Electromagnetic Field
We are due a EMP-athy, a Blue Electromagnetic pulse
generator, blue and red [NI.BIRU] and means without anything being plugged into
their man-made dirty harmful tesla electricity with be switched on
NI.BIRU interacts with the main motherboard [EKUR][AKUR]
The planet is being hit with EMP [pulses] internet, cell,
lights, power, anything that uses tesla(s) dirty electrical, that includes the
grid, the EMP will cut engines out, planes, cars, motorcycles
NI.BIRU can overwrite the Sun, meaning the magnetic sun
[NIBIRU] can influence the poWRA, NI.BIRU has been giving out EMP charges, the
planet is a Blue star [neutron sphere]
3am is when this physical world connects with the
underworld [netherworld] Amduat [Amenti] holographic [astral] parallel world,
where the unseen is seen until the electron [electricity suns] rays, hit the planet
[this is what makes the Rooster Roo, why the birds start chatting]
Pay attention to your visions [dreams] you are being
given messages, warnings, direction
The electromagnetic pulse is NI.BIRU the destroyer of all
negative charges, the universe is already emitting charges, pulses and
The pulses [flashes of light] [quasars] will reflect the chakra system colours [merging colours like turquoise which is blue and green]
because this is a soul-ar system, the planet also has a chakra system
This will affect your heart and brainwaves
Soul-ar storms will be incoming and means these EMP
strikes will affect, radio, satellites, and their dirty electricity grid and
will affect brainwaves as the cycle begins to build
These are soul-ar waves coming from the sun and when they
hit the planets electromagnetic field, this is gamma radiation that will
destroy anything that is artificial
Weather storms, hurricanes can be amplified when these
soular waves [CME] come in and there is nothing that man can do to avoid this
cycle that is building accept build more detection centres, that tell you more
in advanced when sum thing coming, mean nothing in reality because these waves
are becoming stronger with an EMP due, once the grid goes down it will never be
coming back online again, this will be voltage instability with terrestrial
Plasma [gamma] ultraviolet [ultra-violence]
The 9ethers are using the black-light [triple darkness]
[1] Ultraviolet light [2] Gamma ray light [3] X-ray which
are called the Cosmic light, or Black-light and they correspond to the Paa
NaTuRu (NeTjer) = Sedjet [9]
10 C-flares and 2 M-flares in 24hrs, which are warnings, we are hitting the Taurus [torus] field
the hard drive of the planet, the hard-drive of your brain is being charged, regulate, cycles are building
Yellow is a primary colour and means you cannot mix any
other colours to make it, this is re-birth energy, soul-ar plexus, this is a
soul-ar system, with soul-ar beings, this is soular energy that is charging the
soul [activating]
The word primary comes from the word primal [primordial] which means first, this planet and you are going back to factory settings, with or without you this process will complete
Learn the primary colours which are chakra energies called radiation, learn what colours make other colours, read all data in colours for colours are frequencies
Worlds within worlds
Albino Cobra
Karma electrical waves
White light holds all seven chakra energy colours, light
is frequency, which are called radiation
Tennessee [USA]
Oval eye, all seeing eye
multi-dimensional portal
AB.ZU [Abzu] South Africa [Alkebulan] being watched, parts of Abzu is going to go down, both ethers are in trouble over there
Michael Berryman is not HuMin, this is a hybrid, mankind, a kind of man
Zipping up my boots'
Stay on the Ptah
Kasablanka [Kasabaka]
Morocco [Moor-occo]
Muur architecture before the albino 6ether Arabs
Giants once roamed this planet and they will once again
HADAD [Ha-dad] translates Might sharp, Mighty
These are Anunnaqi [Alkebulan] Sumerian beings, giants,
All in these images comes under Eridu [Ir-ree-doo]
the Annunaqi mercenaries are on the ground
Kuan- Ya [Kuan- Yin]
Sung [Osun] Dynasty
Goddess over compassion, mercy, when she was killed, she
went to heaven [haven] and was resurrected on the third day, doesn’t that sone
similar to you, not the Jew story but the Asaru [Osiris] this is he-r energy
Naga [Buddha] (Goddess)
Shiva [Chi-va] Chi-na
From India to China is one place, including the
Himalayas, Japan, Thailand, Indonesia, Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore+
there is no such thing as Asia minor and Asia major
Caucasian [Cauc-Asia-n] [Kau-c-asia-n] in Georgia
From Albino Greek Kaukasis, meaning Caucasus mountain-
this is the cradle for mankind not the HuMin, todays Orientals are all 6ether
[albino] and the Indians no matter where they from, they also came from the
Caucasus Mt, the Buddhas came from Alkebulan, like Ghana and Senegal+
This is one of the reasons China will never show you the leader of the Terracotta army, either he is a she or an alien or he is 9ether
You can call on Guan
No 6ether woman has ever given birth to a 9ether, but the 9ether wombman has given birth to a 6ether child and red, brown, blue, green [plant based] and orange [MtDNA]
Khoisan [Kho-Asian]
Sleeping Beauty, you must awake [activate]
Training hour
The gate [portal] is wide open and is widening daily, our
ancestors have a much clearer and direct access to the 9ether through the
sub-conscious spiritual mind [Khu]
The ancestors have been perched and ready to impart all
you need to know, so do not be preoccupied with the material world, which the
energy from source does not support
All you have to do is continue to remain open to all avenues
of discovery, that means stay in the centre of knowledge, you will be seeing,
feeling, hearing more because the dimensions are blending- for the 3rd
dimension is now merging with the 4th dimension and the 4th
dimension is the spiritual dimension with both the positive and disagreeable
spirits in there and you must be able to discern on who you are dealing with
and listen to your spirit guide for guidance for that is what they are there
The 3D world and those in the 3D world are usurping
energy from the 9ethers and taking away their empowerment, this as been
on-going for a real long time, when you saw the increased interest in genetic
studies and testing- that was a sign, they had pilfered the genetic DNA coding
of the 9ethers ancestor(s) physical remains, to gain access to the data
[information], which means they have the knowledge of power [theory] but they
still do not have the knowledge of KAANU [Melanin] which evolves every 3-5
years and is to why they have been usurping the energy through the 9ethers
[will] in participating in their daily rituals while turning the 9ethers away
from their ancient practices, things like sporting events, through their
holidays, even saying good morning [mourning] everyday, even sales-shopping,
you are participating in one of their rituals- anything that is done is mass
participation is a ritual – which is alright only if you recognise what you are
directing your energy toward and for what purpose or from what you are gaining
from the experience
The problem is when you do not use the main focus of your
energy for your own empowerment
When you allow others [family, partners, work
colleagues+] to usurp your poWRA while diverting you from your own
emp-o-WRA-ment, what y-our ancestors practiced as the superior supreme poWRA,
then you are contributing to your own oppression
Can you really reasonably say that what our ancestors
practiced was wrong, the same ones that built this planet, the same ones that
circumnavigated this planet, that had flying machines, that built
infrastructure that is still standing, the same ones that had civilisations
that came and rise- before others came out of their caves, and all that they
have been promoting was taken from the 9ethers and told back to them in a
watered-down version and applied for mass manipulation
The 9ether is poWRA and is the source of poWRA but they
are afraid to believe [know] in their poWRA, and if you [believe] in your fears
then you shall live in your fears
-but if the 9ether knows their poWRA they will activate
and light up like the Godfather
The reason why the 9ether have been undergoing this
alchemical process is so that the 9ether knows how to utilize this energy
The 6ether abused his power and he fu9ked up the three
kingdoms and this world and parts of the planet, which will be rectified, but
if the 9ethers fu9ks up, it will have cosmic significance
This is the training hour
Cut those usurping from you, start or stay in the centre
of your learning- knowledge, know what you know and merge to that, start your
training hour now, if you are not training, shame on you, eye suggest you get
Self [cell] knowing
We need to gather the knowledge of constellations and the
knowledge of sign-when dealing with self [cell] and those in your world
We behave to these measures, patterns and it doesn’t
matter whether you [believe] it or not, those that don’t [believe] in astrology
– which is good because sum body shouldn’t [believe] in sum thing that they
don’t understand
Those that are narrow in their views are going to
struggle unless you expand your consciousness through higher knowledge and the
clarity of knowledge because your want y-our world to make sense- so that you
inner-stand yourself [cell] and each other and the world that is happening
around us, you
Good things will come your way but if you don’t have any
ideas about that, then you will stay [believing], while good things pass you by
Change your psychology, particularly about yourself
Measure out sum thing that you desire and not sum thing
that you need, everything you need, you have inside for everything out here is
[learn the difference between what you need and what you
want which are two completely different things and learn the difference between
what you desire and what you need]
Do not convince yourself that you are not worthy of it,
don’t self-sabotage
Watch for numbers, signs, of what is coming for you
[9] is the most-high, the highest of frequencies and is a
direct message from source when they are communicating with you, anything that
adds to 9 is direct contact
The problem is not with source, the problem is with your
own heart and how much you do not know [believe] in yourself [cell], let go of
the word [believe] because that means you don’t know, you either know or you do
not know
Have the capacity to contain the idea- is a start and
also be confident in what you know that you can attain
The hidden dimension that man cannot see, they only know and talk [theory] about it because you wrote about it, practice it
Sum stay on the lower planes of the 3D and others are on
the higher planes of the 3D, sum ascend to the lower planes of the 4D, many
reside in this matrix that they created, sum entities from the 4D feed [energy
extraction] from many in the 3D
Many without a soul do not ascend higher
There are different worlds, parallel worlds, para means
The spirit world is connecting, merging, Quantum means
All dimensions are merging into one and this means many
entities that are trapped here are going to be destroyed
Very powerful presentations from Costa, very
Very poWRA-FUL
VJ Chitra
B.I.G [Notorious B.I.G]
Abby and Libby
Pepsi Paloma
Elisa Lam
Costa does his best but doesn't quite over-stand the spirit world, sum times the spirits get frustrated when he repeats questions, not the ones that he doesn't hear, spirits can only answer yes or no and a few words, maybe a sentence, contacting them also requires a lot of energy, none of them are in heaven, they are in the parallel worlds, there are many levels to ascension, be carful for many pose has sum body else
Nothing is over until the fat lady sings
Costa I salute you and admire what you have achieved #My-man
Diamond [Damion] Demon [D-Amon] Amon [Amen
Diamonds [you] under black-light [do you get what you
really are]
Do not let no one dim that light in you
Hard times and pressure create diamonds, this is the time
where the underdogs and black sheep will shine and rise to the top
How to take advantage of this social distancing, and come
out on top, while many are panicking and losing their minds, this is the best
time to take advantage of opportunities and step into your true role and
Many people are called, few will be chosen
The clock of destiny ticks on and nature manifests her
judgements out of darkness
Lillith hates men and is here once again, she will be laying down the law, no man has or will get away from her judgement, this is the Femi9 principle
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