Sunday, 17 April 2022

New Dawn Fades

INUMA [Bird]  

Intumwa Izanye Inuma Ilisha ubutumwa n’Ubumenyl bwisoko – means the messenger [Dove] with the message of knowledge of source of creation

This is the source of the ENUMA ELISH [INUMA ILISHA] 
[7] days of creation

Time is not speeding up, creation is, inner-stand the difference 

From pro >> before >> from PIE root *per- forward, hence > in front of, before + root of Phanai > to speak-from PIE root *bha-
Person who speaks for [God or on behalf of [God], one who foretells, inspires+
[Sanskrit] Bha-nati > speaks;
*bha- root meaning > to speak, tell, say
Armenian [ban], [bay] >> word, term;
Malaa-ikat translates Messengers

There are many speakers [messengers] here, you do not come in [Gods] name, you come in energy, they are [Gods] tool, the device between source and you, ultimately- you are source    

The planet is in a different part of the soul-ar system, we have not or will we see what the soul-ar system looks like in [222] 

Star family are pissed off with the way the conscious community are acting out here – sum of us are actually more dangerous than the walking dead

UVC is a mutating wavelength, it is a detoxifier, a germ killer 
[2] homes are being set up on this planet [1] for the sun people and [1] for the moon people

The h3ll that is coming will start when the power goes out, when the grid goes down it will begin- so that it can end, we need the grid to go down because this will affect their tools such as the tv and other media platforms that keep the majority dumbed down – right now everyone is getting on with things has if it’s A-Okay, its not, many are at risk of staying imbalanced and in their lower animal state – the lower Chakras are being removed – when the night comes during the day [no beginning of days, no ending of nights] many will have no problem being in their animalistic state, doing animalistic things – protect yourself at all times, this means you should defend yourself, a Bee has a stinger that only breaks off in flesh but will not break off other than that, you will know when the right time is for the stinger to be deployed, the police have one too, to stop cars in their tracks 

The animal people- the food is affecting both the 6 and 9ethers out here because they are eating the same sh9t, especially from fast-food retailers and supermarkets+ 
The electromagnetic frequency, the sun and food is affecting the 6ethers, many are going offline [remember there are billions on this planet], reality is setting in for many, this time to a lie

Footages out there show star-family moving in and out of dimensions around the sun [portal] – I see people write >> what are they waiting for << that is a HuMin [HuMan] thought >>> it’s a slow death for many, they are destroying this construct from the inside out, everything has to crash in front of the user first, money, religion, false ideologies, the 3D world+ all have to come down in real time, all that is hidden must first be seen first, she must first expose him

Star-family could come down here and blast everything in sight, but that would be too easy, it would also mean no one would learn, no one would know the truth, the survives will tell others of the truth, it is the truth [MA.AT] that must first be applied before any shooting takes place, nature is also using her forces to destroy the construct, she will have the final say

The darkness that is coming to this planet is going to look like darkness for most, but it is going to look for a few, and for those that can see beyond [meta], beyond the life that they were incarnated into, beyond the environment that they were incarnated into, those whose frequency is beyond the mainstream frequency are the ones who will walk through the darkness, Yee- though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me, you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows >> this lets you know that you do not walk alone, this lets you know that your eye [oil] fuelled up [my cup overflows] and for those who would rather get on their knees and beg for forgiveness to sum thing that they could have stopped, changed themselves are going to be fu9ked, especially those who come from the Stars aka the consciousness of the universe aka the blood of the sun, you are the ones that have keys to your activation but for many of you, you were always destine to fail

[If you can hold your head while all around you are losing theirs and blaming it on you] 

Don’t let your earth experience deny you of your [God] given right, don’t let your time here on earth get in the way of sum thing far greater than what is on this earth plane, you worked real [reel] hard to get where you are because you know where you are coming from

UVC [Gamma] [X-ray] is separating us, this wavelength destroys

[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] + Ultraviolet light
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] + Gamma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray [the hidden one]

U.V [Ultraviolet] – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of Black [KAA.NU] light coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system

The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in [cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2] NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on

The 3 types of cosmic rays come in 3wave-lenghts being

UV [A][B][C] 

[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves

[the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]

UVC is Beta waves and is the [hidden] KAANU light that scientist on the internet and uploaders say they don’t know where the Cosmic rays are coming from, you do, they left it on the walls of KHMT
His name is Amun [Amon] Amen Re aka the hidden energy, its all [3] combined

In this image you can see the core of the sun is white [bright] which holds all [7] colours which are frequencies, and around the core is a yellow rim [soul] and around the yellow we see Red

This is what you are looking at- you can't see the other sphere [halo] but you can if you look closely 

You can see the current [sphere] coming from a ring that is coming from the sun 

The UV index is extreme right now and has been constantly
[MAAT] is the Red and Blue Shakina [Kachina] Shekinah

Since their reintroduction to this soul-ar system, they had been assembling during the loop 
[10 years]
The arrows show that NI.BIRU collects all the energies and sends them straight back into the planet, they are getting closer [merging] - look at 2022 

Tick, Tock, the Body is going to Rock  



Aurora [AU.RA] Borealis just means North and South [poles] we are starting to see the Northern lights closer than before and this was mentioned that we would see the AURA(s) in all four corners of the planet, this is starting to happen- this means showtime for many, the green [WAJI] that we see in the field is what we should be breathing in and that WAJI energy is what they are afraid of- this is also why you were to convert over to vegetation, green for greens  

WAJI and Red are what the 6ether fears the most and when we see this in the Schumann this confirms how truly worried they are about the wavelengths

In this image you can see the core of the sun is white [bright] which holds all [7] colours which are frequencies, and around the core is a yellow rim [soul] and around the yellow we see red, you can see where the arrow is, there is another satellite 

Inside a healthy HuMin [HuMan] body- to indicate that you are healthy you have Red blood cells inside your body – the Red sun is right behind the portal [sun] that Red sun is NIBIRU [Neb Heru], we can see the signs in the SKA and so can they, the Jabba the Hutt is what they will be wanting to give you right now, they will be rebooting the Jabba the Hutt

DNA [RNA] DEA is changing for both races out here, there is nothing that can be done to stop this process – we are in KARMA [KAMA] fields and are being judged individually and collectively – this judgement is on this life only and is about what type of energy you have

Our environments make up who we are today, your childhood experiences are all designed for you individually, without your childhood being the way it was, you would have never made the grade, so sum things were taken away so that you would earn the Ptah-way out of the labyrinth, sum took it personally, sum never evolved, sum still hold onto what happened to them, your parents are not responsible for you after a certain age, that is on you, you were sent to break the generational curses, the repeated loops, you have no excuse other than yourself

It is your AURA that is being scanned right now by NIBIRU and the SUN and these crafts, they are AURA colours that are coming off your Chakras – not about the colour of your skin-tone – they read data in energies, so should you 

We will all witness this great awakening, but sum will witness this from a distance and sum will experience this great awakening which is on so many levels, this galaxy is merging with others, this is a real grand awakening

The siStars must stay ready, their time is coming, remember she controls the spirit world

Your body records everything, your consciousness records everything, you just needed reminding of who you are and sum times the reminder is uncomfortable – I can name what took place in the last 512 [400] years but compared to how 9ethers are behaving out here, that is sum thing else, the embarrassment is going to be very severe to them that star-family are going to punish them with, they are going to be embarrassed like no other,  yes we lost touch with the other side, but the other side got in touch from the 1920s [720] [9] onwards into right now, while you were at dinner last night, while you were at the club, while you were waiting- it was down to the user to make the changes

We are all in the dog-house, things are changing and soon we will need each other

They are not watching NI.BIRU or the SKA, you know what they are looking at [watching], they are looking at you 

Mutating wavelengths that is changing you from the inside out 
White core- where is the red coming from in the SKA [SKI] SKY 

From AM into the PM
This is MAAT and HERU energies combined called HERU which is the double Horus – which is the inner or shadow energy and the other is the Christos light form or KARAST energy and all combined is a form of MAAT called - 
Ruwty can mean double headed AKUR

Look at the codes from 4:45AM into 8:45AM 

17.4 into 18.4 

Soular energy is constantly being send

The planet will be hot - sun rays will be penetrating 

Blue [Jets]
Red [Blue]
Spite comes from the word Spirit 
We see them when heaven touches the earth

Deep space should be treated like the deep ocean and all that dwells in the deep ocean we find in space


satellite can be seen here at the Northern end of this planet 

The deathStar [Moon] is under its own power, its a full Moon out there

The Moon is not alone 

The Moon and NI.BIRU 

last image- look at the cloud wall

X-Class released [17.4.2022]
The planet is going to light up like the godfather 
X-Rays will be over China +Australia 
NASA said there was only 4% of an X-Class- well there it is, this will hit around 18.4.2022
the atmosphere is going to light up 

Crafts in the SKA 

From 1964 this Mammoth was on display; Mammoth just means size and not the name of this particular breed of Elephant – on display in USSR

Found near the Berezovka River in 1902

1902 means they have already cloned the animal and also this sight is a reminder of how the pole shift will work, the spiritual poles have already moved, remember they found the Mammoth with food still in its mouth and gut, they found lakes with fish still in them, frozen in seconds

The poles can be moved in seconds, it is NIBIRU that controls the poles of this planet 

Mammoth [black] Rhino [blue] aka the unicorn in their Bible, Bison [yellow], Horse [red] and Moose and Stagmoose- all in Tartaria  
Look how far the Russians have been without telling you what is really up there, also they have their Jurassic park over there, which the movie was about genetic cloning 

The little boy was meditating to the track 

Die an original and not a copy, copies get deleted, overwritten  

In the name of the father, the son and the holly ghost 

Used by the Catholic church in the 15th century to punish those with ‘greedy hands’ stealing to eat, in the 15th century you would not be stealing to buy sum weed or going to a sports shop to buy trainers, you would steal so you could eat, buy food, buy your freedom, maybe it was used so you couldn't eat if you didn't say the Lords grace or prayer+ 

Devices used to convert the user into a man-made construct 

Solomon Islands
Sol ‘Amon
Sal [Sol] Soul

Sum times hair can go like this from the salt in the sea, this is true and so is it that 9ether offspring also have blond hair and there are 9ethers that have blue eyes – we all came from the 9ether wombman
We have lost one of the islands over there, its already under water from sum years back 

Solomon [Sol'Amon] 

Bull [Baal] King 
Minotauros, from Minos, king of Crete [Minoan], + tauros [bull] [Taurus]
There were Creatures in Crete 

Labyrinth [electron wavelength] 

The King of Crete is very real 

Huge jars [jugs] vases for water, oil+ and who used them 

Giants once roamed this planet 


Greece, Crete, Kos, Cyprus+ all come under Mesopotamia 

What was bottled in the beginning was the fallen angels [angles of light] that were trapped in the beginning [pit], hence if you go to ancient KHMT or Greece [sum of the knowledge comes from Crete [Krus >> not real name, more like Kur or A-KUR [the Dragon] [the Lion]  

Crete the word, name, is from the word Creature or Critters, for those who have been to these stunning islands, this is part of Babylonia, Mesopotamia = Shiner = Suma = Sumerian which is still all 9 ether or Nubian

From KHMT or Greece is a Minotaur [Minoan] that rises up, that means the KRST energy is not coming from heaven, the KRST [CHRIST] is coming from, it fell [to fall] what was here in the beginning, in so many words you should be looking towards h3ll because if you’re a thousand miles away up in the SKA, because heaven fell and is on Ki [earth] and your looking down if you are in heaven, that means earth is h3ll 

The seed is in a Minotaur and is bottled in the core [circle] sphere, heaven has already done what it needs to do, its an act

From the Minoan war-ship of Minotaur to the biblical mentions of Moloch the Bull [God] who required child sacrifices not Minotaur, you will realize everything you were taught about these things is ill-intended slander

Distracting from our Sun worship, as it was our direct source of Electrical Energy
Sumthing Greeks and the so-called Habiru’s never comprehended

Before papyrus, we wrote on the hide of cow skins and remember, there is no Alphabet without Aleph, the Bull, there is no theology, without EL derived from AL [Aleph], the Bull

The Apis glyph includes a Bull, the King’s Chamber Vortex, and the Kundalini Symbol

Breaking down Theology

AL/EL+Logo(s) = The+oLog(y)
Words; Logos; Ology
Ology; Science of (from Greek; -λόγος, -logos)

Science of  The Bull - Aleph-Bet - Forms
Alphabet and Words - Language and Spells

The = EL = AL = God
Ology = Science of - (from Greek; -λόγος, -Logos)

The-Logos = The-Word

Cow's Head = A
The Staff = L

Fact: When Romans overthrew Carthaginians, Romans recorded in history that the Carthaginian Phoenician Deity Ba'al required child sacrifices which is false, yet, they used this slander to desecrate the Phoenician Legacy

The word Bull comes from Ba'al, along with Apis, Anu, and Ba'al originated the same exact Nile Valley Concept of Primordial Creation and order

Bull - EL Heffe - Al Eph - Alpha - Electrical
Apis in Theology means Salvation

Ausar+Apis= Sar'apis
Sarapis = 200 b.c.e. Greek founder of Christendom


Prometheus is accused of enlightening Man by introducing Man to the gift of Fire

Because of this, Zeus became so enraged that he sentenced Prometheus to be chained to a rock on a mountain, where he would have his liver painfully pecked out by a Raven, just for it to grow back and be pecked out again and again, day after day, every day from that day forward

As it's been said, the [NAGA] or Serpent represents frequency, it was chosen because our ancestors recognized that energy was that of lightening, moving in a wave pattern, just as the Serpent as well as all forms of energy does

When you look at the allegory of Zeus and Prometheus, Zeus is seen with a serpent, this is because Zeus was [God] of Thunder and Lightning [plasma], the serpent is representing the energy of lightening


Luke 10:18
I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven

The Symbol of the Apple represented the electromagnetic science of the Vagina - Uterus - Aums - Voltage - Ωmega and (or) the U-Magnet

Now pay attention
In the latter creation of Hebrew folklore, the myth in Genesis Adam, Eve and the Serpent in the Garden of Eden allegory is particularly identical
Prometheus is replaced with the Serpent, the Fire was replaced with an Apple, and the Habiru [God] sentenced the Serpent to have to crawl on it’s belly, from that day forward [Genesis 3:14)
So the Hebrew [Habiru] Nibriu [God] said to the Serpent, because you have done this, you are cursed more than all cattle

Here, notice that upon it's very first mention, our ancestors most holy and honoured stock of animal species is already cursed and condemned without reason or explanation as to why
And this is in the beginning of the book

It was at this moment, vilifying the symbolism of the Serpent and Cattle was an act of abomination committed by the Authors of this ill intended text, they call the Hebrew scripture

In fact, the Old Testament is centred around breaking the mentality of revering Cattle, Calves and Bulls

Threatening with death, curses, and all types of made-up consequences aimed to please the invisible and jealous Hebrew spook [God] Yahweh

The [God] of a religion that its entire language is adopted from people's who spiritual doctrine was centred around the science of Cattle [Kattle]

King Aga-memnon [Armageddon]

When Helen, the wife of Menelaus, was taken to Troy by Paris, Minoan King Agamemnon commanded his united armed forces to ignite the Trojan War aka the Etruscan War

The so-called Mask of Agamemnon which was discovered by Heinrich Schliemann in 1876 at Mycenae, now because of this data this now is to pre-date the legendary Trojan War by 300 years, the West does not want you to know that in every European country there once sat the Muurs, while Aset sat on the throne [mind] of KMHT her cousins are on thrones from Europe to Somalia, to Ki-Ng-domes on Lahmu [Mars] [Muurs]

Memnon [Mycenaean] is from Abyssinia aka Ethiopia and Ethiopia is the 9th gate, Memnon at that time was Ki-Ng of Alkebulan aka Africa 

It is impossible for 6ether Greeks to be on works of art, they didn't know how to make these works, they hated women, here you can see the leg and where they coloured over the original colours, they only gained the knowledge when they took over 

Zeus has locks [locs] and is a RASTA
Zeus is also head of what is called Libya today 

The hanging gardens of Babylon [Baby Lion] aka Sumerian, Typhonian 
Who says the gardens [g-arden] [arden] [edin] [eden] were land based only 

[Guatemala - is a Spanish name] and still comes under the Ul.MEC [OLMEC] 
You can see the rocket designs along with data on whose who

 Is that not from sone, these [ears] sum say its for when they moved the blocks, there is no mortar

Like this, HERU [PERU] aka the Ulmec [Olmec] who are pioneer builders 

Floor planning
Sumerians- at least 5,000 years ago 

Temple [HETU] church 
[9] One is female [Gabriy'el] 

Speaker box


 The main temple is above on the hill and this is inside, was it flooded or was this how it was supposed to be

Dharma [Brahma]

Turning the Wheel is a metaphor for the Set-ting in motion of nu teachings

The language of the [3] turnings was first found in the most famous Sutra from the third turning, the Sutra Unravelling the Thoth [thought]

In that Sutra, a disciple respectfully asks the Buddha [Bantu] about what appears to his limited mind to be a contradiction in the Buddha’s teachings 
He asks the Buddha to explain why he explained that things do exist in the teachings from the first turning of the wheel and that they are empty of true existence in the second turning of the wheel

The Buddha’s response to this question forms the basis of the third turning of the wheel

Caitta [Kaitta] denoting derivative mental states or functions of the mind [Citta]

This comprises of [1] five universal functions, contact, attention, feeling, ideation and intention
[2] five occasional functions, motivation, interest, recollection, concentration and insight
[3] eleven wholesome functions, trust, decency, decorum, non-eluded-ness, non-attachment, non-hatred, effort, lucidity, carefulness, equanimity and non-violence
[4] Six root negative functions, lust -raga, hatred, stupidity, arrogance, doubt, opinionated-ness
[5] twenty subsidiary negative factors, anger, hostility, dissimilation, malice, jealousy, avarice, hypocrisy, dishonesty, spitefulness, pride, contempt, indecorum, over exuberance, distrust, inattentiveness, distrust, carelessness, laziness, forgetfulness, excitability, and delusion
[6] four indeterminate functions, regret, drowsiness, selection and discursive examination

The AKUR [AKIR] roar on the turning of the wheel

[Cakra] Chakra Sanskrit [Cakka] [Kakka] a wheel often used symbolically to signify the various aspects of the Dharma

With eight spokes [IN.ANNA] it connotes the eightfold path, and with twelve spokes the doctrine of dependent origination or three turnings of the wheel, three times the four noble truths as mentioned

In [Anuttara] ANU-TTA-Ra (re)- yoga-tantric the Chakras are energy centres in the body, located along the subtle channels [Nadi] according to specific mediation systems, ranging from three to five or six into nine, the Chakra [7] energies of Re are alien implants graphed into the 9ethers

It should be noted that the names and descriptions of these energy centres do not correspond to these found in the inferior modern Hindu tantra, but does in the Hindu Kish [Kush] tantra 

The wheel is from the mother of the tantra systems, the tantra is only inherited  

The wheel is a magical hardware device, it carries the KAK.KA and his retinue to each of the four continents where s-he is received as the rightful ruler, before returning to he-r palace where is remains as an ornament

The wheel of Supreme bliss  


Portugal [Spain]

Port just means a new port 

After Hitler surrendered and was taken to the USA, he gave up sum things, but not all
Ivan Babcock of the US Armies 165th Signal Photo company poses with the crown of the Holy Roman Empire in a cave in Siegan, Germany, 3 April 1945
The cave was used by the Germans as a storage room for valuable works of art, the cave was captured by troops of the 1st US Army
Another image of U.S. Soldier with Crown of Charlemagne in a cave in Siegen, Germany
It was among many looted art treasures hidden there and in hundreds of other sites across Germany
My question is from who, what Roman was wearing this crown and holding these items- these look like Ethiopian  

There is no such place called the middle-east
Eridu [Mesopotamia] means Home from Home and is an ANU.NAGA stronghold
These pictures take me away  


Concrete Jungle, were the living is hardest 

This is a bubble on a pan attached to a speaker, pipe fittings to make it work so that a change of pans and object onto speaker 

Neil McCauley -  A guy told me one time, don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat [UV] around the corner






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