Thursday, 6 May 2021

Ignorance is a food source

Havoc and Harmony

There are principles of energy [formed energy] that are very poWRA-ful energies that are principles of consciousness awareness, that exist to create harmony for themselves through havoc to you

It’s the order of things, you cannot change the order of things, just like a Lion [Akur] goes and hunts the Wildebeest, that is the order of things

We have higher evolutionary beings who many think they are [nice] [loving] beings but these light beings know how to get sh9t done now on a whole other level, they have learned how to manipulate light, they have learned how to condense it and change it, use it and take it and do what thy wilt with it- but by that very act alone they have created their own ceiling, because once you start streaming off of sum body, once you start using sum body, once you start working off of sum body- like the governments and religion does- you have to keep them at that level so that they can remain your food [energy] source

So, you have higher levels, higher beings that are of the lower order that have to maintain that order through making you their energy source

That means your whole consciousness environment is being terra-formed by these higher light beings who are actually on the lower strata and once you get to know them they are like a 3D star [famous person] it’s the same way that we would look at them but they are no different than you, they just reached the tower, by many of us thinking wow-there she or he is- but they are no different than you and have contained themselves by their action [remember you are from the same cloth, they are not better than you, your dense because your in the physical world and they are in the light world, they are part of your own energy- they are part of your own crew members] they already know you have the ability to reach light speed, they know you can bypass this illusion that you are now functioning in, they know what your inheritance is and many are about keeping you from receiving it

Your havoc is their harmony

Ignorance is a food [energy] source, ignorance causes disturbances because of its random acts of chaos due to the lack of awareness of self [cell], so by your very act you create disturbances that would not have been there, based on your ignorance

By your acts of ignorance, the dynamics for their sustenance is made ready for them and you are ignorant as h3ll- that’s planned

Disturbances in the natural order of harmonic flow of light create peripheral or ambient frequencies from which these principles of consciousness or these fallen Lords [Neb] extract or feed and receive their nourishment and sustenance

They are Evil [modern day meaning] only in the sense that they cause us Evil by our participation with them         

The idea behind Evil is a concept based on the acculturation of behaviour, what is good [angel] and what is bad [evil] and for the mass on a whole, we benefit- if you are doing a specific action- if you are participating in certain things and creates sum thing that is bad- then we say- that is Evil, it’s a consensus because the people who are Evil and sum of the nicest people around, they are [Evil] has h3ll but when you get to know them- they are alright, many don’t see when they start talking all that jazz around religion- how [Evil] they are

You have to know all these energies, learn about them, you need to know about everybody that they don’t want you to know about- but not from what they are telling you because ignorance is a food source

Evil [love] live comes from Eve’Li which Lil is from Lillith [Eve] now you lov9 wombmen don’t you, to sum maybe the Femi9 is Evil and to sum she is bless [bliss]
Devil = D-Evil = Dark Evil 

Most entities that you call Evil are acting upon self-preservation based on survival imperatives that were cultivated sum billions of eons ago, we get trapped by them through our lack of instinctive self-awareness that the mind and the spirit inherits through continual refinement of the corporeal envelope aka, we get trapped by these entities who feed from our ignorance, who feed-stream from us through our own lack of instinctive awareness that the mind and the spirit is supposed to inherit through continual refinement of the corporeal envelope- which means the more you live, the more you should know, the longer you live the more your supposed to know, your not supposed to be stupid at 50 and that is when many, even at 40 become real stupid and dumb, this is the only outlet that these beings are going to give you

Common sense is a superpower and for many, there is no sense at all, use discernment out here, if you are over 40+ your brain automatically upgrades with or without you, if you are dumb or you see those around you are really dumb, it is because you or they are overriding the upgrade

Ignorance is going to get many killed 

Your mind [Khu] is your wand [weapon]

Euphorbia Obesa

I stopped listening to this track sum years back because of the lyrics, I just stopped by 

Genetic flaws
Your using glorified sticky tape to hold up your eye lids from shutting down on you 
why is this happening to you 

Lightning Bolts [Volts]

Huge voltages are striking the planet, these are not lightning but are bolts of voltages, these are crafts in weather cells taking plasma from the sun and discharging the plasma down here   

Purple [Ultraviolet] is plasma [Khaybet] [Tachyon] energy [radiation] is striking the planet and this will affect your brainwaves

There are MIR(s) MER [MARE] underground and in mountains 

Huge deposits of Diamonds, Gem stones, Gold, Crystals are in the ground that absorb the energy [plasma] Diamonds redirect the energy to where she needs it the most, God stores energy

Places around the world are receiving earthquakes and swarms building 
the galactic waves are touching this planet, soul-ar winds [energy] is reaching this planet
Internet will be slow

Steady on the left 

Nature requires your full attention, rivers now replace roads and sidewalks 

Pole movement 

Pigs penned down
Poultry is running out along with food which will be within this year 2021 [2012]
Google getting ready to impose new rules next month that means your accounts will be deleted, blocking correspondence because of the sh9t that will be taking place
41 meteorites explode over the USA, in which 8 were not from the tail, all from Halley's comet which is Haile Selassie  
Called meteorites when they hit the ground by are asteroids according to NASA(s) classification
They are not fire balls
NASA are only watching certain areas of the USA because they do not give a fu9k about the rest of the USA because they know what is going on  

Orcas found off the coast of Cornwall [UK] 

Smile while your winning 
While they pile on the adverts to save the animals another species destroys them
Symbolic, Alkebulan [African] Rhino with a USA flag on his or her back, just like Spain with the Black-Bull
There are those who value their connection to all life and there are those who do not

Nature [NTR] is going to punish you slowly 

Images from Russia [Tartar]
Buildings at an angle, wi-fi antennas
windows that you cannot look out of 
The great mud floor will be returning


Purple Haze



North Carolina [USA]
Red energy is the one the 6ethers fear the most


This top image was taken by sum one in Salem showing a sliver looking disc with crafts around it and was taken around two or so years ago and the next set of images come in the last few days

the holographic universe draws closer [5D] 

Sirius [Septet] Sothis aka heaven [haven] connects, we are in the trappist system, all planets are being pulled up to the 5D realms and higher 

Hampshire [UK] floating Castle
The same region where all those other floating ships were captured
-what is going on over in that dimension




This site [structure] is built around sum thing inside that is at least 90,000 years old
Hathor is a Greek name, her name is Netert Athyr [Atheer]
Den-De-Rah translates House of Zodiac
A-theer translates the dwelling or house of Haru [Heru] 

Acoustic arena, many working parts, 3D laser overlaid masonry, that was created will before any religion or man, our ancestors worked with stone, for stone holds frequencies, they dealt with tones, sones, frequency and vibrations
Building precision techniques   
This is a huge gulf between the Indians of today and ancient Nagas [Buddhas]
Nagalan is the whole of India including Sri-Lanka, Goa [Ghouls], Tamil, China, Japan, Cambodia, Thailand+ 
[there is no such thing as Asia minor and major]
India is a mess now but she will be cleansed like the rest of the planet 

KHMT is a graveyard now and the higher beings built right across the face of the planet, the Ul-Mec [Olmec] and out of them we get the Muurs [Moors] were also prolific builders 

The Annunaqi lead by the Neteru brought their architecture to this planet, the knowledge of building surpasses monotheistic constructions of synagogues, churches, temples and mosques
the higher beings of these ancient cultures passed on to their subject far more superior knowledge and technology than any religion, ask and of your religion men who built these structures and they do not know meaning they have been cut off from knowledge, who is it that they are praying too 

It was ISHTAR who taught NIMRUD how to build

LAH.MU [Mars] is an exotic version of KHMT and as tons of MIR(s) up there also  

Giants once roamed this planet and they have returned once again

India [Nagalan]
a structural Masterpiece
who built Nagalan 

Hanuman [Hannibal Barca- Barcelona] with Vishnu [Blue being] both are wearing the Fez 

Fez is a French world based on the Turkish word Fes made in Morocco [Moor-occo]
Wore right across the cultures that matter, from the Sumerian [Alkebulan] [Kush] to the Nagas of Nagalan
This is before the commercial Freemasons and Muslims or Jews copied the trendsetters, the source are the Moors [Muurs]


Mandingo Fighter 

Gilgamesh holding a fully grown Akur [Lion]
Akur(s) develop a mane at 2 years old 

There are different sizes in the Annunaqi [these beings] Sumerians 

Dinka [Nubia] Sudan [Ta-Nehisi]
Lower KHMT 
ENLIL [Set] off[spring 

These females are the size as the horses 

Modern day Mastiff [not the Sumerian name]

By land and water the Annunaqi [Sumerians] travel, those navy seals are using breathing apparatus underwater and those two in the centre are maybe using their converted chariot to cross the sea

Despite numerous warnings and even a meeting between leaders there as been no breakthrough, regardless the planet is on her cycle and this cannot be stopped

The off-spring of the Annunaqi are still being held in captivity in the USA and must be released while the higher beings continue to apply pressure 

The Annunaqi lead by the Neteru on Ki [Earth] have returned for this planet and their off-spring by any means necessary

Next set of images are from the 1800's
Naga Empire before the British looted in todays money $40trillinon 







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