Sunday, 27 March 2022

Stay in position

Your poWRA is your thoth [thought] and feeling that come together to create a mind and depending on where you are at spiritually, you may have a broad mind- so you may have all types of creative ideas and attributes to bring down to this world

When you think- your thoughts can be read, when you speak- your thought, you have now just sphered with sum one, we talk in bubbles, sone waves, this is why when you say sum thing, sum one says I was just thinking that or I thought of that also, this means they are picking up on your transmissions

This sum times can cause wave disturbances, when you get another individual that is not spiritually ready for an attribute, an idea, a concept of how to do sum thing, or a perspective, an idea [concept] that they would have never have thought of- know that you just gave sum of your poWRA away, but here is the kicker, now that person that you gave sum of your poWRA to is now calling all the shots and is operating higher than you in their mind, now that is called giving your poWRA away – because you just gave them the poWRA

Sum times you need to keep quiet no matter who this person is to you, take a knee and sleep on it, you just had an idea that is so profound that you could actually commission the idea yourself

This person who now thinks they are operating above you and wants more from you, you presented that concept to them in sum way shape or form and without realising it many of you are giving ideas away to those who will never reach that level that you gave them for they are not supposed to

Do you know what field we are, save your soul first or you will be taken out, the first shall be last and the last shall be first  

Now because you have validated them by not disrespecting [energy] them, they think that they are self-taught when it is you that taught them, its not about the teaching [whatever format or shape] it is now more the way that this person is now around you because you gave them the concept [idea] and they are simply not ready for whatever it is or was or is going to be- so shut up, because now they are in your orbit field, they are in your space  

If your not doing things [Gods] way and you have a totally different idea at numbers, a totally different idea at looking at life, circumstances in the world and situations+ then [God] is not going to come through and highlight you to be beneficial to any type of circumstance in the world until you help yourself and realise wtf you are not- this is what ego is, who you are and who you are not, who you think you are and who you really are [identification]– there is no astrological alignment pinpointing to what a person thinks they are, so don’t attach too much esoteric

You cannot take from sum one and then think you are on the same level, and you cannot just give to everyone or anyone or sum one  

You are out there as the subconscious community and there are many who are part of the universal mind, unisex means both or one size fits all, one mind – so keep in mind separation and circumstances

You have a lot of poWRA to give, so be careful of who you give your poWRA [energy] to – be careful who you express and give ideas and thought forms to because these people will take it and think that they are sum where were you are at, ask yourself why they are there and you are here, there are people who are not supposed to be doing sum things in this lifetime and that is why it was made out of reach for them in this lifetime

You are a wise enough spirit now so don’t be leading nobody on that kind of Ptah – you have a duty of care to let sum people fu9k up naturally because the idea you have is for you, not them

You will be guided to those and guided away from those, so in the meantime, shut up and every now again you will have to put MFs around you back into their MF-ing place 

You go stronger [BAA] when you do what is rite [right], what is right by you, you first or you will lose soular energy, its getting tighter and tighter out here

S-he does have a sense of humour, don’t let the last laugh be on you

Universal Mind 
Universal Consciousness

Stay connected to source 




The FEMI.9 electron energy has expanded coming from the poles along with ether 

2009 is way over 

Nu frequencies incoming 

Showing the last hours [over the day] 26.3.22 into the 27.3.22 

Over the 27.3.22

2+7+3+2+2 = 18 [1+8 = 9] 

Waves of energy has been hitting the planet for over 7hrs, its feels different out there 
The dome [EMF] is cracking in places

Earthquakes are hitting with more destructive weather systems on the way, especially for the USA 

Feeling lost- in between, spirit is very restless and wants movement, hot flushes [menopause] body changing, upgrades+  

Whatever is down there is coming up

Sri Lanka buckles under the strain of imminent collapse 

Water [flooding] land-slides [land is moving] earthquakes, plasma strikes [CME]
power outages, adverse weathers systems+ and more are still taking place and will increase 

These images are from two years ago, we have seen a lot of cubes up there, there are more than one and these crafts in these images are smaller, when crafts, mother ships, flotillas comes through they seem to escort the new arrivals around 
These crafts are made of light, you can see the circuitry designs, solids crafts are older technologies 

This is what they wanted to do with the craft, NASA twice tried to bring sum thing down to earth and both shuttles where destroyed 

Remember she had loc(s) [locks] and when they took her helmet off 
This craft has been here for millions of earth years  

[7] lights are being emitting from this craft 

This is on the floors [carved] into a silver temple [HETU] in Thailand 

It is huge and is not alone- taken today, who is this and arriving just before April 1st 

These crafts are old and we are using crafts made of light which are called Angels [Angles] 
these crafts are from the old program and even though they have reversed engineered these crafts, its too late because we are using crafts from a higher dimension now [5D] 9D+ 

What kind of weapon is this- its man-made
the Annunaki are over Russia [Ukraine] 

The SKA [SKI] SKY peels back and reveals these energy grid lines that are surrounding this planet


Portal wide open 

GIZA [GAZA[ is a man-made name for the E.KUR [AKU] AKIR complex 

the MIR [MER] MARE is ancient technology that was brought to this soul-ar system 

Who built this bridge in Russia that is over 400 years old 

9ether [Etruscan] Greek
Medusa with locs [locks] 

Mandinka [Mand-inka] 
Inka [Inca]
The Spanish would steal the gold and melt it down and send it back to Spain
The British was last into Aztlan and was told when the Spanish were leaving that the Mandinka are called the Inca 

A 700-year-old fresco was discovered on an official date in Austria
Steamboat Willie [willy] is replaced by Mickey Mouse in 1928 

Watch where willy rubs the cheese- Swiss cheese, Swiss has in SS-witzerland [Austria]

These designs are antennas in Borobudur, the radio location [plate], only the complex remains stationary and does not turn towards the signal transmission [recipient], as the plate does
Signal direction is carried out in a different way, the [bell] construction of the signal of the individual elements aka the [bell] in time, these sites deal with waves, transmissions
A signal from [Borobudur] can be transmitted in any direction of the hemisphere 

Borobudur is just two words wielded together Boro [Horo] Heru and Budur is Buddha 

Eridu [Turkey] 

Turkey- face is etched out [roman signature] 

Babylonian [Baby Lion] the KAT [Sphinx] [KAMMU] beings [AKIR] LYRA [LION] [LYON]
Typhonian [Dragon] Serpent [Lizard] Reptilian
Sumerian [these beings] Nomos [Ghouls]
Eridu [Mesopotamia] Utnafishtim
Annunaqi [Annunaki] Anunnagi [ANU.NAGA] 

Limestone FEMALE figurine that is over 10,000 years old and found in what was called Turkey, Turkey is in Eridu- this figure unsettles the Muslim man, this is an African wombman, the great mother – and no Muslim can have no [Gods] before [me]- this means there was, and many are Female and they know this already

The moor they dig up this planet the muur she gives up, we spent 5,000 years getting KHMT ready and the rest of the planet did the same, they spent the reminder of time making arti-facts for this moment in time  

Turkey, Greece, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Saudi Arabia, are all part of ERIDU
[Meso means middle] another name for ERIDU [EDIN] [EDEN] is Utnafishtim
There is no point in using dates because their Bible does not have on single date in there

I’m recording all these ancient sites because most of them are online

The moor [more] they kill the 9ether the more the 9ether increases, if the 9ethers die, the planet dies and is to why they hadn’t taken all the 9ethers off of this planet – this is her built in safety mechanism

Ancient 9ether Greeks depicted North Africans and the 6ether Greeks  called them Ethiop and this is the etymology of the word below

Ethiop [Ethiopia]

From Latin Æthiops Ethiopian, negro, from Greek Aithiops, from aithein >> to burn + ōps – face compare aithops >> fiery-looking, later >> sunburned

Moor [Muur] from the French means [black], both of thse words, Moor and Muur comes from the ancient Romans, Greek Morenos [Mores], also derived from Greek word Mauros [Maur] Mauri [Maur] meaning scorched, these and more are words given to the 9ether to describe the element in their body, in their skin – but we know that [black] is not a colour and is not in the rainbow

[Black] is Melanin [KAANU] ETHER
MARS the planet is called MARS because there are 9ethers on MARS right now and have been there since the beginning 

Bronze vessel 

1885 is when they found it
There are 4.6 million sea-shells – who counted them
This site is in Margate [Margate means mandate] in the UK

At one stage this was a sacred place, sum one or ones took time to prepare this place, sea shells adorn the walls, intricate designs, purpose built
Pagan means its pagan if you want it to be and after the original architects moved on out, others came in
There was no sacrificing like how they do today and you can see the Kundalini energy [Serpentine] layout- your body 


 [France] inside the cave are what looks like fingerprints that contain the exact amount of the planets circumference - the number of days [360] in a cycle [year] the mathematical Pi [9] and the exact latitude and longitude aka the planets ley-lines of where this site is situated 
Full speaker acoustic chamber 
Spirals and patterns are on the stones, stone holds frequencies, these frequencies are these patterns, GPS to get back home  
 Oscillation makes patterns 

This is a man- check out the arms and who is that in the background [look at his face] 

Osage men - 1865 Sun Down, Scared Up Buffalo, White Robe and Yellow Horse

Top right, see her hairstyle, comes from the HUTU wombmen, we see Aset also with the same style and not the copy Leia in the movie Star Wars 


Maya-imi [Miami] aka the USA aka Atlantis

This is the true reason for the Seminole Wars in Florida
-this is where the 6ether European came into Atlantis 
14 million wiped out
This is why many have memories or think they are Native [Indian] because you have 9ether blood that was taken by force [raped] 

You cannot steal from the living 

Trinidad and Tobago [Tobacco]

Caribbean [Karri]  

Turtle Island

North America [Atlantis] and the other one is South America [Aztlan] and also adjoining Islands
This is AlMoroc [Al] Moor [The Moroccan Empire] and Amexum [Amen] is the furthest West
The USA is west-Egypt 

Loc(s) [locks] 

U-Mec [Ulmec] Olmec 

The Tigrigna and AMahra people are the real Jews, from Solomonic [Sal’Amon] and Saba [SHE.BA] Makada dynasty

Arabia [Saudi Arabia] [Al] Ghor  

Erykah Badu is from LAHMU and she has been here for a long time
-the USA, Kanada and South America have a lot to answer for and the answers will be paid back in blood, Creasy Bear- tornados are touching down in records numbers all fuelled by spent [dead] energy, these systems are pissed off

When they broke into Tut and Asaru [Hetu] the pharaohs curse was unleashed
[7] curses where unleashed -it will be [9] into [12] with the [13] hidden 


We are going to start seeing the Muslims in Egypt start to die, we are going to start seeing ancient cities rise, their Bible talks about the plagues- just look around, look at Australia
When they talk about Exodus and all those people, they all will also be returning, when you see all those murdered in Aztlan and Atlantis, they all will be coming up with them, have you noticed that all the ghosts trapped here are 6ethers

There are civilisations before Egypt - Egypt [KHMT] wasn't even in this dimension at one point - there are sum of the [9] that are animal headed and there are sum that you have never seen before, they are not how they show you on the walls, there are civilisations before Egypt   

Most left and went to the other side and brought with them gifts, so that they could come back at a later date and that date is now
It is the DNA from the 9ether that is activating and causing these waves that are activating the pharaohs, to which you are the pharaoh, if you check the internet you can see there is a lot of data about spirituality but that is only surface level
Tut [if that is his real name] has his DNA in most of the 9ethers in the western hemisphere- near enough 90% - these [7] [9] main Aaferti [pharaoh] are IN YOU 

There is so much spiritual data around the planet but the 9ethers - a huge bulk will be drawn towards to the dynasties of KHMT [Egypt], there will be those using ETHER, sum will be using VOODU [MAGI] - all dependent on the populations at each time in history

The K.AA [double] spirit is going to embody the 9ethers- not all 
The Bible calls them the [7] seals- at the end the planet rumbles, we are awaiting for the rumble for the [7] seals have been unleashed 

There are many on the internet relaying messages - use discernment    

This is not a drain pipe in side a building - it was used for water but not for drainage- water tanks
amphibians need to be near water  

Giraffe in India [INDA] NAGA 

Eye liner and handbag 

Asura [Asaru] with Bes 



1+8 = 9 x 2 = 18 = 9 
1818 [???] 

None of the modern day Indians whatever they call themselves have absolutely no idea who built 
Naga-lan and that it was the 9ethers 
There is a huge gap between the advanced ancient technology and the Indians of today, have you seen India today, there is no connection between the ancestors and these people 

Norway, Russia and Crimea

Star formations that are at least 4metres parallel in the north-west direction- no one knows exactly how far this hole spread and how it was made 

It's a surprise the entire population wasn't addicted to catching hay fever in those times, this was also prescribed for indigestion, fatigue, eye pain, and haemorrhoids, what a versatile medicine

Not only was this soothing syrup recommended for colic, but it was also a remedy for teething, diarrhoea, and various pains
The syrup worked a charm, why, because it contained a large amount of morphine 

Unfortunately for Dr Young, the dream (or should that be fantasy) was over in 1940 when the U.S. Attorney’s office seized a shipment of the rectal dilators and accused the company of misleading labelling 

In nature [god] we trust- she is precision 

Find balance 

  The blood holds the memory files and is to why many 6ethers think they are connected to source, that is because you are holding sum one else’s data flies [memories] and is to why many think they are a goddess or was in Egypt or have animal spirit- yes because you have 9ether blood, hence why many all have African DNA [heritage tests] you were once 9ethers at one stage before the dome went up, the repeated cycles thereafter you may have had a different avatar that includes animal avatar

Pum Pum

The ancient URUTUBA cave in what is called Bulgaria and the presence of KINYARWANDA speaking people in Levant

The BANTU tribes were in Levant 

The name of this cave in modern-day BULGARIA gives it away
It's known as the UTROBA cave
The term Utroba is a transliteration over time from the Bantu term URUTUBA meaning Giant Vagina
It was adapted as UTROBA by migrating tribes from western Europe and other areas over 1000s of years

The place where Bulgaria sits was a confluence of many warring tribes from the Assyrians to Parisians [Persians] to Thracians [Troy] Etruscans to the 6ether Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Turks, Germans, and Russians+ in the process the Negroid tribes that named the cave disappeared or returned to Alkebulan
Africans, today can look at the cave and its name and be able to remember it 

There are other caves of this shape in Bulgaria, but none are quite as spectacular than this Pum-Pum 
At 22 meters deep there is an altar, possibly representing the cervix or the uterus of the goddess earth
 At noon, light enters the cave from an opening in the ceiling, projecting the image of a phallus onto the ground
When the sun is at a right angle, in February or March, the phallus extends all the way to the altar (or cervix), symbolically fertilizing the goddess's uterus before spring sowing

Bulgaria is a made up word coming from the Turkish word Bulga meaning mixed- the people  

Half the story has never been told 


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