do tell us why
Open your god-damn heart or you go down
You and your mate open portals together- sum of you do not need a mate to open portals
That is what you are in light – not spirit for that is
for the flesh – this is why we have women out there showing everything, why
porn+ sexualised comments, adverts, programs and more have you messing around in
relationships+ all designed so that you do not ignite like how the upload shows
you – there is no poWRA in European love but there is poWRA in you has [2] that
come has [1]
Do not enter the [sex] wars – do not put a transgender
above a natural [organic does not means natural] watch the game out here that
they are playing – you will become dead neutron stars that live in the brain
because you are not feeding on the sun or the soular energy or UV – you will remain
a dead star
Let lov9 in, go within
Those with [1] ion and you grew a heart [chakra] can make the grade [dimension] also, everyone was given the chance to evolve- the choice was always yours to make
[Israel] is part of [Al] Ghor [Saudi] Eridu aka upper and
lower KHMT and is where the [Gods] came to stay and this place aligns with
Nippur space-port, they are [3] in total that all align with the other Lebanon
[why NATO have a no-fly zone over there]
Niffur [Nippur] Nif-foor [Iy] of EN.LIL also known as
Nibru-Qi [earth place of Nibiru is in modern day Iraq
ENLIL did not want the HuMins to have [will] he felt that
no matter if they carried the supreme gene- they were still lower than them
The HuMin began to evolve and in time ENLIL realised that
he better get sum because ENKI(s) HuMins were growing in numbers and becoming
ENLIL created HuMans with no light because he was
At every opportunity ENLIL had he would cause issues with
ENKI(s) HuMins – this was on-going and cause friction with the higher [Gods]
The HuMins reached a point where ENKI wanted them to ascend
to [Godhood] like the rest of the Annunaqi [Annunaki] Annunagi [ANU.NAGA] Abammnuka,
and here we all are
Here we see ENLIL enslaving sum of EN.KI(s) HuMins
There are a lot of beings who do not care about either race, not sure ENLIL actually cares about his kind- sum one cares, has long as they care about the planet- then they care, we are seeing the higher ones minimizing what they can, this can only be for so long
This is from the 1940s into the 70s and the Belgians are whispering
into sum of the Hutu(s) ears, they wanted to disrupt the tribu(s)
The Longhorn KAU [Cow] [INYAMBO]
Cattle [Kattle] rearing was prized way back when; the KAU
is sacred and was so to the Tutsi and Hutsi
There is the European version that the Tutsi were
immigrants from Ethiopia and that they were not indigenous Rwandans
So, the Hutu began massacring the Tutsi in 1959 and then
launched a campaign to massacre all the Longhorn KAU(s) they could find and
replace them with FRIESAN cows bought from France and Belgium
The level of ignorance shown by the Hutsi and Tutsi is
Today there the Inyambo Kau is in few numbers and yet in
1940 the Inyambo KAU numbers exceeded the population
The Inyambo KAU are one of the natural KAU(s) in the
world and the rest is a form of GMO, they even have cows that produce human
AKIR [AKUR] [Lions] in Morocco and the USA
Why do new born AKUR cubs have Leopard markings
That is not an English soldier [sold ya] that is a French
soldier which is still the same thing [European]
Never make sum one a priority, when you are only an
option to them
Man was meant to suffer and wOMbman was meant to feel the pain
-all ancient pain is held by the Female, go easy on her
Hum [and God said let there be light]
Aum [Amun]
Many can hear the Sound of Life – which does not hurt or
is uneasy on the inner-ear, the other sound that many hear that keeps them
awake is designed to disrupt you until you leave on out of here
Just means All of Earth
Mutec Zuma [Puma] was the last Emporia
Ulmec [Olmec] 3D architecture
Honduras [which is still under the Ulmec]
Who are the albinos- Mongolian
With all these places, they always say that they were abandoned and never that the European Americans came through Kanada and America and slaughtered, raped their way across Atlantis and Aztlan along with the Spanish and Portuguese
Great civilisations were had before the European invasions,
non-more so than Illinois [USA] aka Atlantis aka Aztlan – this was one of the
largest North Aztlan cities of North Mexico at that time
Who built these places up and down Aztlan [Atlantis] are
the Ulmec [Olmec] who are pioneer builders, out of the Ul-Mec we get the Muur
[Moor] Maur which just means 9ethers [Nubian]
Keep in mind that the Mississippi River is the Nile River
[Miss-ISIS-ipi] and that the capital of Atlantis is Atlanta
With lakes in the USA, many were settlements that was
flooded after they were slaughtered and murdered, raped and burnt out of their
homes, many lakes will be drying out so that all can see [hidden]
The Cahokia history has been wiped from the paper history
but not from memory – most people in Illinoisan do not know that they reside on
ancient land
The Cahokia had technology, they also had knowledge
around planning, astronomical alignments to lay out – as above, so below
Buildings, plazas, mounds, this mound you are looking at covers 14 acres –
and still exists today
They will tell you that these places were abandoned and
not that the Europeans came in and fu9ked them over- they were not using bows and arrows, and just the gun-
The European Americans history starts around 1492 and
again in 1607
Cahokia was around still in the 1300s
Most of the hurricanes [heru-cain], tornados, cyclones are fuelled with ancestral energy that is pissed off and we will see more weather systems hitting the USA+ - they have not forgotten their children
Nothing to do with the Europeans invading or that they were diseased ridden, dirty, carrying S.T.D, no- that didn't play a huge role
This Monkey is called a snub-nose monkey and is a Simian off-spring [Bigfoot]
So is this monkey a Simian, Chimpanzee and Baboon, Gibbon, Orang-utan, are all Simian offspring
The Lares are the head monkeys whose chief is called Lard, which where they create the word monk
The Lares and Simians have been here from the start, before any HuMin [HuMan] was created and are a template for the HuMin [HuMan] frame but not for the 9ethers
How does Hanuman get from Naga to Aztlan- through the tunnel system
No one ever links Hanuman and the LARE+
You know like Planet of the Apes
Hunted, sum had to work with the US military [Mt Helen]
they hate the European Americans, chopping down trees, building roads, homes in the wild and for hunting their families, they owe you for that
Here is ENKI in LARE avatar
Saskatchewan [Sasquatch] is a native 9ether INDA word
Keep your creative side [right] balanced
It is a jungle out there
UV is a wavelength and many people are offline- get out of their way when you see them incoming
Texas [USA]
There are no coincidences- look at the time stamp
The real distance is only
by light
-the soul-ar system is in light-years which is really in light which is instant
You have to swap the colours [radiation] aka energies around for UV is now ground level- look at the images below
CV[19] A.I
Purple Haze
Data take up to 2am [2.4.22]
Blue is life force energy [life force]
Green [WAJI] is healing and life force energy
We see 100hz, another tone spikes at 400hz and the other spike is at 1000hz
Timelines are shifting, merging
still spiking, last hours [second image] purple, green, red, blue+ full blown energy exchange and we have soular [CME] hitting
Loads of this ancient symbol is being seen around the planet
The Biblical New Year actually began on the 1st
of April at sunSet
Bible people are waiting for a Moon, bi9ch we had it already
Why did man make the change
The Calendar (New Style) Act 1750 (24 Geo. II c.23),
"An act for regulating the commencement of the year; and for correcting
the calendar now in use", also known as Chesterfield's Act or (in American
usage) the British Calendar Act of 1751, is an act of the Parliament of Great
March 28th into
April 2nd
You can see the build up from the data on the Schuman and its still spiking
Lots going on in Scotland
I thought that was the Red Arrows in display mode
Those are chemical fuelled planes
The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU]
[Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and is a dark force field -cubed,
the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is
NI.BIRU [Neb Heru], and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra]
or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]
Electron charging
Crafts and cubes everywhere
This fell out of the Ska over India - they say its from a Chinese satellite
looks like the rim that goes around sum thing, rocket, engine
Huge amounts of distortion in those clouds coming from more than one mothership up there over Florida [USA]
Clouds only hold vaporized water- this cloud is blocking out the sun rays
Plenty of crafts sitting pretty in the SKA
Eridu [Turkey]
This Great wall of China doesn’t stop with China, this wall is also in parts of India and Mongolia and todays Russia
Star fortress in what is called Russia today, the shield of
There is a huge wall that runs along the Volga River,
this wall is a colossal length
We have seen Star fortress in Europe and in INDA [INDIA]
A castle or castles once stood here
The Star held and releases essential energy [water -currenSea]
Russia [Prussia] Tartaria [Tartarstan]– Tartaria was a
period of advanced technology and that includes advanced weapons
A wall built on the knowledge of metaphysics protected Tartarian
but there is a huge part that was destroyed
This Great wall of China doesn’t stop with China, this
wall is also in parts of India and Mongolia and todays Russia
the Tartan Army
Tartary [Barbary]
the Bartary AKUR- the bad boys your blood runs through the AKUR [SEKHMET] [BAS] and they know this, this is why they killed off the Bartary and caged the rest
Lucy was found in Ethiopia and she was around 3.5 million earth years
notice Australopithecus Afarensis
Afar [Afer]
Another group were found and around 6.5 million earth years old - the planet was a different mass back then
The real MaStars of the Universe- the Dogan [Dogon] who are from Sirius
Wearing the Basotho
Chinese 9ethers- how else do you think the modern day Chinese got the design
Sri Lanka
Aqua ponds, pools
Amphibians are always by the water [Moya]
Leave their avatars behind and leave via the teleportation hubs in the background
Nommo [Ghoul]
Malaykaat Bahri (river angels)
Sri Lanka
Pool houses [Iy]
Pond walls are carved out of granite slabs, as well as
the bottom and edge of the ponds, the steps are made wider at the top than at
the bottom, which gives them a step tilting and the steps are too narrow to
come down with HuMin [HuMan] legs-feet, there is access at the north and south
ends of the pond
Since the hole in the canal is much higher than the
bottom of a smaller pond, this will act as a filtering mechanism for a larger
pond- the currents in water
Restored and restored twice between 1885 to 1892
partially and from 1950 to 1955 completely, the black and white images show
that there was destruction and not vandalism
The planet is a water-world [aquarium] the more water, the less calcified, the more land, the more calcified, the planet is being engulfed in water everyday
Climate change is the planet is upgrading and there is nothing that man can do about it
One is from KHMT [Egypt] and the other Naga-lan
Key- USB [SMS]
Global network
House of TAGA [NAGA]
Earthquakes have hit the island destroying many of the
pillars which are part of the circuit board connected to the mother board
Why does the stone masons of KHMT have similar building styles of the Naga
Jib [Gib] Geb [to bring]
Geb [earth]
Who is holding up Geb
light [laser] passes through
All those men are 6[7] ether and the statue is the only thing that is still 9ether
[black] people carved what they are holding with laser-cutting devices
Who is this wearing the Fez [Qez] Krishna, Vishnu or Amon Ra , sun+
Sum one wrote that she has silicone- when in actuality she is a Nubian [Naga] and 9ether boobs are really firm, even in later years, even so that many of the 9ether wombman were forced to breastfeed 6ether offspring
6 + 7 + 8 ether is Indian [Asian] Oriental [Asia] and European
Cauc-asian + Mongolian
We are dealing with sone [sound] and light here and chemistry [Alchemy]
All the intricate designs are symbols- wave symbol and the stone itself, with working parts that all play a role in this device that was built by 9ethers
There are no other races on the planet at this time- its 9% natural
Let sleeping dogs, sleep, what an awful mess we have out here
I had to engage with two women over the years who had their boobs done, when one was asleep, I lifted her top and saw the x-marks, and the other one lied to me and didn't tell me- not my sort of thing
Many who have had them out were still poisoned
Stay away from low vibrating women
7 and 8 ether is better than 6ether - they last longer and depending on how her energy is can go further than her 6ether counterpart
All is dependent on your energy and your intention - your light is all that is poWRA-ing your body, not the other way around, the body is last
Energy [NRG] comes from within
Soloman mines is Sol-Amon Mind
This is the crux of allegory, for no man has ever talked to god, no man has ever seen, heard, smelt or tasted god - so why should we [believe] in sum thing that we have never see, heard, smelt or tasted
The only person that they said had seen god and looked him face to face - as a matter of fact Moses would be changing gods mind right now, god would be asking Moses how he manages to deal with them lot down there, Moses says don't destroy them just yet, let me go back down there and talk to them, god says alright wtf, do you really think that is what happened, if that book [Bible] came from any other civilisation prior to the European - they would have said what a load of sh9t
They know this all came from Asaru [Osiris] and call it modern day myth- yet everything in their Bible is true and was written on paper and Asaru has all his work in stone and leaves
Then I have met god, for the only way to connect to god is to be in counsel [Istal] using [Solomon temple] I have seen the light and darkness
Sum people are waiting for god to come out of the Ska and save them, the only thing that is coming out of the Ska is Chinese satellites
Beautiful things do not ask for attention
The FEMI.9 [FEMININE] NRG is the most abundant energy in here, it is Hydrogen aka
Hy [Ty] Dragon NRG aka Serpentine NRG [Kundalini]
The FEMI.9 principle is always there for us but we must go to source
Open you heart chakra for the fields are wide open
The [black] Sun
This passage is taken from the sacred records of Atum-re
Come let us Neter [NTR] go down there and unify their
tongues into one language, the one true language of their past, and dispel of
the diversity and confusion, Babel, that scattered them across the face of the
planet Tanen [Earth]
They must speak one tongue, so come let us give them back
our and their only true language, that everything in their minds than they will
imagine to do, they will be able to do
So come now ye Neter and let us go down, as Anunnagi and
perform this great ceremony of the resurrection of the dead Gods, for they have
been dead for long enough, their imprisonment before the blinding light of
misinformation must end
You are more apt to be blinded by light than you are by
darkness, the state in which the Neb Neter [Yahweh Elohyeem] dwelled when he
and they said - let there be light (Genesis 1:3) (Uwr, light, flames)
This was not merely the creation of the sun, but also the
creation of a great city of Chaldea in northern Babylon called Ur, the same
word as Uwr (Genesis 11:28)
This is not the Babylon of old, its that time again for
the great city to rise in the heart of the beast, called Babylon the great
It is time to fall, from the great city, the new Babylon,
or Bab-El, [doorway to El], so come to me, that I, a Neter, may pull you out of
here my people, and stop you from partaking of wickedness and ignorance
I, as a Neter son of the green light have come in these
last days, and with me comes great trials and tribulations, for this is the
great and dreadful (Yaw-re) day of fear
The signs of the times, the [7] great thunders
The clock of destiny ticks on and nature manifest its
judgment out of darkness, the unknown, the unseen, the un-apparent, yet the
ever existing
Man is light, and woman is darkness
This is a day of great fear, fear of the weather, fear of
viruses, fear of plagues, fear of wars, fear of death, fear of famine, fear of
deformity, and fear of enslavement and subjection by luciferins, sons of the morning
These plagues are not coming; they are already here
I, as a Neter must let my voice be heard in the earth
again, I am Re, who is Amunnebi Reakhptah, the Tum [Owm] Om or Neter: Atum-Re
I am that I am [Eheyah Asher Eheyah]
[Aneya dek aneya] I will be what I will be
I metamorphosize as the great Yusri [caterpillar]
(wisdom) on to the Taslug > cocoon (strength) on into the most beautiful
Farasha butterfly (beauty)
To know Atum-Re is by his number 9.3 times 3, and my
I, as Neter [god], through my rays of light grow them
into Neteraat
Gods out of mother earth, each becoming a Neter as
myself, God, beauty [Gomer], strength [Oz], wisdom [Dabar], that is I, Neter
Amunnebi Reakhptah, Tum, take men, [light] known and women, [darkness] mystery,
mere mortals and make them into Neteraat [Gods]
Women are inner beings and men are outer beings, or
exposed beings, women have vaginas [portal]
The conflict between the sperm of the male and the ovum
of the female can only happen properly by insertion of the female of the
phallus into the vagina
Her fertilization in her ovaries or ovum takes place in
the darkness of her womb, but the sperm produced in the seminal vesicle, onto
the prostate glands must be ejaculated outward
To ejaculate is to separate the life from the darkness of
the inner being, and put in outside of oneself
However, the orgasm, as in the word organs is done on the
inside of the woman in triple darkness
So she is the seat of the mysteries, called the mistress
of darkness, unlike the male or man
I am that being who openeth his Uteti [the two eyes of Re]
and the light cometh the great Ba-uz [falcon], I am that being who shutteth his
eyes and darkness cometh the great Buma [owl], I am he who commandeth and the
Moyaat [water] of the Nile flow forth, I am he whose name the deities know not,
I am the maker of the hours and the creator of the days
I inaugurate festivals, I make the water flood, I am the
creator of the fire of life through which the products of the workshops come
into being, I am that Khefera, the babe that crawls on all four, the Dub [scarab],
as the sun pushes up in the morning, I am Re, the man that walks on two in the
midday sky, and I am that Atum (Temu), the elder that dodders along with staff
on three, in the evening, as the Sun sets, I am of the woman the Goddess of the
Gods, the Netert of the Neter
I am the remover of the illusion of the Sun in motion,
the Master of all time, who’s setting all on the path to the truth
It’s the less known fact that was best kept secret by
light, that is, that the true god is the mother
What will I do, I will lead, as the ancient one, all true
minds of the initiate, step by step out of the scorching burning sun, and its
sterile and uncertain shifting sands, and blinding light, which is a symbol of
ignorance as to say the sun rises when it doesn’t, or the man is the sun and
the woman, the moon, the first point of light, the first lie installed in the
willing soul or to put the star in the crescent when it could never fit, for no
star can fit in front of the Moon in any of its four quarters
This is merely symbolism, yes, the signs and symbols are
the marks along the road, and I the sun of the right light has risen with
healing in my wings
To extinguish the light of ignorance, taught by the son,
the father, the uncle, and the brother, about the daughter, the mother, the
aunt and the sister, that light that has deceived so many, called the light of
truth and knowledge
That is that same blinding light taught by men about
man’s superiority and origin, as first, that lights the halls of science, the
chamber of culture, the institutions of learning and the lodges of secrets
As a Neter, they are a pillar of his or her great society
of the Rizqiyians, from the 19th galaxy Ihm (Illyuwn), they come from the star
Sibtu (Septet, Sept), which you call Sirius, there newly acquired home, after
the cataclysmic calamity of RIZQ, a man from planet RIZQ, a Neter, may be with
you and resurrect you from this death of mind, Khat [body], Ka [spirit] and Ba [soul],
this assures all, that in the beyond, as an A’aferti [Pharaoh] you will be safe
in Ma’at, the correct order of this world, and beyond
As your ever-living A’aferti, wearing the Atif crown of
Asaru (Usir), and hold the Waas crook/staff and the Khu [flail] each A’aferti
possess the Hiq [scepter] (Psalm 23), that they complete each year on the day
of my birth, with celebrating the Djed (Zed or Sed) festival before all eyes to
A’aferi (Pharoah) translates [the Choice]
Djed (Dj) (Sed, Zed) translates [Stability]
Both are you
Every 30 years in ancient Tama-Re in the holy city of Anu
(Annu), or On, there was the Djed or Sed celebration
The purpose of this Djed festival was for the
rejuvenation of the ruling A’aferti, crowds from all over
Tama-Re came to watch the pharaoh run a course in the
Djed court, or the Hawwara path of the Maguraj [Pilgrimage]
The purpose of the run was a renewal of the ruler’s
power, afterward, he or she was re-crowned as ruler of upper and lower Tama-Re
When a ruler had reigned for thirty years he/she
celebrated the magical Heb Sed (Djed Festival), this festival was supposed to
renew the ruler’s strength, the ceremonies included a special run that symbolised
taking control of his realm and also showed that he was physically fit to rule
Every A’aferti performed the Djed ceremony, they were
anxious to celebrate the Djed Festival at least once, the thirtieth year of the
reign has been generally accepted as a jubilee year, since this was also the
year chosen by Rameses for the first celebration of the Djed Festival
An event which took place on the morning of the festival
was the setting Djed pillar, a totem which resembled a lopped tree in which the
cities of the delta was named after Zedu and Zedet
The Djed Festival is connected to Asar, Asar became
connected with the first, which was afterwards called Per-Asaru and Banebded
the Ram, the ceremony took place in front of a statue of Asar, and in the
presence of the females and the royal children, the Djed pillar represented
Asar’s backbone or spinal column [Kundalini]
The Djed festival, which follows the overflow of the
Nile, was conducted in the commemoration of the resurrection of Asar
The ruler himself, helped the workmen, pull on the rope
which set up the Djed pillar, after an interval of singing, instrumental music
and dancing, the people joined the ceremony, the figurants divided up into two
groups, the inhabitants of Fi (Pe) and the those of Dif (Dep), two neighbouring
towns, which finally merged into one in ancient Tama-Re
Sem (priests, or sacred brotherhood) participated in this
festival, on the occasion of the Djed festival, the priests came to offer a
profession of allegiance
They were pardoned and fell in line and handed over their
offerings in a symbolic ritual
Incense was brunt before each deity, who received his
share of gifts, and the festival ended with the traditional offerings to the
deities when the great imitations took place, and the subjects would bring the
firstlings or the freshest growth and offered it to the deity
If it was respected then they were accepted, and all
rejoiced with a tremendous banquet
Atum-Re completed each year on the day of his birth, the
Djed (Zed or Sed) festival before all eyes to see
This actually started in 1967 when Amunnebi Reakptah
first inscribed the writings of the sacred records behind the 9 ball, on up to
1997, 30 years of what you wanted
Then the resurrection and the time for the great change
to take place, from the blinding light of religion to the supreme balancement
of knowledge, which is what you can obtain
I came to give you, I started in the beginning, I came
giving you what you wanted, so that you would learn to want what I have to give
1970-2000, there is apparent hidden information, so also
are the dates, 1967-1997, 30 years, and 1970-2000, 30 years
The year 2000-2030, 30 years
1987-2017, 30 years
December 24th 1981-2011, 30 years
In all ancient cultures these dates are commemorated for
the end of one cycle and the birth of another
When we use the word ancient many think that implies a
time long ago, I’m afraid we are in one timeline, ancient, past, future, present
are all one timeline, the only thing that is ancient is your way of thinking
The united lands of Upper and Lower Tama-Re enjoyed many
festivals, some of these festivals were annuals, the marriage of Neter Athyr
(Hathor) Atheer, of Denderah to Heru (Horus) of Edfu was celebrated
There was always an annual (ann-ual) celebration for HA.PI
[HOPI] the Neter of the Nile River, son of Haru, there were five feast days in
July devoted to the ending of the old year, and the beginning of the new
Also, you had the Ufit (Opel) festival, which was done in
the honour of Neter Amun-Re, which the Bark of Atum was taken from the temple
in Wa-rit (Karnak) to the river, and it travelled by barge to Wa-set (Luxor)
After 24 days, the bark or the ark which carried the
statue of Amun returned to Wa-rit, Karnak
This story was copied into the Bible and become the
ritual of the Ark of the Covenant; this was a ritual in ancient Tama-Rean
The Asar (Osiris) procession and the ceremony of the
journey to the netherworld, where the men fight as Haru and Sutukh
They do this by beating the drum, which begins at 12
midnight of your time and extends the full length from the sun appearing to set
(Sutukh), defeating Setians and their blind faiths
This continues until the sun comes to the horizon Haru
(Horus), and it brings the sun (Re (Ra) into being, simply until the appearance
of the sunrise, and the bringing in a new year, the resurrected Asar (Osiris)
The following month of July, the first 5 days is the Ufit
festival, which this A’aferti has raised from 27 to 30 days, a fast and feast
of 3 sets of ten, ten days and you remove the deities Atum-Re, the new coming
god, Atun-Re, the high god, and Atum-Re, the setting god, from the great triad
provinces or sites, set up as H.T.M, that is from H. Heliopolis (Annu), to T.
Thebes (Nu-Amun), to M. Memphis (Tattu) in Tama-Re of the West [USA – Atlantis]
Ancient Tama-Re tradition worked by 3, they ate with 3
fingers, etc, this is where the Muslims got their ritual of the Sunnah from
The Setians are 1. Judaism, 2. Christism, 3. Islamism
Male superiority and worship, female inferiority and
abuse, spook worship, and factual blindness
This Ufit ritual consists of three sets of ten days in
recognition of three great suns, and the threes positions of the sun, the
sustainer of all life
This was represented by the morning sun, the high sun and
the setting sun
What they did was to fast, feasting and sharing, fasting
with only liquids during the daylight hours, and we break our fast with the
setting sun, they shared, the feast, charity and gifts
Each fasting ends with congregational Ashu [prayer] and
Sharing becomes re-awakened through fasting, it’s a
remembrance of those in need
The prayer is to bring our noble godlike qualities down
to a humble state and the festivity is to celebrate our gratefulness for the
abundance provided by the three suns
The sustainer, nourisher and the provider of life, these
rituals are referred to as the Djed pillars are carried at the head of the procession
on the thirtieth day
The purpose is to remove all misinformation and replace
it with facts for the diligent inquire, the true seeker, and the loyal
This is the key (ANKH) which will open the domain of all
truths, you possess that key, for the key doesn’t open the door, you do
The 24,000 year old cycle is over, the cycle of
ignorance, where you have been subliminally taught to ignore that which would
benefit you and your kind, your to rediscover the secrets in and beyond your
Secrets that could not be taught to you by anyone before
the appointed time which is now, that there was a genetic coding set to go off
as the spell is lifted, and that is happening now.
The Neteru(s) time does not have a “then” only a “now”,
whereas each individual is at the point of “now” and looks back at multiple
“thens” and looks forward to multiple “thens”
Thus, on both sides of present, you find past and future
Then is then to come or then that has past, in each case,
there is a now, an ever existing no and a time for your resurrection and
reawakening is now
Let me begin by telling you of the beginning, that is,
before the physical [Ginn/Jinn] be-ginn-ing.
Hu-Mins “creative fertility” since their very growth as
creation in life, have always pondered over the creation of skies and the
planet Earth [Tanen] Gi they have wondered, who the original Creator or Creators who caused this wondrous creation through pro-creation on sexual
relation, resulting in pregnancy
Pregnant is from Middle English, from Old French, from
Latin praegnans, praegnant, variant of praegnas, from [gene], also [gen],
meaning “to give birth, beget”
So we are taking about the manipulation of the genes
before the actual birth and even your Bible uses the word Genesis and you see
genes and Isis right in it
This was not the beginning or the first birth of a hu-min
being on the planet, its all symbolic
Yet there are others who would deny that the universe
began with the source [Huhi] “Hu, Huwa”, the eternal breath, the wind or air
that proceeds outward from the being as the breath
Neteru (Ne-tee-roo) [Supreme]
Neter translates “Supreme Being, Guardian”
Djed also spelt Sed, Zed “stability” duels purposes
including generator [you]
Wa-rit (Karnak) “Town of windows”
These words come from Neter: Aaferti Atum-Re own records,
(inscriber Amunnebi Reakhptah)
The secret order Of Wa-Set Lodge
Asaru [Osiris(s)] here in WAJI and Brown [means the living man- when he is in Blue- that is the underworld]
Osiris “no beginning of days, no ending of nights, the
Alpha and the Omega”, Osiris is still on the Earth plane, all will be revealed, Asaru is Amun Re
Amunnubi Ruakhptah (Amon-Nuu-Bee-Roo-Akh-Ptah)
“Mysterious informer, Soul of the Tahites, (Earth People)
Neteraat “Supreme beings”
Neteru “Supreme”
Neter “Supreme Beings, Guardians"
He wanted to teach humanity, he wanted us to learn hence the many avatars he had so that he could be among the people, why go to all that trouble, doesn't this sone like sum one who cares
Asaru- the chief A'aferti of KHMT [Egypt]
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