Sunday, 2 May 2021

Imploding thoughts

When you remove your intent from thought [Thoth] the geometric structures of light that the elementals obey to square [cube] themselves into existence are dissolved back into the primordial Ethereum of light- which means you are [God]
-And they have your intent focused on mundane things in the 3D, many are wondering when this other [God] is going to come for them and save them, do you know how many people still believe that sum one is coming for them, that sum one [God] is coming for them, and they have hope-

When you remove your intent from thought [Thoth] the geometric structures of light that the elementals obey to square [cube] themselves into existence are dissolved back into the primordial Ethereum of light- that substance-less essence from which all four elements are derived

To create the four elemental foundations of life, the Grand Architect encoded each of them with their [you] own angular rotation within the operational complex of physical reality 

That means each one [you] of the four elementals primary functional foundational elementals has a personality and an angular [angel] rotation that it alone, has with itself- therefore every elemental [you] is conscious as itself, meaning when the word [Om] comes down and begins to use the light structure of geometry to thread itself into what you call your body or your temple of life, those that constituted consciousness as themselves becomes conscious of themselves

So, the elementals who are conscious gained consciousness because of you, they are living through you, they are miserable because of you, you have been made to believe that the elementals should focus their angular rotational personalities around the bullsh9t that you have been dealing with and if you are going to use bullsh9t angles [angel] of vectors of information, then they are going to use the same thing you want them to and they are going to insult one another, just like you keep on insulting yourself and others and like how you’re ready to fight with sum one else because the angular rotations that you have given- based on the instructions that your thoughts have set down as the geometrics for its existence has created your own misery…

By a slight difference in your tendencies or the orientation of a particular wave cluster, each elemental is given its own unique signature of expression as either fire [air] water [earth] and each one representing its own unique characteristics as an elemental foundation of the uttered one [sone]

You being children of this created [God] you naturally inherit the innated ability to activate, manipulate and control the tendencies of each through the dynamics of your thoughts since our illustrious Jedi MaStar Tehuti stated- All is mind

Tehuti translates MaStar of divine words and sacred writings
Tehuti is his recoded KHMT name, however the Greeks called him Thoth [thought] and Hermes which is HER MS [HERU + ME] son of Heru

That is one deep statement [All is mind] [Khu] because that means you created [God] and [God] does not exist in the way many think [God] does, because if [God] did exist the way you think [God] does in the 3D world, then we wouldn’t be in this mess 

You are beings [children] of the creator, you naturally inherit the innate ability to activate, manipulate and control the tendencies of each of these elements, therefore you must learn to observe the present tendencies of thought and what the lower ego has conditioned it to do with the fundamental operations of the word [sone]

So, the book of the earth [Tanen] is to reverse and reveal how over the past 10,000- 15,000 years squaring the circle [cube and sphere 720] has been a way of perfecting the lower ego [ego-self] from the centre of one(s) personal being to the outer peripheral of one(s) potential and that means that all life, all consciousness at this point, is all about you being here, and by the very existence of your own individual Pi point 

You were born into SIN, technically- yes 

This is you in the centre [dot], a miniature, you are nothing but a holographic projection of this very same thing [image] you are the dot in the sphere but by your own limitations by who you are in the created sphere of all things, by being a member of the creator in the creative spirit [you are the creator = dot] and by being the creator has made a reference point of you

You think that you are operating inside of a three-dimensional hologram that has solidity because the reference that you have given to the reality is based on how thought has used the elementals to solidify what you think is real- but you are nothing more than a point of reference and as soon has you’re a limited point of reference- are created, the boundaries of your potential are also created

Limitation within the periphery of that which is unlimited gives you this particular symbol    

The projection of the hypothetical- the point of reference [dot] becomes the point of potential- which is outside of the circle [sphere] or outside of the self [cell]

One way to conceptualise the technique of circling is to align oneself with the principle of the seventh day

The seventh day is said to be the day of rest but Metaphysically [beyond] this is incorrect, the vibratory poWRA [PoWRA] poWAR of the number seven is actually internal activity, seven is not external, its internal activity 

All odd numbers are Masculine and all even numbers are Femi9, so there is no way that on the seventh day [s-he] rested, that doesn’t make no sense at all but in Metaphysical language is that on the seventh day introspection took place, which means all the work that’s been done, one must now review all the work that’s been done, have you or any of us taken the time to review any of the work that’s been done, nobody has, which is why we have a problem, nobody has taken the time to reflect on the work that’s been done because the archons are not giving you the chance to reflect- because if they did you would know that all this around you is bullsh9t and you won’t want to play the game no more, its time to think in another direction and you will be surprised the kind of changes you’ll make in the outer atmosphere

The seventh day is said to be the day of rest but the vibratory set is that of internal activity, the story said that it took six days to develop- when in actuality, it took six folds of the Hydrogen Atom into the Carbon to create, the creation in the Bible story of six days for creation is really six folds of the Hydrogen Carbon = six elevated or six energies of atmosphere, its gets deep because creation is negation, you see creation is not a positive act, it’s a negative act because if you’re going to use the Femi9 principle to birth- you have to seed it in the negative

Many have been taught; Let there be light, but this is incorrect, how could the creator create sum thing that is so unlike itself- though like itself and the way it does that is to create matter- a vagina of matter which means it had to recede upon itself ten percent

The story said it took six days of the Hydrogen Atom to expand and then contract upon itself into the realm of Carbon and the seventh day of rest represents the interval to the next complex level of elemental expression which is the eight aka the Pi 
[8] is the symbol of infinity

 Think about this deeply, so it was six days to create- that was the in-volutionary process, seventh day of rest- which is to process that process that took place for six days, but the seventh day of rest is actually the point of where the two aspect join which is the next plane and the plane that just left aka the plane of rest [seventh day] is just getting ready for the next plane of expression which is Pi into all possibilities, all of the probabilities- which cannot be counted, which there is no mathematical formula for, so the only way you can say is Pi, that’s the Pi point of perception

The word rest in this case Metaphysically means to reflect back, did not the creator look upon the waters and is it not the mirror reflecting back to yourself- well that is what the creator did on the seventh day, the seventh day or the day of rest was the day to reflect back on yourself with what just happen 

 To reflect not only on what(s) just happened it means to study ones thoughts or to study ones image as it is repeated in the medium back to you, Metaphysically the reflected medium is the waters of Nun (Noon) [Nu] Nut [Mu] Mut and the face of [God] is the ineffable mind that emanates as movement within its essence and as emanation perceives as light, sone-waves that all of which culminates to a point of expression which our ancestors called the Atum [Atom] which is that aspect of [God] that is separated into the one and only true element in existence [Hydrogen]

It is about this point that the Bible states in Genesis that [God] said; Let there be light and it is through this light that the creator remembers who it is [through you-dot-point of reference]

The black-dot or point is the reference to the original separation of the creator from itself [its cells]

The black-dot or the black point is the reference to the original separation, this means it’s the original separation of the creator from itself [its cell] into its living manifested counterpart [you], that which we identify as the Atom [Atum] or the Hydrogen

Hydrogen is the prefect name to describe the material existence of [God] and matter because it defines the two basic natures of the organic and inorganic  

 Hydrogen [Hy-dragon] Hydro-gen
Hydro means water [Noon] Nun and -gen means genetic [Hydro- gen] aka genetics in the Nun [water], the word gen [genos] is Greek and means birth and gene means producer or one that is produced, gender, gene is germ = DNA and [cell nucleus]

When the MaStar said, its time to go back- because anything further than this has to be about an impulsive reality because that is what it did on the seventh day 

 Here we are at the end of time [emit] and have we looked back yet, no- because many are too busy being distracted [think of all the things that you think about from the 3D and have to do and deal with and have to participate in from the 3D including watching tv, going out, internet- shopping and so on+] and all those who do give a fu9k because you created children

These children used you as vessels to come back, they came back because they saw they had a way back through and this is why the children are harder to deal with today because you haven’t given them anything to work with, these are the ones coming back because they are the ones that started the madness

The child is the father to the man, a baby doesn’t need to be taught it’s a baby, but the baby teaches you to be a father [parent] think about that, which begs the question, what are you doing with your children, do you teach them the highway of knowledge or are you there teaching them who they are at the essential level or do you teach them fu9k all, what do you even know

You know these children today are rebelling, they are creating their own order because you have given them none to deal with, there is nothing to see but what we [you] are going through, they are inheriting your madness that takes the outside of the point [circle] of potential that we [you] have left, because this is where we are right now- what’s beyond and unless you show them what this is about [dot in sphere image = Pi] so that they could make their own reference- so that they could develop their own Pi point and take us out of this madness once and for all, then we are all coming back

I don’t have any children but I could be coming back through sum one, I don’t want to come back down here unless The Eye, He who is Seen- says so, but would I want to come back down here and repeat the same sh9t, h3ll no, me tired      

The ancient MaStars saw the seventh day as a period in consciousness development or the attainment of ones own circumference [dot image] where the soul achieves the fulfilment of all innate potential within a holographically projected Merkabah design

The Merkabah is the morphogenetic field of quantified energy that holds the Cosmic species programming that we ascend to in degrees, through successive incarnations

The morphogenetic form holding fields work at the Atomic level by one element transcends and transforms into the vibrational field density of another element

You should be able to visualise using your own potential as a creator to visualise yourself has sum thing greater than the present mundane machine that society has conditioned you to believe you are

Its time to give symbolic frames of reference to the principle of circling [Pi image] by mapping the point of its existence as a reference [the dot] to its existence as a reality [outer circle] and back again

The water waves of Nun, Nun translates, the deep, the abyss, unknown to many is that the KHMT were not only the most prolific builders of monuments and Iy [temple] structures but they were also the most prolific dismantlers of architecture as well, so not only did they build it all, they artistically dismantled it as well to get ready for the next age

Un-identical twins 

The ancient KHMT and Phoenicians and architects and stone masons were MaStars in the science of circling, meaning that many sites where built-in alignment, in conjunction with cosmological cycles and when these cycles were completed, the edifices were dismantled, remodel or the materials that were used are used to construct another [Iy] specifically designed to commemorate the nu cycle

These ancient cosmological sciences are also in the Dravidian cosmological sciences

In the Metaphysical cosmology squaring the circle [read posts on the un-identical twins about the square and the circle that are both 360 each and the circle fits inside the square- this is about energy for each shape holds energy differently] meant that one acts to attain the circumference of ones potential through interaction with Brahma or the Brahma presence within you 

Circling the square on the other hand meant to balance the measure of ones actions through the cessation of all acts taken to and after achieving ones potential and this is represented as the time of Shiva 

The simultaneous actions of both being realised at the same time creates harmony between these two polar activities, striking the perfect balance between the manifested and the unmanifested, wherein we experienced the nurturing preserving presence of a state called Vishnu 

So Brahma was the actions that you took to attain the circle [circumference] and the circling on the other hand is where you squared the circle, you stopped for a moment and took the measure of your actions through cessation of all of your actions and then after achieving ones potential, you look within for all of work that you’ve done without and then simultaneously with the balance of both your angles together you are now in an equilibrium that nurtured both your spirit and your body and that was called Vishnu

Thus, we journey to the centre of the self [cell] only after we can envision a place that is devoid of constructive, destructive thinking
[In the middle (centre) of this image is you]

Which means, you are caught up in the Karmic cycle of constructive and destructive thinking and when constructive and destructive thinking takes place, we get caught up in the cycles that make us think that everything that we destroy in our thinking process we have to rebuild in that same way
-like, I lost my job, so I have to find another one, that is an example of survival imperatives already etched into you because you’ve living on the lower ego-level and being on that lower-ego level means you cannot think or feel [so what if you lost your job, what else could you do] you have not seen yourself do anything in an alternative way other than what the structure as given you to think it

So, the cycle of destructive and constructive thinking which is terminal thinking and that is what you have to get out of aka the terminally of thought
Terminal thinking is pondering on a space within where thought does not exist

[what would you do without thoughts, would your head implode]

Can you ponder a space where your thoughts, the present structures, the present laws that you’ve created, the present geometrics of your thinking pattern comes to a place where you shut that construction site down or could you ponder a place where observation exists, that means you have to shut-up and stop talking to yourself because your thoughts keep you in consent conversation

You’re constantly talking to yourself [I’m talking about all that 90% of things that you do not need to be thinking about and going over and over [pattern] with], the body conscious mentality has you thinking the body is real because you invested most of your intent into what it does and so every time your terminal appetites from your terminal thinking flares up you become a slave to these thoughts and now your lower thoughts are your masters, slavery begins right here [in your mind]

Go to a place where there are no thoughts and be silent 

Brahma [Shiva] Vishnu
IN.ANNA [Kali] and EN.QI are twins [M][F9] 
They are 9ether and not the Indian versions we see today, that is wishful thinking

Please take the time [emit] to reflect for the light is running out

Khefe – Re (Khepri) [appearing like Re] with either Heru (Horus) [far away] or Khonsu [the traveller] or Montu (Menthu) [to fix or to combine] has his inner-eye [minds eye]

Aset (Isis) or Hathor (Atheer) [throne, seat, emotions, the seat of consciousness] 

Rameses (Ra-me-sees) [the begotten sun of Re]

The Schuman is spiking for consecutive days and means sum thing coming in
spikes during the night and day
The sun is earth facing and is letting off big time
All coming from the galactic centre which is the black-hole
Remember the soular systems and galaxies are merging into one

Big energy strikes last night [portal open] 

Charged and ready 

Nature is up-ticking, she is on the warpath, weather systems have ancestral energy within them and are pissed off 

While the world descends into chaos, people against people, life against life all battling for supremacy, there can only be one outcome
Do you remember the series V from the 80’s

Red is inside the field

-and looks like this, energies merging 

Sone waves [light waves] 

White holds all seven chakra [energy] signatures- frequencies, you have a chakra system to process the energy [radiation] stay charged 
Orange is soul energy [soular being] 

The multi-dimensional portal is wide open
there are only two ways to leave this soular system, one is through Sah [SA.HU] (Orion) and the sun, to which both are guarded, this house is sealed and no energy can escape, it is do or die 

Reality check, we have not seen the Ska since 2001

All those incoming meteorites [asteroids] that you see, that NASA will not be able to defect and are coming in to regain the planet [not physically]

The planet is getting to have her own sun [son] the planets sun [Re] is getting ready to ignite and there will be another planet sun [son] and that is how the planet graduates and goes back into the chaos after being down here for so long and the only thing that can live on that sun [son] is other suns [sons] and you have 9ethers living in the sun right now, you have 9ethers living in the subterranean world right now and that is your higher selves who inhabit the subterranean world [netherworld] underworld [Amenti] Asaru [Osiris] is [dead] in the underworld

Your higher-self resides down there that the 6ethers calls Satan, but that’s you down there that is getting ready to come back up

Tehuti [Thoth] is standing on the Amenti [Netherworld] Underworld aka the Subterranean world 

If heaven is up there, then if you were looking down, h3ll would be this planet [plane] and under h3ll is home [Amenti] 

Early on in the year when Etna erupted the volcanic ash is now spouting life
Where nature takes, she returns
-it is the world that is ending, not the planet, learn the difference, she will be here after earth

All crafts have scout crafts with them, there may be only one or two or three crafts in these types of images, but there are over 72,000+ crafts up there with over 300 war-planets in this dimension and sum you will not be able to see with your HuMin [HuMan] eyes 

This planet is surrounded, two F1 fighter jets can see those huge motherships on radar and there is nothing that they can do about it 
The USA is the belly of the beast, the 9ethers over there will receive the most energy for there is a war looming

Lion [Africa] Cobra [India] Bear [Russia] Dog [Europe] Dragon [China]

Many siStars and br'others have turned up to support the cause, they have travelled great light distances to get here and are assembled over AZTLAN [USA] 

This craft looks like an Airship in shape, just sitting there, chilling

nature will be a bit9h for a reason 


6 cameras (eyes) on this spider

Spiral is from the word Spirit, these images are symbolising the flow of consciousness, the flow of the spirit energy [Chi] 

[6] spiral down or spirit down, 33rpm equals 6

[9] spiral up or spirit up, 45rpm equals 9

Play music that uplifts your spirit or at least doesn't bring you down

6 + 9  (don't add them- merge them) = [8]

Egipt (Egypt) Aegyptus Aegyptia [Alexandria]
The Library of Alexandria was burnt down twice between the Greeks and Romans that the 9ethers had built and the Romans built their library over the ruins of the original library
AETHOPIA not Ethiopia, Ethiopia was and still is a country, the NTH gate
At one-point Aethopia [Aet-HO.PI-a] HOPI [HA.PI] was the name for the whole Alkebulan land mass, the Albino Greeks call the Ethiopia people Ether [Eth-iopia] 
Only a Theory because the 6ether needs to see it first

Tree stump [tower] 

Czechia [Germany] Tartaria
Giants once roamed here with small people and normal size people
In ruins now, there are parts missing from the original site
Very similar to other sites around the world
There are added man made influences

The tree was cut down at sum point and would have been a huge tower, you used to go inside the trunk and travel to other places, like with all the other towers around the world 
landing ports and teleportation access also was here  

Etruscans [9ethers]
Later called Troy or the Trojans
the Etruscans made these type of pieces, not the Assyrians [Arabs] 

The more you learn the more you expand your mind, the energy is expanding

There should be no energy working against you right now, as far as the spirit world goes, as far as opposing forces goes- that’s already ascended now, there is no more demiurges for they have already ascended, even the demons have turned into light and the only thing that is left is us

And if you are receiving anything now is because you are creating it out of your own mind and this includes anything that is happening to you that is negative

Between the millennium [2001] when the towers came down, all those particular [Gods] and the ones in heaven rose up, they are all together now, we are the last frontier, so anything that is happening now is you creating it yourself because you might be in a pattern, on repeat, replay of sum thing that you have been doing all your life, it might be a habit, sum of you have made repeated mistakes- as in the same ones over and over

Right now, you have the poWRA and there is nothing standing over you trying to hold you down because too much is happening now, your ego may be playing a role, basically anything that is happening now it is you that is bringing it on and this is why you must change your thoughts [thoths]
-reprogram the mind, mindset, and let go of your fears

There are no groups of demiurges or [Gods] out here

Only do sh9t when the spirit gives it to you, the spirit will guide you through, that is what the spirit guides are there for

There are ways to pull negative energies out, negative perception out and basic ways like getting rid of those who do not flow like you do, even if they are family, if they do not flow and they feel like they are opposing you, cut them loose, do it

If you are conscious then your pineal gland is working, the sun is emitting so many rays [codes] and these melatonin are the sun-spots, so when you see the graphics with sun spots that is the melatonin and these are particles streaming to the planet, to you, they call them soular flares, CME(s) soular streams, all this raises the 9ethers and if you don’t have melanin it is going to destroy you, many uploaders on the internet are staying we should be worried, nope, if you do not have melanin you should be worried,
black hole is ether-melanin-dark-energy streaming

 Have you seen how cold or snow where is shouldn’t be, why is that, who is trying to keep the planet cold, in their mindset they think by doing this [HAARP] that they can avoid the rays, even when its moody outside, the rays are still penetrating the planet and both ethers for different reasons in these seasons














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