Thursday, 28 April 2022

Coming Home

 Hidden Goddess

Breaking the lock-down [quarantine] is equivalent to Mother Ki breaking water – her children are going to come forth, her children are the HuMins [HuMans], the animals, through nature [NTR]+ that are all vibrating higher

The firmaments of the heavens [water breaking] and Mother nature, her children are going to give birth into the forth dimension and has we get birthed into the forth dimension [energy] what will happen is we will interface with other entities, other extra-terrestrials, other beings, other spirits, other crafts [UFO], other dimensions+ you will and have already started to see other spirits running around the planet, all these dimensions are merging into this one, you can hear, see, feel, taste, sense+ them- all has the vibration continues to rise – not matter what, has the energies continue to rise and we will be interfacing with these energies 

At the same time, we have the rise of the matriarch energy [matrix][trinity] – the FEMI.9 is the most abundant and most poWRA-ful of all energies, there is nothing above her

Ma [Mu]
Tri [3]
Arch [Art] [Arc]

The soul-ar eclipse that is coming up has everything to do with the implementation of the trinity aka the ma-tri-arch energy system

This is about [Lov9] and is the love energy

Pa [Father]

This energy is the fear energy which is mans energy, how does he rule, like he always has, by brute force, by wars, by stealing, by fighting

When man rules, we are out of order 

When the Romans broke into KHMT [Egypt] the first thing they saw was A-Set and Her-U aka mother and child

With the matriarch system, the first teacher to humanity is the female [Mu] Mama [Mum] Mother [Ma’other] she nurtures first, not man, making her the first teacher to mankind

It is the female that creates men, the man, she is our first teacher and not your daddy, one day he will leave his mum, but she taught him everything he knows

The first person you learned how to lov9 was her, he is he-r and s-he, the first person you learnt respect from was her, not him, you respect wombman from her – your mummy, this was when things was in order, today many women have lost their way and no longer produce men, they produce male- women, she has compromised herself  

Even when this matriarch system takes over, it will take time to implement, however things have been put into place already

We are not talking about women ruling like how you know from the 3D, it just means lov9 will rule 

It will mean that man and homosexuals [trans-genders] will step back, there are too many of us that lov9 the wombman and will do anything to protect her – there are too many men that lov9 their mums, grans, siStars, nieces and aunts

Beside Asaru we see Aset, her name translates, the seat, throne and is referring to the mind, consciousness, it is Aset that kept the Chief of KHMT in check which is Asaru [Osiris] she balances the masculine and feminine energies – whereas the patriarch system is men, homosexual energies, we cannot have homosexual or inverted energies presiding over children and feminine energies – the patriarch system is an unbalanced energy system

Your daddy gave you identity and sent you into the world, whereas your mummy [granny] installed your programs, your daddy’s identity was ego-based and is to why you are fu9ked up in todays world

If you could nurture, then you could nurture a nation, when you see all these warriors out here, all these leaders, all these kings, all these [Gods], they all have a bellybutton and this means you came from her first

Woman [Womb-man] man came from the Womb, aka man came from woman, not the other way around

Man will be balanced again to rule by connecting with his mother and by connecting with mother Ki

Connecting with mother earth [Ki] is going to be very crucial 

I had the eclipse for May 16th, there is an eclipse on April 30th [ether mono] and with this eclipse there will be great change- be wary of looking at the eclipse during this time, because the energy will be chaotic energies, this chaotic energy is for change, the architect of this energy is MA.AT and HERU combined, she will be using the eclipse to take us higher and at the same time, many will be going offline [lower] because they simply cannot make that type of vibration [hz] 

In 2017 we had an eclipse- and that did change the frequency, this incoming eclipse will affect us all deeply

This is the great mother energy that is coming to the planet – this is magnetic energy, dark-side energy, Lilith energy+  

There are so many female [Gods] involved right now- you can access anyone you are drawn to

The eclipse is another dimension opening, it a portal to allow this [superior] energy to flow through aka the great-ring-of-fire, using the Mono [Moon] under its own power- silver energy

This is a game-changer, this energy will change the 3D world in which you knew of – which will tear down the old system – a change that you would have never experienced before

Everything is always on-going and change is always difficult to start to end to begin  

All takes time and the date is just the roundabout timing for when this change will take place, this is the birthing stage

Uranus [Ur-ANU-s] will also be mixed in with this Taurus [Torus] energy which would mean Venus and Venus is a Diva my Shiva – she loves getting her hands dirty, she loves to mix it up

Uranus is revolutionary – what this means is sum thing big is coming, what is coming is sum thing that you only saw in movies, that movie is real [reel], you have been sensing this for a while now, not anticipation, when you know, you just know

Mercury will also be in the mix and this means, take a knee and revaluate you, this is not a time for starting new things, sit down, shut up and find out what the universe [Nun] has in store for you, you will need to be connecting to source for downloads, I have started this already, because energies lingers, energies are not date based, everyone is being positioned to where they are supposed to be, I have been restless for a while now, the universe knows this and she will respond accordingly, so during this next cycle, go within, take a knee and connect with her for you next moves, so if you want to purchase anything, do it now, if you want to do sum thing, do it now, so that you can shut up and allow the energies to consume you, be in the moment so you can be directed to where you need to be in your life

Uranus also deals with higher technology, like the Aquarius field that we are in, nu technologies will be given out – get your 3D glasses ready

After this soul-ar eclipse things will amp up  

What we are looking at is bringing back the indigenous energy on the planet, and this means from all those with the energy from all over the planet, indigenous does not mean just the USA or Australia – but the USA does have a lot of the [chosen ones] a lot of energy was given to the 9ethers in the USA for they are the ones who will tear the USA down, what we saw after Rodney King is a mere clip of what is to come in the USA, both physical and spiritual, the spiritual work is the unseen but will be seen once they have been given their energies

Spirit has been getting me ready for it, spirit has been getting you ready for it 

Venus [mother] is the Kundalini energy [which is the holy ghost], is the Serpentine energy, is Hydrogen [Hy[Ty]- drogen [Dragan] Dagan [Dogon] energy in the [chosen ones] which will make you more motivated towards your Ptah, your destiny, your purpose  - the Kundalini energy is your mother poWRA, this is your Kachina [KA-CHI-MA] N.R.G, the Kundalini energy is the poWRA of your mother – ye shall receive poWRA once the [holly] whole [w-holy] ghost has come up upon you  

All those superheroes flying [levitation] through the SKA and more+ you are going to see for that is 4D things being brought down into their 3D world, people are not ready, we are about to shatter peoples beliefs, they said that mans heart will fail them, lies will be crushed, no Allah or Jesus will be coming out of the SKA, this is your raising Dion

The mother energy will activate your DNA, this has been on-going and started sum years back, however all dimensions must merge and with this eclipse means activation of the mother energy [Kundalini] the [KAANU]] Chakra system are alien implants that were graphed into their off-spring

In the last days, I will pour my spirit upon all flesh- the holy spirit aka the holy Shakina [Kachina] Shekinah [Shekhinah] glory, aka the spirit of [God] is going to go into the [chosen ones] which will change the DNA [DEA] and upgrade the being, like I said, this has been on-going since I started writing on this blogger page which we are in year [3] the [chosen ones] are those rising at 144hz- it is a frequency

MA.AT and HERU combined is going to consume you and for others the energy is going to destroy you – this is your Cosmic UV[C]

If you are awake spiritually and you are working on your Ptah, remember that sum take lifetimes to awaken and many will not awaken [activate] this lifetime, many of you have missions, soul contracts that you were specifically sent here to do and there, sum of you are here to aid in the pushing of the energies forward 

This is an alchemy process that involves lov9 which you will see through the desperate times that lay ahead, through nature you will also learn this process, you will see examples of lov9 through your lives to the point that it becomes notable, through nature we connect to the higher source

Turkey [Eridu] the head was added so they could display what was found and conceal that they had smashed her head off- why, because she is female and because she is 9ether 

The word [God] must be over-stood, the oldest version of [God] is female – you can go to Turkey and you will see the oldest deity is female, she is oversized if you like, they smashed the head off of that particular piece, but our ancestors were smart enough to leave too many stone pieces around the world 

The Neter-U was not a matriarchal system, nor was Nubia nor was California – Neta-roo [Neteru] is a better word than [God] the Roman word for [God] is deity, the text [NTR] Neter-U is written in stone and means Supreme, the word Namaste [Na-Master] means I bow down to you, we do not blow down to no one because we are all on the same level, because you are a NTR aka [God] bypass the Namaste [intermediate] and go straight to source

The [U] is added and means infinite

You must stay connected to Mother Ki because she is going sum-where and is taking her children -which brings us to children, they will be pushing to make the children older, they have already exposed them to adult themes from computer games to media+ to allowing them to change their gender, all making these children have rights when in actuality it is a game they are playing, playing with the innocence of the childrens energies – all designed to throw the energy off and making the child disruptive, no need for your parents, guidance, no need for grandmother of father, no need for you – they are taking away the structure for the next generation, which starts now

 The soular eclipse energy can last up to a further 30 days before it can affect sum people, again, be wary of watching the eclipse because it is chaotic energy and can affect others in a negative way for you mind, let that energy come down here and do what its got to do

The energy that is coming goes like this, your mother teaching a young man how to be nurturing, it will be based on lov9, yes also it will be cruel lov9 also, because we all nurture differently

The way a man respects his mother has an awful lot to do with the way she teachers him, if you son is sh9t, remember it is you that taught him or what you didn't teach him

Being daddy's girl is not always a good thing, he taught you how to be a dildo, like himself

Alignment of 5 planets, Earth, Mars, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter, as seen from Africa at 4am on left and on right, message left around two days ago in the UK showing the big boys

The energy shifts are heavy, full moon, planetary alignments, DNA activations, the changes are all heavy, the moon is recycling certain toxic energies, making us cut certain ties, things that don't serve you no more- this is the re-evaluate, reSet, means to look over things again 
-the dark moon cycle, rest easy because it can be heavy and you will be forced to take a knee 
-you must recharge, those who are sensitive to energies, you must take it easy during this period
You may feel drained
There will be people around you who are not conscious of these cycles and they will drain you 
Make sure you get enough sunlight, open the blinds, we tend to retreat during these periods which is fine, but get the rays to stay charged, to allow your Chi to flow   
Don't burn out, you are under contract [soul] and have things to do down here 

Isn't it curious that the moon's shadows are the faded copy of Earth's continents…

Mars [Muurs] Moors
NASA are watching LAH.MU like a hawk because once they go Zer0 point field [the magnetic field] flatlines, then the next flatline will be this planet, only we will have levitation [gravity]
Mars was put into a coma when NI.BIRU went past in 2012 and NIBIRU continues to cause issues for the planet
See where the impact is, sum thing hit the planet and scraped along the surface 

 90 degree force field around the planet, this house is sealed, no one leaves, no energy can escape 

What is the block in the middle
200hz and 100hz
Mental health will be floating around for many

Plenty of energies 

Red-band = MA.AT + HERU = FEMI.9 ELECTRON principal 

See the orange in the Schuman and in the SKA
read all data in Chakra colours [energies] 

Incoming [27.4.2022] 

 Ki facing

Images are from Philadelphia [USA] 
Blue [KA-CHI-NA] sitting pretty in the SKA always at the 1 o'clock position 


Rhodes [Greece]
Image on the left is at 10am and the right is 3pm
They have no choice but to keep the planet cold, its only cold on the surface level

Check the shape, portal wide open 


The sun is not the same in the [4] corners of this planet, the rays are different 

Sprites [Spirits]
Oklahoma [USA]
Each one of those beads in the body is probably about the size of a city block 

Electromagnetic turbine is what is causing the shapes in the clouds
The turbine are under the crafts
Image is from the Russians pulling a craft from Antarctica-  

Kansas [USA]
Huge craft 

Signature craft 

China is going for gold, all that Kung Fu and you can't take your government out, all them Triads, all them Monks - 

=what about granddad, was this in vain 
China have a one child policy and was male orientated 
What are all those men doing today, because your own government are about to cull you

Processed foods are for mutants, you are not a mutant, let them burn down 

This is sum ones meal in the year 2022, nothing has changed in the last 50 years at least
-in order to end things like this, the matrix must be crushed from within
Take a good look at this image because you will be swapping places real soon 


This was posted 6 years ago- think deeply about what this means 


Chaos brings disorganisation and we see this out here in the 3D, no one is ready for war it seems

War will start in Chaos

There are no leaders and anyone that comes up has a leader was hand-picked, they are on the tv to the internet, your real leaders get taken out

Over-stand that your leader and the war and the revolution [evolution] will happen in a spark- just like lightning hitting dry brush, it will not be you go over there and you stay there and you guys come with me, no, it won’t work like that – it will go like a group, a mass of people with one common ground, to destroy Babylon [modern day meaning] aka the halls of authority and out of this the leader will come, a leader does not mean one person

Anything that has a beginning, has a birth, a time of fruit and a corruption time and anything you create will be corrupted – which is the nature of things in third density and is a part of the mystery system that was not taught to us

You have to know what is corrupt – then you wouldn’t put people in there [3D] that will lead us to corruption, when we have leaders that are corrupt, then the masses are doomed to fail

When you are a leader, your mind is that of the people and the people are you mind

If you have an isolated agenda from the people then you’re no leader, you are a dictator

Let go of the dictators  

Be careful, be wary, know your frequencies

India is a vast place that includes Goa, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Tamil, Pakistan, the Himalayas, China, Burma, Myanmar, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Singapore, Cambodia, India, Indonesia
-this is your Asia minor and Asia major, this is Asia and Asian  

How many temples are there in India
-there are around two million temples in India, and each year the number gets increased substantially

[7] sun windows 

80-ton granite carved out of a single granite block and then places perfectly at a height of 216ft [9] at the top, who does things like that 

Bow and arrow temple
Who throughout ancient history has his bow and arrow 

Temple- you have temples in your body, also called pressure points

The temple is a latch where [4] skull bones fuse: the frontal, parietal, temporal, and sphenoid
It is located on the side of the head behind the eye between the forehead and the ear
The temporal muscle covers this area and is used during mastication, chewing, gritting your wisdom teeth- during mediation 

Solomon mines are Sol-Amon mind- your head - body 

There is no denying that there was an African [Alkebulan] presence [pre-sense] in INDA because they left records before the modern-day Indians appeared – in stone and you wouldn't have smashed her nose off if she was your kind - last image, look how tall that door-gate is, giants once roamed this land 

Backdrop of INDA

The USA is West-Egypt, the knowledge comes from the West
Camels come from the USA
Mississippi [Mis-ISIS-ippi] and the Nile River are one in the same
the Grand Canyon is the description word describing what a Canyon is

This place shuts down and a mist covers the entire area, which now they say only happens a few times in a decade 
There are places that you cannot go  

Wahanee translates Golden City

Wahanee is the third Golden City in the United States
Wahanee’s circumference covers parts of Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina
The apex or star is located in Augusta, Georgia
There are [5] safe zone-cities that were mentioned or prophesied but you must be vibrating at the right frequency to access the cities 
 You will need soular poWRA 

s-he changed the frequency 

There are two things to be worried about 
[1] is the FEMI.9 ELECTRON principle and [2] is the afterlife

There are two things to be HA.PI about
 [1] is this monkey sh9t is over and [2] Justice [MA.AT] will be served to those who broke the Laws of MA.AT which are Universal Laws 

Order, that which is straight, balance, chaos and justice, these are the principle laws that will be restored  

Your higher-self is the psychic mind [universal mind] which is still [All] you 
Psy means soul [BAA] and Chic is Chi [life-force] energy- you are not the body [avatar] 

The HuMin [HuMan] experience is nearly over 


Please pray [Ashu] for others because sum one is praying for you, a people that prays together will surly stay together

Its a jungle out there and others needs the charges [A.SHU], think of what that person needs or wants, 
i-magi-ne it in your mind, picture it, want it 

ask for strength, protection and guidance 

The feather that MA.AT holds represents the principles of poWRA 
-the feather is called SHU 

Seattle [USA]

Flattening the Hills of Seattle [1905-1930]
Smoothing the hills of Seattle [1905-1930]

Starting from 1897 and continuing to 1930, the hilly topography of downtown Seattle has been radically altered as a result of a series of reconstructions, which could have been the biggest change in the urban landscape at the time
The reason for such transformations in the official version of history is economic
City planners of the city believed that if the streets are located at the right angle and at an even height, the business will thrive

Engineers and workers moved mountains, straightened rivers, levelled hill slopes, revelled sewage pipes, paved roads and cut canals

These redecorating projects began after an 1889 fire that destroyed much of a downtown Seattle

Do you believe this is the reason for such large-scale transformations- h3ll no 

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