Monday, 17 May 2021

Suspended Space

Supreme Electron
Ptah [Opener of the way] 

The 432hz is more natural to the universe, to us, and to the planet and is the frequency that we had been vibrating on since we got here, the 432hz is mathematically consistent to the Fibonacci series of numbers and therefore is by universal design, todays music is unnatural, the difference between 432hz and 440hz is 8 vibrations per second but is a big difference in our consciousness experience

We experience things differently, so that when sum one tells you sum thing, you feel a certain way and when you don’t feel it, when you experience it we usually brush if off, our bodies are 70%-80% structured crystal water [liquid], you are a superconductor [electro] aka electro genetics

You have consciousness and energy that travels throughout the body and allows us to move, a thought occurs and energy is produced and that energy then travels down the spine to corresponding nerves and veins but its this liquid that helps it travel [liquid and electricity]

In the Clouds, it is said that [God is in the Clouds], Electrons orbit the nucleus of an Atom in Electron clouds, you can’t see [God] or Electrons, currently there is no method in existence to directly see an Electron or any subatomic particle in western science

Electrons in the Atomic mode, Atoms and Electrons have never been directly seen, but scientists have proved that sub-atomic particles exist through experimentation which facilitates a consistent method to observe the effects made through predictions provided by the Atomic Model

A model is a representation of a system in the real world, and is intended to help us over-stand systems and their properties, the atomic model represents what the structure of an Atom could look like, based on what we know about how Atoms behave, it is not necessarily a true picture of the exact structure of an Atom, models are often simplified and cannot always be absolutely accurate

Ptah as an ancient Alkebulan [African] Electron Model 

The relationship between [El] and [P-TA-H]
N.TU [Neteru] Ptah is a prism

Ptah is often called the Lord or One of eternity and thinks it may be this identification of [Ēl] with Ptah that lead to the eternal being applied to [Ēl] so early and so consistently, his name translates; Opener of the way

[El] is the Origin of the name of [God] in Judeo-Christian, Islamic, and various Mesopotamian text, [El] is from Babel, Bab-El and is associated with A.NU, [El] is those on ANU(s) most high list
Al or El is issuing son, it’s a ranking system  

El [the origin of the Mesopotamian name for God] is in the word [ELECTRON]

EL - Mesopotamian word for God
LECT - word, speech, thought [Greek lexis and logos]
TRON - Greek suffix referring to a device, tool, or instrument 
ELECTRON - a tool for God’s words and thoughts

Study Particle Physics, Study Quantum Physics, learn about the ELECTRON, get to know the Supreme Beings, the [ELECTRO] is [God] and is the word [sone] of [God]

P-ta-h [Tah] Opener, One who opens the ways [9th God]
Ptah as an Electron Model

Electrons arose out of the primordial Abyss of energy during the big bang at the creation of the universe, Ptah rose out of the primordial Abyss called Nun [Nut], during the creation of the universe

The Electron is a Sub-Atomic particle that precedes the Atom, Ptah proceeded Atum and as the primordial mound, was beneath Atum, or Sub-Atumic [Atomic]

The Electron is the is the worker particle or the craftsman particle in nature response for creating the chemical bonds of Matter, and Ptah was a craftsman [N.TU] responsible for creating in nature

Electrons are the substance of thought, logic and reason, Ptah was symbolic of thought, logic and reason as the Logos and Nous, creating by imagining in his heart and speaking with tongue

The Electron gives birth to light in the form of Photons, Ptah is the father of Atum, who becomes Atum-Re, symbolic of light

The Electron has 7 orbital shells, there are 7 Pygmy [Ta-hites] of P-ta-h called the Khnemu

The relationship between Electron poWRA, flow [current] and [DC] stable voltage are created by the equation P=1V and this is the OHM[144] law

Main image, Ptah holds the staff [Waas] composed of symbols related to poWRA, life [Electron Flow] and Djed [stability] poWRA conductor
Ptah beard [9 ether] black [KAANU] Melanin hair is touching the Waas and he is communicating with you

The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in [cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2] NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on

Japan is a part of Nepal with a huge subcontinent under water
Djed [wireless antennas] 
[Kundalini] keep in mind the spinal column is the carrier of the energy 
[Serpentine travels up the spine- Djed]

Djed [Zed] [Sed] translates Stability
Tjet [Sjet] translates Welfare (you)

The Djed also doubled up as a generator, many of the Djed columns were used to poWRA big events, festivals

In the 1800s we had to used search lights to see the artwork that lay there before us, you can be sure that ancients were using electrical lights

On the Djed column are battery rings

Between the avenue of sphinxes stood two generators, A and B
A is sending and B is receiving, between these two antennas a vortex field is generated
It is on the field that the heavy building blocks were carried

They are all over the planet in different designs and all is online including the MER [MIR] MARE -global network

Remember they are in the Philippines 
Original people
Their connection to the spirit world is very profound  

Giza [Gaza] Khufu complex are the same thing [Akur] Ekur and means Mountains House [Abode] 

NI.BIRU travels at light speed which means instant [MaStar Key] 

Sah [SA.HU] (Orion) the only way out of this soular system along with the sun [portal]

We are inside the Torus [Taurus] 

Formed naturally [Opal]

Coco leaves
1880, Coca-Cola, which sum say would have had around 3.5 grams of Cocaine
The basis for making the syrup with which soda is made is the coke sheet, in a natural state, not Cocaine, dust already in a drug-like state
The name results from the use of Cola nut extract, a tropical plant and Cocaine leaves adding carbonated water

Heru [Peru]


The Annunaqi introduced the chain of life on this planet, it became a replica of Rizq with a different climate

When the time was right, just right, they landed and referred to their [y-our] new home as a home away from home [Eridu]

They found it necessary to breed with primitive creatures that were already here, in order to become more adaptable to the environment, and this offspring, who we refer to as Lulu Amelu or Abd, could work the mines for them

They also built structures that were built on their own planets, using the ley lines and magnetic grids of this planet

In order to accomplish these feats, they levitated and transported huge lime stones cut by laser to geographical spots on the planet earth [Ki], in order to generate energy for incoming and outgoing vehicles

They were also used as schools, laboratories and sarcophagi but even this proved to be unsatisfactory, for conflicts aroused amongst us and they were forced to abandon many incomplete sites on your planet

They fought brother against brother, ruler against ruler, city against city and not to mention compassion for the newly cloned creature [Aqins] now called Human beings, Homo Sapiens, part-deity and part-monkey

Different condition, various breeding and seeding were necessary with different terrestrial earth beings, apes and reptilians and extra-terrestrial beings, beyond earth beings

Transportation of different species to this planet and LAH.MU [Mars] was done as a result

There are various shapes, sizes, skin colour, skin texture, facial features, blood types, all traceable back to animals on this planet and others; yet, one being of the Adama project was accomplished after many experiments, successes and failures, deformities and illness, and hybrids with power to procreate and they were in the image and after the likeness of the scientists that created or grew them in the lab

This caused a compassion for these beings, as Humans to acquire a compassion for experimental animals

There is a natural nuclear reactor in Alkebulan that is 2billion years old and was created, this natural reactor only produces heat 40cm each side

[Lucy] was found [1974] at a site at Hadar, Awash valley of the Afar triangle in Ethiopia [Kenya] and was dated to around 3.5 million years

Lucy; Lucy reproduced A-sexually
This is before her Chromosomes split [XX-XY] thus creating a variation or different type of woman called man [Man is a mutated woman [XY] Chromosome of the [XX]

And now they have found recently disclosed a child who is they say is 78,000 years old who they say is a Homo Sapien

[Lucy] is an Australopithecine [Australia- one land mass back then] an earlier prototype

There are accounts of the Annunaqi breeding with the Lares, called Simians, who their linage is called Big-foot today

All these skulls that they keep showing are templates if you like but have nothing to do with the 9ether, there is even a Homo Erectus, these are all primates and Pri [primal] meaning first

This batch of HuMins are around 350,000 earth years old and the HuMans are around 10,000 [5,000] earth years old    

The HuMins cradle of life in in Alkebulan [Eden] [Gan] and the HuMans cradle of life is in Georgia [Caucasian Mt] 

This child could not have been a Homo Sapien, for Homo Sapiens are the last set  

NIN.TI a scientist and geneticist bred the Homo Erectus, there were two forms of the Australopithecines that could walk and were erect

The smaller ones stood 4ft tall, the Genus Homo, where your pygmy [Ta-hites] tribe originated

EN.QI leads another group of beings called the Neteru [Anunnagi] Anunnaqi [Anu-Naga] 

Ninti added the genes of the Neteru to speed up its evolution, this is called genetic manipulation today

Ninti takes the blood, which carried the gene of the Neteru and mixed it with 14 females of the Erectus state of evolution, however the a-sexual trait from the reptilian in them still dominated, making them unable to procreate on their own, so Ninti chose to breed with the Lares

The Chimpanzee was one of the strains that came from the breeding of Lares, if you look at the Chimpanzees hand, its closely related to the Human hand, they even have fingerprints, just like Humans hands, the Human has 46 chromosomes, Humans with down syndrome have 47 chromosomes and defect results in them not aging properly or maturing mentally, pass 3 to 7 years old, the same is said of a Chimpanzee, who has 48 chromosomes and has the mind of a child between the ages of 3 and 7

The very fact that the chromosomes are ranging in numbers 46, 47 and 48 one after another, is fact that there is a link

Who took out the two chromosomes

The X chromosome is 5 times larger than the Y chromosome, which means that females existed for generations without the males

Western science also fails to mention Omo [Homo] Kibish from southern Ethiopia [Sudan] 195,000 years ago

They had countless Adama projects, refining after refining, over and over again

Nature, which finds its root meaning in nurture, you must yourself, were beings here before nature or was nature here before the Human being

At one point when ISON was traveling into this dimension, they were traveling at 2million miles an hour, escorted by who scout crafts or SHAMS
Camouflaged as a meteorite or asteroid 
Second image is when they were really close

These are sum ones sons and they are part of the team that sprays the Ska, knowingly..

Same clone 

Clones are doing the rounds, everyone is either at Guantanamo Bay or as been executed or underground
CGI is playing a major role for those still plugged in, it is the A.I [19] that is uploading to take over for their N.W.O 
Amazon is Skynet 

The ISS is sitting on the lower orbit of the planets atmosphere and is not in space, these plasma- purple lights are coming below the ISS but above the planet

The truth is going to be revealed

We have not seen the Ska since 2001
-what is behind the man-made Ska

From Italy to Colorado to Texas, these weather super-cells are crafts

Multiple light sources, these are not just weather anomalies

Rhode Island 

Red is an energy that many fear, all are chakra energy signatures

Yellow and Blue make Green [WAJI] 

Energy is streaming through big time, the magnetic field goes crazy 

That yellow line is the bow shock that is bending and is letting in the energies [radiation]
You can see that faint cube going around the planet

Chakra wavelength 

Next M-Class soular flare will shake sum where up like the [USA]
The last one came in at M3.9 [May 7th 2012]
EMP is due and will cut the lights out sum where, when the power goes out wherever that place or places are, it will not be coming back on
These are soul-ar waves from the Sun, there are crafts in strategic positions over the planet to differ unwanted rays away from designated areas and there are those crafts that will make sure designated areas come-get-me-sum

This is a soul-ar system and these waves are for soular beings 

May and June

Martial Law is coming 

Can't find sleep without a motive
-tri living in the moment 

Electron Crown
-all planets have a crown [field] 
North and South pole
Read all data in chakra energies

Ecuador, Colombia is leaking, big problems coming up for that region, that includes the Caribbean-

New Orleans is already below surface level [its sunken] for that plate is already under sea-level meaning when the water comes in, which it will, that whole plate will go under  

listen to what the Chinese man says to Musk 

Shame on you

That man is you 

Bast [Baset] Fire
Sekhmet siStar
Sold at Christies in 2007
Monetary value over spiritual value  

Thy rod and staff protect me

Every breath you take
Every move you make
Every step you take

Every move you make
Every vow you break
Every smile you fake
Every claim you stake 

I'll be watching you...





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