APRU also comes from the Etruscan word Aphrodite, linking into Easter - into Venus
April is the Nu NRG, either side [3] days before and [3] days after [energy lingers]
Tribu Name [Reuben]
Tribu Colour [Silver]
Body Part [Eyes]
Tribu Function [Strength]
Silver protects against bacteria+ [microbes] through the ions [+]
XCLASS - next 48hrs- pay attention- this was earth facing
NASA just covered the whole image and said, fu9k it, that(s) all your getting
33,000 acres is scorned in Texas- who did that, are they getting you to move out or what is behind the smoke screen, what can be seen [hidden]
NIBIRU and crew move freely in this soular system using all the portals, there are other systems and space craft complexes up there- during the October month each year the star-station would come in closer, 2021 was the last Red October
Each state around the 3-D world is having their own welcoming party, all are having different ways of introductions, like Texas who has a very dirty secret
the evening of the 29.3.2022
London in parts lost power for around 10mins
These [WAJI] Green frequencies are from the heart Chakra which is wide open, you need to be vibrating at the heart Chakra and above to make the shift
DNA bar-chart
Over the evening [29.3.2022]
CME aka soul-ar energy is hitting the planet and reaching you
Russia Schuman machine spiking [60hz]
Over 100hz
[there are 3 tones hitting the planet]
Italian model [Schuman] spiking
Energy impute over the day [30.3.2022] into [31.3.2022]
You can see the energy build up, over the last [3] days into the 1st April
We hit over 100hz - these last 3 images are from the evening of the 31.3.22
Charged [white areas] getting charged [black areas]
Its very cold because HAARP is being used to reduce the heat [plasma] that means snow
There is heat [UV] coming from the SKA and there is heat coming from the ground [plasma core of the planet] and you are in the middle [surface street level] which is where the coldness [HAARP] is coming from
over 100hz
over 14,000hz and 1,400hz
these are the [3] tones hitting the planet
Today 31.3.022
look at the last hours that are recorded, look at the frequency
7.89hz went last year, we are hitting 100hz and 144hz+
3 tones hitting the planet
200hz+ [1,400hz+ and over 14,000hz+ - throughout today [1.4.22]
Look at this monkey sh9t- look at the colours [energies]
Alkebulan spiritual systems
Cosmic ray
Purple Haze
Purple Rain
Read all data in energies
Arizona [USA]
that is coming from the SKA
NYC [Reptilian HQ]
WAJI energy- with fleets in the SKA
Red used to rare, now its normal
Warrior energy
Root Chakra - Strength
This wavelength takes time [patience]
the 6ethers fear this energy the most
Red in the field
FEMI.9 Electron energy
MAAT + HERU combined
The Northern lights will be seen in all four quarters of the planet soon
the core of the sun is [white] bright and the top part yellow, red backdrop [SKA] even the reflection on the water is red
See all them wind-farms below and soul-ar panels, renewable energy+ is all going to amount to nothing
Utah [Ptah]
Huge plasma [purple] strike
-we are also seeing plasma [lighting] going up from the ground
WyOming [USA]
Huge craft at the top and when you follow the plasma line to the right and down you can see the outline of a triangle craft- with what looks like the plasma goes through the craft, there are many other crafts in the mix
Electron energy is battering the planet
Red [Blue] Purple
Hong Kong
Anthrax island in Scotland burns out completely, does that mean Anthrax is airborne
- I was reading sum where about fires and the Ozone layer which is the same thing has the dome, EMF, Van Allan-Belt and they were saying that the fires aid the ozone layer- fires cover what is in the SKA
Heavy distortion in the SKA- around the sun, the rest of the image is fine
Not sure what that is- its interesting the shape of the red around the sun- the cube shape around the sun
When the sun lets off we see a huge planetary body sitting just off and behind the sun with shield deployed
The is trigger HA.PI
CME [Soular] energy inbound
planetary alignments - earthquakes coming in - like a M9+
Base-rate is 10
These spirals [9] are outwards in particular angles [angels]
the Pi is the golden ratio [9]
The sphere is divided into 10 equal segments angles equalling 36 degrees
From the centre [core] nucleus - the first section is 3 segments wide - then a step and then a sphere or dot- this is the decimal point, decimal means 10 and is where they get the word December from
These are dimensions, alignments, you can see there is a code
There is no number higher than 9, the number 10 is [123456789] zer0 is the bridge between 1 and 9 or 9 and 1
That is huge [cylinder craft] what is in the cargo
Keep in mind that they have reversed engineered old programs [crafts]
In their movie 2012 they left from China aka the Himalayas [Hi-Mayan-as] - where there are 10s of 1000s of crafts parked up on the ground- they still have their false invasion to play out
Humans can see the crafts, the military can see them on radar
Crafts are parked up just outside this soular system with many more inside
Star Wars- coming to a place near you
This signature craft has been here since 2012 along with [2] other main crafts [fleets]
They have been assembling since 2012 and now the loop 2021 is over
Obama is making a come back
The Chinese people better brush up on sum Kung Fu at the check-outs
They have known for decades that food was going to run out and so during that time the best that man could do was grow genetically modified flesh, in this case the Lion, Lion meat grown in a lab
They have also made Zebra, Tiger steaks+ the list goes on and the meat has arrived in the UK
They already have Human meat in the food chain and to me this Lion meat and any others are already in the food chain, many have to eat meat because its what keeps them together
You should not be eating any flesh and if you have to eat fish
This is mutant food for mutants
the spirit 3D world is merging with the 5D world
When you don't understand African spiritual systems, when you don't understand the other side they get pissed
Idi Amin was reviewing Uganda(s) finances and saw that sum thing like $500million was leaving Uganda every year and going to India where in Uganda many were based
Idi ordered them to leave
Many Indians, Orientals depend on the 9ether for income, tick tock
Tree house
They already know dildo, why'd you think they hate you
Bull and Elephant share an embrace
The first examples of optical illusions
Caste system
Food program [Winston]
Same thing they did in Tamil and to the women and children
This was ethnic cleansing of the darker ones - big trouble coming from INDIA and Pakistan and Bangladesh
What happened to the walls
Muur architecture
for 4.2 million euros sum one knows
HATHOR [ATHEER] left you records on how to birth, one is from source and the 6ether Greek version is from man- remember the 6ether had to learn everything from the 9ether mind
They can all happen at the same time
Cuneiform and the word Hieroglyph only describes the style in which they were created, they are both 6ether words
Cuneiform is old Persian writing and old Persian writing [text] is old Ethiopian writing [text]
Cuneiform is tablet and Hieroglyph is script
Mayan is not their name and is the name of their writing system
[INCA] Mand-inka
Ulmec [Olmec]
Aztlan [Atlantis]
[7] when your on your way to heaven
We can see why the [Great] Wall of CHINA went up or is it the [Great] Wall of INDA or the [Great] Wall of Mongolia
From INDIA [that includes Bangladeshi, Goa, Tamil, Sri Lanka], Pakistan, right the way across into Burma, Bhutan, Myanmar [Mayan], Thailand, Taiwan, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Cambodia, China Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Korea
There is no Asia minor or Asia major - only the Cauc-asian is Asian which includes all the Mongolian and Caucasian races - that is [white] and Asian and Asia are from the same cloth
There is no disconnection from source, only when the 6ether came in after the 9ethers had left
Precision cut into stone, 3D layered, all were adorned in colours to which you can still see where they hadn’t scrubbed it off completely – there are females also present and beings that different
This is a cave en entrance system - flagged by stone records
There is too much to go through
There are loads of MIR [MER] Ziggurats in Indonesia
At any Rabbi, Imam, Guru, priest, holy person, PM+ on how the MER was created and he does not know, this lets you know there is a cut-off from source, man has been cut-off my [god]
There is a plug under her ear- that when she is switched on, things will never be the same again
He did sketch the Baby Lion correctly and she is an African wombman
The eyes have it
Uteti translates the two eyes of Re
When the Greeks, the Romans and the Muslims and the
Europeans broke into KHMT [Egypt] guess who was watching them
These eyes are on the walls, in tunnels, on artifacts+
these eyes are all over KHMT and in many people, he and others can watch
through your eyes [eye] CCTV
Everything has been recorded
These eyes [CCTV] move
He is watching you right now
The bottom design today is called furniture and would be called an Ottoman [Ott'Amon] which comes from the Persians who also used this design - the game called Chess is because the game was found in a Chess- the game is recorded SENET
The colours are missing from this protective device,
looks like a wood [element] or could be granite which is used because granite
holds frequencies
Broken into four sections, this piece is from KHMT and is
used to protect, to keep negative spirits at bey [bay] for those carrying life
The term is apotropaic- we are dealing with Alkebulan
spiritual systems
These four segments- are they the cardinal poles or the 4 stages to birth
These birthing bricks are primary used for wombmen during childbirth
In the middle with see the turtle [1] which is facing
east or the right, the turtle is earth
The Frog [Kek] then the Crocodile [Sobek][Sebek] and then
the AKIR [AKUR] Lion [SEKHEMT] [BAS] who we have [2] sets, with one set facing
east [right] and the other set facing west [left]
Running along the bottom we can see Tehuti in his Baboon
avatar either side [what is he holding], with [1] Crocodile and [1] Kat [BAS] and
at each end is Re or HERU eye
There are 30 rims in total [in 6s] between each four segment
They choose to copy rather than use the template that was left for everyone
KHMT toy with wheels - they say KHMT is 5,000 years old
Children’s toys from ancient Etruscan [Greece]
Do you h-ear with your ear in the era that we are in
Special tablet with the NTR [God] Hor-akhty symbol aka
HERU [HORUS] in the form of the BIK [Hawk]
Khonsu [Montu] also used the BIK avatar
You have an inner ear that is shaped like a number [9]
you have [2] ears, the inner -ear allows you to h-ear with your inner- eye and
connects you to the other dimensions
The shape is that of the Cobra, the Kundalini serpentine
When you shut down your human eyes and use your main eye
your ear acts like it can see, have you ever been in Istal [Distal] meditation
and felt and thought, you didn’t see any image but you felt-thought a word,
name, person, place or thing, the eyes, nose, ears are all connected and at
like one overall sense
Nu energy April [1]
-the word motivation comes from the word motion, energy in motion [e-motion] emotion-s
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