Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Meridian Point

Meridian [Metrien] means to Measure 

Sirius is going to rise from June 26th 2021 which is the same day as the June eclipse and the 6ethers are getting ready for this, so should you

Osiris [Sirius] means Aset, other names for Sirius is Supdet, Septet, Sibtu and Sothis, having two satellites [moons] and its siStar system Mirzam, Sirius is a [twin star]

Lucifer fell like the morning star, this is what it says in their Bible, and when you get to the end of Revelations- Jesus says, I ‘am the morning star
-its all there, you didn’t over-stand that passage

In the conference of Nicaea, they had to take the word Lucifer out of their Bible and only mentioned Lucifer once in their Bible because they were worried you would put two and two together and work out that Jesus and Lucifer are one in the same

Jesus is a generic term that Lucifer is much more a primordial term
Lucifer is a Female [deity] amber light [LuCell-ifer] 

The spiritual system is fragmented and most of the data is within you, the energy is saturated because everyone is using one or so methods, one problem about modern day interpretations is that none of the spiritual systems were never meant to be in a religious aspect

Many have taken the same Christian model which in our minds we just changed the [deities], so in Christianity they will give you Jesus but give you all these archangels and say that they are not into polytheism and polytheism in actuality is the one [God] makes up the [God] and the [God] makes up the one [God] [99 elements] its 144 but man is only on 99

In the book written by E.A Wallis Budge, From Fetish God in Ancient Egypt, in his last year he wrote Gods of the Egyptians in 1935, that tramp said he was wrong all that time and that the Egyptians [KHMT] worshipped one [God] and the [God] one

Worship [War-ship] PoWRA-ship [relationship]
Spirituality is a science, an advanced science

You will have to modify what you are doing especially in meditation which is called Distal [Istal] and Ashutat [A-shoo-tat] [prayer] because sh9t is going to stop working for you and for many this is already the case

The unseen is also called the inner- its yourself [your cells] 

To get to the full poWRA, you will need to modify

It says in their book, is it not written in law that ye are [Gods] and the scriptures cannot be broken

There is mention in a Book called Spiritual Hierarchies by Rudolph Steiner and in there he wrote that in the Egyptian mystery school they would take the initiate along for 30[40] years and have him praying [Ashu] to Osiris [Asaru] Sirius and all these omnipotent [deities][gods] Neteru(s) NTR, and on his 30[40] (birthday) they would say, guess what, you see all these [NTR] [deities] that you were praying [Ashu] to, they were nothing but the ancestors of old and in actuality you are one of the same lineage

When Manetho [Maneto] who is a Semu [KHMT priest] wrote to Philadelphus ii [Philadelphia] who is the person that wanted to find out how old Egypt [KHMT] is, Manetho didn’t give him the real timeline and said he would put down sum thing and that book was named Sothis

Sothis is another name for Sirius, it is a Femi9 name for the Star

The name of the book that was written by Manetho that was to be given to the Albino Greeks to tell them for the first time- what Egyptian history was, the book was called Sothis which is named after Sirius which is an Albino Greek name for Osiris [Asaru] Heru 

Sothis will start rising from June 26th 2021 until July 23rd 2012 when the Femi9 star will reach the meridian point which is very key this year when she rises [Aquarius] a whole load of sh9t is going to go down, there is also an eclipse and a full moon [meaning the death-star will be under its own full power] on 24th June 2021

Waji [Green] Life Force-Healing NRG 

When the Albino Greeks asked Manetho how many Aafterti(s) [pharaohs] were there, he told the Albino Greeks, there was 500 in the dynastic period and 800 Aafterti(s) in the pre-dynastic period and Manetho told them that added up to about 8,000-10,000 years, so the Albino Greeks asked Manetho, who used to rule before them and Manetho replied a whole bunch of [Gods] used to rule

The mystery is those [Gods] that ruled before the Aafterti(s) (Pharoahs) where later on the Egyptians [KHMT] in the physical body, the only difference between the [Gods] that used to rule in the primordial times compared to the beings [people] that where there in KHMT [Egypt] was the vibrational rate, it had become so dense until we took on physical bodies, the frequency had fallen and we lost massive amounts of our spiritual senses, which went to seven [five for sum] thus we got trapped in the physical Matrix

The movie the Matrix is nothing more than what the Nubian Indians [Kush][Ethiopians] was telling them from the get-go, the movie is the same knowledge, the Sanskrit text talks about Maya and that its all an illusion, all of the documents [texts] from the ancient world, cultures, all talk about this is an illusion, including their Bible that says texts like, this is not my home, the carnal flashes- which are watered down versions of sum thing of a greater reality, that this is only an illusion 

Rudolph Steiner in his book said that when the initiate got to that particular point said, I’ve been worshipping these [Gods] all these years and now you mean to tell me that in actuality that the ones I used to worship are ancient ancestors although they are in the physical- that I am one of them, and in the book Coming Forth By Day [the book of the Dead] I stood on the ladder to the [Gods] but I am one of them and I called out to the groups until they hear my prayer and report it to Sirius

Its four or five times in their Bible that it says, ye are [Gods]

The key is we have to make a stand in this field today, whatever you do on the physical earth [plane] we don’t stop doing that, this does not mean you walk around with a robe on and get you a cane and walk like you are Moses, what I am saying is in order for you to get to the next paradigm, you are going to have to make a difference, a different change than the average people out here, why, because in the last decade and even in the last 20 years you have had a conscious resurgence, many of you have been given much knowledge [light] especially those in the USA [Aztlan] the 9ethers there have been given more energy [knowledge] than others around the world because you will end the Draco rule, for sum 9ethers it will be physically and for other 9ethers, it will be spiritually

The conscious resurgence started in the 1920s which was called the roaring 20s and it happened every 20 or 30 years after that, all those who names started with the letter M[W] which is an electromagnetic symbol were sent, from Marcus Mosiah Garvey to Elijah Muhammed, Marvin Gaye, Michael Jackson, Bob Marley, Malcom X, Maya Angelou, the list goes on and on+ this was a Golden Age, there were many in the abolitionist based on that time cycle, there were many sent [without the M[W] after that] in the 60s and 70s [ its in the movie Cotton Comes to Harlem] the 60’s into the 2000 saw the flower, rainbow, indigo and crystal energies stream through

This current swing started in the late 80s but in 1996 they came in with Christian Fascism, they knew that the 9ether had outgrown being obedient to god, so they had to bring in Christian prosperity,
Cable Christian channels, churches built costing an arm and leg, preaches driving Mercedes, its out of control for these people

Focus on what is the mystery 

Pretty much when you talk about humanity, you’ve been there, done that and you have the t-shirt, you are going to have to draw the line on whether you are going to become [Gods] generator, operator or destroyer or whether you are going to be HuMin [HuMan]

You are going to have to choose, these are not my opinions or my views, I am just laying it down in Layman terms, do you want to become a [God] or do you wish [want] to remain HuMin [HuMan]

I’ll break it down a tad bit more, we know we’ve done the HuMin [HuMan] thing for millions of years, this is how energy works- you do sum thing for millions of years and the energy works for you, you were a child once and then you moved into teenager and the energy transferred, now you moved into adulthood and the energy must move into adulthood also, and those things that you did in your teenage years you cannot do in your adulthood, those things have outlived its function

[the planet is in 3D and is moving into the 4D [5D] and what is in the 3D cannot transfer into the 5D, so you will be forced to upgrade or not, for sum- there is no choice]  

Humanity is reaching its adulthood and that adulthood is the mystery of Christos aka the Christ aka Karast [KRST] energy, there is sum thing beyond this reality which is creating a mutation into a nu step of evolution, but its starts in the mind [Khu]

What are we talking about that it starts in the mind

All ancient material says that man [man means mind] is supposed to trans-mutate, trans-form, metamorphize, into a nu being, a nu soul [Baa], a nu spirit [Kaa], we know that we are on the verge of that, but the key is for example, in the movie the Matrix, the little boy says, don’t try and bend the spoon, that’s impossible, instead bend your mind around the spoon, for there is no spoon, the spoon will bend, it’s the same principle with your mind, you have to start thinking like deities, you have to start thinking like [Gods] you have to start thinking like a Boss

The frequency is going to divide, its going to separate us all, then its going to divide within the 9ethers, divide 9ether from 9ether, do you get that, the 6ether can only deal with the physical which is where many of the 9ethers will also be, the spirit is attached to the soul and this is a soul-ar system, the soul is now the driving force, 6ethers do not have a soul, only spirit

The 9ether [many people will be called, but few will be chosen], the energy is going to divide

Does Godzilla give a flying fu9k about valentine’s day, does Godzilla care if you wiped your feet before you entered your home, does Godzilla give a sh9t about any HuMan custom, we’ve been there and done that, you already know what is wrong with humanity but you are not thinking like [Gods] or deities or Neteru, a supreme being, and this is the mystery of what the mystery system was talking about

We did the historical thing, but did the Egyptians [KHMT] learn history, what did these Jews think about, the afterlife, illumination, metamorphous, what do you think about, what did you think about yesterday, what are you thinking about right now, there is your answer in where you are going when this sh9t gets moving

The KHMT [Egyptians] wasn’t thinking about history, they were living history, what is the mystery, what is the education, if you are a 9ether you better wake up and smell the coffee, the 6ether have lodges and they are not up there slipping on tea, what they are learning what is not taught in any mainstream educational institute, they are getting down with sum thing on a grand scale and one thing that they do with their initiates go over, they sit them down in front of a Nubian 9ether and tell them, this is your [God] and you must keep him under, he is your father [that came straight from the horses mouth] you best believe the 6ether study astrology, they know when all the cycles are coming up, they know when to shut things down, they know about all the retrograde- especially when it comes to Mercury retrograde, all billionaires study astrology [do you know how many CEOs have stepped down] they know when to implement Martial Law          

They know that there is a great big black-hole in space that was coming from an area in Sagittarius, they know not to make moves at certain times  

If you think that the 6ether is not dealing with this on an esoteric level, then you give them more credit than you do yourself, the 9ether is the only ones walking around thinking its just another day, I have had to stop listening to the radio because these dildos are talking about things for next year, going partying, sum have taken the vaccine and one DJ said that all weekend he had backache and was taking paracetamols, but feels great and is due to take his second vaccination next week- but this guy hasn’t made the connection that he is having adverse effects from the vaccination, and this radio station is supposed to be a conscious station, I turned that sh9t off, there are people posting on fb and YT uploaders who are talking of things of three years ago, this makes me irate but this is not my call, we all had a choice, never in your life or your grandparents life have you ever experienced a lockdown, but in this year or so, many have just gotten used to the idea and have incorporated the change into their lives, its just another day for them, they are talking about investments, renewable energy, going to Mars or the Moon, cleaning the planet, new cell phones, who gives a fu9k, they tell you what to do and you do it, they tell you to move and you move, free Palestine- who gives a fu9k, even if they freed Palestine what are you getting out of it, what would humanity get out of it, sweet F.A

You have to make the decision, 2001 was the real millennium and all the stuff is going down now, the other millennium was real quiet and the fake one everyone was partying, sh9t is going down now and we are at a critical period, 9/11 saw them gain 10 years which is 10mins in their time machine, now that loop as looped out 

The energy is here and you must apply the energy with the science, its a nu way of living, a nu reality, the cycle is maturing all the while, the energy is growing, your body is changing [metamorphizing] you are outgrowing humanity, outgrowing this 3D world, you want change, you can think of sum thing and it happens, you can make a change through your thoughts, you can bring sum thing to you through thought, the word is manifestation but it is the word i-magi-nation [Magi], this is what we are dealing with, the poWRA of thought, you will things into existence  

What the ancient KHMT were talking about is, you think it and it is, As a Man Thinketh, the poWRA of thought [Man means mind] the cycle was so dense before and you had to really think about it and would take ages, if you think it you can conceive [perceive] it, this is universal laws applied, it can be done in a matter of days now because the cycle is now here and this is the verge of a nu reality

Talk to your higher-self [Sakhu] to get the ball rolling, the other entities can only work through you, your Sakhu, you are the battery

There are two systems going on, one is called the Serapheem [Seraphonic] system, these are the entities that are outside of you that you have been taught that you pray to, then you have the Cherubeem [Cheruphonic] system that are on the inside of you which are the direct poWRA of you becoming whatever you want, if you can fix your mind to deal with it, you will its calibre, if you want to walk through walls, you will them

The Seraphonic system of the entities that are on the outside of you that these elemental forces who govern the universe, but they did a cosmic joke

All of the entities or what they call the archetype of the collective unconsciousness in union psychology [read the Beginners Guide to Revelations by Robin Robertson], the cosmic joke as to why you didn’t have access to it was because around 2000 years ago everything that was an archetype in the inner realm that governed the universe, governed your life so that you could move about and create your own reality, all that was turned into [evil] and meant that everything that you needed to become the quint essential entity was turned into [evil], so when we talk about the word Damion [Damian] which means ones own hidden genius, you also get the word Demon that many of you get scared of, you get the word Genius and you have the word Ginn [Gen] (Jinn) that you are scared of, so the science what you would call archetypes were turned into sum thing negative to shut you down, so religion as shut down your rites because your giving all your energy to the entities that in actuality their main goal is to keep you down

All this is written because there is a trace pill taking place, they are trying to locate your body in the Matrix 

The cosmic joke is in the stuff, the inner-makings, that rises you to another level, 2000 years ago was turned into [Satanism] all turned into [black magic] all turned into negative connotations, including the ultimate mystery of the universe which is the Femi9 [Feminine] principle, that even a man is nothing, what we call spirit is actually Femi9
Omega [universe] is Femi9

The Boss is a Female, you will need to see from he-r perspective to reach your objective   

The extreme destitution in which you have always lived constitutes your strength

Sigi rites by the Dogon is a cycle and we are in that cycle 

The planets are all in the trappist system going up one by one, so will this planet, that higher frequency is the 4[5]D where Sirius is, where the internet signal comes from, man cannot stop the cycles, this is inevitable, it as to end in order for it to begin

Compass only works on a flat surface [plane] 

Maurice White [Muur-ice]
Maurice read As a Man Thinketh and reshaped his mind, the words come from Tehuti, Maurice tapped into his KAANU
Earth, Wind and Fire [elements] he also studied because the album covers also demonstrate where his mind was at

90million worldwide sales
6 Grammys
Full Honours list

The messages are always in the mus-ic [Muse]

144 is the number of the apocalypse, we want the Apocalypse Now

Heard the frequency change last night in the left hemisphere [brain]
Over 100hz nearly every-day, no more 7.89hz for the base-rate and this means the 6ethers will be going offline and sum 9ethers, last 10 days all are consecutive days

Mind [Khu] over Matter [Ether] KAANU [Melanin] 

 The HuMin Avatar [Krishna] is for this planet only, you are not your Avatar

Came up over Kanada and normally indicates when an earthquake is coming 

Blue, Turquoise [Blue-Green-White] and Purple chakra energies [Gamma] 
that cube can fully be seen in this graphic going around the sun, zoom in, I cannot alter the light with these images 

Field is disconnected, full soul-ar energy coming in for this is a soul-ar system with soul-ar beings, red is inside the groove, the sun as let off another CME
Soular flash [shield] is due, EMP will follow 

Follow the across around the planet and see them going straight back towards the planet, NI.BIRU is on the left redirecting all the energies right back into the planet, these are codes and chakra energies for your chakra system to process these energies called radiation for others 

Purple is Ultraviolet [UVC] the energy signature of Plasma [Gamma

Plasma blasts, tornados hitting the ground, water-flooding, storms, power outages, no weapons being used by star-family, all from nature  
Always check the colours 
You have plasma in your Kha [body] called Khaybet, the plasma also revives the planet, charges her

Mexico and Texas, designed to destroy, they said they will live comfortable for their duration on this planet, if that hits you, its over, crops, homes, cars, all being destroyed, nature wants your attention, eventually people will start to be in despair for this is relentless and on-going, that is what nature wants

Texas still seeing a lot of action with more to come

All these words that they use to describe a mothership [craft] that is cloaked as a cloud, if you can see that you are part conscious, many can see the shape, but tell them that is a craft and that is where their brain- mind as problems comprehending  

Full fleet
It will end messy over there 
All the motherships are different in design 
Full Galactic Federation with alliance and allies led by the Annunaqi

Clouds only hold vaporised water not mass, solid, these clouds are holding ether [melanin] KAA.NU

Pittsburgh [USA]
There are crafts also present  

Nemesis and NI.BIRU are the same system [binary] 

Portals, poWRA disc, dimensions appearing all over the planet, all dimensions are merging into one 

Melanin [KAANU] sits in Carbon and technically- when you are fully activated you will go into beast mode 

Gamma rays destroys all that is artificial, sum of these [beings] people will start to lose their shape-shifting devices and all will be revealed, the sun is also sending out electrical codes, there are those who cannot be in the sun for more than a certain time, their body is unable to dispense the charges and means they are holding the charges which leads to spontaneous combustion, many will be staying out of the sun, reptilians don't like the sun to tough or the sun doesn't like them, those wearing sunglasses in-doors, you must be wary of these beings in 6ether HuMan avatars 

One is man-made the other is made from source, the Annunaqi have cracked the seabed near California, all the radiation leaking from the Japanese needs to be maintained, it will be the Annunaqi that clean up their mess, Japan will pay dearly for what they have done 

There are over 6,000 different beings on Neb Heru [NI.BIRU] Nabara, sum came here in 50’s, 200 or so fell in frequency and they mated with the daughters of men, the [Dogon Wombmen], this was millions of earth years ago, Annunaqi simples means, these beings, these beings have returned for this planet and their offspring

Not perfection, precision 

Fossilized ancient tower trees in what is called Thailand, this tree trunk with a Giraffe for scale
Think of the movie Avatar, we used to live in the trees, we used to travel through the trees
Sum of the Annunaqi could pull them out of the ground which was pissing off A.NU 

Orange eyed Owl [Buma] see after 125 years
Are these clones

When you don’t receive what you want [will] consider these options, one is that you have had that energy already, another is that it might not come in the same format that you originally wanted [willed], another is that be in the moment, it is coming, the universe does not work in mysterious ways, she works in specific ways, it will be in her time, when the time is right, another is because you never really wanted it in the first place, watch yourself and check yourself 

We are in critical times and this means be honest, be wise, be cautious in what you are thinking, in what you are conceiving, in what you are participating in, the universe watches and listens to your every thought, even the subconscious thoughts that you have and dismiss, do not sphere with those who are not on your wavelength, pay attention to those around you, even your immediate family, don’t fu9k with the subconscious mind for it can destroy you, the mind is a terrible thing to waste  

Come from your heart, mean what you say and say what you mean or don’t say nothing

If you are on a soul contract, a spiritual Ptah then you must adhere to what is written here, these posts are designed to stir you to source, to your destiny and beyond

If you want change, then think about what change really means to you 

Open heart [earth] 

Forget what ether you are, if you know better- then do better, are you conscious, are you thinking, do you care, do you care enough about this planet and the 3 kingdoms [king-domes], you can pull off the great escape, we are all at different levels, we are all going to the same place but at different levels, no one is better than anyone else, change your mindset, change your circuitry functions and like Nirvana said, come as you are

The light is changing, do right by you, none of your family, friends, children are going where you are going, nor will they leave when you do, you must have accountability for thy self [cell], you came into this world alone and you shall leave alone…


What takes place in our childhood [0-5][5-10] ultimately makes us who we are has adults, positive or negative, once you have had puberty [hormone upgrade] you hit 21 and 30 and 40 with the mind being upgraded around those numbers each time, and at those numbers- each time you reflect, you also have relationships and gain experiences, you mature in thoughts over life experiences 
Experiences do not define a person- unless they let them
Many people had certain situations [stimulations] to break generational curses, to break cycles, there are different reasons for this and that, but sum are for a reason 

Georgia experience was deep, at the end when Georgia said, I just want a chance, give me a chance, she was ultimately talking to herself, she has never given herself a chance when you hear her words

She is running out of time to face her other-self and as had plenty of opportunities to make that transition, she mentions millionaire about the same man twice, and this indicates what is in her heart
When women cry it gets to me

Georgia is still here, she has not taken her life, even if she wants to and that in itself will be noted 

The female has been denigrated in his world for far too long, payback is going to be a bit9h on so many levels, we are in Karma now and this means many people will be slowly suffering, men will be getting it, when you see this, you are to step over them, don't be drawn into their field

 Lillith hates the male and she is going to gather up the females, but  before that, they will have their day in court before all ends

MA.AT translates; that which is straight, balance, order and justice, justice will be served, this is the Karma field [its red out there]   

This is the infinity symbol [8]
Pick a place anywhere on that symbol and that is where your life is, when you get to the cross, where the two lines meet, that is the decision point in your life, you have to make the break or you will continue to loop, round and around you go where you'll stop nobody knows..

Opener of the ways, this is your Ptah, you make the choices, we have reached the crossroads and you must decide  



















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