Friday, 11 March 2022

Ghost Walking

State of Death 

There are no reincarnations during this sun cycle, this is it, final destiny, the KJ2 was rewritten because the 6ethers without a BAA do not reincarnate- they are still walking the earth plane, no one goes to heaven [haven], they remained here and so they had to extract the reincarnation part

The Bible had a big influence on many when it comes to death, but now you know the science

Death is the death of your Avatar [KHAT][KHA] Krishna – your physical vehicle in the physical and material world [3D]

I want you to understand what you are experiencing right now so that you overstand to the point that you innerstand, there is Life after Death, you are transferring data [information] light 

Death [Dark-earth] is a transformation process and is not sum thing that happens for you in a moment not because sum one cut you off on the road and you died in a car accident or sum one came up from behind you and shot you- death is a transformation process that you know about and is usually triggered if you had an attempt on your life [Chi force] and you knew that or you have children now or grandchildren, taking out polices like a pension, life insurance+ these and more are triggers about the end cycle

When you are a child, you have no such thoughts about dying or death, the body does have an expiry date however you can extend the warranty by maintaining your body [vehicle], but you do not think about death because you are living [experiencing], you are in the moment

One thing that is for sure is that you are going to die one day and you know this, this process is over time

The mind upgrades with or without you around [40] years old [Men], the mind locks in and sets, leaving the user unable to do certain things anymore causing the user to override the command in order to pursue their desired interests or the user does not upgrade with the mind [40]
-this is a process over time  

There is energy that you have been picking up over time, negative energy, this car accident could well be from energy that you have picked up over time until the energy of death was able to release you – nobody just dies like that, based on what, KARMA [KAMA] its based on energy that you build up over time that eventually takes you out of here – to where, because after your physical death, there is the afterlife and because of this cycle that we are in, many will be leaving for home, wherever that may be for you, your still in a process [transformation] there is a process to dying and there is a process to death because your B.AA [soul] cannot be destroyed, it can be bent out of contention but can never be destroyed – it is the body that expires either naturally or other means

This is an alchemical process [Dark-earth] Death] Ether [Melanin] KANNU - the blackening stage 

You are expiring while you are dying -from the day you left your mothers womb, the bodies expiry date begins, the 9ether HuMin body at one point went to 120 years, Moses [Thutmose] lived for 600 years+ your body reaches a peak and reverses

Have you seen the movie the Curious Tale of Benjamin Button

The older you get the closer you come to your destiny, and it doesn’t have to be anything negative

You know the difference between H3ll and Heaven [Haven] you inner-stand the hologram [holographic] computer program that we live in- do you, do you really get that, do you get the Reptilians, Greys, Lares, Ghouls+ are also down here in the physical with us – you know this and more+ 

Life can only be experienced in a realm of death, the opposite of death is alive [live] love [life] 
Life -the word is describing the Life-force energy [Chi] you live in a realm of death aka the material world, the physical world is death, it is destruction, it is sum thing that does not last forever for it decays over time – this was not the case not so long ago- during that time the vibratory energy was too low [7.89hz], you have seen the cycles in nature, trees die and fade away, animals dies and fade away in the physical form, everything with a form of consciousness fades away in the physical form

They say life is not a blessing it’s a lesson, bless is from bliss, b-less is to be less, learn the lesson and lift the curse

If you only experience life down here in a realm of death – then life can hurt you, you must learn how to live while you are down here because you are dying

Life can only be experienced on the 3D through death
-and with this in mind you should be maximising your experience aka living your life to the fullest

If your thing is going out to the clubs, dinner, bungee-jumping, swimming off the coast of Australia with sharks, using media sites that is not living, that is having fun, learn the difference, too many things to name but think about what cycle we are in right now, think about what we are here to do, those that came to aid the ascension process, those of you on contracts, those of you who have gifts, abilities, those on your spiritual Path

I’m not saying don’t do these things but learn the difference in what is experience and what is just having 3D fun

These experiences [simulations] that many have are heavy, there are many people, including children who are having or had simulations [experiences] that make me grit the back of my teeth

You could have a simulation [experience] of you learning how to swim for the first time, it wasn’t 
fun-ny at first because you were scared that you were going to drown – but is an experience that is a tool that you can learn that can take you through life – what if you learned how to swim and years later you saved another and you end up marrying one another and you have 3 children and one grows up to be the that saves you or another in sum way shape and form, what if you taught your child how to swim….everything links in – your experiences make you who you are today, they are tools to grade your mind – it can be anything on a basic level or complex level,  everyone has different simulations depending on their BAA [strength]

Going bungee-jumping sones fun but its also dangerous, swimming with sharks is also dangerous but is fun to others – have fun, but in this cycle don’t base your life [Chi force] on fun or danger, these are serious [Sirius] times ahead

You see your Chi force, it cannot be controlled for your Chi force [life] is chaos but you can control by overstanding death and by preparing for death- this does not mean get life insurance, telling sum one where your goodies are, it means getting your house [energy] in order – life is uncontrolled suffering – sum people kill themselves because their life is so hard, for sum because its too much, it is uncontrolled chaos, like those doing 144 miles an hour down the motorway and dying in an accident or was it, were you not doing 144 miles an hour- why did you have to do 144 miles down the motorway- your not in control of your life [Chi force] your having fun son

Those that say unconditional love are just following trends out here, your love has to be conditioned, you do not just love anyone 

Look around you, many people are suffering, sh9t happening to them over and over, health issues, slow deaths, suffering, no money and more+ can mean suffering for many

I know that I won’t be here forever and for me I can let go, I’m not bothered about certain things anymore, I get it, for sum once they get it, they take life more seriously – sum because they have responsibility like children, dependents, bills to pay, sum have a focus on things like employment- a new house, car, partner and develop an attitude for life again – they gain a purpose, when you learn what death is then you actually learn what life is

 KHMT is the online stone library, they were not obsessed with death, they had a clear overstanding about what the afterlife and the astral parallel worlds are- the walls are in detail about what is death and what is life, there is an image of ASARU [OSIRIS] SIRIUS the [Brown] represents the living man and the [Blue] man represents the afterlife – the dead man [afterlife] 

Life is a part of death – you are sleeping right now; it’s a state of death and you are activating your consciousness up in a lower vibration that has increased to a higher vibration  

You are leaving your mark [energy] down here, you are going in hard with what you do, you are making everything Set because one day you are going to leave here, leave sum thing behind for the next generation, that can be sum thing that you physically own or sum words [energy][light[data] of advice, knowledge+ that changes minds, that enlightens [Buddha] sum one, leave a long-lasting legacy by leaving real energy

Having children meant many hadn’t experienced life, I saw the changes in many, even if you have nieces and nephews, cousins, friends children+ you see the life changes that many go through, suddenly having changes meant many changed their life force for it meant they had to prepare for death because they had to leave sum thing for their children – your child’s life is his or her own life but you have to start them off with memories that turn into experiences has they get older, from you arguing with you partner in front of the child and you explaining to the child what that was about and them getting older and maybe them or another experiencing the same thing  - to taking them to places of interest – it’s a lesson, you are here to learn, this is a learning zone, many simulations [programs] are down here- teaching sum one from your heart is the key for your legacy

The children of today are blinded by life, its not their direct fault, however we all have the ability to choose [choice] in the matrix and they do not think about their life, ending their life in gang wars is normal, they rap about it, they glorify the physical death- F1 drivers can start from the age of 21 because when you are 21 you do not have a fear of death and this is what F1 like because they will take more risks and drive faster- you don’t have to be an F1 driver to get the concept – these children today are different, death does not faze them for they do not know that one day they will leave this planet, they do not know about the afterlife- the next realm – when you have a purpose or sum thing to live for it is different

A man that has not found sum thing to die for is not fit to live - Martin King

Regret- don’t be the one to not have done sum thing while you were in the physical world – have fun but have experiences for this will evolve you, grow you, sum experiences are the ones Chi-forced on you, not repeated by you

I have had different relationships with partners that were different, held company with those of a different mindset, experienced different countries [frequencies], and in those experiences other simulations came from these experiences- all playing a part in my [cell] self-development - sum where leftover from my pervious simulation [previous lives] the simulations that were scary are the ones that we all had to go through like the day you [wished] you had died- take me away from all this- how many days did you have like that

 I often reflect, these experiences means sum thing to me, its all I have and is all I‘m taking with me, these are all tests and part of your soul-contract, all part of your soular energy – the more you are challenged the more your soul poWRA grows, the word soul [BAA] translates poWRA-full, Strength and is referring to your soular energy

When you live you suffer but when you die- they say rest in peace [RIP] for those that go to the holographic [spirit] world, there is no rest- because its light, its not dense at all in there, light is instant and many of you could die today and be back on earth at 9am tomorrow and your funerary is in 2 weeks from now

There is no rest because you’re resting now, you are sum where else remotely using the body, the movie Avatar, sum of you are in middle earth remotely using your avatar, sum of you are on these ships remotely using your avatar – to sum degree there is a peace around death for they say rest in peace and yet at the same time people are afraid to die

When Morpheus said to Neo, isn’t that worth dying for in 1997 I wasn’t ready for that, fast forward, sh9t I get that now       

Everyone wants to go to heaven but no one wants to die, everyone wants to go to the heaven state but no one wants to die for it, you do know that the physical body cannot go with you, so how do you go, you have to leave the physical body to get to heaven and that means the body has to expiry  

After you leave the body the body takes 9months to dissolve if left in a sack in the soil [circuit] ground, sum people a tree will sprout over time, sum their minerals transfer to the soil which also contains the same minerals- sum people get cremated and the ETHER [MELANIN] KAANU goes back to source aka the universe and becomes part of the energy [the energy of Nu] – we are talking about the body only aka your vehicle- the KAA [spirit] energy blasts you out of here and separates from the BAA [soul] and the BAA goes to the sun [portal]

Cremating deletes the negative energy in the body, your body does have plasma in it and so does fire, ashes to ashes dust to dust, yeah star-dust

When you do transition no one leaves the planet straight away, many of you will be with your body for 3 [72hrs] days until Legba or Bridget, Nephthys+ comes for you to take you across to the other side, sum of you will be led by ANUBU and sum of you will stay here until you are burnt from the planet has we are going into 4D and 5D and you have no place to go, energy cannot be destroyed only renewed, we are in KARMA fields right now so many are having KARMA now in the physical- there are those who have a 5th dimensional body and can just go to another dimension- either way this is the end cycle for this batch of HuMins [HuMans] and you must get your house in order  

Sum linger and are in one place and turn up in another place, many go to their own funeral – many mothers are given the choice to guide their children from the other side if they want, sum are kept there because of their children – sum people don’t even know that they are dead, they just know that they are sum where else and don’t know where, what or when – in the movie Ghost, Patricks character continues running after the guy who shoots him and looks back to see Demi character holding his physical body and at that point he gets confused- he doesn’t know that he is dead

That car accident and your spirit got knocked out of car- they say he or she died instantly- that means you went in the blink of an eye, when you crossover sum times you don’t even know you did, sum one shooting you and you died instantly- again many don’t know that they died for days or at all – what is this place, you have been to dimensions that you didn’t even know you were there, special places

You can feel them around you, this adds pressure to those grieving, because you can feel them, sum times it is you that is holding them there and they cannot continue onwards in their journey, those trapped on the earth plane can fu9k things up for many and sum settle scores 

 In the movie Ghost he sees the light but doesn’t want to go just yet, this time round it is not the light that you are going to, it is the triple blackness that your eye will light the way, you want to leave then you must head for the darkness – which is the portal out of here

There are millions and millions of Ghosts walking around, even animals trapped on the earth plane

If sum one is buried in Jesus's name then you are not protected, rites and rituals for the body is key because there is energy still in the body- you’re in the astral realm like a zombie and there are other beings in the astral realm that can take advantage – you can set up an ancestral alter and ask ANUBU or Legba, Bridget, Nepthanys to protect them, they can and will, all you have to do is feed them, burn ancestral money, get them what they like, sum thing to smoke, a drink, sum thing sweet, colours that they like, make sum of their food that they like and whatever the person that you are asking for protection for-  if you get buried you may not be protected spiritually

A slave owner who was buried with his slaves – over a 1000, those slaves couldn’t leave because the slave owner had been buried with them, many years later, sum one went to the burial ground to raise up the slaves and the cemetery caretaker said it was about time they left because he was fed up with seeing them around the place, when the guy started raising them up 3 helicopters from the US military shown up because the energy signature came up on radar and must have been huge for them to send 3 helicopters, the only energy left was the selfish slave owner who remains there until the reSet is complete and he is deleted [renewed] 

Sum times people are trapped not because they are bad but because they have a low consciousness and this means you will reside in lower consciousness or lower realms – this is why you are conscious now; you are here to break out, you know sh9t for a reason and why others do not 

Pluto energy transforms and you want to transform for the better [positive]- death is a transformation, we have the casting out [Elimination] [March] energy and many will be transferring data [light] light is data, it is information – when you go or you see others go, they are transforming for the better – not for the worse, until death do us part

Allow others to transcend, put your feelings and emotions to the side and know that they have gone to make a space for you, you must allow others to transfer their data files

Stop telling your family about spirituality, instead live it in front of them, they do not care about spirituality or want to hear about it because they are simply not ready

[be you] live your Life [Chi] 

The Jet stream is collapsing down on itself
Creation is speeding up, not time

The vortex is wide open, we are sitting in the vortex tri-ing to ascend while these monkeys go to war

 Getting the masses to get simulated over Ukraine is not going to happen, since my grandmother was born there has always been war, world war- its not exactly the world who goes to war is it
I grew up looking at Lebanon and then looking at Syria has an adult, many people do not give a fu9k about the war or any war, your always at war or fighting sum one, the masses are getting out of here and you cannot drag us into your wars - has you do, killing people is a blood sacrifice- they always was to open the portals, there are those who love blood, killings+ the blood carries codes and when enough blood gets shed it shatters aspects of reality because its [spiritual] blood [plasma in the blood called Khaybet] its the yellow stuff [when the blood hits the air- the plasma goes yellow] 

Plasma [Khaybet] you have plasma within you and when split causes major ripples through the ETHER, through reality - this is why they love to drop the bombs like Hiroshima [Heru-Shiva] they nearly cracked the planet wide open, the shockwaves from these bombs reverberates through the ETHER, through dimensions, not just this one - when they drop the bomb, it shatters sum one else's reality in another dimension, what we do here affects others - hence why all the dimensions are coming together to crush this one, this one was made to be quarantined because there are others here and that is what they like to do

the man-made Virus is not working so its plan-B [war] 

The greatest thing about this is, its all over now, there is no going back, and if you could would you want to - this cycle is done, look around you, you knew this already 

  You must be able to decipher between what is real and what is not reel, the script has been written and they are acting out their reality [reel-ity] it’s a projection, its playing from a machine, all eyes are on Putin in the 3D world, while we watch the SKA

Its all being manufactured even Ukraine because its not reel [real] the other wars like ww1 and ww2 was easier to manufacture, their theatre was easier to control, people were not conscious back then like they are now, but right now even your grandmother knows this monkey sh9t is not right, I can speak to my mum about Reptilians, cloning, a few more things whereas growing up nothing supersedes Jesus to her, the powers that used to be are weak and it doesn't feel real in any way shape or form 

So don't take this seriously but remember we are still sharing the same space [time] light within the quantum field with others, other entities, bodies, to the point that their Micky Mouse show is going to affect us in sum way according to our lives, there is a percentage of your life which will be still part of the matrix and the system is going to get wicked so buckle up 

Do not underestimate Russia, they are a major player with a Reptilian Commander at the helm, remember they are all in it together, so if they cut the oil- its a joint, multiple decision, its is their reset, there are [2] resets going on here, they do not need you going forward, they need to cull the masses because you cost too much to run, there will be leftovers 

No one wants war but it is your beings on top that want the war, the only difference with this war is that they are not getting instructions from the very top because their leaders have gone, hence why they are running off their script and you can see they don't know wtf they are doing, even they know this but they have no choice because they know nothing else 

So what happens now is that the snake will eat its own tail [Ouroboros] which means it gets reborn aka the snake destroys itself and then rebuilds itself 


This is what the Ouroboros [Aura] Aurora [Borealis] [North and South] is about but they fu9ked up this time, they have destroyed themselves and cannot resurrect themselves this time, they are doing all this for nothing, they are doing this for the 9ethers and the 6ethers with talent, that is why it says the Meek shall inherit the earth, its is also why the nuclear threat is real, they are just going to nuke each other, why, because they are going to be deleted, they are taking themselves out trying to be Slick Rick thinking its the same old loop, [2012] happened its all over Casanova, there is no more loop, so they might has well go out with a bang and the ones leftover [around 500million] deal with what is left    

What you must do is keep yourself away from this place- be of the world but not in the world, you must plug out of their reality [metaverse] you can observe it, that is natural but it is not for us  


Red is the FEMI9 electron energy that we are keeping an eye
read all data in Chakra energies 

Amen-ra [Amon-ra] Imana-Rurema
The sun is locked and loaded
[5] facing the planet
CME(s) today - the sun has been letting off 
CME takes 48 or 72hrs to reach the planet- that has changed
Plasma is hitting the planet coming from Amon [Atum] Atun aka GAMMA [X-RAY] Ultraviolet - there are crafts collecting the plasma and blasting to the planet 

there are [3] tones hitting the planet
7.89hz is well and truly over- that was the base rate 

Above 3 are over this 24hr 

Over the day and over the week [Schuman] 

Between 3:30am and 3:50am in the left [ear] hemisphere, I heard the adjustments being made, sudden change in depression [air] in ultrasound, like everything became centralized, you know when you have a hearing test and you have to press the button when you hear the tone in your ear, that kind of tone, I heard the adjustments again around 4:40am in the same left side of the dome, you have an inner-ear shaped like a 9
Upper body heats up – been having deja-vue [getting closer] they are fainter because me getting closer

Dreaming a lot and many people, places, things pass through my mind, seeing things in my view,  different scents [smells], dimensions- the NTH dimension is where the [Gods] are, they say you have to die to go there, then I'm dying every time I mediate [Istal] Distal, the backdrop is black-purple and the [Gods] in there use the backdrop to outline themselves, they take shape, they are present, nothing is stationary, plasma translates to mould, figure, to image, a couple of years back they came to me in my bedroom, I was dreaming and I was watching myself and them, there was 9, the dream was like a flick shot frame playing- like one frame and then the next. like old black and white movies, I had a stain on my pillowcase and its from sum oil for my hair and I saw them looking at the stain, so I looked, I saw myself asleep and looked at the stain [although I am asleep I am conscious and must have been because I'm telling you what happened], when I looked at the stain I thought back on how the stain came about, as soon has I went to memory, they also accessed the memory file, I felt them in real time, once they read the records they walked [moved] towards what would be a wall in my room, in the middle was a Djed pillar and they walked into another dimension- I felt when they accessed my files they also read my feelings and emotions about having the hair oil stain on my pillowcase, do I lie or have I lied and what kind of person I am- in an instance they accessed that data, they read all my feelings and once collected they began to leave - I know who they were because of sum of what they were wearing, plus there was 9

Another dream I was at a house party and I was the only guy there and everyone else were women, in the vision I could only see the torsos of everyone including me, it was a plush party, everyone was dressed up, there was a tv that was on and I was watching the vision- so I looked at the tv and on a fridge on the program on the tv was these letters upside down so I focused in and it said Sedjet but was spelt one letter different, sum thing like that- this as been twice that they have made sum sort of contact
I felt honoured to have such a visit, that to me was a spiritual in the physical when they came,
the spiritual field is right there, the planet is in 4D now, 5D+ and higher is also available to the user 

I don't feel settled at times, the frequency is affecting me, time [light] is eluding me and eye notice, yet outside people are just carrying out their daily lives, even though I don't care- I do care deeply - the energy coming in is poWRAfull and is affecting me- this is why the body is asking wtf is going on, its the light, energy that is challenging - me worried about things and wanna close my eyes and never open them again and at the same time I want to see this monkey sh9t crash, I want to honour my contract because I get it, eye know now, not enough but eye-know sum thing, me tired but open-minded

The mind goes into overdrive when no one is in the hot seat [amygdala], where are you 

Me uneasy because I can feel it.... 

Australia is leaking
You know what this is about - that is farmland being flooded
The land had been turning barren for a long time and is to why they had to move the capital at one stage, the land started to change when the European Australians invaded, that includes the Greeks- who outside of Greece have a huge amount in Australia - this is not down to your PM
300,000+ indigenous down to under 20,000 today- their ancestors are pissed off and are armed and dangerous

The sun is pulsating [coded coded] rays-data [information] sone is frequency, white light holds all [7] colours [energies] radiation 

[7] tone speaker box 

There are [3] suns [sons] on the horizon

When we see NIBIRU like this, the star-station is behind the sun at an angle and is not the same size has the sun – heavy distortion in this image 



[NI.BIRU] Hebrew [HABIRU] ABAIRU [ABANYABIRU] (Ibimanuka)(Nibirians) and thus the BAIRU or IRU

There is no such a group of tribes called BAN.TU
Bantu was a general term for Nubian [9ether] or those who belong to ANU 
Today term Bantu applies to 6ethers [white] and [Asians] as well
To be HuMin means you are a MUNTU in an Alkebulan world view


the SKA [SKI] SKY holds the signs

Ireland- that is huge 

Florida [USA] 

Metallic craft on duty around the multi-dimensional portal [sun] 

Old image but look at the grid over the sun
[NUIT] NEIT [NET] NUT [NU] NUN and translates to weave 

They say this is Saturn then where is Jupiter- we should be able to see granddaddy- what is going on, that is not Saturn but a huge craft- then where are the two big boys 
That craft escorting the bigger craft has been here since 2012 and is [1] of [3] main players up there 

What is that beside Mercury

Who that- and whoever it is, is on one huge craft, the size+ of a planet and has many spheres around it - and is not travelling alone  

In the middle of nowhere [New Mexico]
Is NM on higher ground [because of the water that is due in the USA] 

Multitude of crafts in the SKA and what is that huge MIR [MER]
You do know that you are fu9ked - 
KARMA incoming



All before Europe's ice-age, over 10,000 years ago  

NASA will be telling the masses that there are other beings, they have to- the hidden must be revealed, when this is made public do not revert to lower dimensional conversations, there will be mass hysteria [hyStaria], guide people, be you so others can activate from you 
when they tell the masses- this means system crash

The format will come from NASA and the modern day Babylon systems like Religion and heads of states, countries who are mainly clones and those deemed specialist - this is false light for they will have to offer sum hope and that is the grey area- its over [system crash] 

For all those whose spirit is restless, your time is coming, you want to be on the move, I hear you, you will know when, until then stay grounded, focus in your meantime- don't rock the boat [ship] 

Abyss [Nun] Nu [Mut] Mu - the energy of Nu
Liquid light [Crystal] water [mater] 
Nu- the Deep, the Abyss 

Mummies of San Bernardo
Who digs up the dead and puts them on display- are you stupid, and you wonder why they are pissed off, you woke them up

The Good Shepherd

IN.ANNA [Beloved] 

The galactic federation of the Ibimmannuka [Annunaki] had the Abanyabiru [Nibirians] and the Plaidians [Pleiades] prepared this soular system from time unknown

The arch MaStar of this Galaxy A.NU and his consort took custody of the twelve planets in this soular system and other planets in an area called Triangulum

ANU twin brother ALALU [Allah] was involved  

RUMEZA [RMZ] known as Mars [Maurs] Moors – the Sumerians called Mars LAH.MU
The term Rumeza is an Annunaki name which refers to area of incubation

This name was also given to several Annunaki children that they sired with the Bantu to produce the Infura, for example NTR Ramesses is [Rumeza]
Rumeza also referred to life enabler+
Lahmu is an exotic version of KHMT [Egypt]  

At that time Mars was as lash and fertile and vegetated as Earth [Ki]
It was two planets in this soular system with life-supporting capabilities under A.NU(s) watch

His son ENKI [INKI] ENQI was given earth while ENLIL was eventually given mars and was like that for a couple of million years
ENKI had his labs on LAHMU and at sum point ENLIL genetically engineered the 6ether people on Mars, Mars had as many species of animals, plants +

Conflict arose with the Pleiades and the 6ethers on Mars which eventually led to the development of heavy nuclear weapons

Mars escalated and a group from ENLIL(s) detonated nuclear bombs and destroyed the ozone- layer the soular protective layer and atmosphere

Sum of ENLIL(s) group escaped to the Moon and then they went to earth, war broke out involving MUR.DUK [MARDUK]

That warfare led to the use of nuclear bombs that they brought from Mars that took out parts of the earth, taking thousands of years for the radiation to cease
These escapees from Mars receded to the mountains of Caucus [Caucasian Mt] and the Alps

LAHMU on the underbelly bares the wounds from sum thing that hit the planet and scraped deeply along the surface, many reside underground and in cities with protective shields

The nuclear fall-out is coming, sum one is going to press the button

INANNA [Gates] 

War is breaking out once again, what do men want when they have poWRA, more poWRA, however this time round- ENKI(s) twin siStar IN.ANNA will have her say, she is the eye and ears of A.NU – she is the nuclear poWRA line round here  

ANUBU the Dog [God] NTR
Fox, Jackal, Wolf, Coyote, Dingo, Painted Dog are all the same family  
Dogs protect the individual, they sone the alarm [B-ark] they warn of danger 


Easter [Ester] Island
Moai [Moor] Maur

Easter [Ester] [E-Star] East-Star [Moai] is Moor [Maur] aka Nubian people aka 9ethers - this island was the eastern part of a bigger land, one land mass back then- you can see where this piece comes from

Virgo is the letter M and the [fish] wOMb symbol
Regenerative energy- the only house sign that can do this

Virgo [Greek]
Ma’other [Mother]
Son [Sem]  
Mother and Son
[M] is also an Electron symbol
Ma [Mu] Mut 

We do not have a animal symbol we have a person- Mother and Child symbol in the Zodiac [Denderah] Horoscope [Heru-scope] the only house sign that strengthens other souls- Libra [we balance out souls] 
[M] Mazzarah [Mazzoreth] Mazzo-Roth the biggest star system that also houses SAHU [SAH] (Orion)
The original Roths-child 


Sum thing happened here, the site is at an angle
There is a water-pool and cave dwellings
Nothing to do with the Romans, but of course over time they also added to the site, including others that lived and also added artistry works to the site
Buddha in Spain, maybe- or just art added later- check the ears which are typical of the Maassi [Kenya]  

Atlantis [South America] Aztlan 

Huge complex, huge city with 18 [settlements] with [6] visible MIR [MER] MARE [Pyramids] and [Iy] [HET-U] which are abode, house, isles, coastland [temples] built by the mighty Ul-mec [Olmec]
[1] MIR is the size of [4] football pitches
Huge poWRA structure - portal- landing site 

32 flutes made of pelican and condor bones were found

The perimeter of Caral holds a series of smaller mounds, various buildings and residential complexes, large, well-kept rooms atop the pyramids for the elite, ground-level complexes for the craftsmen, guards+

Astronomy was studied and used to create for these sites align with the Star constellations

A method of encoding and recording information was developed in the form of the Quipu-strings with knots- they also had computers, wi-fi and technology that you can see even from the ruins  

The arrival of the Spanish and they were murdered, those that were there before them, these were peaceful people, the Spanish probably watched them for a long time before taking them out – between the Spanish and the British [Europeans] they slaughtered 10s of 1000s over time – when in their history no-one knows what happened to these people- that is because you murdered them

Karnak [Kar-Naak] translates Town of windows HET.U translates abode, house, isles, coast lands aka the Greek translation temple, the image is showing the circuits on the motherboard - stone [granite] holds frequencies

Watching their dogs reaction is surprising, the dog actually understands
I will never date a woman who kisses her dog on the lips, what is that monkey sh9t all about 

Watch mum at the door 


1980- I was still knee high when this track came out




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