Tuesday, 19 April 2022

Amber Light

Its a jungle out there, the energy is heavy and people are heavy, there are plenty of higher energies that you can stream from, you are within, so that you are never without 

Everything in the physical plane is open for interpretation and subject to change
-and is why the scriptures say the material world is e-vil, not because of demons, but because it is untrue, that is an illusion 

You have to learn how to read patterns and frequencies 

You have to first learn and recognise truly deep in your heart that this thing doesn't matter

Its not real [reel] but you have to play 

You have a definition of things that is not a true definition of things - its a definition of your reality and how you set up your definition of your reality is how you set up your framework for how you operate in this playground 

This is why it is so important to have control on how you see the world [3D] 

Who has defined your world for you, did you do that or was it from second hand experience, did you receive your definitions from sum one else 
Who told you that Jesus was good and that Satan was bad 
Who told you that chemtrails was bad- further more who told you what a chemtrail was in the first place 

When we take these definitions and these words they come with the deliverers definitions - this is why it is so important to do your own research and cross-reference what YOU are streaming into your mind, so that you can collect the pieces and connect the dots for yourself - if you do not do that then you are living inside sum one else(s) world

Yes- everything is open for interpretation- that nothing has inherent meaning by itself, which means everything can be defined how you want it to 

The situations [stimulations] that happen in your life [good or bad], you are the one who has the responsibility of defining those situations and how they affect you today 

Childhood experiences define who many are today, sum hold onto that experience that effects them today but you could reverse that at any time that your choose [choice] to

Right now all you have to do is change the parameters of that situation - you can change how it affects you, that is the pOWRA that you have 

You will notice how that situation [experience] shaped you, affected you, then you start to change your future behaviours

Nothing happens before the time, and during this change, it will start to manifest - you have to think- shape your thoughts, you have to regulate your thoughts [emotions], you have to shut down files 

Sum thing that was meant to harm you could actually be one of the greatest things that was to heal you long term, you must be able to decipher energies, you must be able to decipher the tree, bark, wood, forest, what is the bigger picture, you must be able to decipher when you are looping, when you are repeating the same thing, repeating the same situations - then that is all you will attract, the same

You are here to collect experiences, but don't live in them

   People have done this countless times, I do it repeatedly, sum of you do it without knowing and knowingly, you have deleted files, changed your mindset before  

Watch your chain of thought and what Ptah-way that you decide to go down, but for heavens sake, do yourself a favour and listen to you, take a knee, take the time to consider your options [choices]  

You have opportunities to make changes, tests are relentless - keeping us on our toes - improving ourselves along the way 

It all depends on how you define it, so reality is based on relationships that you have with what is in your perception and how you arrange it 

When I studied the Kabbalah [Qabbalah] its not about sum mystical spheres out there is space [it is], the teachings teach us about learning how to redefine relationships to everything, including how you see yourself+ 

In maths at school we would learn things that we would never use in their 3D world, but maths was not about the numbers, the point of maths was to learn how to solve problems, we are teaching our brain [organ] muscle high level problem solving, which is what the Kabbalah, the Tantra+ systems teach you, they teach you about patterns, frequencies that exist

Change the parameters [expand] of your mind by replacing old ways of thinking with nu ways of thinking, go higher     

Prosperity, goodwill, many aspects of this [Goddess] whose name is entrenched in our minds, do good unto others and others will do good unto you- the energy will come back to you 

Words from our sponsors >> the character is an aspect of the Goddess, we know that she has many gifts, so we choose to portray her giving good things

It was done innocently, we just wanted to bring good vibes to the place with all that was going on and the energy was lit from the get go, we didn't know that the costume would have caused such a stir in the spiritual realm, they tried to prevent her from competing in the finals, just hours before the show began

I made a call to an Orisha devotee to let his people know and it was fire afterwards

Soon after we got the result, my neighbour who was with us as support manifested the energy and some messages were given to us

I wanted to do a thanks offering with the queen and at least the 2 people that helped us tomorrow but the coast is full of holiday makers for the weekend, so hopefully next week will be a better time

Every time I look at her I know who she is
Her colours [energies] radiation gets to me - even the black and white image 

Found inside NTR [King] Tut-Ankh-Amun HET.U [temple] was a AKUR [AKIR] – carved from solid wood and then gilded and looks metallic, inlays of bright blue glass were used for her nose and around her eyes, darker glass was used for the eye frames
The life-like eyes are made like that for a reason- for the other side, using translucent crystal with colours behind it, brown, amber- the pupils are black and the corners of the eyes are red, amber 

Remember the Europeans and Muslims broke into these places and will be dealt with accordingly

Tut is from the18th soular dynasty
This is Sekhmet and her siStar is called Bas 
Notice Tut has [1] female AKUR [Lion]

The afterlife is very real, just like this carving, don't you think she is looking at you

 All these images are from Petra which is in Eridu 
Take time with each image
The first images show the Serpent [coiled snake] at the entrance 

Sockets, resonators, antenna, endless poWRA supply

 Mud flood
The entrance for this building is through a window, the staircase partially closes the windows of the first floor
Chemnitz Art Cabin
Lechlasche Villa

The Ethiopians [Jew][Jewel] were dying and the 6ether Jews had to return the 9ether Jew back to [Israel]] which is just upper and lower Egypt [Khemet] Khami [Kammu] because if they are wiped out it would end for them horribly, over 3,000 were returned home  

The Germans even sterilized 300,000 Ethiopian women 

Negisiti Gudit [Yudit] Judit [Judith] Judeh
She is a Cushite [Kushite] Kush [Kish] Queen
Other names Yodit Isat [Asat] [Aset] and Ga’wa
-the Hindu Cush are from Ethiopia

Ethiopia [Abyssinia] Aksum [Lalibela] Axum 
NTH gate

[1] of [3] places with no colonial rule
Introduced the world to Coffee
Kingdom of Axum
The country has the largest livestock population in Africa [Alkebulan] 

Negus [King]
Negisiti [Queen]
Kebra Nagast Biba [Bible] the King of Kings- there is a Negisiti version
Queen from PIE root *gwen- woman
King unknown source- maybe from Kin or from EN.KI which translates The [En] ruler- ruler of [Ki] 

She was captured and sold to merchants as a slave, and tortured, they mutilated her breasts and they destroyed parts of Axum [Amon]- they cut her breasts off but she returned to destroy those who tried to dethrone her and seek revenge- to which she did, Axum still holds the damage
Her rule marked the beginning of a dynasty that introduced a new bloodline, breaking [9] centuries of rulers who traced their kinship back to Queen Sheba [Makada] and King Solomon [Sol’Amon]
The negative stories of the Negisiti [Queen] that abound are because of the aversion to accepting the concept of a woman on the Ethiopian throne

Sum one tried to dethrone her and she fought back – she was in rule for 40 years because she was a wombman 

There is a Biba [Bible] 

With European Americans and the Jews there is always war and hunger..

The Madras Famine 
Occurred during British rule
Millions died under the British, aimed at all the darker [Melanin] Indians, the Madras, Punjab+ all affected 
between 5million and 9.6million people died of starvation in British India in just two years 
Pakistan and Bangladesh, according to demographics, 26 million people died of starvation under Winston Churchill(s) food program, stave them, destroy their agriculture and own their agriculture and make them depend on the British and since India was a British colony, its agriculture was turned into a commodity, the products were less focused on providing for the local population and much more at their export cost
And even during hunger, the colonial government continued to regularly export grain
The export of 6.4 million centres (640,000 tons) of wheat to England was carried out under the responsibility of Vice-King Lord Robert Boulevard-Litton, who was the Governor General and Vice-King of India from 1876 to 1880
 Winston Churchill food program was also introduced to cull the Indians

Harry Galt
British colonial officer
Uganda 1905
A tired Ugandan called Rutaraka later speared him to death
When Africa erupts it will be lights out for many  

Europe's ice-age is 10,000 years ago
Their Jesus is 2,000 years ago
-there are ancient technologies, stone carvings around the world
Teleportation hubs
+ all over 10,000 years
There is a device in Denderah that is over 90,0000+ years old

The problem for the 6ethers is that they were not here when all the above was constructed 
The 6ether skin lacked or it was removed pigment [pig-meat] aka they had no Melanin [KAANU] 
Whoever that teenager is- is 9ether, it is impossible for him to be 6ether, the ice-age was only the thawing out process which started 10,000 years ago
The rest of KHMT was built in 5,000 years
Their Jesus comes out in 2,000
The 6ether takes over 100 [77] years ago
Nubian people have been on the planet for over 6.5million years 

That teenager probably has locs [locks]  

 One is a man and the other is Samuel L Jackson, Oprah has been executed 

This NAZI coin that was found in Mexico in 2018
When Hitler surrendered, they went to the USA and his henchmen, so did the Japanese scientist who the Japanese were allies with the Germans

The coin does look like 2039 rather than 1939 - was that the real year 2039 rather than parallel universe  

All those symbols on the NAZI coin are in KHMT, in NAGALAN, in Ethiopia, in Europe, which are older than any 1939 [2039] 

Look at the ears, making their version a separate ear [lobe] 

Only the Africans wore their ears like this

Sixpenny Handley
Near Salisbury [Stonehenge] UK 
Posted 19.4.2022 

Atom [ATUM] Nucleus [Molecule structure] symbol 

Dome, sphere, I bet you there was a craft in there 

There are tons of channels like Slapped Ham, too many footages for many to answer with a 3D stance, the spirit world which is the holographic, parallel worlds+ which are merging into the earth plane, there is nowhere else for them to go or hide, all dimensions are merging 
The last clip for me was the most compelling footage I have seen in recent weeks, months 

The first one, the house is beautiful, however its built over a cemetery, look at the daughter, in complete trance- you need to move out for sage is not going to cut it, do you know how much force that is coming from a cemetery of people+ 

Knock the house down and create a garden there and sue the person who sold you the land and stay with your parents, for the sake of the child who has innocent energy that can be used [generator] for  negative purposes  

When you reduce the light in these images, these spheres light up 

Captured over Israel March 2022
I watched the footage, one huge craft with scout craft

You can see the main craft is distributing plasma 

The first image is how it was posted, the next set are colours toned down and rotated
That is sum huge structure and what is towards the right, like text, structure detail, markings 

 185mph tornado touches down in Georgia [USA] the strongest yet
Hurricane [Heru-Cain] season will be spicy this season 
Weather systems, water, snow, earthquakes [Philippines M8] Japan [M7], volcanoes+ and much more coming to a place near you
Nigeria seals $1billion weapons contract with US- who for 
The planet is tilting [poles] water is coming in 

South India 

South Africa 

Listen to the scanner
Texas must go down, untold history with that state 

May 16
It will be a total eclipse over Aztlan - things will change 

The one on the left is huge - we have soular energies hitting and this one when facing will in a couple days, devices was flaky yesterday and probably because plasma did hit the planet

The sun is trigger HA.PI 

  What is that rectangular trap door 

This beam of light comes out for under a second during the footage
Quantum cleansing - over the last 24hr alone, the sun has triggered 19 soul-ar strikes 

Colour coded energies 

Over the 19th -Chakra energies 

100hz [200hz] and 1000hz 
There are [3] tones [frequencies] hitting the planet aka the [3] Re(s)

We have 100hz [200hz] which is the fundamental mode replacing the [7.89hz]
Second order is 50hz
Third order is 1000hz 

The planets heartbeat 

All colours are energies 

DNA is mutating 


There is a lot of energies out there, soul-ar energy also, people showing down, people going offline 


Red and Green NRG is in the SKA

Pole- land
Red SKA 

Tanzania Purple-Red Ruby
More value than any amount of money  

Russia [Prussia]
600 ton stone tilts over the edge of the abyss- how



Household wretch 
called the Monkey wretch 

The wretch was invented by Jack Johnson- hence the name Monkey, because a Monkey invented what would became a quintessential tool 

This Monkey is the greatest boxer of the modern era and so is Charles [Sonny] Liston 

Monkey wretch 
Ken Burns notes that "for more than 13 years, Jack Johnson was the most famous and most notorious African-American on Earth"

The 13th son [hidden] 









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