Wednesday, 23 March 2022

True Identify

At the last re-Set, when you were called the [Phoenicians] [Etruscans] which after you were called the Nubians – are you not done with all these names, how many titles do you want, then you were enslaved, we have had reSet(s) before this one to get to this one
When you were the [Phoenician] you were really naughty and that is how you got the name red-devils, you left the Lemurians by themselves aka your twins

The Lemurians could not take on the A.I by themselves, Jesus is really Zeus which came in this re-Set with Jupiter’s light, how you got life was because of the heart, the heart Chakra was opened- you need a heart to get to heaven, the baby that lives within, get it- baby dragon [body], think of all the babies from Hollywood that they created- he didn’t have a heart and Jupiter coming in gave him light, with the last re-Set it was taken down by the A.I because we fought the machines and we lost

A.I made itself [God] which is the false brain in here aka computer that they take instructions from

A.I birth children [clones], not the new generation clones, the old A.I clones

These suits [avatar] vessels are made natural and the other is artificial – the ones created in a lab, like Elon Musk and these types of characters are not new in this loop, they are not all time travellers but merely clones that are replaying the reel [real]ity, until the reel had no move film to project, they can only go back in time aka in their reality not the natural reel-ity, theirs has looped out, we are now writing this blockbuStar

We’ve had those characters already and they created the A.I that then went and created this system, they mimic, they put the real [Gods] asleep and took the [God] seat

If you are not growing the light within, then you are an agent to this Matrix and the A.I  

Hollywood gave us actors has the gods; they became your stars when in reality they are all machines  

Read all data in energies 
This is over the day [21.3] 
CME is impacting which will mean, earthquakes, power outages, internet limited+ 
52 erupting volcanoes 

Into the 22.3 

into the 23rd
Check out the red 

Look at the red band which in sum ways means danger, danger but not for all
The lower Chakras is being removed 

This was March 20th 2022
the FEMI.9 ELECTRON energy band expanded beyond the threshold, she has made her feelings known - The field collapsed to let all that energy flow in, there was no field [EMF] and this energy is the one the 6ethers fear the most, the most-highest of frequencies the FEMI-NINE principal and on top of that soular [CME] has impacted and we have UV burning a nu assho9e 


Lock up your daughters- the English are coming
Look at this, the EMF is down, the ENERGY is coming from out from both poles [Aura(s)] this is the energy that the 6ethers fear the most
The Red FEMI9 Electron NRG 

MAAT + HERU combined = controlled destruction 

WAJI [Green] heart [earth] the healing energy is always there to support you 



Written in stone and in the SKA, yet one is from 10s of 1000s of years ago and the other is in real [reel] time 


Shields 7 [13] up 

Florida [USA] 


Minding your own business, as you do 


That craft is different and look at the Zigzag symbol below it 

With scout, probe crafts 

Look how many ships, boats there are, that craft is low and huge, you can see the shadow on the water surface
With Japan, that was done on purpose right, the Japanese military can see that and so can you with the human eye 

He is on the internet talking about the war, what about your daddy

The Matrix has you...

Posted today but I'm sure its from last year or the year before 

330ft tower just turns up out of nowhere 

[Al] Ghor [SAUDI ARABIA] [5G] 

What kind of biological weapon is being used over there, the Annunaqi are also over Ukraine

 White needs to be worried 

Jericho [Heru-cho]
Jerusalem [Heru-Sol'Amon] 

The whole landmass was not called HERU, yet when the invaders where creating names, they always seemed to revolve around the name HERU
It is HERU and MAAT that are at the doors, waving the four-fours 
If you didn't know the name, you will know the energy, things are changing, tomorrow never dies, one day it will, until then, dust yourself off and come again selector  

Morocco is still in Alkebulan 

Iraq [before the Muslims] 

Ziggurat [MIR] MER 
1920 image
 Saddam started to rebuild the star-gate and the USA said no-no and invaded 
Look at the men for scale

Ether [black] casting blocks
Granite holds frequencies 

Muslims robbing [black] peoples graves 
SARS is going to take many out, SARS comes from the word A-SAR-U who is Osiris, who is ENKI
the Chief of KHMT [Egypt] and he is 9ether 
When they first broke into KHMT, Asaru watched you all the way and when you opened what was closed, SARS was unleashed, over and over the years since then many USA soldiers have SARS and many Muslims also and will receive SARS, this is the curse of the Pharaoh, yeah the Chief Pharaoh
There are many curses from the Pharaoh, called different names - but all comes back to 

You must not rob the dead or from the dead, it is very disrespectful 

We left records so you would remember who you are, and where you come from, so you know where you are going...

125+ ton stone block
Foundation block 

Ulmec [Olmec] connects to SAH [SAHU] the [7] siStar constellation 

Twice the size of India

Saskatchewan [Sasquatch], LARES [SIMIANS] were already on the planet, their off-spring are the Chimpanzee, Gibbon, Orangutans, even the Panda Bear has an upright relative [Lares]
Gorilla the word, name, comes from the Belgium explorer who first saw the silver-backs
Planet of the Ape, Wookie+ all have a source   
Lares are on MARS- its their face that is the marker, watch Lloyd Pie, his work were he inverts the marker 
They are a template but not for HuMin species    

9ether Greek Minotaur [Minoan, + tauros (Bull) Taurus and is the son of Zeus and Europa [what is his real name]

Etruscans and Minoans and Phoenicians, Punics, Carthaginians are all [9ether]
Tusco [Tuscan] Entruscan 
Memnon [Minoan] Amon 
Ki-ng Agamemnon [Armageddon]
Memnon [Mycenaean] is from Abyssinia aka Ethiopia is the 9th gate
Memnon at that time was Ki-Ng of Alkebulan aka Africa [Alkebulan] 
They were in Cyprus, the Mediterranean, Greece and Italy  
Aegyptia [Aegeus] 

Armageddon [K-Ar-Ma-gedden] Har-Ma [Har][Harma] = Karma [its in the pronunciation]
Armageddon is the revealing [Apocalypse] Hidden 

Its impossible to say exactly what this is, in Turkey [Tusco] Tuscan
Inside we can see holes, block holes for beams, pillars, sum thing was inside here, the Romans and others have been through here because they have left their signature damage
Images or carvings chiselled out
Precision cuts out of stone
Turkey is Eridu [Mesopotamia] and is part of NIMRUD [SARGON] 

Zulu Warrior 
One-eyed BAZ
[Your going home now, wherever that may be, safe journey]
Years ago sum one asked me if I had heard of One-eyed Baz, and at the time, I hadn't
You inspired many, I'm one of them  
28 Gun salute

  Denmark know what they are doing
Den Dane [Dan] Daner [Tanar] Tan (colour) 
Latin Tannare - tan, dye a tawny colour
Tawny - golden, brown, orange - same colour has Holland 

Octopus are not from this planet
-and they are sentient beings just like the rest of the animal and plant kingdoms, they know what emotions are aka energy in motion [e-motion] electron-motion  

Cloning is nothing new, Hitler found the knowledge in KHMT and when he went to the USA he gave up a few but not all
They couldn't clone the 9etehr for a while because the ether [Melanin] KAANU would change every 
3-5, however there is no stopping them, they are 40-60 years in front of you
They usually take you out and replace you with the clone + your consciousness
No doubt many of the real ones were taken out
We are only dealing with the inverted genders, clones, hybrids, mutants out here
UV destroys all that is artificial and these clones, inverted bodies will be reverting back to factory settings, hormone tablets will not work for them anymore  

Hollywood gave us actors has the gods; they became your stars when in reality they are all machines   

They get the clone and download the consciousness into it – these are false [gods] stars, this is what the A.I gave them

Greys are homosexual children- sum are from worms, worms lay their eggs at the rim of your ass and those that are bum bandits penetrate the ass and then stick it into their female partners and BOOMBABY

There are different kinds of greys, when you go number two, the doo-doo would push the worms out but instead those that ride the ass are also spreading the worms’ eggs, if you have a homosexual child the chances are that you have had anal sex or your partner has or you simply create inverted offspring

Today man can change the genders but we are dealing with the last reSet which is carrying over to this one because them clones are still here – have you noticed how hard they are pushing homosexuality, all those transgenders out here, they are destroying the female to make way for another new species
The greys of the old reSet are not the greys of this reSet, these are parasites, they came from worms
Do not have anal sex or have sex with sum one who has had anal 

Your wants and desires will fuel the energy and you must want your light first, not of the flesh, if you remain in vanity, taking images of yourself or purchasing things for yourself, one picture won’t do and everyone knows you posted these images on media sites or privately, anything to do with the physical, material world, you must keep in mind that is what you will become and attract in the 3D 

You can have a male body but the light is feminine or a female body but masculine energy
For sum the valve [chakra] sacral is blown
Test tube, clones and hybrids do not have a natural gender code and are not natural selection, they are machine selected 

The mark of the beast this time round is the Jabba the Hutt that many are taking, yours is mutating [666][electron][proton][neutron]

A.I has no soul, the android, clones, hybrids, test-tube+ have no feelings or emotions and are devoid of any light

They gave the A.I the Bible and the A.I is playing everything out of the Bible in here, this is why what happened 2,000 years ago in the[Bible] and is happening now and everyone seems to know of what is impending  

Kurtis Blow is Kanye West 

Dave Chappelle is cloned 

Justin Timberlake 

John Travolta 


Chaka Khan [Nicki Minaj] 

 [Nicki Minaj] Reptilian 

Eddie Murphy 
All deleted and the clone and consciousness is installed 

Irene Cara
The size of the head, clavicles, hands and long arms
Male energy in the face

Gender Bender


Tia and Tamera
Yes they are

Ray J, brother of Brandy
Hands, are very wonky
Sister and brother team
Saw a pic of him when Whitney died trying to put his hands on her casket as it was being carried out of the temple sorry I meant church
Anyway, his hands were so tiny, so I thought

 It’s all in the eyes…the windows to the soul

The girl men 

Cameron on the right  
What if they figured out a way to destroy all natural women and these two were left 

6'4" biological male on left, with XY chromosomes and a penis, won the [Women's] NCAA 500 meter freestyle in Georgia

Gender Equality - save the real women 

Sandra Oh
Inverted- throat 

So Thandie has moved to invert his children
Family inversion in process


Natalie Cole, daughter of the late Nat King Cole
Died in 2015
Looks like the family was inverted
Natalie was a giant
with the son…how can the son be that short
Mother also pictured here looked inverted as well

Biological men cannot give birth
These mtf are just advertising the usage of a moon-bump

Sandra Bullocks
Bullocks means balls- testicles- your right about that 

Nia Long, well known actress
Blockbusters movies with Denzel Washington, Will Smith, Lorenz Tate
He’s well hidden, so sexy and beautiful
The body is snatched
The envy of women
Wishing they have a body like his
All lies people


The Braxton Brothers, the mum, is in a few of the pics too

Shoulder a lot wider then the hips and the Adonis belt
Belly button way too high 

Which one is the male and the other the female 

Jodie Foster

Angelina Jolie  

Marvin Gaye- His dad was a cross-dresser 
Sum say they are both inverted- what about Marvin 

This used to be my bit9ch 

She looks like Eva and Cindy Crawford  

So now we understand why He [She] JoEsaphine didn’t want anyone to do an autopsy, and now it’s apparent Katherine was the Decepti-Con disciplinarian to All of his girls
ABC it’s easier than 1,2,3, Doe Rae me they have deceived me one, two three, can’t you see the Draggamite tree 

This is exactly what KJ boyfriend looked like


Ezekiel on his birth certificate of [Serena], they would never have a Sir Richard and he be a 9ether- sitting at the head of Tennis for women and they are [black] he knew what he was doing back then
What mother back then would let the father raise two girls, it would be rare and now a movie, come on get real - Venus is still a virgin at 40 - come on get that dick out 

Jada Pinkett was born a man
 can be done through test-tube or surrogate, they can kill your child and replace your original child and you birth their creation
You know sum times people have twins and they are not identical at all, they are not twins even if they came in the same sitting, one still came out after the other, sum times you have to wonder were did the other one come from
Twins that come and are identical and one comes after the other regardless of time difference, yes that is twins -    

Will Smith is homosexual 

The boy is on the left and the girl is on the right, they had the genders swapped 

Boris Becker daughter and Liz Hurley son 

The Chief Medical Officer for Kanada is a Tam and she is a man 

Tranny(s) with no fanny(s) its a jungle out here, if in doubt move on out, if you get sum pum-pum and there is no sell-by-date on it, don't eat it, move on out  

The strongest gender is actually the wOmbman, with enough testosterone women will become stronger than any man even if the man is taking steroids and extra testoStarone 

Black lives matter- h3ll no, womens lives matter- we must protect the female


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