[Light] Liquid Energy
Why do batteries contain acid >> because it's
fundamental to the electrochemical reaction that takes place
Also referred to as battery electrolyte, battery acid is
the medium that carries the electrical flow between positive and negative
Each of you carry proton and electron electrodes within
The right hemisphere and left hemisphere brains [dome]
Above [Below]
Your energy
Soular plexus
Light source
This all correlates to your acid and the ignition needed
to Magi [manifest] your desires aka Magic
This is done only if the parties are using the Chi-forces,
the European word Love is different from using the energy of Nu, if the parties
are under the inference of [Love] this is also your Aura [Aural] energy, this is why you glow when you are in Chi [Love] force
The mouth contains acid, stomach, and vagina [Pum-Pum]
Electrodes are also known as sperm [Sea-men] Seaman [unused
light] living light [electron] proton and acid >> this ignites a charge
The force to Magi your desires thru the SUN and sum of
you use the Moon because you were created in the Moon cycle, the SUN >> 3rd
brain, your heart is [love]
The genie in the bottle are the seamen inside the uterus,
the uterus is the bottle, when making the Chi-force aka [Love] the stomach
[soul-ar plexus] is rubbed [the bottle being rubbed is this]
[2] minds synchronise has [1]
[2] hearts beat as [1]
The fluid holds salt called sweat, salt is a conductor, you
create a poWRA source now around the outer body, acid in the mouth >> the
kiss sets the spark >> the tip of the penis enters the vagina the acid
ignites the pre-cum> this ignites the spark
Making [Love] was destroyed to close the gates of heaven
> the Womb is a portal in, light that doesn't become whole dissipates after
3 [72hrs] days aka [3] wishes- it is [3] days that those Seamen live for, swimming
a long journey to nowhere
This is when the genie is captured
The genies
They are Gen [Ginn] Jinn
What they call Demons or Angelic
This is why multiple partners is a no-no for you are
collecting negative energies, all ancient pain is held in the Womb, Seaman
[cum] sticks to the walls of the Pum-Pum and is found on the brain and is to
why you must check your partner, do not get with no one unless its based-on energy
You AURA or light is what [Love] is and is for, making
the energy of Nu [universe] [cosmos], you can also use this energy for
inner-healing, for bonding with others, to allow others to read your AURA
Many are using their Seaman to cast spells of lust,
desires of the flesh in triple-x form- tri and make your partner be one who
does not drink or does not eat meat- these kind of things because if you are
doing these things and more and they are not, you will be drained of all your energy
– this killed the passion in energy-making [love making] >> pornographic data,
women wearing less, ass and boobs showing, prostitution+ all fu9ked up energy-making
– to fu9k is nothing to be proud of
S-E-X is Sacred-Energy-Exchange – there is a huge difference
The churning of the ocean [milk] aka the mastur-bation [Ma-Star] of the snake aka the serpentine [Kundalini] energy [symbolic]- for those with a Chakra system
You cannot just eat any woman, she must be healthy spirituality, if she is not, she will not produce immortal liquid [Elixir]
Images from NAGA [INDA] INDIA
The S-E-X data had to be left in NAGA-LAN because if left in KHMT- the Romans and Greeks and then the Muslims would have torn it down, INDA is a huge place - by the time they found the records it was too late
'They say that loves a daydream but I thought I found my reality in you'
[this track is 3:33 long]
Egipt [Egypt] Gypsy [Gipsy] same words [same letters]
The Romans raped many Egyptian lineages, especially under
Caesar and Cleopatra, the Moors also mated with many 6ethers women, there are many Gypsies around the planet, all are
creative for they have Nubian blood
We find them in Ireland to Bulgaria to Morocco, Spain, Greece, Argentina+
[Romania] Romani [Hindu]
You are not recognised by others because they know who you are
Black [brown] hair [Brown] eyes - she has talent
Those like this and slightly darker are separated, that was what the ethnic cleansing was about, from Ireland [IRB][IRA] to Bosnian+ ending in the USA
You have 9ether bloodlines making you 7 and 8 ether and this is why they hate you, because you have gifts, abilities and because you are special
The core of her hair is 9ether- you can see the brown being highlighted by the rays of the sun or she has dyed her hair before, if she has 9ether nipples and on her Pum-Pum lips, she can go further, if she is spiritual
The Gypsy Kings hail out of Spain- but they are not
Spanish at all
His voice
how many cubes are up there
Images come from the ISS- look at the sun or is that NI.BIRU or both
check out the [4] poles and the beam going straight through and the hexagon
Halo means double sun [shield] aka sundog [sun-god]
Godhead [Christ] Christos KARAST [KRST]
see the fish [wOMb] [portal] in the middle
how comes they have drawings of what is taking place from an older timeline [loop]
All three images are showing the same thing [3] primary colours [3] kings [3] suns are on the horizonNI.BIRU and KA.CHI.NA [Red] and [Blue]
MA.AT is the Holy Shakina [Shekinah] Kachina
Red [Blue] and WAJI [Green] are the primary colours [energies] and are merging into one
We are in Pisces season
They are going to align
The 9ethers die an original and the others die a copy - it is copywritten
FEMI.9 ELECTRON NRG - is the first principle - all [Gods] have a bellybutton which means they came from a wOmb-man [man comes from the wo-man] and man means mind
There is no such colour has [Black] or [White] they are not even in the [7] rainbow
-there is ETHER [MELANIN] KANNU which is dark and there is BRIGHT [white] which holds all [7] colours [frequecicneies]
Rocks of Saskatchewan [Sasquatch] Saskatch [Saska] Alaska
Cypress Hills [Kanada]
Lewis Howard Latimer invented the carbon filament for the
light bulb
Many people question if Edison is the true inventor of
the light bulb
Could his light without the carbon filament
Latimer co-invented and improved the train water closet,
which was a bathroom compartment for railroad trains
Latimer also sketched designs for Alexander Graham Bell’s
device: the telephone
He went on to work for the U.S. Electric Lighting Company
owned by Hiram Maxim, which was a rival to Thomas Edison, who invented the electric
light bulb
Latimer improved on Edison’s invention by encasing the
filament within a cardboard envelope which prevented the carbon from breaking
and providing a much longer life to the bulb and hence made the bulbs less
expensive and more efficient
This enabled electric lighting to be installed within
homes and throughout streets
The Blueprints were already here in stone, knowledge was
taught to 100s of generations for 1000s of years - its embedded in DNA codes
Montana [USA]
Circular towers at Kastle Nodia
Computer motherboard
The Nubians built the circuit board- timeless patterns of
electromagnetic conductivity
The planet was one land mass at one point and from Etruscan
[Greece] to KHMT to Mesopotamia we see the stone circuits on the motherboard –
all [Iy] and HET.U sit on the poWRA-lines [ley lines] of this planet to the motherboard
Built to harness and conduct electromagnetic [Ki] energy
on specific vortex sites, these ancient towers and connecting walls are
replicated in a computer motherboard which also channels electricity and stores
vast amounts of data [light] information in quartz crystal chips
You have crystals within you, so does the planet, sum of
the crystals is shaped in a hexagon [hive] shape just like the computer
motherboard towers in the circuit pattern
Water is also key [currrenSea] a vital element
Look at the modern photo compared to the older images, you
can see coils [generators] based o ethereal electricity- this is MUURS technology
Russia [Prussia] Tartar
The entire construction was examined using radiography - scanning the internal structure, this 12-meter room is almost completely hidden underground, only a fragment of a semi-destroyed dome is visible above the surface
This site was use well later on has an underground reservoir to which this was never the intended usage but like with most of these sites the next occupants do not know how or what the purpose was for, sum-times these sites were disconnected so that they couldn’t use these places
This looks like a teleportation hub- during the original construction this building was completely on the surface and is on the highest mountain [did the mud-flood affect them] or was there another part to this site, of course there is and even if it was filled with water many were Mermaids [NAGA]
No doubt the size is a rectangle and has a dome
Alkebulan is not a continent
There are [3] main portals over the planet, Kambodia has
When the Ulmec [Olmec] returned they found the Aztlan
people had been influenced
The Ulmec took sum of the tribes underground to hollow
earth and the rest to Kambodia which can hold 750,000- during the war when the
USA had men behind enemy lines when the soldiers ran through Kambodia the
locals dropped to their knees because they thought the [Gods] had returned
Khmer [Khemet]
Ankgor Wat [Ankh-gor] [gor is hor [horus] HERU] Wat [Watt] because the place lit up
like the Godfather
Ganesh is from Ghana it says so in Sanskrit
Temple is an English word and they also use the word Tomb
and imply that bodies were kept when 99% there are no bodies- the Sumerians
recorded these places has [Iy] which translated abode or coast, isles, house
and the KHMT recorded them has HET.U [TEMPLE] aka healing centre
3D layer printing on solid stone, teleportation hubs, launch pads for Vimana(s), MIR [MER] MARE [Pyramids] you can see the NAGA(s)
advanced technologies
In the beginning [be-Ginn-ing] Ginn [Jinn]
ERIDU [Ir-ree-doo] translates [home from home] aka
Mesopotamia - UT.NA.FISH.TIM [Utnafishtim] which includes Iran, Syria,
Afghanistan, Arabia, Turkey, Iraq, and is where the Annunaqi hovered over when
they first arrive in this soul-ar system
Turkey and Syria are NIMRUD land [Susa] Sumerian
Many of these ruins were not built by the Romans, the
Romans and Muslims throughout their history have always stolen 9ethers sites
and converted them to their own, at times the Romans and Muslims had slaves
with them and made them rebuild or build sites for them
This site in Turkey is built on a peninsula-like structure
surrounded by very deep and steep valleys on three sides, so the only entrance
to the city was through the northern gate- what is this place, it is sitting on the planets ley-lines- just look at this place
This craft in Korea [in footage] looks like this craft
Korea is an ancient communications hub
Man-made cloud wall
MAAT is the Shakina [Shekinah] KA.CHI.NA
Blue and Red
Zer0 point energy, you can see the ring [sphere] coming out of the sun and the current being emitted
-the SKA is pulsating - look at the colours, blue and red make purple - you can see this in the rim around the sun - no doubt NI.BIRU is also in the mix- Kachina is more or less always on the right with NI.BIRU taking up the left and behind the sun
HERU + MAAT combined energies [KA.CHI.NA]
Who that
Red [FEMI9] is hitting the planet
UV index is 8.59 [over 3 is the highest point of cancer]
UVC index is 22these rays are a detoxifier- a germ killer, a mutating wavelength which changes, alters your DNA+ which is irreversible
[Photo-dermatitis] is the allergic reaction to the sun- the sun is the sustainer of all life, I AM not allergic to the sun - we are all under cosmic surgery for your DNA [RNA] molecular structure
Protect yourself [yours cells] at all times with knowledge [data] light [AURA] and Chlorophyll and sunlight and distilled water [alkaline] it does not matter what the temperature is outside - the energy reaches
The ozone-layer [dome] electromagnetic field [van allan-belt] is all the same thing and is being removed, one day you will wake up and things would have changed around you
For those getting ready it will be worst than last year, this is why wars and rumours of wars are important right now because they are getting ready, so should you
[Photo-dermatitis] stay out of the sun and especially if you have green or blue eyes, you cannot absorb UV rays - they have LYMA products offering pigmentation [see below] laser skin treatment - it will not work, just stay out of the sun, the sun is trying to kill you
90 degree cube [fore field] around the planet - no energy can escape
From 11am to around 7pm- this is the energy signatures that came in over the day [12.3.2022]
From 11pm to around 3am- over the day [12.3.22]
Birds are not sleeping and are wide awake chatting
Hearing the ultra-sound tones in my ear the day before and then last night in the right ear, had a dream about sum one I haven't dreamt about ever and she was with one of her sons, the younger one
Pay attention to your dreams and remember them, pay attention to what your spirit guides say
M5 France [Alps] where sum of the Reptilians reside- a wake up call
M5 in the Gulf of Mexico
-there will be one more for we have trinity strikes - it was California with an M5
M7 hits Philippines and M7 for Indonesia + there are more earthquakes - there are also 7 tsunami(s) warnings in place, this means they had to be M7+ -its popping off
Huge 5D CME is incoming and is to why we can hear the adjustments
18hrs of soul-ar energy
Gulf of Mexico is on fire - like Cuba and Florida and the whole equatorial plane is actually on fire but where the Gulf of Mexico is is nearly a complete circle with Georgia also on fire, there is a huge craft sitting over Cuba, there is a volcano in the Gulf, Bermuda is online and there are fleets over Florida
these images come from a NASA website and there is no data on media sites of anyone filming these fires- is this plasma concentration
will reach the USA in 2 weeks they say
for those who have the eye [eyes] to see
LYMA costs £1,900 for the basic pack for the supplement and they also offer laser-pigment skin regeneration
9 ingredients with one being Melanin- do you know how many 9ethers died to make products to keep 6ethers alive, old looking 6ethers are lapping this product up in a bid to stay young looking
You are going to be deleted and there is nothing you can do, the Sun is going to stretch you out
People are old and have aged in the last 2 years- time is not speeding up, creation is
A man did this to her, this child, she is sum ones daughter, niece, cousin, grand-daughter- help us to end this negative frequency
-the frequency cannot be changed in the physical, material world but can be changed from the spiritual higher realm, you just have to think about what you want
If you hold onto parts of the Matrix then it cannot crash - it must completely crash- its all or nothing, if you want one reason to crash this Monkey sh9t- then look at her
We can not all be on the same planet, we are doing what the book says, We are coming Forth by Day on them all - this will end for thy is the King-Dome [AMEN]
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