Friday, 14 May 2021


Your current emotional triggers are from your past life [lives] successes and are just things that you have done in a previous lifetime that was a success in sum way, shape or form- that you have easily accomplished and in this lifetime when you see small representations of not being able to obtain that, it responds as an emotional trigger 

But in this lifetime, things take different shapes and forms but is still backed by the same energy, so what you are doing now is no different, even though things look different- even in a different body but you have to observe things in that same mentality aka in that same chakra in that organ developed

Based upon you being in a humin [human] brain, you are deciphering through past energies in the shapes and forms that it has taken right now [current] and that is how it develops, for sum thing to develop – it had a starting point and is going to the future- so you are part of a transition aka periods of time [emit] light

You may not have easy access to the energies in this lifetime so it hits you as an emotional trigger, it is emotional turmoil that is getting triggered which is baggage aka dead energy or dead weight which you haven’t burnt up or vaporised- which is preventing you from willing things into existence

The energy is stagnant and there is no flow which means you have not completed sum cycles, this means you have not developed nu ways of separation, you still have attachments, you are still in one space or in one world with certain thoughts based upon what you are lost in- in your own world, which then builds and builds into emotional turmoil which is mainly built off what you are experiencing currently

So, when you get emotionally triggered that is when these things show themselves, this would be your negative side(s) that come out, your lower-self or lower [Demons]

You have always had emotional triggers, it’s the same energy just in different forms, shapes until you pick a lifetime to exit and leave that lifetime, that trigger is that one energy that its riding on, sum of this energy is not yours and you are carrying other people’s baggage that is not yours

Image from Neteru Hatshepsut [daughter of Sut (Set)] at her temple [Iy]
Sacred Morning Ska boat of Re [Matet] carried by the Semu [priests] with the shrine or Arc
This is a soular traveling, astral traveling to the holographic realms, this boat was not used to go down the Nile although the Nile represents the space highway, is a boat, vessel, ship, spaceship, astral travel  

They will turn into turmoil if you always look negatively at these things, so say if you have emotional triggers that you have always been dealing with- then that is the Amun Ra boat that you are riding on, that the energy is riding on, you have a spaceship that you brought here with you and is the energy that you have always been on and you have been adding on- every time you went through a new timeline, you’re in a human [humin] body as a spirit experiencing that same energy but you are interacting with the same energy- but just in a different way [current] aka a human [humin] way this time and that is the turmoil that is being built up- but what it is riding on [spaceship] is the trigger that you have always experienced aka the traumas throughout all your spiritual travels

So, you have to learn how to decipher between the two, the triggers that you brought here and your emotional turmoil is what you are developing and this will cause triggers in areas that you are not supposed to get triggered in if you do not decipher the two

For example, you could be talking to sum one or listening to a song or had a dream and get triggered and that conversation or what you were listening too or dreaming about doesn’t have anything to do with what you got triggered by, do you follow, but sum thing reminded you of sum past thing, could be on a subconscious level that picked it up, which is were you are storing it 

Furthermore, when your memory was erased not all of the memory files where deleted, many of you have had to endure suffering and pain that is still being held on file, but as nothing to do with you in this lifetime

Sum energies still linger, all 9ether wombmen hold pain in their womb  

In a previous lifetime, your past success is because anything that you completed in an area as a spirit which means no shape or form- you will always be looking for fulfilment, once you obtain sum thing, you want sum thing greater because as spirits we expand and contract, meaning the more you learn, gain, wisdom, experience+ you expand and so you become bigger than that space that you are in and now you expand into a different area

This process does not stop even when you leave this body, that is the real Femi9 energy, this is the real way of looking at the world, the Femi9 perspective, beyond male or female, when you look at things subtle and if its not for you, you get the fu9k out of there because its not a world that you can manage, meaning you take a closer look at things before you get involved so that you don’t get used, the female(s) brain is about half a pound heavier than the males and this means she gets things a tad bit faster than what you know, she just doesn’t tell you, see things from a Bosses perspective, think like how she does 

Remember in your past lives you could have been in an animal avatar, you could be reincarnated like 100 years apart from your last incarnation, and keep on recycling into the same environment, family, situation and is to why you have the same sh9t going on over and over again, until you break that cycle or let go of that experience [your looping]  

Success is things that you don’t even pay attention to because you have already achieved that and you want sum thing greater, and in this lifetime that will play out as emotional triggers, you had access to these things in a pervious lifetime but they are triggers in this lifetime and because you don’t have access to this in this lifetime, they are emotional triggers and they can play out in relationships, at your employment and so on and trigger a past trauma and this brings up your lower self and what shows up is from now

Don’t get to overwhelmed or outweighed by your emotional traumas
Balance your feelings and thoughts    

If you’re a female and you think too much – then you are using too much masculinity and if you are a male and you feel too much – then you are using too much Femi9

Learn sum equilibrium  

Your current emotional triggers are your past life successes, so pay attention to everything that triggers you right now – why things are frustrating, why you cannot manifest anything+ and decipher the ones you had easy access to and that means you need to learn sum thing new today and learn not to take advantage of that energy today

You have your finger on the trigger, recognise when turmoil is coming up for you, don’t play music that takes you there, don’t seek out reminders that take you there, we have currently emotions fuelling the frequency right now, intermittent sensations are present in your life without you adding to them, take your finger off of the trigger and go figure

You are to find balance in a world full of sh9t, don’t take what you don’t need, move on and stay in your lane

Do not be drawn into the complex world of the 3D, it is chaotic in there and will get even more so, the world must and will descend into chaos so that we can reach order and it will be emotional along the way, so don’t add to the mix on 90.6

The most beautiful things from this planet cannot be seen or even heard but must be felt with the heart, it is a resonating frequency 
Colours hold frequencies, all animals and children see in AU.RA light 

Opalised wood

Opal [Australia]

Crystal from Naga-r [Naga] valley Northern area of Pakistan
Pakistan or India is under Nagalan

3rd eye
KAU [Cow] 
The KAU is a scripture [Biblical] animal and for those who ate and butchered them on your man-made holy days- much is on its way to you

The equalises of the planets harmonics, slaughtered to the brink of demise, many are being sonically boomed out of the oceans by the military on purpose because of what they provide for the planet Ki, you to would commit suicide if you heard those sones, much is coming to you, all plants, the animals are ATOL protected 

Once the 9ethers, who are poWRA-ing the overall energy stop participating in this man made field, it will be lights out, there is nothing that the other ethers can do to intervene or participate, this is not their field no more


The Bat is the result of the unnatural breeding of the bird which accounts for its wings and the Rat which accounts for the furry appearance on the body
Bats have a keen sense of h-ear-ing, which they use to guide them in their flight
Their wings are actually five fingers covered by thin membrane
Bats are the only flying mammals
Bats depend on flying as a mode of movement even more than birds

Bat [Rat] 

The Bat, a Rat-like mammal with wings, is the Bat a rodent or a mammal, a rodent is a mammal

Mammal from Mammalia, including human beings, characterized by covering of hair on the skin and, in the female- milk-producing mammary glands for nourishing the young, [from late Latin mammalis, of the breast, from Latin mamma, meaning breast

Are humans mammals or reptilians, both, they are a combination, having both lungs and gills, as well as wings

Just as many snakes and whales have hips without legs, thus humans have wings beneath their arm pits, which they once used to fly and swim

Which is why their face and body is aero-dynamic from the top of the head downward, but when standing with a flat face [Chinese people] and flat body, they are subject to the dangers of [G] force

Humans as descendants of reptilians once swam in the deep seas and breathed using their gills as they did in the water sac of their mothers wombs

Birds do not fly, they levitate using electromagnetic energy to create, generate the friction needed
All birds are Raptors 

Global network
[one land mass]

Scotland [Neteru Scota]
The Twa and Bantu tribes along with many others built these places

The Twa are small beings in height and is to why these buildings are the size they are, called Druids [Gaels] [Ghouls] aka Nomos [Tahites] Ptahites [Pygmy] tribes throughout Ireland and Scotland, over 250,000 of them living in the enchanted forests or in villages 
Pict-land is a Roman word because they had painted bodies [pict-ures] which was body paint 

Magnetic hub  
Yorkshire [UK] Moors [Muurs] 
Ghouls [Druids] aka the Twa [Bantu] people 
Out of the Ulmex [Olmec] we get the Moors, who are pioneer builders 
Muur [Moor] Mars just means [Black] from the Europeans

All Blacks
Māori [Mauri] Mauros [Muur] Moor

Annunaqi [Anno-Na-Qee] These Beings
[Eloheem] [Elohyeem] These Beings
Anu-Naga [ANU’s Beings [Naga]

These beings [Annunaqi] are the highest beings that created the 9ethers 

The Ghouls [Nomos] Lyra [Lion] Akir [Kammu] and the Draco are cousins and sum are in avatars when they are on this planet

The Annunaqi [these beings] are a race of beings that sum are created of pure green light and impure amber light before the foundation of this world

It was on the fourth plane, the plane of ultimate will, or the mental plane that the division between the so-called good and so-called evil was established

As the supreme beings, the Annunaqi skin was olive tone green to dark reddish brown

They are the race of supreme beings not spooks, ghosts, or apparitions
Annunaqi is just another name for Rizqiyians meaning providers

The Annunaqi are those beings that the Most-High sent down from heaven [NI.BIRU] Sirius to Ki [earth] in sets of 50’s while on the planet Ki under an appointed being

They received the name Annunaqi when they came to earth from other beings that where already here, these are A.NU(s) beings

The Most-High illuminated the light of Murduk [MUR.DUK], son of Damkina and EN.QI [EN.KI] IN.KI 
Murduk, who is also known Al Khidr, meaning the green [Waji] one, who is the highest of all the Elohyeem, Annunaqi, or Angelic

The N.TU [Supreme Being] Murduk is equivalent to Amun Ra, [Atum Ra] in KHMT [Egyptian] sciences he is of the green [Waji] essence, with the splendour of beauty

That essence became divided into two parts

One was extremely pure and luminous, to the vision of the intellect, which came the noble and superior individuals, the soul of the Prophets, Apostles, Baals, Adonai, Heru(s), Al Mahdi, the Messiah, Baal(s) and the people of the right hand

Whereas the other appeared, impure and amber [Lucifer [lu-Cell-fer] amber light], and the second part was called fire from which came Jaan, the father of the Jinn, a race of evil [negative] Eloheem, Cherubeems

144 governors of the 18th and 19th galaxies [72] positive of the disagreeable galaxies and [72] negative of the positive galaxies 24 + 24 + 24 = 72 [7+2 = 9] Sedjet [9] Ennead, each 24 is 12 = Yah [positive] and the other 12 is Weh [negative] [Yahweh]

A.NU is a superior energy [NRG] NTR [NTU] and you are an extension of this NRG and is called the Most-High, the Most-highest of frequencies  

The sum total of Nu-mbers
The poWRA of 9 Ether
There is no number higher than 9
It is symbolic for heaven [haven], creation and birth

9 Ether is a combination of all existing gases in nature
9 is the most potent poWRA in the universe
9 to the 9th poWRA of 9 [999 = 27 = 9] 

You are the offspring called Nephilian [fallen] and you fell, yeah fell in frequency [Schuman] which is now becoming more and more online, you must return to your Godhood 

These are not from source and will be deleted
We are going to be seeing extra-terrestrials real soon, sum will be positive and agreeable and sum will not- full stop, if you are a negative person that force will be turned up to the max and will be what you attract, if you know sum one like that, and you’re not that type of energy, get the fu9k away from them, these belong to the Ashtar Command and the negative and disagreeable Pleiades and the Galactic Federation of Light and they have been breeding with us and have been here for a long time, this time as now expired 

Animal DNA
Many kiss their dogs, cats, pets on the lips and forget how Chicken Pox, German Measles got here..
In Australia the Koala Bears had Chlamydia which is a HuMan transmitted disease, the women over there were fu9king the bears
Zoophilia is a European practice, we never ever had Zoos or caged animals or birds in cages
Zoos were in place by those that fu9ked animals, which is a common practice today

Pedophilia is sexual desires with children
Zoophilia is sexual desires with animals
Necrophile is sexual desires with dead people [corpses]
All Roman [Greek] and European practices
The letter Z had to be added to the English language just to accommodate this word Zoo and Zoophilia and is to why there are hardly any other words beginning with the letter Z 

If you drank milk straight from a KAU [Cow] you would spit that sh9t straight out, the milk is for the calf

They can grow ears, noses on pigs and albino rats, so you have to think about that, that means these animals and humans would need to be compatible- there is your answer

Why do they only experiment on albino rats, what if they tested a brown or black rat would the results be different
Why are monkeys and Orangutans able to receive human medicine, how comes monkeys [primates] have periods, women [all women now] have periods, Elephants don't

Primate comes from Pri- Primal [meaning first] and mate meaning counterpart, counterpart for who

This monkey sh9t must be deleted for it is not from nature 

India [Asian] are losing millions, the Albino Hindu(s) who flooded what is called Pakistan have white, blond and red hair or fur on their heads and they deal with animal melanin known as Pheno-Melanin also called PSEUDO-MELANIN which is a Red pig-mentation, you ever heard the saying Red-head-Devils, its them lot

(VOL I) Djedefre Memnon
The 9ether- Black (Nubian) and 6ether White (Albino) Reptilians +Off-spring Gene Wars
Now, in actual fact the Cauc-Asian need the Negriod [9ether] because they need their blood to survive

It was in Tama-Re (Ancient Egypt) that a time would come when a mankind would be born –
mankind meaning a kind of man

This was in a time when only the original man inhabited the planet

The Elders of KHMT warned of a time when an unnatural man would develop out of a Lunar – Cycle with recessive genes which would birth the Albino

They stated that this unnatural man would only last for roughly 6,000 years if left and not mixed with

Nature would only permit him to exist for 6,000 years until the next Soular – Cycle, when the Sun, by nature would burn him off the face of the Earth (2000 A.D and beyond)

We are in 2021AD right now and they are doing this right now

The warning stated that, in mixing with the Cauc-Asian, the Nubians would actually be strengthening the Caucasian genes and adding time onto his lifespan of 6,000 years, for he is the Dracula or Vampire, who needs your supreme Melanin (Memon) Kaanu to survive

He became a natural day-walker, this is the reason why the God-Gods of the Bible-Scriptures ordered the people not to mix and marry into the Canaanite tribes

This is also the reason why after generations of harsh treatment, they came up with the Civil Rights Movement and used and supported men like Dr Martin Luther King Jr to achieve their hidden Illuminati-Masonic agenda of Lil White boys and Black girls in Kings speech that was written for him
They had wished to mix their genes enough to be able to survive this latest Soular Cycle, which begun in the year 1970A.D of the Greek, Gregorian Lunar Calendar [7 years behind], that the world is using today and is to why Prince Harry has a child with sum one who has Melanin 

Global warming is a natural occurrence - the Soular Cycle, they wanted you to forget all the brutality of slavery and what they have done to the world and its original inhabitants and embrace this One World Global Village Ideology, in which everybody is supposedly equal and has moved on (in theory)

In this way, they will be able to encourage inter-racial mixing which will only benefit them and not the original people

For you will weaken and destroy the pedigree of your race by breeding recessive genes back into your family and spawn a world of Neutranoids >> they are throwing their women at you, left, right and centre, to steal your DNA[DEA], that is why there are so many tranny’s, gays, bio’s, IT’s, she-male, ladyboy, the alpha albinos like children

To make people with their mentality (Avatars), but with Melanin (day-walkers) to give themselves a chance to live through this golden-soular-cycle [Golden Race activation] because the Sun is SET to annihilate the Albino race, Mother Nature wants them (Neanderthal DNA) gone

Because they are a result of Canaan (Genesis 9:25) mixing with Flugelrods (Halabean-Neanderthals) resulting in the hybrid Albino people of today with their Neanderthal Nature (DNA 4%)

This makes them sub-human, this is why their whole existence is lived by artificial means and why the albino Man-Woman has the nature of the beast, low Kaanu [Melanin], a calcified, dysfunctional Pineal Gland, and the features they have (Neanderthal) features: eye colour, hair texture, non-spiritual animalistic nature, bloodlust, alcohol addiction and so on+  

There is nothing natural about them, and there is no such thing as mixed race, only on paper for it is only the Nubian 9 ether wombman who creates all races

Yes, you can be mixed in one sense, but you cannot be half 9ether [black], you're either 9ether or not, you're either melanated or not, and mix race people can be either side of the fence according to the balance of the genes and parents or parent

Sum are albino people in darker skin, just have a word with them, sum are Nubian people just like any other, listen to them speak 

It's no ganja-science

Truth is, one species was always set to be deleted, hence the rush in technology, you had sh9t for sum 100 years, look at the last 50 years

When people say I can’t stand the sun, the sun was here before you, all grows towards the sun, so really its not that you don’t like the sun, the sun doesn’t like you

These passages are recorded in passages in Tama-re, not from my opinion or a belief, those are laws and are for the fallen and his off-spring, I'm writing all this so that you inner-stand why this planet is in reSet 

This cycle means that a lot of people are going to die or be deleted, that cycle was for 6,000 years and as now expired, your powers that be could have told you the truth but opted for their own glory

The war was always about genetics, it was about KAANU [Melanin]

If you do not have 9ether, then you are going to be deleted, not all of the 9ethers are assured for they too will be deleted, their passage is not assured

It is shameful to the amount of 9ethers who had been murdered over the last 400 years [512] years, many people do not want to talk about this part in history because we have all moved on, however this part of history is now fuelling the energy that is devastating parts of the planet

The Sigi rites in 2001 poWRA-ed up the energy and now all you have to do is look around the planet and the behaviour of the sun and planets

We all could have resided in peace and harmony but one group did not want to share but only to control and make no attempt to work coherently

They would rather nuke this planet then give her up, they would rather kill everyone, including their own kind than strike a balance

If they do not care about their own kind, what does that tell you about how they feel about you 

Mu-ghal Empire
Nagalan [India]
All ancient stone structures around the world are sitting on the planets lay lines and are magnetic and that means they are online, including anything they call a calendar or a Stonehenge
They are all acoustic fully loaded chambers  

House of Taga [Naga]
Tinian [near the Philippines and PNG]
Twelve vertical stones with one that is still standing
[think of one landmass back then]
All stone sites are magnetic and are online [they all respond to electromagnetic] 

Anything that begins with Ka [Ba] Ra (Re) Ma [Ta] Na or ends with those letters find their way back to KHMT 

History on repeat [top right] 
When OB1 went with Luke to get a ride with Han Solo, that was on Mars [LAH.MU]
Sh9t is real in the field
Lahmu is an exotic version of KHMT  

4D is merging and in sum places its already 5D[6D]
You are feeling the frequency

As the frequency rises from the Sun the atmosphere is being torn down
We will have to raise our frequency to keep up

The 4D is more poWRA-full, still a hologram but in HD [LCD] crystal and for the most part many of you were incarnated to see this moment to witness the end of the 3D [matrix]

As we move forward you must know your Ptah, sum of you have contracts that you agreed and must be completed- from teaching to healing your family lineage, follow your destiny and you will find out what your destiny is by finding out what your passion is, and once you find that passion- chase it

Sum of you are only activating now and that is alright because the frequency upgrade is in waves

Only deal with those who are spiritually consciousness, knowing that there is a N.W.O plan, that Nano technology is being unleashed on the masses, that clones are operating, is not consciousness, learn the difference, deal with all that is spiritual for its a different dimension [4]5[6]+  

It is inevitable that things are going to change from the 3D into the lower planes of the 4D and higher, change is inevitable, change is Magi [Magic], spiritual journey is change, the alchemical process is change

The soul is now the driving force, the spirit energy for sum has been cancelled out by the soul and for others the spirit is changing

Magi is the Quantum realm, Quantum is [4] and beyond science which is called Metaphysical, beyond the physical which is the spirit [astral] realm or dimension range

You are a Quantum computer and this means you can go beyond time and space [which didn’t exist] and when you get to the 4D the technology and beings that reside there are going to merge with you

You need to upgrade your Magi [i-Magi-nation] which is called Magic or Black [KAANU] Magic and this means taking the elements which are 4 elements and the 5th element which is ether [KAA.NU] aka Melanin and applying them into their matrix [code breaker] and changing it, change what you need to change by using your Magi, you change the matrix, like when Neo in the man-made-matrix, Neo saw a black cat and then saw another black cat and it was explained to him, this usually happens when they [you] change sum thing

We are seeing glitches in their man-made-matrix  

The elements of Ki [earth] are now charged and charging, all these soul-ar energies coming from Re and the galactic centre are changing the frequencies, they are hacker-access codes to break down their man-made-matrix 

You are bringing sum thing from the 4D to the 3D, from the astral-parallel-holographic-spirit down into the physical 3D and you do this by attaching to one of those elements- to bring it down here faster [broadband]

The new [nu] elements are within you for your DNA [RNA] DEA has been upgrading all the while, the nu dimension means everything that you need is within you, this is your Superman statues, your Superhero [Super-Heru] statues [unlocking junk-DNA]

The universe is Mental [crown] so it is the energy within you and your Mind [Khu], connected to the universal mind, one connection that is your server  

Tehuti always advocated it was always about the mind but because the frequency [Schuman] was stuck at 7.89hz you couldn’t expand your range of thought, we are hitting 100hz, with 500hz this week registering from the planet and you are becoming expansive while now those that seemed intelligent at 7.89hz are really dumb right now, the energy is now here for you to grow and expand and make [manifest] Magi with the correct energy [frequency]

You think [thoth] your change, you i-magi-ne in your mind using imag-ery [Sia] which is more poWRA-ful than the pen or the sword, how about the mind because you need this first to operate the pen or sword in the first place

[Laws of Attraction] using your mind [Khu] and using your Chi energy [spiritual energy] go over your usage of how you use your Chi energies, the many different tools to enhance your Chi force, this is the force that OB1 talks about to Luke

This is the fire realm which is the heart, so you must MaStar this element [fire] in order to bend it, which element are you, for sum of you- that out of the four elements, which elements can you bend

If you can control say for example the heart [fire] internally then you can control it on the outside, externally, outwardly aka the universe, as within-so without, as the universe, so the soul, this is all alchemical, it is the soul that is controlling the poWRA, soul [Baa] translates poWRA-ful, strength, it is the strength of your soul for this is a soul-ar system and we are in the soul-ar cycle which soular flares, wind, flashes and streams coming in for soul-ar beings [do you get what is really going on]

The nu alter is the Khu [Mind] and the nu energy [frequency]

There are many, many ways to Magi work that you must go and find your chosen route and apply-
For example, Mudras [Mantras] alters, geometry, numerology, symbols+ it will be different for you all and you will have to see which one works for you, there are other examples, study it for yourself or you are going to fail, when lockdown started a year ago, you had the whole year to learn sum thing nu to match the frequency, many of you did fu9k all during that time and even now you still haven’t learnt nothing, what happened on the first week of lockdown- you went and purchased toilet paper, watch a video or listen to those that can explain what these tools are and how to correctly use them- you will need KAANU, the same with accessing your Akashic records which is a KAANU mainframe, listen to an audiobook if you don’t like to read but do sum thing if you are on a soul [spiritual] Ptah because the nu energy is not playing about and she will leave you behind  

A basic rule is if you are angry and are negative then that will Magi faster, if you are good to go and you Magi then that is what will manifest [magi] [Laws of attraction]

You use the Magi to hack the man-made-matrix, these are your access codes that will change the circuitry within you

Sh9t is coming up and for many of you, you won’t be part of that sh9t because you will have a sphere of consciousness [shield] around you, your shield will be from the 4D and will protect you, the more you expand your range of thoth [thought] the more you won’t have to dodge anything, you will be able to walk through sh9t [walls]

In the movie the matrix, the matrix represents the 3D and when they went to the real world that represented the 4D, it was reversed in their movie and Neo was able to use his tools in the real world because he was so advanced

[the movie the Matrix is taken from sum one who dreamt [downloaded] what they put out in their version in their movie version, she is a real Oracle and dreamt in 1987 and the graphics and the graphics for the movie the matrix-which the Oracle called the 3rd Eye that they changed to Matrix which still means three- was made only available 6 months before filming in 1997] this same lady also wrote another book entitled the Blueprint of Mankind which was turned into another movie the Terminator, she wrote both movies [books] at the age of 17]  

Neo means One backwards and Neo also comes from the word Neutron  

You control your reality and is to why Morpheus said to Neo, you won’t need to dodge bullets because you won’t have to, that means sh9t will bend around you  

Build up your Chi [spiritual] energy and merge with the nu energy to upgrade

If you don’t transform or are a 6ether, you will go to the 1D and transform from there because energy cannot be destroyed, and once in the 1D, you start again
The higher beings gave the 6ethers a place here for 77 years [100years] rule and all they did was murder and destroy the planet and the 9ether, the 9ether have spoken and said they have enough of the 6ether killing them, the 6ether had their chance to coexist but they choose to destroy the 3 kingdoms and this planet, times up...

We are still in the 3D but you will be in the 4D and you will still need to be protected and upgraded while there because there are still the negative and disagreeable beings still present in this field

Not all of us will be leaving the hologram, this hologram goes all the way up to the 9D [and higher], many people are bailing out of here, for those are the ones who will not be going into that next phase and this will be the trend, so people will be coming and going, if your still here then you are meant to be here, but as you know, tomorrow is not promised to nobody

Many people are called, few are chosen

We are going to be seeing extra-terrestrials real soon, sum will be positive and agreeable and sum will not full stop, if you are a negative person that force will be turned up to the max and will be what you attract, if you know sum one like that, and you’re not that type of energy, get the fu9k away from them

This field is conscious and nothing artificial can merge with it, so come as you are, open heart, when you know better- do better, she is watching your dry ass and will drop you if you do not comply, even your ancestors will leave you 

Your DNA is changing with every step towards Sibtu [Sirius] Septet 
Sum thing is interacting with the atmosphere of this planet and its coming from the galactic centre, NI.BIRU is also in the mix for that disc is a magnetic disc [planet] 
We are merging into the 4D and connecting with Sirius [Sibtu] which is a different signal [frequency] 

The planets are all going up to the heaven [haven] realm [Sirius] which is a higher dimension and so is this planet, we all have to match the frequency 

The electromagnetic field is registering at 2000hz, during the earlier part of this year it went to 6000hz, buckle up because the dome protecting the energy from penetrating the planet will come down and is in places

No more 7.89hz that was for thousands of years and means many will go insane 

We have had 150hz [160hz] 180hz and 190hz within the last two years

This is not from space weather although we are having space weather, this is not from man made HAARP

Many will be having headaches and feeling hydrated, and offkey, this will make many go insane in the membrane

Sum thing is interacting with the atmosphere of this planet and its coming from the galactic centre, NI.BIRU is also in the mix for that disc is a magnetic disc [planet]

We are merging into the 4D and connecting with Sirius [Sibtu] which is a different signal [frequency]

Between the Russians and the Italians they are hiding and deleting data, last five days we have seen an uptick

The Chinese rocket or the ISS out of control last year and before and at one point the Chinese SS was out of control at one stage also, all is a theme that they are running to cover an impact that is coming, watch for the distractions, a fairly sized asteroid [meteorite] will hit sum where
Military helicopters in the ska
The distractions are coming in thick and fast to keep the average mind from thinking outside of the box

Gamma waves incoming
We will see damage to anything that is connected to the dirty tesla electrical devices, grid, computer set-ups, their weather modification systems
Gravitation waves are gamma radiation strikes

Snow in places where it shouldn't be, either that is HAARP or pole affects [means they are moving] 
Weather systems continue to battered selected areas around the planet

Earthquakes incoming+ 
[Look at all that red]

Kentucky [USA] 
Lookie here 

White light holds all seven frequencies [chakra] 

Volcanos erupting which is releasing energy 

Supplies are nearly over [USA]

Missouri [USA]
Lake drains [sinkholes] 

Israel [is-it-really] J[H]erusalem is upper and lower KHMT and is where the higher beings would come and hand out, the land does not belong to man, where there is war breaking out, one must consider that the Annunaqi mercenaries are present [watch for he distractions]
That boy lives another day.. 

If you eat seedless fruits, you just ate sum thing that as Nanobites in it and will bring you online for their 5G, its in drinking water  
[No seeds means it came from a laboratory and not the planet] do feed them to your children 

You have a Chakra system to process all soul-ar energies, Purple is Crown and means its extreme for the 6ether not the 9ether 

Read all data in energies [colours] 

Soul-ar stream is now in session 

This magnetic storm will affect many through their crown [mental state] and body including their nervous system
The grid and electrical appliances, devices, satellites, power outages+ will all be affected, but more importantly is you are going to be affected both positivity or negatively  
Its an electromagnetic surge which means it will be emotional [energy in motion] e.motion

Everything that is taking place is regarding the children of the sun [Helios]

Electron [6] energy 

Red is surround the planet [HERU + MA.AT combined energy] 
NI.BIRU is on the left pushing all the energy straight back into the planet and you on a permanent basis 

IMF lines are not connected 
Check the Chakra energy [radiation] 

This is normal

Those four pervious images are what it looks like in the real world, you will find all the chakras colours from yellow to green to red and all have meaning, the most important is that these energies [radiation] is changing you from the inside out
You need a chakra system to process the energies or it will become radiation to you, you have [6] protons [6] neutrons and [6] electrons 

Red is the Heru [Ma'at] cycle, the cycle that the 6ether fears the most, that cycle is here.. 

UVC mutation

Long term affects; fatigue, shortness of breath, foggy thinking, damage to kidney, lungs, heart, liver and nervous system, damage to skin and gastrointestinal tract, balance issues, long-term side effects of Coronal [sun] virus and UV radiation

Fatigue, shortness of breath is really one to watch, respiratory [re-spirit-ory] and that is because the air is thinning out [red iron oxide] UV radiation, foggy thinking is because heads [skulls] for the 6ether are getting bigger and the organ [brain] is shrinking which is a result of UVC radiation and is mutating you on a micro molecule level >> UVC is mutating you from the inside out 
Damage to kidney, lungs, heart, liver and nervous system, your central nervous system controls your vessel, the reason your vessel is being affected is because sum of you share 96% of your DNA with a natural violent animal [violent-violet] the skull and brain is making them revert back to who you truly, naturally are, brainwaves [Alpha-Gamma-X-ray] are all being affected
Heart and lungs, this is where the 9ether is mostly at risk because you have been in survival mode from day one, you deal with the most stressful on this planet and you are the planet, so what she feels so do you
The sh9t food that you are eating, your diet, you must watch what you are eating, more vegetation and fruit while you can because food is running out

Damage to skin, the 9 ether has no damage to their skin which is really called ether [condensed sunlight-Kaanu] research dermatitis because that is what the 6 ethers are suffering from right now

See your cell phone, if you left it on charge all day, your cell phone would be hot until you took it off charge, same with your body, the cell [body] is constantly absorbing the energy and cannot dispense the charging, this is what the 9 ether does, absorb and dispense radiation [energy], this is what the 9 ether does when it comes to the sun, the sun is charging you  

The 6 ethers will absorb, but cannot dispense and thus their body is breaking down, its heating up with being able to dispense the energy-radiation, knees, ankles, joints, elbows are blocked and is to why many are putting on weight, spontaneous combustion
Skin damage, black spots, skin cracking, red sores, bleeding, blisters+, is this not the same has Chemotherapy, this is radiation, what is the sun, radiation, hair falling out

You are a sphere of plasma [radiation] you have a nucleus [sun] within you, this is where they get the nuclear bomb from, they are using radiation to sterilise planes right now

Radiation is coming from the sun and that is called Corona

Mentally [Crown = Purple], it will be emotional, very emotional, this is why one group of people are depressed and fu9ked up, suicidal and another group of people are starting to rise via the frequency of the sun

We will be seeing erratic behaviour in animals and humans [humins]
[Ultraviolet is Ultra-violence] violet is Purple [plasma]

Sum one wrote what they think is happening in the images above; Solar Crown due to pollen presence in the atmosphere..

White light holds all seven frequencies [chakra energies] light is sone, this is a soul-ar system for soul-ar beings, those without a soul are being found out, those with no spiritual connection are being found out
He wrote because of the pollen in the atmosphere, really..
The sun is electrical and is pulsating, vibrating, can you see the red codes [rays] 

NIBIRU is also called Merkabah meaning, the movable throne [Mind] pulpit [seat] the seat of consciousness and is a magnetic disc [sun] and controls the main motherboard GIZA [GAZA] that is called E.KUR [Ekur] E-Koor and translates Mountainous House [Iy], at light speed, that means they can control the electromagnetic flow of the planet and you  

Electric Electromagnetic

You have not seen the Ska since 2001 

This is a well-known signature craft

There is a craft sitting there and we can see the air-drift around the bottom coming from the turbine spinning from the underbelly of this craft [cloaked]

Huge space-port-complex, huge crafts 

All is written because when these beings come off of their crafts, hearts will fail man, Christians and Muslims will hold their holy books up to them, both races will also shut the fu9k up because what was hidden will now become their reality, these posts are designed to inform you not disown you for this batch of HuMins [HuMans] all came from the 9 ether, you were once Nubian, sum of you were once Albino, we have had many lives here whilst in this loop [matrix] and now its time for reality 

Listen to the dialogue from 1953, they are between 40-60 years in front of their world that they created, this is expiring  

O-type negative or Rh negative 

 A journalist once asked a NASA spokesperson when will they get the public disclosure about alien beings, the NASA spokesperson replied, we thought you knew, we put it in all the movies 

Notice that when they get shot, its the black goo coming out of them

Weather systems [cells] are huge motherships

Grid-keepers, frequency keepers, portal openers, light-houses, there are loads of many, many- all aiming to assist Ki to keep her vibration up, higher vibrational frequencies with Grace

Strong guidance (waves) are here to aid us, we are to continue with these efforts and not to lose sight, there is movement through earth’s layers as old toxic memories, captive soul fragments are being stirred up for release, over and over [volcano eruptions]  

These layers are releasing their Karmic burdens just as we are, and could do with our assistance

We as light are strategically placed all over Ki [earth] for a reason, to be the anchor-points for light in those areas, you are the receivers of these codes

Please send anchoring light into earths-grid-points and ley-lines where you reside, you do not send energy to say places like Heru- Jerusalem, that is not where you send your energy, places that are being flooded or land is moving, all this and more is part of a process that must take place, people are going to die- yes we know this already, its been in the making in the last decade, your governments could have warned you but they don’t give a sh9t about you, instead they built walls and bunkers for their kind, sprayed the ska, what does this and more tell you, those that follow religion have a [God] so let that [God] save them, those that are here for the planet and the spiritual quest, that is where your energy flows and goes…

Envision this light anchoring deep into earths heart centre and radiating out, encompassing all of Ki with the intention that she is released of her density with ease and Grace and transitions into her highest-pure-timeline along with her earthlings

The primary objective of you is the assistance of Ki, this is the call that the StarSeeds answered when they left their home stars armed with vital specific gifts and skills

This was the light symbol encodings we received when we passed through our respective StarGates

These were to be activated at specific times so that we re-membered our mission, that time is occurring

Ki is an entity and she feels all, no doubt many of you are feeling the shift and its heavy, Istal takes you in and consumes you, dreams – visions, the body exhaustion but its alright

Many dimensions are stacked, in every angel [angle], drink lemon + lime [Ph] water to balance out the body, mind can comprehend but the body is still in the physical and is taking the brunt, the immune system must be protected, takes a while for the body to catch up over cycles [days]  

The heart is the poW-RA behind the poWRA, watch your thoughts

Soular CME(s) are coming in, the waves that come in are strong 

The Kundalini is the serpentine energy that travels up the 33 vertebrates [spine-Djed] columns
Alchemey [Al-Khemey] Al-Khami [Khami] Kammu

Aritu [Chakra] means wheel

The seven souls of Ra [Sephek Ba Ra] un-i-versal powers, seven but there are nine and 
thirteen [hidden]  


Each chakra has an energy point, root charka has 4, still connected to the spine, it deals with 4 energy points within your body
And the sacred has 6 petals, or 6 energy points within the body, the plexus-core has 10 energy vital points, the heart has 12 energy points all within the body
Throat has 16 energy points, now, the 3rd eye [Wadjet] has 96 energy points, 9 and 6 is infinite that is why they chose it, you see all, the 3rd eye is connected to 96 vital points within your body

Vital points, energy points, spiritual points, petals, same thing

The 3rd eye has 96 vital points, put the 9 and 6 together, to-gather and you get [8] which is infinity
Don’t add them, merge them 

The crown has 1000 vital points because the crown is connected to all, to everything, add them all is 144,000 vital energy points or 144hz

At this level, they call this Christ consciousness, which is Karast [KRST] Consciousness, basically the highest level of conciseness, when you have 144,000 vital energy points working within your body

How you make your chakra spin [rotate] is down to you, at 144,000 your chakra spins at 360 degrees, 360, 3+6=9, is a 9 being E-Anna], a 6 being is a 33rd degrees being 3 + 3=6, low being, you the other way around, breeding confusion, when you have all 144,000 [144] all lined up you agree within yourself, self [cell], [self-mastery]   

So examples; you could have your crown chakra at 360 degrees, but your eye is spinning at 33 degrees, the other way around, you have to get all of them lined up and rotating in the 360 degrees which means you agree, this means your stars are aligned (chakra)

When your stars aligned all your stars (charkas) are spinning at 360 degrees, now if you are scared of sum thing, you haven’t faced your fears or you have fear of sum thing, your root poWRA star is vibrating at 33 degrees which is a 6-being, but you could be an out-spoken person so your throat star is turning, spinning, rotating at 360 degrees [agree], but you see your stars are not aligned

So, you’re not at the full potential of consciousness

When they say that 144,000 will be going to heaven, what it means is that once you achieve 144,000 that is consciousness, god level, that’s all, because we are all going to heaven anyway

144 together 1+4+4 [9]

The 144 are a frequency, your avatar cannot go with you

Never look outside yoursCellsf, we are dealing with you, nothing is outside yourself, all is inside, to innerstand what you’re looking at, and you look at yourself everyday

Get rid of duality, without the negatives there’s no poWRA, and oneness 

We are not connected to the source, we are the source, NI.BIRU is being guided in by you
NI.BIRU is a spiritual vessel [Mekaba] ship 

Karast-Chakra-Khudalini-Khu-Mind- Consciousness, all dealing with the charka in your body 

There are 144,000 energy points within the Kha [body] it’s a frequency [144hz]

Only 144,000 are needed to make the collective change on Ki [earth], and to make it to heaven [haven] KRST [there is no heaven] its to Sibtu [Sirius] 

The spiritual world and the physical world are merging; indeed, we are in the mater-ial world, there are 144,000 crew members for NIBIRU and there are 144,000 to return to heaven, are they not one and the same, NIBIRU is a spiritual craft, the beings that came to earth are etheric beings aka you

All Dendera [zodiac] symbols make up the body, we are connected to all Dendera, you are not just one of the Dendera

144 is a frequency [144hz] 9 is the Magi [magic] number

Number 9 Sedjat [Ennead] 360 (3 +6 +0 = 9)

The meaning of the number nin9 is associated with the idea of completeness and perfection, done it- and related to the synthesis of the three worlds, that is a triple trinity (God), the universe [NU] and MA.AT  

360˚ Righteous Knowledge
720˚ Wisdom of Self [cell]
1080˚ Knowledge of Universe
Universal Wisdom, Supreme Intuitive Logic

1440˚ is beyond HuMin [HuMan] comprehension















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