Friday, 18 March 2022

Rinse and Repeat


Beyond the Antarctic are more lands, more people that look like the Nubians and this is where they would really be going if they say they are going to the Moon or Mars – they are going past the Antarctic – if you are on this plane of existence – then it is infinite – there are 1000s of continents beyond Antarctic, it is endless beyond the plane [plane-t] read this book- worlds beyond the poles because there are no poles, there is no south or north poles – what they are looking at is the enclosure of the oceans- that is what the poles are – you see the Antarctic, it encircles the lands that we are in – the ice wall goes all around the [7] [5] continents that we know of- that is why planes never go north to south – they only go east to west and if the earth is spinning at 1025mph at the equator and you are in New York and you want to go Kalifornia and the planet is spinning at 1025mph from Kalifornia towards New York then how comes it takes 7hrs to fly to New York from Kalifornia if the earth that is spinning under you is spinning at a 1025mph because according to Western science – if the planet is spinning at 1025mph then you would be in flight for less than 5mins

The Antarctic ice-wall encircles all the continents 
Ancient architecture, structures, monuments, MIR [MER] are all present 

360 degrees 

If your child is being taught by Neil DeGrasse Tyson and the likes, then your child knows nothing- Neil is a coon and is there has a shield to cover the real science

Why does the clouds not disappear if the planet is spinning at 1025mph, are you using your brain, ask a child how fast does the planet spin and if they answer, ask them at that speed do you think the clouds would not disappear at that speed, when a volcano lets rip and the plume comes out, how comes the plume doesn’t dissipate because they said that the planet is spinning at 1025mph, have you been in a Car at 100mph and everything flashes pass you, what about at 1025mph

Its a globe, a circle not an oval - the ice wall goes around all the continents, the Nile river connects to the SKA but they don't show you this and this map is upside down- boy you turn me 

The planet is an infinite plane [flat] -its an endless plane that we are upon and it stretches in all direction, so if we are going to any other planet like Mars or Venus most of it would be outside the range of the Antarctic that encircles us

We would go beyond the threshold of a dimensional bubble [Dome] Turtle Shell that has kept us quantified, pressurized inside of a space we call the 3rd dimension – this is why they use the term globe

The only way we could create an atmosphere is if we set up a closed circuit

Everyone thinks we are a ball spinning in space – that is a vacuum, which is insane in the membrane, you cannot put an atmosphere next to a vacuum because the vacuum would automatically suck the atmosphere out – so how can this atmosphere that has all these gasses [nitrogen] oxygen helium+ how is it that they are not being sucked out into space, which is supposed to be this gigantic vacuum

It doesn’t exist – using atmospheric pressure or gravity doesn’t make sense and it is levitation that exists, not gravity, all this was structured to keep the masses dumb

In the 1990s people started to talk about the dome [van-alien-belt] ozone-layer [EMF]+, the compressed hydrogen dome, the dome is cracked [which is where they get the Noah story from] Noah is Nuwa [Huwa][Huhi] who helped to repair the rift, which today is called the Milky Walk – the Milky Way is the crack in the dome- if you look at it and you look at the scar along the lines of sum one who keloids – you will see it looks like a gigantic scar in the SKA

This is the dome, image comes from NASA, you can see the Gold and Plasma [purple]
Hemisphere [Hemi in Latin means half + sphere = half a sphere which is a dome] 

We are under a dome, all the planets, stars, moon and sun, and beings , we are under a gigantic cyclotron that is being run by the electromagnetic movement 
[1] being magnetic and [1] being electric and the movement of the sun – which circles in a parabolic manner, which means a long circle [oval] and when he gets to us in the North- he does a smaller circle, after June is when the circle would open up again to go back down to where we are today – when we get to the 21st December, it doesn’t keep going further down, he stops for [3] days and circles right there until the 25th December at the same spot and by and after the 25th starts to move back to the Northern hemisphere
This is why there is only 360 days in a year 
This is your [3] days of darkness and your HERU [Jesus] resurrection after [3] days [Horizon] –
HERU 25th December 4000

We are not spinning around any sun, the sun is spinning above us and the moon is its electric and magnetic counterpart – the moon is a satellite- it is a former dearthStar [star-station] that had all its hardware taken out and can only firer up [full moon] under its own power – if you stand in the direction of the moon- under the moonlight, it would be more cooler standing under the moonlight than if you were in the shadows, whereas in the sun, its cooler in the shadows that under the sunlight – these are polarities that are working to move the air currents, so the moon is a satellite and does listen to us, the Akashic records are stored on the server, we need the air to move in order for us to breathe – so the movement of the sun and the moon above us, the moon is controlling the water [tides] hence certain times on the planet when we get adverse weather systems, the torsion builds up so much that there has to be a release of that energy via the seasons

So, what is holding the moon in place is not gravity but a craft that is holding the star-station with its protector beam, NASA did send a probe and crashed the probe into the surface of the Moons other satellite and the last images from the probe does show a tri-angle headed craft  

[the sun goes through the house signs [12] every hour and the moon every 2 hours]

In the movie the Matrix, they said they burned the atmosphere for the machines because the machines were using the sun – then the machines turned to the HuMins [HuMans] aka batteries to create their own energy

The first root races were ethereal, they hadn’t become embodied yet and then has we began to condense into different atmospheric pressures aka different dimensions our bodies [avatar] then was upgraded to cover this nu range, the avatar was given nu rims, spoiler, colour coded seats+ sum call this the superhero [supaheru] which it kinda is, the dimensions were changing and our bodies [suits] were upgraded the denser it became in that particular pressured dimension- which is what happened to us, our ethereal bodies began to take on [matter] and we began to disconnect from the higher-self [higher- cells] to what you see today, this is the perfected avatar but has we began to descend from the first root race all the way to the fifth – which is were we are at this point and we are transiting into the sixth root race – which is difficult because we are seniors and not even supposed to be in this molecular structure for this long

The man-made matrix got many thinking that the [god] is outside of yourself and yet this original technology, the avatar, is being deferred to the synthetic technology that a person can’t understand how to transit out of the body – which is why they are doing everything to stop us transcending out of this particular state to change the mind of the cell, from within – not from without

They know that we as HuMin, have the ability to change the mind of the cell, therefore change the molecular density and therefor inhabit other dimensions by the mind changing the cells mind

This is why they are pulling out all the stops from you connecting to source and hence the virtual reality that they are introducing

The real war is not in another country – the war is about your liquid crystal lifeforce consciousness, this is the song of Solomon [Sal’Amon] – when they talk about this in their bible, it was the blood that was speaking, it was the consciousness that the blood carries – that is the song of Solomon because that song is actually the resonance, that song is actually the frequency – it’s the frequency that you are supposed to enhance yourself with, so that you can change this dense molecular structure and then ascend back into the seventh root race because the journey between the first and the fifth is very difficult because that is the fall of man, going back into the sixth is instant, its light speed but because they know that only happens when the blood is now synchronized with the Kundalini energy [serpentine] and the energy that is supposed to be feeding us aka the [solaric] soular force aka the sun, they are trying to shut you down 

We are trapped here and they are trying to shut down your ability to interface with that B.AA [Soul] Sol [Sal] force

They do want to cull the HuMan [HuMin] race – this is not the ultimate, that is just the physical, they only want those connected to source, those connected to the frequency – those playing Solomon song, your blood, your liquid crystal of your consciousness

Its 10mins from Korea or Russia or China to the USA, don't get it twisted
-and the plane [map] is upside down
South Africa [ABZU] is really North Africa  


Seth [Set] Sut [Suk] Sept [Septet] Sirius

Seth is not the equivalent to Lucifer nor does he represent EVIL[DEVIL] – Seth is a dissection of IMN [AMEN] in the action of Universal balance

Seth [Yen] EN.LIL

When the Suns and stars and moons cease to light up the visible universe, guess what happens- SETH remains

The darkness of the night is Seth
The shadow of your body is Seth

Every night of your life when you go to rest and sleep, you are experiencing SETH's time

Before anything existed visibly, the mind was within SETH

The chaos that gave birth to order was with Seth

Every morning when you wake up to go to work and be lively, you experience Ra the opposite of Seth as HERU [Horus] or the SUN

If it happened that the Sun did not show up in the morning, all of us would experience SETH for good and due to lack of sunlight, life would cease

The same applies to; if Night refused to come and it remained bright forever, life would cease to exist

There is no life without Seth because a balance has to exist between Seth and Ra or darkness and light

Seth works with HERU [Horus] to maintain the Equilibrium

There is no life without SETH and out of SETH (which is darkness) came LIGHT

There was no devil but the spirit of jealousy and deception among devolved men

Why SETH fought his brother HERU [HORUS] and killed him spreading his parts across Africa, because HERU slept with his wife and they say produced ANUBU - did you kill your brother over a wombman

All the monkey sh9t we see down here is what they do up there  

[God] and Satan are [2] sides to the coin- that coin is you 

Libya [Eridu]
Music Chamber
This is an ear - do you h-ear
Speaker box, the dead sea is also a flooded speaker box 
Built by the Etruscan [Moors]  

Can you feel it- its pop' 

The Russian Schumann goes down
ReSet [Re-Boot] timelines are jumping, last week into this week the tones, sone depression, tuning, adjustments are being made- you will be awake, body heating up, sweaty, head sweating+
these and more are upgrades that the body is adjusting to, eat well because you need the fuel because the body is taking a lot of energy and needs to process the data [light]  

Moon -the deathstar-station is under its own power – full moon
Energy lingers for [3] days 

Read all data in energy [radiation] 
I took down the tones

Norway [crown] 

Over the day [17th] 

over the days 
You can see the energies coming [radiation] 

Red [HERU + MAAT] combined is inside the field 
this is FEMI9 ELECTRON NRG and has expanded
its coming out of the poles 



Wyoming [USA]
A cluster [flotilla] cruises on-by - crafts litter the SKA
Whoever controls the SKA controls this planet 

Heavy distortion in the SKA over Australia, the black and white image you need to zoom into, there is a different dimension over there, one of the portals is also there
Huge craft and at the top-ish you can see another smaller craft- those rays are coming from beyond those clouds [ship] 

Same images from Australia, two huge motherships, look at the shape and once all the distortion, sum heavy currents emanating up there 
Australia may be the bait test for your USA

Craft and MIR [MER] pyramid sitting at the dock of the Bey [Bay] 

The footage is good, Arron C - I saw that exactly the colours and the way it just changed its flight pattern - they are scanning, observing, recording, listening, all these orbs, probes are intelligent 

Land slides means the land is moving

The poles used to be where Poland is today [Pole-land] hence the name Polska 
Deep state- Ukraine is being cleansed its got to go down- this is their script 


 You know what this is 

The gates are opened, there are also portals underground and you can open them through the dome, the [3] main ones above Iraq, Cambodia and Australia cannot be accessed by anyone other than the ANUNAGA, but the beings here know where those [3] portals are

You must be aware of what you are eating, who you are around, who is in your company

Remember the movie Heat and in that movie Robert [Neil McCauley] said >> Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner – the heat is on for a lot of places around the world and people really have to make Sirius [serious] decisions on what you value the most, what you want the most and that includes family, employment or your life, yes people it is that Sirius

That is why it would be a handful [144million][144HZ] of people out of billions that really know what we are in and you must be a beacon of light to keep those other ships safe, to keep those in the light where we can see them in the dark 

They are electrifying the planet, their 5g rolled out already, all this and more is to control you

[2022] 222 in February was a pivotal time, things have shifted greatly and March [April] and May into June we are going to see a serious time like no other


Look at all that energy [current] distortion 

Image taken from footage- the King-dome around the sun [portal]
This could also be one giant mother-ship - looks like a mirrored image 

Red-iron-oxide in Utah [USA]
Does form natural and is one of the oldest minerals around – it destroys anything that is artificial to this soul-ar system 

 Before and after, Tara Jayne McConachy
$200,000 on cosmetic procedures, including five boob [silicone] jobs and Botox [pigs fat]
If you put Botox in the 9ether she will die
Insecure women are leading the 3D with your children in it and at the end is a man with a surgeons knife, too much money in a world where many do not have any money
we need real women   

The 3D must be deleted 

The dog was aware sum thing happened 

Eridu [Iran] Persian [Ethiopian delegation] 

Organ [Orgone]

Organs built by the MOORS that not only healed at a base rate of 432hz but was also a complex tool, a machine, a super computer, performing functions when opening the portals with these Magi frequencies, changing the frequencies of other dimensions needed for transition

The dome is very key for the basic frequency from which they would broadcast activations, codes  for the opening of portals, the pulpit is also the transporting device- teleportation platform 

Sonata [Sone] indicating the temporary and spatial coordinates of the universe   

Italy, built into the side of a mountain, cave, what do they do in the caves who else lives in the caves  

BAS translates [FIRE] Plasma [energy] and is SEKHMET siStar 

Far Away, Mountainous 

translates Beautiful 

The Traveler 

She who seeks the heaven 


The Mighty One
Mother of the NTR(s)

the energy of Nu

Messenger of Heaven and H3ll 

to weave 

the energy of creation

He who is seen
The Eye 

Justice, chaos, order, that which is straight [balance]

MaStar of divine words and sacred writings 

The Hidden One 

BES translates repeller of wrongdoers, protector of children and pregnant wombmen 
Bes is a Tahites [Ptahites] (Pygmy) NTR 

The Good Shepard 
The Neb [Lord] is my Shepard, eye shall not want [Psalm 23] 
The Good Protector 


Atlantis [USA] + KANADA
Atzlan [South America] 
Cherokee are 9ethers full stop, many of them were raped and this is where we get the mixes, what happened here was not like Dancing with Wolves  

2020 is the roaring 20s
Get ready

Juanita Moor-e
She looks like Martine McCutchen


No-one was murdered in vain 

Homeland of the TWA who were created by ENKI [INKI] ENQI
This place is scared more so for sum, than Israel and Mecca [MERKA][MEKKA][MIRKA] 

This is the way the Abamannuka left it

[1] Pygymoids Tahites [Ptahites]
[2] Abiru [Bantu][Igbo][Iru][Ire] [AB.IRU][AB.IRE] ABIRU [NIBIRU]
[3] Guardians of INKA [INCA]

These first groups spread through Alkebulan and what is called Asia
Every HuMin [HuMan] on Ki today came from [3] groups of HuMins whether they want to accept this or not 

Look at this
they will be here after us 

Aztec [Inca] Mayan
Mutec Zuma who was the last Emporia of Mutec [Mexico] Aztlan
HETU [Iy] temples [coast land] isles, abode, house

[9] cities built by the Ul-mec [Olmec] this is one of them and is one of their Hetu [temples]
[3] rooms, each with separate entrances [3 glands] –
All can be view by the plaza below
Different themes, from war to celebration, these rooms tell a story
There is evidence that the faces and even bodies were deliberately obliterated which is a tell-tale sign of 6ethers work
These are 9ethers sum with locs [locks] if not all of them smoking tobacco, there are also images of them in Vimana(s) 

The Mayan is a writing system and the name given to the Mongolian mixes that came in 900 years later, after the 9ethers were slaughtered, the reptiod greys were also involved in tainting their bloodlines, when the Ulmec returned they took the ones that could be saved to Cambodia [Angkor Wat] which can hold 750,000, sum was taken to inner-earth and the rest had to be deleted 

LAH.MU [Lahmu] is 2½ years away from earth, NASA have never been to MARS [LAHMU] the NSA are different – NASA did not send a car towards or to MARS
NASA have over 27 probes taking images of MARS

LAHMU was an outpost for the ANUNAGA [Annunaqi]

They will never ever set up shop on MARS or the MOON because the 6ethers are forbidden to travel into space- besides you need KAANU [ETHER] to go into space 

The Reticular Formation is more than black dots, it’s brain neurons are responsible for wakefulness, focus, fight-flight response, and perception
Let’s asks ourselves how the Reticular Formation of our descendants of those who experienced the trauma transatlantic slave trade and subsequent violence
Re-encoding is more than a notion
There’s real neuro and social science behind this
Many people are simply to traumatic to make the frequency, they are so hard wired that they will need another simulation
Sum 6[7]8 ethers can also produce KAANU  

I guess they like their meat spicy
Cannibalism is already up and running in the North, get ready Eddie 
the word Cannibal comes from the two words Cain and Abel- say the words really fast

Nikolai Valuev

Globe warming or climate change is because we are in reSet and that means we are going back to factory settings, which means anything that does not have a manufactures guarantee gets deleted 
They said that Rickets caused his head to expand- UV can also do this and there are sum who were created like this and are still about 

 #PRIMARY #CREATION was performed by (9) #NINE #ETHER #BEINGS who are the [Paa NaTaRu] or NeTjer or Sedjet who are simply #ETHERIANS who are able to travel to all dimensions, whose science is AL [KAMI] [KHAMI] [KHEMET] = Alchemy = Alkami and the ancient AfuReKan [Tamare] TaMaRean rites

9 ETHER represents birth, conception or the sum total of things as 9 is the highest of numbers
#NIBIRU is a Mekaba, spiritual chariot of the elite

Tamare translates Land of Sun
Rite [right] means to convey a message that results in [sone] right reasoning, no-one debates 

The message is life the conveyor is existence

The 99 Paa NaTuRu /NeTjer [Sedjet] correspondents are the 99 Natural Universal Elements
Muslims stole the knowledge once they invaded KHMT and took it from the Greeks, the Muslims wrote 99-attributes of ALLAH who is based on A.NU(s) twin brother
The 99 formulas are the [Gods] you need the 99 to explain [God] and you need [God] to explain what the formulas are, there are 144 formulas
It is the most-high and if he had a name it would be A.NU, and Al and El, translates the most-high anyway

Kode9 means Kompletion

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