Is this a one-parent family, no it is not, this is a
survival unit
The Female goes into survival mode for her and her cub
The Female holds the territory [ground] foundation] and it
is the Male that comes and goes
All territory is handed down generation after generation through the female only
Not only is s-he the prime provider [food] she is also
prime protector, she also has to share her food with the very same Male that
could have come in and killed her existing cubs to force her to go with him,
does she forget, she never forgets, so please excuse her sum times if she is a little
off at times
Through her love and compassion, which weakened her into
Wombman lost their rule, when they grew to love their
offspring and thus through this emotion and love, it yielded to his rule
As generation went by, wombmen depended on the Male for reproduction
and she lost the knowledge of reproducing on her own- by giving the poWRA to the
Male to protect, defend and hunt for her
Eventually he turned his weapons, strength and poWRA on
her and he does to this day, and he rules not by intellect, but by brute force
Wombman is way smarter than the Male, so much so, that
she lets man think he is smartest
However, the wombman still has the capabilities of being
[God], because she is the only one who nurtures and suckles her young
The mother prepares her offspring for survival
She nurtures and looks after her young, both Male and
The first teacher to any human [humin] being is the Mother
Mother [Ma'other] Ma [Mu] MA'AT [Nu] Nut [Mut]
If you notice everything that a man has on his body, a
woman has the same thing
However, this fact also proves that women are superior,
because a man has breasts and nipples but he can’t breast feed and scientists
know that the Male also has the same mammary gland of a wombman, yet his is
rudimentary, which simply means incomplete, or in the beginning stages and the gland also produces the same fluids, but lacking the nutritional value, needed to breast
feed a child
So, he in actuality is deficient in producing a vital
substance, when the wombman does that through the same glands naturally,
rendering her the superior
However, today scientists and doctors are trying to find
a way of impregnating men by injection and men today are now starting to get
breast cancer
There is no anatomical indication of the gender of the
child, between 9 or 18 weeks after fertilization, the gonads appear neutral
Do you know what this means, this means everyone who is
incarnated to the planet is born a Female first, do you get that, all avatars are FEMALE until 18 weeks, everyone is born
a Female first before the gender is determined
-minus clones and hybrids, caesarean and test-tube offspring
The Female is not looking for equality, validation or recognition, she is looking for you to get out of her way
Where am I from
North Africa
= Mexico
Its never over until she says its over
Over 200,000 [witches] are in Australia alone
Grand-daughters around the world
Sum one is going to get his ass kicked when they go live
Zitch [Bitch] Witch [Wicca] Wikka [Wika] Hika
You hurt her
I haven't been online for a while and its either this upload of the one of the last 3, he mentioned two women and both had black hair
All these black-haired [brown] women that were taken out are still here and are waiting for you
She will have the final say in here
When they speak about the vampires- you know who they are talking about
Great in-sight to life in Malawi
Great in-sights to another world that is deemed a 3rd world and yet these 3rd worlds still manage to keep up with the modern world, they will be here after earth
The Irish are different, that bloodline that they merged into [IRE] IRU [BAN.TU] are Kundalini specialist, imparted was data of a different kind, hence that humbleness about the Irish
SEKHMET and her siStar is BAST [BAS] translates FIRE aka PLASMA and SEKHMET is [MEKABA]- The PoWRA-full, Mighty- this is the FEMI.9 ELECTRON NRG
She will have last laugh
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