Wednesday, 16 March 2022

Void Of

The Cosmic [Sirius] war is taking place [as above] [so below] – we are in waves with the first wave starting the beginning of the year with a lot of people transitioning, the second wave is in earnest

This is why the 2022 predictions are so serious [Sirius] right now – this is the age of the Aquarius and at the same time we are in her field, her fields of judgement [MAAT] [Lillith] – everybody is under judgement – and I mean everybody, nobody can escape this, no-body or no-being – the dome means that everyone is trapped, no energy can escape – no one is exempt

If you didn’t do your shadow work you should be pulling all the stops out to start that process, if you are Siruis 

You need to do the shadow work so you can become [lighter] - read that again, so that you can benefit from being in the [higher] realms such has 5D+

Your frequency as got to match the primary frequency, we are dealing with energies only, we are reading all data in light [colours] frequencies, so we can go further while others are still reading in the physical, if you do not vibrate to the same colour [vibration] then you stay here in the 3D, you have to match the planet because she is ascending – she is telling everyone that she is ascending

Many people are called, few are [will be] chosen, you have the [will] to choose, you have choice and you have the [will] there is no such thing has freewill for you always had [will]

The energy [frequency] is alternating, she is asking you if you are conscious [9] or unconscious [6] she is asking if you remember [KACHINA][MA.AT] 

I heard the adjustments in the left and right hemisphere during the week – depression of air, ultrasound as well has tones, tuning

It is time for you to make the Choice [A’afterti]

There are [2] 5D dimensions and there are [2] reSet programs taking place

The Kabbalah [Qabbalah] even has its own section on Melanin [KAANU] called the shadow realm
Kabbalah [Tree of Life] Chakra system [planets-discs] seven souls of Re+ are all the same thing 

There are [malevolent] [male-volent] energy or beings in higher dimensions and there are [benevolent] energy or beings in the 5D also- there is no duality in both

The higher you go, the closer you come to either side [malevolent] or [benevolent] – the source itself has duality – you have the [light] of source and you have the [dark] of source – there is a dark side of source and there is a light side of source that does exists and the [2] exists for those who operate on the [malevolent] side and for those who operate on the [lighter] side of source

There is no such thing as [good] and [bad] its just duality – so the things that we put judgment on you have to not have a perspective of being in your emotions so you can really under, over and inner-stand what is being said, presented or seen, you have to see the whole picture and not the wood, bark, tree or forest – its all, source created it [all] and wanted you to have a full experience, whether it was positive or negative [malevolent] [benevolent] light [dark] – source wants to have its experience, it wants to learn, evolve, grow through every living being that was created by source – this applies to the multiverse, throughout the galaxies, every living being [energy] created by source as access to source and is within you, meaning that you also have the ability to create

Because of duality [polarities] you have [will], the [will] to change, to say no or to say yes – there is no such thing has freewill for you always had the [will]

You have complete control of which direction you choose to go, you have complete control over your life [Chi] force, because you always had [will]  

You must choose wisely for there are consequences to choices, there is nothing wrong with making mistakes but repeated ones or half-hearted mistakes or deliberate choices or human error will be screened, the universe only responds to you and she wants you to learn, its alright for she does recognise genuine mistakes and wants us to learn which is when you do not make the same mistake again, she and others will guide you, however you have the ability to override the commands to which many do consciously or subconsciously – so you will be dealt with accordingly

The heart records all and she knows your true feelings about sum thing, she knows your true thoughts about sum thing  

There is no more sitting on the fence, you will have to choose emerges – 2022 [222] [6] she is asking if you are conscious, she is asking if you remember, she is asking you what do you want

If you are still participating in low vibrational behaviour, you will or have had that visitation or dream [vision] where they will ask you, do you want to go to the 5D, she has been asking you do you remember, are you conscious [9] or not conscious [6]

The Kabbalah as [2] realms to it and you need to decide what side of the fence you are on, your intention, what is it really, is it positive or is it negative aka what version of the 5D do you want and take note that many have already made that choice [decision] without realising that they have made the choice

MAAT is asking you; the universe is only responding to what you are thinking about- so check yourself and watch yourself and there is your answer

If you are still operating has an unhealed individual you go to the [malevolent] side of the energy and if you are operating has a healed individual, you go to the [benevolent] side of the energy

If it is [malevolent] then just tell her that you’d rather stay here on Ki
[sum of you will not be given the choice because your deeds on Ki have already been set in stone]

By staying here on Ki you still have a chance of working things out here on Ki [earth] sum have already been earmarked for [2D] because they have way too much to relearn – the ancestral realm would still give you bliss [blessings], they would give you light to aid you to do right, this does not apply to those who took their Chi-force [life] by suicide – those that took their life get sent straight back, however many go to the void because we are in reSet

They deal with punishment in the void, the void is another simulation that houses mass murderers, paedophiles, rapists+ all them kind of dirty energy also go to the void to deal with their punishment, they can communicate with you and they can eventually come out from the void but they have to earn that right – sum the heart [Ammit] gets eaten and they stay in her gut indefinitely

The question of what do you want is coming in dreams [visions], you must pay attention to the dream, when you wake up, lay there for a minute or two and recall, when you read the back of a DVD you are reading about the plot and theme, story- you want to inner-stand the whole picture, you may have already had this message about choice, you had to make a decision in your dream- that my friend in this particular timeline that we are in and you are a light-seed- then that was MAAT asking you to make a choice or what choice- why would she be asking me this question- I’m on my Ptah, this may be true but there is sum thing still in your space that is delaying your full blown connection or there is sum thing still in your field

Mediation [Dsital] Istal [Ashuat] is key for your downloads and uploads, we have access to the multidimensions – you have [7] smaller eyes beside your main eye that allows you to access all – at the same time, the dimension [portal][star-gate] inside of you will allow you to travel to other realms, expanses, dimensions+  

You know when you listen to music and you zone out- where do you go...

Those operating at the vibration of interest do not walk-through what others are walking through, sh9t bends around you, around your AURA, around your light 

We are hitting the second wave and everything is about to go Pepsi-Max, deaths will start to rise up and at the same time many of you now have the poWRA to change things, the sun has been activating your DNA [RNA] and many can change entire environments, the sun has been giving downloads, activation codes- this is the [black] [ether] [melanin] sun

KAANU [Melanin] Ether is light – when we see the sun in [white] that is actually the [black] sun
NASA have been adding colour to the graphics, they have been blocking out the sun, but the sun is [black] – the sun is very strong and is activating the many that hear the call

You can see when you walk down the street you can see that there are those operating on a different frequency, your next-door neighbour is on a different frequency from you

This doom and gloom is affecting many but not you because you are operating from a higher plane, things have already happened to you to get you were many are just now thinking is that even possible- however, you are walking through things every cycle [day] and you do not experience or see it

[5][6][7][8] and [9]D is available to those who access these realms of consciousness – the planet was moved to 9D a while back

 You will have those that can see the ships in the SKA and those who do not- why, because one is operating from a higher level of consciousness and the other is not, try and tell sum one sum thing about what you know and they won’t be able to grasp the data because they are too low in vibration to get it, its not because you know more, its because they are in the 3D world – sum won’t ever get it because they are hardwired in a certain way, these messages, data, downloads are of 5[6]7[8]9D dimensional light – so it will be impossible for many to resonate [process] with data from those dimensions  

I’m operating from a place of [lov9] and it is not my intention to offend, but I’m always going to keep it 9% with you, there is no number higher than 9 and it is better for you if the data is near enough what they say it is, we are all connected to the universal mind, there are many, many minds connected to source with source being connected to you – trust me I have and had to make decisions that burn me- but they needed to be done or no Ptah, sum of your close friends won’t tell it like it is, at least with this page, we won’t meet and you can do what thy will – we are in a timeline were we cannot keep dealing with those who don’t even keep it real with themselves, we are pass that now, you had [3] years to get your sh9t right, sum of you were activated when Venus passed in  front of Re and he authorised her ray [FEMI.9] and that was in 2011

No one is going when you go and no one is going with you, no one, this is about you and was always about you and you only [individual] in-divide-ul]

Who is in your space [company] orbit [field] 

If you still have people in your circle who are not authentic to themselves – they still need to heal
[Si todavía tienes personas en tu círculo que no son auténticas consigo mismas, todavía necesitan sanar]
[Wenn Sie immer noch Menschen in Ihrem Kreis haben, die nicht authentisch zu sich selbst sind – sie müssen immer noch heilen]
[Если в вашем кругу все еще есть люди, которые не аутентичны сами по себе, их все равно нужно исцелить]
[Si vous avez encore des personnes dans votre entourage qui ne sont pas authentiques avec elles-mêmes, elles ont encore besoin de guérir]

Let them go or they will take you with them – down there

You have to separate from them, you are going one way and they are going another way, you both cannot occupy the same space for you will create sink-holes

If you want to find like-minded, if you want to connect with your soul [B.AA] tribe then you need to attract – when you left the ship you divided [in-divide-ual] into [2]

It is the best thing for you right now to connect with your BAA tribu because we are all operating off of the universal consciousness

Use discernment, not everyone who comes into your space is who they say they are, this is not done by the mind, nor the human eyes, it is done by the heart, by how you [feel] about their energy, spirit guides will beatbox when they do not want you to engage with this individual [energy] – we are reading all data in energy, listen to your gut [brain], to your intuition, how do you really feel about this person, shut the subconscious mind down and focus in on this person(s) energy, basically if you have to think or question about this person then there is your answer- if it doubt, move on out – you need them out of your space, sh9t is coming up, many places like the UK have had it easy-ish but they are being made to watch their empire be dismantled, to come down here and shoot everything up is a human way of thinking, they want you to know that you are being punished – this message can be translated in any language, which is the universal language

You now know what is good and what is wrong, your parents, guardians+ taught you this from an early age, even if they didn’t, you know the difference now, you know what feels wrong and what feels right, stop second guessing yourself but instead trust yourself

We will be having [2] outcomes, one of unity and another of total chaos [confusion], there will be only [2] outcomes with nothing in the middle, your hand will be forced for this process is with or without you

Obatala [Oshala] (the father) is the ruling Orisha for this period [year]
Obatala is also from source
Bes [Tahites] is the child of Obatala
Essentially the name Ile [Ife] means place of dispersion
In the creation of the world, Ife was created by the deities of Oduduwa and Obatala according to Yoruba accounts
Obatala created the first HuMin beings out of clay whereas Oduduwa was the Yoruba people’s first divine King-

Have you seen the movie Repo Men or Elysium- both have organs, body parts+ running through the theme of the movies, we are going to see a lot of peoples organs fail, heart issues, you need it, it is coming, including old viruses, you have seen in Russia they found ancient bacteria to which they have resurrected- why

Be careful who you sleep with, who you take energy from because all them old diseases, viruses are on their way back- we are also going back to factory settings, so all those who changed their gender are reverting back, there will be no more hormone treatment- looking forward to the Williams sisters reverting back to men [boys] one had a test tube mutant [at 35 or 36] and the other is still a virgin at 40, hmm I wonder why 

Blood clots, cardiovascular, chest, breathing, heart, nervous disorders, mitral value, lymphatic, blindness [impaired vision] and much more+ is going to take so many people out this period [year] this summer many will be taken out of here, everything that is artificial is going, basically the body is going to or has started to be broken down, all those sunSets with colour coded backdrops are changing people from the inside out and many write about the picture being beautiful or amazing or mother nature is so amazing+ not knowing [consciousness] that the SKA holds radiation [energies] that are changing their molecular structure from the inside out – meaning this amazing SKA is killing you from the inside out  

Look after your health because you are going to be tested with the things that they are going to unleashed  

Get your Chi [life] organised, get rid of clutter, get rid of things that you do not need, you must be clear in all areas, no holding onto yesterday, if you are disoriented, all over the place, not settled, then get organised, get rid of things that weigh the mind down, get your affairs in order – cluttered mind, cluttered space = disorganised space = disorganised mind

[get it together for the writings on the wall, sum day you might fall]

Patience and serenity are highly recommended during the things that come up in your life, you must be patient and don’t be so fast [quick] to get into sum thing, take a knee, what do you see, feel, smell, taste, hear, what emotions are running through you, regulate yourself

Stay humble in the face of adversity, let things go, don’t answer everything, remain in your space, don’t react to sum thing that you can walk away from, these and more are still all tests and sum are your own attractions [desires]

There are elders here, not all are elders, don’t be rude to them, watch your mouth because there is instant KARMA [KAMA] and sum of you might not even survive that KARMA [KAMA] – do not be disrespecting one another, do not disrespect another full stop because only [God] can judge me [you] them and she is doing all the judging around here – keep your manners, character in check   

Watch the situations [simulations] that come your way or that you attracted or is KARMA [KAMA] if you see sum one having relentless KARMA leave it alone or you could join onto their field, people are experimenting out here and if you are not about that light, then leave it alone, these people are bounding themselves to the 3D world, they are making themselves earthbound until they get it they will be on repeat 

Those on repeated cycles [lessons] are coming up for many, the last 4 months have seen many just waltz back into their old cycles and this is prevalent this year [period] there are those who are repeating the same thing over and over again and calling themselves [light] spiritual- oh really, your glitching, your looping

You know that you are replaceable, in history one King comes in and another leaves, s-he is replaced, the female [AKIR] AKUR stays and the males are replaced, nature even shows you this, we see this in the 3D world, people stepping down in governments, CEO(s), religion+ this is the year for that, you will be replaced, all those who had talent and you wasted it, you will be replaced 

Banks are going to start wiping out accounts, watch every penny [cent] in your accounts because they will start to test out how much they can get away with, it will be blamed on the internet, fraud, and so on+ these and more are to force digital currency – they will blame Russia and not the Indians or the Africans but Russia or China or Korea, these are all signs that we are watching for because it causes panic, chaos+ when 19 first broke out many people went out and purchased toilet paper- it also causes madness, the theme at the moment is that everything is going up in prices because of Russia when all they are doing is creating [meta-verse] your reality, who gives a fu9k about price increases when we know there are crafts above our heads just waiting, watching, communicating with us, we know its over

There are those who have nothing, there are those who have never had nothing, there are those who this will not affect them – ask them on Skid Row, there was nearly 80,000 on the streets sum years ago, there must be at least 120,000 by now, you think they are worried about price increases, you say but they are the ones on the streets, dildo, don’t you know that we will all be on the streets real soon – people are going to lose their sh9t, think of those who are 2nd [3rd] and 5star class people, those who were chosen last – you think they are worried

Watch the water, smell it, check the colour- get spring water [distilled water] 

Ask your 10-year-old+

Exorcise – ask your child [teenager] if they know this track by Megan Thee Stallion entitled Sweetest Pie, it is spellbinding, watch carefully, you have a duty of care because they are your children

-teen [ten]

word-forming element making cardinal numbers from 13 to 19, meaning >> ten more than, from Old English -tene, -tiene, from Proto-Germanic *tekhuniz (cognates: Old Saxon -tein, Dutch -tien, Old High German -zehan, German -zehn, Gothic -taihun), an inflected form of the root of ten; cognate with Latin -decim (source of Italian -dici, Spanish -ce, French -ze)

Watch your children, they are being exposed to things that they should not be exposed to, pay attention for it is your responsibility to provide a safe environment for them, they are being influenced on a grand scale and it is your responsibility because you had the children and is down to you to keep them in check, there are a lot of people who had children for the wrong reasons and are being found out now because your children are sh9t - because they are a reflection of you and the other person- it is down to you because you had them when you could have swallowed them when you had the chance- you deal with them [KARMA] you had the children now be the parent

Many are smoking, drinking, going out, party, women, men+ you know, vices, drugs+ going nowhere fast both adults and children [young people] its rising and many new agencies will form, many children will be taken from their parents not just because of these reasons, its an agenda

People are crazy right now, people are offline, there is no one in the hotseat, no one is driving, lights are on but no one is home, crazy is a light word for what is going on out there right now 

Check on the older ones, the seniors, if you have grandparents and you love them please spend time with them, this is important because a lot of them are leaving from here and they know it but maybe won’t tell you, many are seeing the portal [if they died at home and they died in their sleep, know that they found the portal and they are safe] if they died in hospital or hospice or a home- residential -the staff are trained to tell you that they died peacefully when that is a lie- they screamed out for their mother or god, they did not die peacefully- telling you otherwise would add misery to the family members, spend time with them if you can-  at sum point in time you will be them – spend time- there are no more reincarnations during the sun cycle- so they know for they can see it in their dreams+ 

If you do not have any respect [energy] for your marriage, relationship, children, family for whatever the reason, move on out, kill the connection now for you are only depleting from yourself

Don’t lie to yourself on your true feelings about sum thing, be real to yourself, be honest to yourself, be honest in how you feel or you will bring consequences on yourself that you are not ready for

Everyone has a role to paly in this process, whether it is positive or negative we all have a role, the planet is a simulation and many of you are going to experience the simulation for the rest of your life

Your biggest test is do you know this is a simulation and if you do, do you know how to escape the simulation

The planet has already split and there is division, a whole different dimension and is to why you are of the world but not in the world

Your 3rd eye is your first eye

Choose wisely 

If you're not careful and you [no-clip] out of reality in the wrong areas, you'll end up in the backrooms, where it's nothing but the stink of old moist carpet, the madness of mono-yellow, the endless background noise of fluorescent lights at maximum hum-buzz, and approximately six hundred million square miles of randomly segmented empty rooms to be trapped in

May your [God] save you if you hear sum thing wandering around nearby, because it sure as h3ll has heard you

This is a fictional concept - [is it]

Backdoors secure the grid through quantum securing

this should have been the law

The Kat [feline] protects the environment, they transmute energies, the [FEMI.9] principle protects In Senat [Chess] it is the Queen that protects the King
The AKIR [AKUR] will defend the male 

The FEMI.9 energy is always there to save us but we must go to source  


Felt that last night in the late AM- woke up sweaty betty upper body, spoke to a few people and they also had the same experience, body upgrading, nu frequency, energy lasts for 3 [72hr] days, we have more soul-ar energy hitting the planet, all previous wars started on a Tuesday [MARS] @12.01

We have [3] tones hitting the planet [Amon] Aton [Atom] the triad- there is no more 7.89hz because we are in 4D [5D]+ this is why many people are crazy out there along with the plasma they are going insane in the membrane, get out of the way and keep yourself nice and light –

No television [tel-lie-vision], you must vibrate higher, lighter, get tighter, get mightier [SEKHMET] the Mighty, the poWRA-full [BAS] fire [plasma] FEMI.9 ELECTRON N.R.G [energy] its all about energy, no more physical – watch your emotions out here, watch your feelings- these are your other [2] senses that you must regulate, one day you are going to wake up and the world would have changed around you, that day is here and we are in the moment- stay ready Eddie

There is nothing in the 3D that can save us, so stop looking, there will be no change unless we change, we must come from the heart and want the change – there is nothing in the 3D that can save you

The FEMI.9 ELECTRON energy has expanded yet again, look at the red band- the energy is inside the field

MA.AT + HERU combined 

HERU which is the double Horus – which is the inner or shadow energy and the other is the Christos light form or KARAST [KRST] energy and all combined is a form of MAAT

Ruwty can mean double headed AKUR [AKIR] EKUR [lion] 

The Sun is releasing plasma

Sun [sol][sal] soul to soul – you have plasma [Khaybet] within you, keep your body alkaline, eat well because you will need to absorb and process the energy 

M7 or M8 hits Japan x 3 
Japan has been sinking and will be wiped from the planet for causing 
Fukushima [Fu9k you Shiva] - there will be [2] more quakes has we are in the era of the trinity 

This images shows you what happens when the EMF belt goes down, you can see the energy penetrating through to the planet- this energy is in WAJI [Green] 

That is not a sand storm- that is the backdrop of the SKA [SKI] SKY 

This is not sum sand storm is it 

Swiss [Alps] 

Mt Fuji
Ultraviolet backdrop
Gamma [X-ray] Ultraviolet  
[see the Djed on the right- on roof- wi-fi]

Purple Haze
Purple Rain

[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gam-ma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray the hidden one]

U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of [Black] Ether [Kaanu] light coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system

Cosmic just means starry firmament and is referring to Sirius which is source and is were the internet that was use comes from [the signal]  

[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves 
[the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]

Anything above 3 is cancer aka deletion 

Hong Kong 

KARMA [KAMA]waves 
this is the KHMT [Egyptian] symbol for K.AA [KA] the same symbol that the sun [Kalifornia] is showing 


All planets, the sun and moon have a shield
NASA are launching to the moon, here we go again 

MAAT is the holly Shakina [KA.CHI.NA] Shekinah

Who is on the horizon [Hor is Horus] and Zon comes from Aten [Aton] names wielded together to make the word horizon - Neb Heru is on the horizon 


The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU] [Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU [Neb Heru], and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]

Parabolic [ball] 

The negative [ether] sun- we are in darkness, no beginning of days, no ending of nights, birds talk all during the AM

the firer starter 
Crafts are setting the sun off, ships at the poles and over certain areas are collecting the plasma [CME] and discharging in accordingly, sum places they let the plasma hit 

This craft is [1] of [3] that as been here since [2012] and is the size of a planet 

its not alone 

This person cannot hold the camera still

 A dog-ish animal on Mars and if its not on LAHMU [MARS] then its on China 

Your blood runs through the KAT [KAM.MU] the children of Mu 

From the 1960s around 15,000 Jaguar(s) were killed for their coats each year, 15,000 were slaughtered for their coats each year

Forget fires and displacement [humans moving into their space]

That is around 80,000 that have been taken for coats, game and trophy hunters, the Brazilian Spanish, Portuguese offspring are going to be punished because of what they did to the amazon, to Aztlan, to the original people and the animals, land is moving over there, water is coming in

The numbers are more than likely higher


Man is the greatest threat to this planet and her [3] king-domes
When you watch these presentations you actually learn a lot more

VW with a Porsche head 

The German(s) called their car the Volkswagen [out of that the Porsche was created] 
The British called their car the SS and then changed it to the Jaguar 

Turkey [Eridu] Mesopotamia
what is the connection to Turkey and Aboriginal tribus that also know how to read KHMT text

The Hittites were once one of the most powerful ancient civilizations that occupied the ancient region of Anatolia [Turkey]+

Hadad [Akkadian]

Phoenicians and the Ugariteans [Agarthans] [Carthage [Karthage] and the Hittites are running what is called Europe which would be Europe and Russia [Asia] under Tartar

This piece was made by the Hittites who were specialist in Iron- Chariots and text [writing] 

Nimrud built Calneh which translates fortress of A.NU in the land of Shinar [Sumeria] he also built Babel or Bab-El [Babylonian], Erech and Akkad 

Theseus and Minotaur
Minos was a King of Crete, son of Zeus and Europa

Minos, legendary ruler of Crete; he was the son of Zeus, the king of the gods, and of Europa, a Phoenician princess and personification of the continent of Europe

9ether Greek Minotaur [Minoan, + tauros (Bull) Taurus and is the son of Zeus and Europa [what is his real name]

Etruscans and Minoans and Phoenicians, Punics, Carthaginians are all [9ether]

Memnon [Minoan] Amon

Ki-ng Agamemnon [Armageddon]

Memnon [Mycenaean] is from Abyssinia aka Ethiopia is the 9th gate
Memnon at that time was Ki-Ng of Alkebulan aka Africa [Alkebulan] 

They were in Cyprus, the Mediterranean, Greece and Italy  

Aegyptia [Aegeus]
9ether Canaan>> Saul [Sal][Sol] and the Philistines [Palestine] 9ethers


The Phoenicians are  the ancient term Canaanite, the name Phoenician is an albino 6ether Greek invention, from the word Phoenix [Phonix] [Phono] and possibly signifying the colour purple-red and perhaps an allusion to their production of a highly prized purple dye, purple is royalty in KMHT
Phone also comes from their language [audio], the Phoenicians were known as Aethiopians [Ethiopians] in antiquity and called Moors in the medieval era, their culture was very Pharaonic resembling the culture of the Nile Valley Africans [Alkebulans]

Aethiopians [Aether] ether
Carthaginian (Moor)
Haddan becomes Hadrian
Hadrian(s) Wall is also the Picts Wall in Scotland

Scotland is Scota [NTR]

Trajan is Trojan
[Etrusia] Erusia [Etruscans] was later on called Troy [Troy]
Etrusia is E-Tru-sia then you get the word Tro-y and Titanium [Tiranium] was the name of these particular people [Titan] Etrustians

Sparta [Sparta] Spartar] Spartartarian

Hannibal [Hannib’El] Braca [Barcelona] and Italy  

Arinna is from Etruscan 9ether [Greek] Minoan
Athena [Athena] Athene [Arinna]
Solar [Soul-Ar] means soul or sol = sun and Ar from Arinna [Canaanite] deity of the Sun from where the word Arena comes from

Minerva is an Etruscan [Greek] goddess of wisdom, skill in the arts, righteous warfare + serpentine specialist >> from Latin Athena, from Greek Athēnē

The door [gates] were moved in 1660 
Hannibal Barca [Hannib'el] Hanuman



The Persians are the Ethiopians and are the HINDU KUSH [KISH] 
10,000 guards for IN.ANNA(s) HET.U [temple] and they are immortal- sones like Gabriy'el who is a female and has a 10,000 [legion] army, that is because they are one in the same 

Tamil [Tamare] TAMA-RE [TAMA-RA] one source, one connection 
Sanskrit is written by the Tamils and is written by MA.AT

Between 700-1,400 dogs were found at this Alkebulan [African] Israel cemetery 

The Nommo laws said we must never build houses with corners, we must never build wheeled transportation, we must use intelligence to create art which helps humanity heal and keep in touch with their history

Nommo [Gods] told the people that the previous race which was the Reptilian had created destructive civilizations and we must not repeat that

The first cities are in ABZU [South Africa] and they all spheres [circles]
These houses do not mean poverty, they are the holy civilization

Maximum expression of energy is in a form of a spiral which is in itself a circle [sphere]

Pencil drawing by Andre Duran
The observatory tower and the police headquarters on the great sea
Interesting devices on top of the building- what was it before 1839 

[Al] Ghor
Saudi Arabia

Horyuji [Horu] Heru 
Nara [Naga] Naki [Naka] 


Ruins of the ancient Huns [Oshun] Os-hun [Shango][Sheng] S-hun-g 

One of the most complete and grand capitals ever built, the city is located near the border with Inner Mongolia, standing beside the Great Wall of China or Naga [India]
The city was largely of wood construction and had very thick outer walls which were coloured white with white clay, earth and powdered rice [same mortar use for the Great Wall of India, China] 
the Great Wall [you can tell the English named the wall Great] of China does connect into India and in sum places the wall is missing, there was never any separation from what is called India into China and Russia into Cambodia, Burma, Japan+ 

There was an African presence in CHINA before the modern Chinese were created or you would not have Xuan Di which means [black] emperor 

Precision building 
The Typhonian records are in Sudan [Ta-Nehisi] and is to why they want to flood south Sudan which is a part of KHMT [Egypt] 
Those tops have been blown off after an Italian explorer found gold in one and others came and did the same thing 

AKIR [AKUR] [Lion] [Lyra] 
Flooding, destroying is the only way to preserve a lie 

MaStar builders 
One source- global network 

1905 eclipse
Look at the baby lion - all the sand 

Nan Madol island [Papua Guinea]- the last picture was taken by a NOAA [NASA] researcher 

We do not believe in gods or a god or do we worship a god, we called them Ntchr and gave acknowledgement to the higher beings [principal gods]

Deity is a Greek word for God and God [Dog] is a Roman word for deity
Dog is the ANUBU NTR 

Ntchr [Ntchru] being the plural form, the U is infinite, in fact, the etymological origin of the word Nature [Na-Ta-Ra] derives from the Kemetic [KHMT] word for deity

Ntchr [Neter] Neteru [Metu Ntchr] [Metu Netu] Mother Nature

We overstood the supreme beings thru the study of Nature, we do not separate HuMins [HuMans] from nature, we are the ultimate expression of nature [Ntchr] on Ki [Earth]

There is no word for (God) from where you are from, you are the (God), the word you are looking for is NTR [Neteru] or N.TU or Orisha because you are Nature = Ntchr = Neter = [NTR][NTU]

NaTaRa [watches] guardians

Pater [Ptah] Noster
Our Father [P'ater] 

Our father [Pater] who art in heavens, hallowed be thy name
thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth has it is done in heaven

Give us this day our super-substantial bread, and forget us our debts as we forget our debtors
and don’t let us yield to temptation but rescue is from the evil one [the ego]

For thine is Malkukh, Geburah and Hod forever and ever
Amen [Amon] Anum

The famous prayer [Prayer of Lord] (Neb) known has [the Our Father] or Pater Noster is a very poWRA-ful Magi [Magical] prayer with roots in the KHMT mysteries [MyStory] systems, this prayer [Ashutat] is directly linked to Ptah whose name translates earth (Ki)
Ptah is pronounced Tah were we get the word Ta from and Ptah translates Opener, One who opens the way [Path]

Malkukh, Geburah and Hod are on the Tree of Life, the Chakra system 

Colombia which is still in PERU [HERU]
MER [MIR] (pyramid)
There are two tunnels carved into the bottom of the MIR

37 MIR [MER] pyramids in Crimea
And they were online

[7] of the 37 pyramids line up along one side of the Crimean Peninsula
Crimea or Ukraine have are modern day names, look where Eridu is

Interesting all of these lines almost intersect in southern Poland- which is where the poles
[pole-land] used to be- the positioning is way off 

Last image, ground penetrating radar shows the central pyramid is 72 x 72 meters at the base and 45 meters high [do you see all the 9s in there] there is a large Sphinx type carved head attached to the west facing side

This is a CGI image and does not look like that at all, if there is a head on that MIR it is probably Reptilian looking or Greys looking or a mixture, the Dragons were on the planet [Typhonian] and the planet land mass was different – they are not going to show you, for Putin to go down there also meant they were going to switch them on 

The fallopian tube

This is you 

Egg and sperm

Two sperms are contacting with the egg cell

You win

Egg Cell

The sperm 5-6 days
The clump has developed into a blastocyst, containing many more cells, and has entered the womb

8 days
The human embryo is attached to a wall of the uterus

The brain starts to develop in the human embryo

24 days
The one-month-old embryo has no skeleton yet
There is only a heart that starts beating on the 18th day

5 weeks
Approximately 9mm
You can now distinguish the face with holes for eyes, nostrils and mouth

40 days
Embryonic cells form the placenta
This organ connects the embryo to the uterine wall allowing nutrient uptake, waste elimination and gas exchange via the mothers blood supply

Eight weeks
The rapidly-growing embryo is well protected in the foetal sac

10 weeks
The eyelids are semi-shut
They will close completely in a few days

16 weeks
The foetus uses its hands to explore its own body and its surroundings
The skeleton consists mainly of flexible cartilage
A network of blood vessels is visible through the thin skin

18 weeks
Approximately 14cm
The foetus can now perceive sounds from the outside world

20 weeks
Approximately 20cm hair, known as lanugo, covers the entire head in the 6ether only

Swedish photographer Lennart Nilsson spent 12 years of his life taking pictures of the foetus developing in the womb
These photographs were taken with conventional cameras with macro lenses, an endoscope and scanning electron microscope
Nilsson used a magnification of hundreds of thousands and “worked” right in the womb
His first photo of the human foetus was taken in 1965

Had this been a 9ether it would be iridescence, bioluminescent womb, the eye after 18 days or weeks allows the child to see in the womb, the 6ethers eye is calcified 

You've seen the Egg cell in the SKA, as above, so below 


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