A book called the Second Book of Revelations and the
author is Tuella and she is a 6ether who channelled, and in her book, she also
deals with the subordinate deity [God] but she will be dealing with this
particular [God] under the name Jehovah [Adolabroth] Yahweh- all the same
thing, or you can read Bentley Layton Gnostic Scriptures
Jehovah Jahovah [Yah-Hovah [Hovah] [Hawwah] Eva [Eve], a
3rd of that word [Jehovah] is FEMI.9
Yahweh is a title, Yah is positive and Weh is negative,
there are 72 positive and agreeable beings and there are 72 negative and
disagreeable being making 144 [Yahweh], there are many Yahweh(s)
Lead by 24 [NTR]
[Nedjer] Sedjet means [9] and the 6ether word Ennead also
means [9]
144 governors of the 18th and 19th galaxies [72] positive
of the disagreeable galaxies and [72] negative of the positive galaxies 24 + 24
+ 24 = 72 [7+2 = 9] Sedjet [9] Ennead, each 24 is 12 [12 + 12 = 24] Yah
[positive] 12 and the other 12 is Weh [negative]
A.NU is a superior energy [NRG] NTR [NTU] and is called
the Most-High, the Most-highest of frequencies
All planets [plan E.T = Plans of the extra-terrestrials]
or plaNET are discs
Orishas [Osiris]
Ginn [Gen] Genius and Genie+ all the same thing which is
ones true self [cell] Genius is also called Damon [Damien] or Di-Amon [Amon]
Amen [Amun] true self [cell] aka Demon [De-men] Di-Amon
There are 72 [Demons] negative and disagreeable beings –
72 seals that are 72 Chakras, these seals represent the Demon [Amon] of King
Solomon [Sal-omon] [Sol-Amon] Amen [Amun]
[Lesser Key] the [Greater Key is Astrology] the word
Goetia is derived from the Greek word for sorcery [source] or witchcraft [wicca] aka [9ether
Magi] [Black Magic] and a related word meaning a wailer or in Crowley's
etymology, howling aka speaking from the voice from the other world, Lesser is
Lower meaning these Lower [spirits] Demons – the Greater Key is about an
astronomical cycle – the Lesser Key is higher because its talking about y-our
true-self [cell]
You have [7] major Chakras which is your Tree of Life
also called the [7] seals of Ra [Re] and are also called the Orishas – there is
no Orishas outside of yourself [your-cells] bypass the religion meanings as
that was later on, this is a K.AA system just like it was in Alkebulan, just
like it was in KHMT
The SEMU [SEM] went underground and left all the data
when KHMT was invaded – the average person then began to worship these Orishas
has [Gods] which is where the religion part comes from
[7] major Chakras [7] major Alkebulan KAA [Spirits] with
you having 100s of Chakras running throughout the body with the main Chakra
being your 3rd eye – in that Chakra there are 72 other
[inside the 3rd eye] aka your Damon aka your Demons – its all the
same thing
Amon [Amen] Amun means [Hidden]- get it, this is your
army, this is how we are going to kick sum ass in this simulation
War is breaking out in the physical however many of us
are not here for the physical war, we are here for the spiritual war, which is
being fought from the mind, the minds-eye, the 3rd eye
We are slaves to our higher-self
[72] Demons or Chakras or Nations, each Demon has an
additional 30 or 40 legions of Demons, legion means 10,000
You have [72] beings in your head and each one of them
[72] have around 30 to 40 other legions with them of 10,000
This is the amount of the 144,000 or the 144,000,000 –
that are in your brain [membrane] that you deny because they are called Demons
or Damion's and that is your [Key] your [Hidden] army
Each legion is the seal and you need to claim them, don’t
deal with the ritual that goes with it for this is just a tool and what you
need to do is have a debrief with your own army, these are your small-soldiers
Luciferians deal with Bioluminescence [Molecular
structure] Mole is from the Ether [Melanin] they deal with energies
[Bio-lum-inescence] [Lum] Illuminated [Illuminati]
Old English Lucifer [Satan], also Morning Star [Venus] in
the morning SKA before sunrise
Gabriy’el is Female and she has an army of 10,000 on her right side
The Demons of Solomon [Amon] is an army and all you need
to do is obtain sum data about your Demonic self [cell] which is your
poWRA-base, this is your [Hidden] [God] Amon [Amen] Amun, this is your [Hidden]
energy that you need to bring with you to heavens gate
Everything is in reverse and you may get confused out
here, all you have to do is follow what resonates with you only
Nephilian are the ones who came down, the [Gods] are our
children and we are the fallen angles in here and it is Levithan [Tiamat] that
will destroy the earth, Tiamat is also Babylon for at one point the HuMins
blood came from Tiamat which was the primal world and was assembled using the
degenerative material of the primal worlds that existed for millions of years
or millions of millennia, the same time that this world has been in existence and
these worlds were called primal worlds or prime
ev-il [primeval] worlds [evil
comes from the word Eve- Eve and prime means beginning and Al or El means star,
issuing sun] aka beginning stars or beginning worlds – that is what meteors
[asteroids – aster- a star] are, they are from the primal worlds and sum are
not rocks at all and these meteors are not coming from the holographic space,
they are talking about you
This type of data is not for all, but for those whose
mind has expanded you will resonate for you are at a level that you need more
data to expand your range of thought
The primal world became stagnant but produced the spark
to regenerate itself [its cells] but before the spark could be produced the
children broke away with the spark and created a imitation of the primal word –
it’s a replica, its an illusion of what the primal world would have tuned into
once it had crystalised [regenerated] itself [it cell] – so before they could
take this nu spark or nu light their children whether Zues, Adolabroth, the
Demiurge, Jehovah, Ya’quwb [Yaqob] Jacob+ all them and more broke away with the
spark and set up their own world which was a replica and without the correct
ingredients this imitation could not form a nu world, the spark is a doorway
for the primal world to renew itself before creating the nu world, these lot
[children] just took the spark [doorway] and created their own world, these
children are young and have no adulthood about them, they got pregnant too
young kind of thing and in their world the elders [parents] where made to be
the children in their world – so Levithan [Tiamat] is the great mother and she
is tired, she wants to renew the energy – she holds all the parents, Tiamat was
taken over by the children and is to why all the elders in here are the
children – they were stored into HuMins [HuMans]
The children is what you call heaven – in Hermetic text
it says Zues or Yahweh [Zues is a Yahweh] or Jehovah or even Ra [not Amon Ra-
there is a difference] Ra is ruthless and is classed has an oppressive NTR [deity]
for he oppressed the original Typhonian
These lot ruled the heaven realm which is in-between
earth [Ki] and heaven [haven] the chaos realm [Sirius] but they do not have the
poWRA to rule outside of their world
The Dogon tell us about Sirius [B] in the beginning all
that existed was Sirius [B] the Greeks say, the only thing that existed in the
beginning was Gaia and Tartarus [Tar-Tar]
Tartarus in Greek translates H3ll to
We are 180o dialectically opposite from what
we are supposed to be doing
Tiamat represents the primal worlds, HuMins [9ethers]
[Demons of chaos] where made out of the blood from the Great Mother at one
time, Melanin is chaos in the blood
The [Goddess] Tiamat [Babylonia] Babylon aka the Baby
Lion [AKIR]
Baby Lion [Babylon] and her beast is Sekhmet [Bas] is
Baphomet or the [Sphinx], Megatron+ are all aspects of the same entity [NTR]
The Prince of Darkness was Baba aka [Satan] Bobby [Baba][Babe] Babel [Babble-] Baby- lonia [Lion] Babamet [Baphomet] is also another world for Melanin
and is referring to Osiris [Asaru] you are the Baba – so bypass all them
pastors, priest from Miami to Haiti to London to the preacher man, you are Baba,
you were born with Melanin- how does a country like Nigeria who have all the
poWRA have nothing today, they say their priests [SEMU] have poWRA but yet you
reside in poor conditions, this lets you know the energy has left you, Alkeulan
is a very important place but they have no poWRA yet all this history starts
with them, it will not end with them, all that poWRA gone in 400 [512] years,
the only reason their rituals work is because they are using their own energies
to harness the work
You are the Legba, Oshun+ you are the Orishas
The Kabbalah [Qabbalah] even has its own section on Melanin [KAANU]
called the shadow realm, the Kabbalah is called the [10] luminous emanations
but an emanation is sum thing that is coming from sum place else
Qilphoth [Kilphoth] are divided into [10]
3D Kabbalah, that is the Melanin realm [shadow realm] and
that is where H3ll is now
Take the D off of Damon and you get Amon which means the
[Hidden God] the shadow realm is Sirius [B] – these primal worlds after they
gave way to this world, those primal worlds fell through the spheres and became
Tartarus [H3ll] or what you call Sirius [B]
Etruscans [9ether Greeks] are the Tatarian [Titan] which
is another name for the Typhonian which are pre-monumental KHMT [Egyptians] who
travelled up into Rome and Greece [Greece is a part of Mesopotamia aka
Sumerian] Greek material is leftover Typhonian material
Everyone knows what the modern-day word H3ll means for
them, they said that in the beginning was Gaia which is the earth and there was
Tartarus which is H3ll
The pre-primal-worlds, what you call H3ll [Tartarus] is
where we supposed to go aka the Nu Kingdom
On the Tree of Life [Chakra] it says that the earth is
the Kingdome Maku [Ma-Ku] [Malkuth] the Sphinx is name Har-Mal-Kuth [Marku is
X marks the spot [1] beyond the mark of the beast – in
Hebrew [Nibiru] H3ll is also called Gehenna and the sphere of Gehenna is in the
earth aka the place where you don’t want to go because you were taught that
H3ll was sum thing else – this is the Kingdom of the S-hell, the Qilphoth aka
the shadow realm aka the Melanin [KAA.NU]
The Sphinx is the enigma of all life
The Qilphoth are the Demons [Amons] army or the realms of
the earth and is also called Tartarus – like they said, in the beginning was
Tartarus [H3ll], and the Dogons said in the beginning was Sirius [B] but the
Qilphoth says that the denser form of the universe is Sirius [B] the denser
form of the universe – these Demons who had the primal name of Titan [Ty-tin]
aka the [Gods] of Chaos who were the Demons of sum thing that was left behind
after the destruction of the Titans [Tytins]
When we came down here our children [has mentioned in the
Zues, Titan] when we were turned into HuMins [HuMans] by our children, the
material left behind is called Damon or Demon and is left behind from the
primal world that is what KAANU [Melanin] is
Genesis says that Demons came and laid down with the
daughters of Men aka the Nephillian [giants] were reduced into the HuMin avatar
[beings] and the Demon is the offspring of that – aka Demons [De-Men] which is
talking about the Melaninated Ones aka the 9ethers who archangel Miyka’el
[Michael] vowed to not only destroy [kill] the Melaninated ones but also the
father of them
We have [2] hosts of people out here – we have our
children who are up in heaven who are called the [god] who took their mothers
and fathers and reduced them down into the HuMin [HuMan] form, you have Samuel
who is a form of Satan – who is against that bullsh9t – so the heavenly realm
is split, they reduced them by slowing down the vibratory rate and our form
became denser and our original form became trapped
Samuel said this is bullsh9t and Miykael and the rest [7]
said fu9k that we are on the children's side, so Samuel and his son and crew had
the last laugh, Miykael and his crew came in and killed everybody including the
9ethers and is to why they are catching h3ll all the time because those that
are in heaven are our enemy – the Orishas are not the [Gods] the Neteru [NTR]
are not the [Gods] either nor the Nephilian, they are different
Once the energies were casted behind, they were called
It is Set [Seth] Sut [Suth] Suk [Septet] Sothis [Sirius]
who was the host of heaven [haven] Sirius who fell from the divine realm – Set
is Shaytaan [Sata] Satan – this material that came from the primal worlds is
also called Sh9t [Sut] Soot – excrement and is the material they used to
construct this world, this is what the Dub [Scarab] Beetle symbolises, the Dub [Dung]
hangs around sh9t all day and rolls it into a sphere – when done the Dub grows
wings and rises up, the Phoenix does the same and rises up from the ashes aka
Soot [Sut] which is primal ash, this excrement [sh9t] is Melanin – that which
is excrement is a fertilizer aka a regenerative process that produces a nu seed
– that which you call heaven is going away, stop praying to go to heaven
because it won’t be there for you, heaven is going because we need the nu light
to create a nu world and cannot do this with an existing light – we have to
take from a primal dark-world which is H3ll because the H3ll is the heaven –
H3ll is the only place that you can create a nu world and we reside in H3ll and
are the original – they will take the last and make them the first, but the
last was first in the beginning – that is called the Qilphoth
This primal ash is here to destroy All, the planet does
have many built-in safety mechanisms and this is one, this is the under-dog –
you are known has the underworld deities [gods] – the Yoruba went to the
underworld, who is the messenger between the worlds, ANUBA who is a dog-deity
aka the under-dog, Asaru [Osiris] is head of the underworld, Papa Legba is
Asaru [Osiris], who is the dog-star
All of history documents the underworld except religion –
instead they make the underworld the enemy – the underworld aka netherworld is
the home of those who used to rule the universe that will rule again
Being at this degenerative state is the only way we can
have growth, this is a alchemical process and we are going beyond [Meta] the
physical [Metaphysis]
In order to build one must first destroy
-the Chaos is coming
Neutrons are uncharged particles, they act as small,
individual magnets
Atum [Creator]
Shu [Air]
Tefnut [Moisture]
Geb [Earth]
Nut [Ska]
Asaru [Underworld] Aset
Nebthet [Nebthoot] (Nephthys)
Sutukh [Set]
Heru [Kingship]
[Bible story of void and darkness]
Chart of the Creator (God) and the Nine9 Ennead (Sedjet)
SALAF-U (ancestors) and Paa NeTjers (universal ancient
The flood was sent in by A.NU [ANU] the heavenly father head
of the [Sedjet] Ennead [9]
We are in another flood again, repeating the cycle but
this time we will break this cycle
Their epic of the Soular Dynasties [Egyptian] NTR(s) is
narrated as well indicating the NTR(s) Egyptian KHMT [Gods] were part of the
Anunnaki [Annunaqi]
The pantheons of the KHMT [Egyptians] especially that
which pertains the Ennead [Sedjet] of A.NU was actually the bringing [order]
[Ihm] down to [Ki] Earth that which was the order and worship on NI.BIRU
ASAR (searer) ASARU (watcher) who is a Paa Nedjer
[the watchers-guardians] called OSIRIS by the Greeks
Nedjer [Neter] Neteru NTR]
[1] Ultraviolet light [2] Gamma ray light [3] X-ray which
are called the Cosmic light, or Black-light and they correspond to the Paa
NaTuRu (NeTjer) = Sedjet [9]
Nibirians also revered AMEN and RA beyond A.NU
ANU is the supreme deity or chief on NI.BIRU and that was
Lets not forget that the general narrative we follow on
the Anunnaki is also been minimally contaminated by the euro deciphers, this is
We are dealing with energies here
The sum total of Nu-mbers
The poWRA of 9 Ether
There is no number higher than 9
It is symbolic for heaven [haven], creation and birth
9 Ether is a combination of all existing gases in nature
9 Is the most potent poWRA in the universe
9 to the 9th poWRA of 9 [999 = 27 = 9]
Benben [Bennu] stone >> top of the Mir (Pyramid)
>> Not to be confused with 6 Ether >> which is a perfect
combination of the 4 Elements this creates the 6th Ether <> essence,
sense << after this is only the 9 [3 6 9]
9 in movement makes a spiral [coil] like the 6 in
opposite direction together they create the Yin-Yang >> Male and female
principles << Above-Below >> the root number of 9 is 3 [3+3+3]
which is symbolic for dimensions
[Wika] Hika-Heka >> Adobe of Mortal
Sia >> Adobe of Eloheem
Huhi >> Adobe of most high >> a 3 in motion,
if you would trace the outlines you would create a Flower > Rose [like the
orbit of LAH.AMU -Venus]
Number 9 Sedjat [Ennead] 360 (3 + 6 + 0 = 9)
The meaning of the number nin9 is associated with the
idea of completeness and perfection, done it and related to the synthesis of
the three worlds, that is a triple trinity (God), the universe, [wombman]
9 reflects the essence of the meaning which had nine in
the Chinese [Chi-Na] tradition, where it symbolized the concept of everything
[this is before the Chinese that we know of today]
In 9 of her divine aspect means the divine poWRA and
the poWRA of the creator, which is manifested in the material environment laws
In its natural aspect, number 9 symbolizes the
physical plane of existence, in which the law is manifested tri-nity
In its HuMin [HuMan] aspect, nine represents the idea of
spiritual poWRA, which is expressed in the possession of the three worlds, that
is, the idea of initiation 360 (3 +6 +0 = 9)
Heralding the Age of Horus >> Heru >> Haru
Heralding the nu-age is on the Hor-iz-on [Hor-us + At-on
[Aten] = the word Horizon
Listen carefully
These are man-made borders
PERU [HERU] look at the people for scale against the stone jigsaws
This is a VOLNOVOD viaduct for conducting a super low
frequency wave (SNCH - wave), cut by the ancients, there are also technical
devices sum where, for example in the form of a [Iy] Het-u [temples] or sub-station
Volume resonators, which, taking the SNCH wave, transform
it into an electromagnetic field
Ulmec [Ul-Mec] Olmec technology
Kenyan architecture
47million have watched this, doing things like this can get you a girlfriend
Wat Arun [Bangkok]
Main Tower
Looks like a trident [Wajra] at the top
The word Wat comes from the word Watt
Like Angkor Watt [Ang comes from ANKH or Angle]
The Ainu [Anu] people of Japan who are almost extinct
Japan is a part of Nepal
Mexico [New Mexico is still Mexico]
Atlantis [Aztlan]
Ul-Mec [Olmec] Mex [Mac] Mec
Ancient volcano in the background
This is old energy here
From India to Italy [Carthage] Karthage
Scottish Kastle [Castle]
NTR [Queen] Scota [Scotland]
She built and set up SCOTA.LAN
and introduced Gaelic [Celtic]
Gael-ic [Gaul] Ghoul [Goul] ak KHMT
Gaelic > Mac Dhuibh > son of Dubh < literally [black]
Mac [Mec] Olmec [Ulmec]
Surname and given name, from Gaelic >> Donn >>
brown, dark- from Dun dun + ceann >> head
Or else from Old Irish, Old Gaelic Donnchad >> brown
warrior <<
Celtic [Kelt] comes back to the Ghouls
There is only around 60,000 people still speaking Gaelic,
which was taught to them, Gaelic does have roots in IRU.LAN [IRE.LAN] Bantu
Irish and Scottish people are not [brown] or [black] so
who are they referring to
This image shows the signature Castle [Kastle] which translates- dwelling
in the sand- its an Ethiopian word for an Ethiopian design, the designers come
out of Khemet [Kelt] this is what a true Keltic looks like, the original stone
We have seen loads of animals born without no pigment-
are these clones [??]
Real bird - who sees in ultraviolet rays
Oil [petrol] is the planets blood
Dreaming a lot, messages are coming in
Plasma is incoming from the sun [CME]
Listen to this, listen to what she is really talking about
90 degres
You can see the cube around this planet, this house is sealed
CME is hitting
Plasma [soular energies]
The Crown of the planet
Read all data in energies, you will go further
Green [WAJI] and Red is streaming out of the poles of the planet
Look at the colours [radiation] aka energies
Body is sweaty during the week, remember it is your light
that is poWRA-ing your body, not the other way around, upgrades, configurations
Tones in the ears [hemisphere] are taking place
Birds up after dark, in the AM, means the electromagnet field
is live, no beginning of days, no ending of nights
From today [6.3.22]
Check the colour coming in
The Red SKA is now normal for mainstream
You are going to die under that SKA
Red [MAAT + HERU] FEMI.9 is the energy they fear the most
Last set of images, what are those with the same shape
All the graphics and these images and the set of images below are showing the same thing
As above
So below
All signs are in the SKA [S.KA] S.KI
Light is darkness radiation
-the SKA is holding the radiation to others but energies to you, you absorb these colours [frequencies]
Look at the reflection on the water, vaporised water cannot block out the suns rays
-this is a radiated backdrop [SKA] and is changing you from the inside out [molecule structure]
Concentrated energy
Texas [USA]
Weather systems continue, water is coming in,
earthquakes, landslides+
42 tornados touched down in the USA in 4hrs
Lake Michigan is man-made
10s of 1000s of 9ethers were murdered and then filled over with water, most of the lakes in the USA are former settlements [indigenous]
Mi-CHI-gan is near CHI-KA-GO
Taranaki [Zealand]
Tartarus + Naki [Nagi] Naga
That craft has docked [over the mountain] with a few more crafts in tow
3 crafts
Sydney [Australia]
Crafts are right above you
Your in big sh9t, that is one huge mother-ship- with scout crafts, what did you do to warrant such an audience
That planet [craft] is going to dock or use the portal [sun] the other crafts does have scout crafts in tow
Signature craft, its been here since 2012 [2021]
Sum thing left the portal [sun] and can you see the circuitry [distortion] behind and to the side, sum sort of design relating to sum thing
Crafts, fleets are above us, the Annunaqi go to war and we are seeing this in Ukraine
[Russia] there are no man-made borders
Romanovs [Roman] Russia dynasty
NATO cannot fight Russia because NATO is run by 3 lizards, do not buy into what is taking place over there Putin had been warned by the ANU.NAGA already
How does nature concentrate her poWRA(s) in one place like that, check out the purple [plasma] fuelling the clouds, there is a lot of energy coming from vaporised water
Chicago [Chi-Ka-Go]
Kanada [that would be $7.49 a gallon]
Arizona [USA]
Rays coming out plus the [7] spheres of light [frequencies]
As above, so below
would you look at that
I thought this image was taken through a window-
so are they structures, are they coming from another dimension, oh yes they are
In between the sun and the reflection you can see NI.BIRU [Neb Heru]
Nemesis and
NI.BIRU are the same system [binary]
You would not be in this queue if you had listened to your intuition, to your gut-feeling, to your spirit guide, what if you could read the messages, all you would be doing at this point is confirming that you were right, that your gut-feeling was right, that is all you can do, confirm that you were right years ago while in the relationship
Of the Flesh
Old English flæsc [flesh], meat, muscular parts of animal
bodies; body [as opposed to soul)] also >> living creatures, also > near
kindred (a sense now obsolete except in phrase flesh and blood), from
Proto-Germanic *flaiska-/*fleiski- (source also of Old Frisian flesk, Middle
Low German vlees, German Fleisch flesh, Old Norse flesk >> pork, bacon,
which is of uncertain origin; according to Watkins, originally >piece of
meat torn off < from PIE *pleik- to tear
Flesh-wound is from 1670s; flesh-colour, the hue of
"Caucasian" skin [pigmeat] [pig-meat], is first recorded 1610s
An Old English poetry-word for "body" was
flæsc-hama, literally "flesh-home"
A religious tract from 1548 has
fleshling "a sensual person"
Flesh-company (1520s) was an old term
for "sexual intercourse"
Eating the pig is cannibalism [Cain-nibalism]
Eating your Placenta is also cannibalism
Stop altering your K.AA body [spirit] if you have had cosmic surgery, like plastic boobs, you have altered your KAA body, if you eat sh9t- you have altered your KAA body [energy] if you partner is toxic - then so are you
You soul-ar energy is attached to your spiritual energy for those who have a [BAA] you must obey the rules, its getting tighter out there and for those who have altered your KAA+ BAA energy [body] this is why you are struggling - for you have no poWRA
They are all 6ethers, whether [white] European or [Asian] they are the same people from the same cloth
The Muslims gets 40 Virgins [Children] and a place in paradise,
ask the paedophilia [parasite] where this place in paradise is- that tramp will tell you its in Jannah which is [7] layers above the planet, hold on are you not talking about heaven [haven] Surah [Star] what Star
All races, cultures, traditions, practices+ are an offshoot of Alkebulan cul-ture [oc-cul-t]
Both are Negroid
Where am I from
= Venezuela
Negroid [Mongolian] Caucasian [ the last two came from the Negroid]
There is no such thing as Asia minor and Asia major - ultimately we all came from the same cloth
The Matrix has you
Tranny with no fanny
The right came from the left
You are in here under [1] body, he-r body, in this body s-he
holds Mars [Venus] and Mercury and then the suns NI.BIRU [Jupiter] Saturn
[Neptune] Uranus – that is this body [galaxy] each galaxy is a body aka another
In this body that you live within sum thing happened in
which this body is trying to repair itself
We had a world of Dragons consisting of Mermaids,
Phoenixes, Jackals [Werewolf and Feline together], sum thing took place
creating singular [blood splitting] – that is mimicking Set and Asaru [Osiris]
[Heru] splitting in that blood [A][B]
When it became singular from [A][B] to [A][B]+ [A][B]-
that is the break and that is the problem right there – the singular, they
burned that blood out
When Baphomet became no more – is when this system
collapsed meaning that Set and Asaru, who share [1] heart and if they split
apart, then who took the heart
With Cain and Abel, Cain was given immortality – Abel was
murdered but was he really murdered or was he just Seth(s) favourite because
Set comes through the singular [A][B]- blood line and those lot produce [O]-
and it can be with those who are [O]+ and carry an electron light aka the false
proton light – this is how [Set] gets in with the [O]- with a proton
light – the [O]- gives a proton light in a suit [Avatar] Khrisna [Kha] Khat =
body, which cannot take the electron light [which is non sickle blood] most of
those in the Illuminati carry this blood from a singular – it looks to me that
they came from Abel and not Cain
Abel translates Breath, Life [Haa-beel Breath] and the
root [Ab] translates Father and [El] translates Source and [Ab] [A][B] also
translates Heart [holographic-spiritual], and your physical heart is called
Snake [Kat] Crocodile are all cousins
All life lives within the body, and s-he is repairing
herself [her-cells] his-cells which is playing out in the 3D with the
governments around the world mainly the USA and UK, and who are they talking to
in the lower spectrum of light [telepathy] – be wary down there, there are a
lot of negative beings also looking for harvest, they need hosts, they need
your body for the soil for your body contains everything they need, many are
giving up their soular light in exchange for this fragmented 3D world
Prussia [Pussa] Russia
Hannibal Barca grandson is who they kidnapped
[O] bloodline stands for Original but Original for who,
the bloodlines are so heavily tainted and it will be the weaker links that get
roasted, lungs are going for many, breathing issues, heart-attacks, weight
issues leading to problems, even in sexual contact- you have got to be real
careful out there, they are doing everything to weaken immune systems, weaken
bloodlines, whatever is spreading is designed to take these blood genos out –
the governments around the world have to listen to their prime leader, many
think in the USA that Trump can save the USA, you stupid dildo, Trump is a Trump
card to keep the masses calm, but he wants to tell you sum thing, Trump
represents another group of beings, Julian, Boris and Trump are all related and
for you who know Julian is Trump(s) uncle, it is [1] main lizard with [3] main lizards that run this
world with their offspring, Biden the clone is glitching and Kamala [man] is
also jamming, the war is just the distraction, it’s the deaths that they need,
9ethers are not dying fast enough, everyone else just makes up the numbers,
mass deaths are coming, this includes the hybrids, mixed-beings, clones,
non-original humans, mutants+
Pather - Superhero, this was a message to the 9ether, they hired a
actor who was already dying and he played a Feline [singular] that was a ritual
to go down for the werewolf and Feline that is singular by themselves
They are doing a sweep with the Jabba the Hutt, they are
looking for special bloodlines, they are looking for changes by cancelling it
out with the booster [ac-cell-eration]
The last children should have be born in 2001 and
around 2012, its not a good time to be having children right now and from the
last 3 years, its not my right to say that, however I have also heard many
others now saying this, we have expired the 3 year crop lost with China sitting
on the last reserves, many billions are going to die at sum point through
hunger alone
Russia sent Alexander Litvinenko a radiation token
gesture in the UK at a restaurant and took him out in 2006
Russia is 10miles away from the USA, Russians are in the
UK and USA, so stop following the rhetoric out here, how did Russia send
Radiation to the UK [London] or was it already here, do you get this monkey
sh9t – one of them have to go down in their history has to who started ww3 and
they want it to be the king of the North
Bypassing this, it is the body that is also destroying
all what should not be in this soular system, any artificial life here will be
destroyed in all [3] kingdoms, they are arming because dimensions just got smaller
Bloodlines and energies is what we are dealing with, whatever blood you have you cannot do nothing about but do not contaminate it and your energy
Ascended MaStar
Sirius [A] Sirius [B] Sirius [C] are Star [SAARU] SAARE] con-stella-tions [Stella means Star]
Sirius [A] are where the Sun people live, Sirius [B] is where we come from and Sirius [C] is more the Insectoid beings who are from [Orion connected to the Pleiades] - we are going to see them in the water, the air or in the ether
Sirius [B] is where we come from - there is nothing nu under the sun- there is nothing nu UNDER THE SUN- there is nothing NEW UNDER THE SUN - we come from Sirius [B]
Sirius [B] was a distant Star planet, around Sirius [B] are other planets
Those beings on Sirius look like us, they have elongated heads and they operate from the frontal lobe, they operate telepathically and they do not speak, they move objects with their minds, they are alchemists - which is all you
We are reaching closer and closer to this star-system aka [terra- the planet] meaning we shall also elevate, be heightened - remember they only speak telepathically- you will not hear a verbal message, many are on the internet saying that they heard a voice, speak to them- not from source you didn't
they speak telepathically only-
We are shifting, at times it does not feel like we are, but we are, time has sped up, no- creation as sped up, and they are coming to us and through us
Sirius [B] is where the Ulmec [Olmec] come from, elongated heads, open 3rd eye, you've seen the ones before in HERU [PERU] you've seen them in other places around the planet - they spoke through symbols, pictures, illustrations, their eyes are slanted because they come from sun- constellations
They can fly, they can shape-shift, sum look like Dragons, sum look like amphibians, mermaids, lions, kats, [ANU.NAGA means these beings, there are many different beings that make up that word Annunaqi] they created these beings by mating with other species, so technically we are all serpents DNA [NAGA] DNAGA
You will see them and they will shape-shift in front of your dry ass - pay attention, they look just like us, they can be tall like the Massia , short like the pygmy or BAN.TU, and they are here to help us for you are the sole [soul] changes on this planet and if you are not doing that then its goodbye from you and h3llo from them
This planet belongs to the inherited and the war has began for this planet and offspring, this is not about one country, this is about the planet, the war is in the ground, in the ska and in the waters, not in Ukraine
Sirius [B] is a [ship] MEKABA
We are the ascendants [not the descendants] of them which means you can go to other planets also, you can shape-shift also, you know this already - they make you connect because if you do not sleep in 72hrs you are forced to connect - the body cannot contain the BAA [soul] and is to why you have to shape-shift out of this body - you are the only ones who can shape shift and go to other planets, no other on Ki can do this and the others cannot stand you because you can do this
Henrietta Lacks, 10s of millions are walking around with Lacks in them, they found out that Henrietta had ancient genes [cells] that meant she would live forever and ever' AMEN - they used her cells without no-one knowing to heal themselves [6ethers] from Cancer and Polio+ they still have her cells today and are using your DNA and genes - we are talking about her KAANU [Melanin]
You are the only ones that are able to go into [space] the others cannot go with KAANU [Ether]
We have a lot of cleaning up to do, here [terra planet] because this planet fell to her knees because of us - we got to big for our boots down here, you are the sole guardians of this planet, the watches
We all have a position and you need to play your player position
The SKA is full of y-our kind, so they are doing their job, you need to do yours, a lot of us were reincarnated back to clean up this house and we came in all different races, star-children, be it in a female avatar or male, be it asexual, short, fat, whatever - we have to leave it alone, this is very serious [Sirius] and we must bypass judging others, there are a lot of beings that came from other planets, so we cannot look at others, but only only by light [energy]
MA.AT is watching you, observing you, she is judging you all the way, this is her field now and no man can go above her
Sirius [B] and this planet [terra] are linked and that means you have a responsibility, the planet is set up in alignment to Sirius, there are teleportation hubs and the MIR [MER] pyramids+ all aligned to Sirius [Septet] Sothis from this planet to get us up out of here
If you are here to teach then teach, if you are here to heal then heal, if you are here to be a clog that turns many on [activated] in whatever format- then do so, we do not have a lot of time, do what you are here to do [LOV9] show sum [use discernment], use cruel to be kind [LOV9]
You must be coming from the heart for the heart is recording and cannot lie
[LOV9 is Justice]
History will only repeat itself [its cell] to those who do not know the history, do not repeat like the others did
You either leave or you come back down here, there has to
be a program still functioning, are you not tired, bored, you have to earn the
rite to interdimensional travel, if not you stay here, inside the cube
Don’t think that coming back down here will be easy, you
will be limited, restricted, you will have to gain what you did all over again,
it will be harder – it is this life and not your previous lives that you are
being judged on, it will be harder next time round
Sum will go to the 1D because they are that stupid, sum
into the 2D and others back into 3D while that program deletes itself [its
So, back up - do the rite thing
O-g stands for Old God [Old Gangster] [Gang-Star] [Old Star] and them
Old Gods are in here with us and sum times called themselves an Elder [Dinneer]
to which they are not, be careful out here, an OG is not a Dinneer because they are also trapped in here with us, save yourself [your cells]
Kauzar recommended
#Myman [special]
When Neo gets to the city of Light, the mechanical eye askes Neo, what do you want, and Neo replies
We want Peace
No retreat
No surrender
Defend the earth [Ki]
Shiloh [Peace]
He who comes in peace I-em-hotep or Imhotep
Come from your heart, we want peace
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