Friday, 21 May 2021


The cycles and Femi9 energy

It will be different for everyone given that we are at different levels [waves] but we all have a common theme

The Femi9 [Feminine] energy is on the rise, as the world turns- there is confusion

Everybody has both energies but for the divine Femi9 [Female] she has more and she is the receiver, impute of these energies, however for a while she has been off balance because of the world in which he had made

The world had been operating on Masculine energy for a long time but the Femi9 energy is on the rise and everyone is trying to balance out these energies

The Femi9 energy was off balance when the Female had to be in their Masculine energy, trauma puts you in Masculine energy because you have to use your survival skills, the flight or fight response operates off of Masculine energy and when you are put into survival mode you use your reservoir of Masculine energy [survival mode is Masculine energy]

When you are at ease, going with the flow, when you are in a mutable space, emotional space- that is the Femi9 energy

Chaos is Femi9 energy [IN.ANNA] and many of you have and had been in cycles, patterns, rigidity, circumstances, situations [stimulations], cycles run off of routine and cycles and patterns is Masculine energy and Femi9 energy is chaotic

So a lot of you have been in these cycles because we’ve been in Masculine energy which is doing the same thing, routine, patterns, repeating, looping, responding to situations the same way, dealing with the same energies over and over again, if you are a Female and you have a son or sons, and family members consist of Males, no daughter, workplace is Male dominated, means you are in the Masculine zone, day in and day out

Cyclical energies doesn’t necessarily have to be every decade, there can be 1-3 year cycles, 7 year cycles, however long it takes you to break that cycle, you have been residing in the same place for 20 years, that is a cycle, you work at the same place for 7 years that is a cycle, it’s a pattern, it’s a routine and all of that is patriarchy which equals Masculine energy, the Masculine centred world 
[the five day work is going to be over soon]

We are in the chaotic Femi9 energy and you need to start streaming into this energy for the Femi9 energy is chaos, she is change, so for example if you go to work the same way, dress and eat and come home and you cook and you did that for the last 10 years you need to throw a wrench into this to break the cycle, change employment, eat sum where different, cook sum thing different, anything that you have been doing the same way everyday must be broken, how do I break these cycles, you have to be the one that breaks these cycles, look at generational patterns, we do sum thing different by breaking the cycle, this is the way they have always done it [and you say] I’m not going to do this- this way anymore

[these are circuitry breakers, they change your mindset, they are commands, your brain is a computer]  

In your everyday you are trying to figure out how do I break these cycles, how to break these patterns, you need to do this if you on a spiritual [soul] Ptah, why, because the Femi9 energy is on the rise, its chaotic and means its going to flip the 3D world upside down, boy you turn me, inside out

To throw a wrench in their Matrix, do sum thing different in your everyday life, start switching it up, to get the fluidity going, how do we know this works, look at the Butterfly Effect [watch that movie]

You should learn sum thing new, that you should stop doing certain things, listen to new music, diet, seek real knowledge and more+ to match this nu frequency, and now the Femi9 energy is shifting into shape, one simple change will kick-start the frequency upgrade for you, if you are on a spiritual Ptah, if you have a soul contract you will have and had to make these changes, its starts off small, doors [portals] will open for you, this is how we come out of cyclical and cycles of energies, when you are in the same energies constantly, you have to do sum thing different, partners, family, all these are the same cycles and you have to break these cycles, in Layman terms whatever you have been doing over and over again, do it in reverse

I’m not talking to anyone else other than those who are connected to source, those who are on a spiritual journey, a soul contract, you are not the average nor do you have the same mental capacity that everyone else does, you want to break the common thread because you are not common

Patterns is what keep many deactivated, chaotic energy is what changes this

Chaotic does not mean crazy or out-of-hand, it simply means switch it up

You have small windows in your life where you have it to yourself and in that timeframe, you have to do other things, like on your days off from family or your employment, if you do not make that small window a large window you are going to fail

012345678 9 0 123456789 [1] + [0] is 10, that is a cycle [0] is what takes you into sum thing new, you’re ending and beginning, CV19 can be [1+9 = 1-0] we are coming out of a cycle, during this lockdown many of you couldn’t go to work or do certain things, so you had to create new things, find new things, those that have done this have streamed into their Femi9 energy and are no longer streaming from the Masculine energy

The Masculine energy for at least the last two years has been dying out and is not supported no more and the Femi9 energy has been on the rise to create and you were to create to merge with her and that meant changing sh9t and creating sh9t

The Inauguration; Maya Angelou 'On the Pulse of Morning'
Do not be wedded forever to fear, yoked eternally to brutishness, the horizon leans forward, offering you space to place new steps of change, here, on the pulse of this fine day, you may have the courage to look up and out and upon me, the rock, the river, the tree, your country
-No less to Midas than the mendicant

This is a quote from Maya, the horizon leans forward, offering you space to place new steps of change
She told you already

You have to stream into the reservoir of the Femi9 energy, we know many are streaming, they do not want to go back into the 3D, they do not want to go back into the Matrix, many have found other ways, the other cycle

The balance of the scales is balancing out right now

On the internet, the Ashtar Command and its members are not talking about the Femi9 energy, all they are dealing with is about the love and compassion, being one, adverts on the internet are about new currencies, investments, things to be excited about that are coming next year, don’t worry about now, look to the future type programming, you are going to go down when that cycle crashes

When the Femi9 energy picks up, so will the chaos, but also, so too will the 9ethers and the 6ethers know this, they also know that you are going to rise and they need that energy, many people on tv shows and in movies, adverts are now the 9ether, I wonder why, they need that energy, if they do not have the 9ether participating in their 3D world it crashes, its that simple, this is also why they didn’t wipe the 9ether off of the planet fully- because she [planet] would die full stop, the same reason why nature hasn’t destroyed certain places-yet in the USA because there are still 9ethers holding up the energy in those places, soon you will see 6ethers living next door to the 9ethers- I wonder why

Chaos energy is the 9ether

There is poWRA in the 9ether energy and you can create and destroy from that energy, it has always been that way, energy can never be destroyed and this energy will be in different waves, so you have to figure out where you fit into that wavelength, yes there is going to be violence and death but that may not be your wavelength, but you will need to strengthen those that will be doing whatever it is they need to do in this realm of reality, I could list more, but it is simply that you must find your place in that energy and don’t pay-no-mind to others for everyone is on different waves, contracts

Their false patriarchy doesn’t support the 9ether

The Femi9 energy is letting the 6ether know that you cannot tame me, you cannot tame the 9ether no more, the 9ether has been surviving but now they are going to say no more, they do not want this system [energy] anymore, new timelines are being created where the Femi9 energy is the focus

Sirius [Osiris] is going to rise on the 26.6.2021 and sh9t is going to go down all the way up to that date and beyond, it will be chaotic

Patriarchy energy, the Masculine above the Femi9 energy comes from the Europeans, all the 6ethers and as nothing to do with the 9ethers, so this was their energy cycle and they lived a good life, the cycle is ending and you will have to separate from them because you cannot help them in any way, they accepted their patriarchy cycle and it was forced on the 9ether, the 9ethers cycle is matriarchy, the 6ethers system as nothing to do with ancient spirituality, the 9ether had always known how to balance, keep the balance and know what the balance is but the 9ether had been in their system for so long and had been so far removed from ancient spirituality that the 9ether forgot about her

There have been so many traumas, so many cycles [that you need to break], putting 9ether male against 9ether female is a European concept, homosexuality, transgender, metrosexual, pedophilia, zoophilia, necrophile is not your practices, all they did was to delete their women and try to delete the 9ether wombman, that is how they operate, you didn’t come from that but you’re in that by being in their system [cycle], the female [Femi9] does not exist in their world and their own kind are already with that, however the energy has spoken and you need to separate from their cycle that is, noom, zoom and doomed to delete

We are in the space where the Masculine and Femi9 are to be balanced

The biggest one to deplete the Femi9 energies is trauma, anytime you have trauma to the root, soular plexus and sacral chakra you have an imbalance, its either hyper or under-stimulated in either direction

If you were a man and you were abused by a Female you are going to put out Femi9 energy and you will have an overload of Femi9 energy because you are going to repel and defend yourself against the energy that attacked you, thus you are depleting your Femi9 energy reservoir 

A wombman who was sexually abused by men will tend to over exude the Masculine energy to protect themselves because they are trying to repel the energy that attacked them; however, you do not use Masculine energy against or with Masculine energy as far as Alpha energy is concerned 

Do your spiritual work [shadow], for the Female you use the Femi9 energy, absorb yourself, this does not mean hang out with women, you have to step into your divine Femi9 energy and for the Male you need to pull back into your Masculine energy, so that you don’t have one over the other, those were examples and you are to take the principle of how this thing works, its simply about balance

The 9ether wombman is the chaotic Femi9 energy and the Masculine energy is survival mode [structure, stability, survival], the last real wombman were the grandmothers, they don’t make real wombmen anymore, a lot of people had to grow up with one parent and they missed out in areas in life, you cannot and must not blame your guardian for the areas that you missed out on for they come from a different era and many had to provide for you by any means necessary, emotional stability affected you, the 9ether as just come out of the 400 [512] year curse which saw the destruction of your matriarchy systems, that is a lot to overcome and was in waves, this takes time to heal, please do not dwell on what you didn’t have and focus on what you did have, even the basic necessity of eating, sum people till this day only eat once if that a day, what if I told you that the 6ether knew that the only way to break the 9ethers was to take away their mothers, their grandmothers, take away their men, they knew that you would become dysfunctional without her

Give her Grace and break this fu9king cycle and get into the energy that you belong to but don’t get me wrong, when you need to get sh9t done don’t hesitate to pool from your Masculine energy

Masculine is output, Femi9 is input

The Femi9 is on the rise and many are getting out of mediation and this is why the energy is chaotic, there has been a mediator in everything that we do and when you look at the energy now, everyone is taking out the middleman, you can see this in everything around you, the middleman is being deleted and everyone is going straight to source, the source of all energies, that is the Femi9 energy, no one wants the intermediate anymore, no one wants the mediator anymore, take crypto-currency, that is to take out the banks [the middleman] the mediator, do you get it, aka product to people is what they are saying, the mediator is Masculine energy and the Femi9 energy is chaos which is- we don’t need the mediator or we don’t want the mediator > what can the one do to support the all <

Aquarius is the water bearer which means being in control of the water [currenSea] energy

They are trying to counteract the Femi9 energy, over-stand your assignment so that you inner-stand your assignment so you can execute the assignment, we are going from one space to another space

The Femi9 is the receiver, she is inner-beings and man is outer-beings, her sexual [creative] organs are inside [101 biology], in order to know what intuition is you have to be receptive which is reception aka being able to receive information- overstand it- decode it and process it- integrate it and then she uses output to put it out which is Masculine to relay it to you, hence why she might seem hard on you when she is explaining sum thing to you or disciplining you  

Drink more water, water is Femi9 energy for water [Moya] is receptive, Venus [Lahamu] rules Femi9 energy, you can talk to water and change its properties, its mutable, it’s a currenSea, the 9ether is 70% water, so you can get water direction, use water to increase your Femi9 energy, even colours- know the Femi9 colours, know the chakra colours which are all energies, eat more fruits and vegetation and cut out the meat for fu9ks sake- we are not all supposed to eat the same thing, the planet is a Femi9 energy, so use her and this will increase your Femi9 energy and your output in Masculine, if you are tired then you are using the Masculine too much, you must rest, recharge, Femi9 energy attracts, you even need Femi9 energy to manifest, Law of Attraction is the Femi9 principle because you are receivers- so you sit back and allow things to come to you, the Male is the pursuer- he is the go-out and get-it, hunter, gather, the Lioness goes and attracts and the Lion will take it down for her- those are the two principles working together

You have to be able to receive, codes are coming to the planet and there must be receivers to receive these codes

Man is action, wombman is thought 

When you need to magnetise yourself that is Femi9 energy  

Negative energy is going to get more heavy as the 6ether moves to siphon off energy from the 9ether with whatever scenarios that they will create, the 9ethers emotions, fears, rage, sadness can be used to create sum sh9t and the 6ethers knows this, the fault-lines are created by the 9ethers, this is why they are called fault-lines, because its your fault, the 9ethers energy is the most poWRA-ful, no other race can create like how the 9ether can and they can no longer steal the 9ethers creative property because more and more are activating and the 9ether is going to cut out the middleman [6ether] to do anything for them anymore

Wherever there is culture there are 9ethers culture [occult] its all being revealed

For the Female, you are coming out of survival mode and you no longer need those tools to survive, many wombmen are no longer hurting, join them if you dare, make that leap, take that jump [Neo with the first jump] you have to let it all go Neo [you]

There are those who have excellent material conditions and excellent credit ratings and are emotionally, mentally and spiritually broke, there is going to be a separation coming up, and you are going to have to separate from these people, its coming [2021 = 5 and is a five cycle] five equals change, 5 is the symbol for Femi9 energy 
To end these cycles, one must introduce sum chaos into your life aka switch up your routine aka by going against the grain, no more same reactions that you used to do, be different, be normal, stop fu9king pretending, be real, stay real, stay focused and on point, on your Ptah, come from the heart for in the heart there is peace   

We are a binary system, binary energies

Learn to see the higher perspective [Female perspective] in everything and those that cannot see, let them go

It’s the changing of the guard

IN.ANNA [Lillith] Ishtar [Aset] MA.AT [Ninshubur] Astarte (Ashteroth) [Aphrodite] Venus [Lakshima] Rhiannon [Esther], from the Babylonian female star, star is from ster as in Dis-Aster, a disc shaped star, disaster [Aster - Ishtar- I-Star] 

An occurrence causing wide-spread destruction and distress; a catastrophe

Her symbol was that of war and peace, the universal mother of all living things, she became known as the [goddess] of War, Hate and Lov9 all in one, the [goddess] of emotions, energy in motion, the sun as a star

This is the light that bred the chaos or confusion, confusion against unity, this disc is once again here 

We will be in Venus [Lahamu] transit all the way 

They say great things come from accidents, that is the reason why you were born 

UV reactive blue-red Agate

Olive tree [Italy]


Looks like an eye

Did anyone ever tell you how good you really are, sum times legends work in the cover of darkness in a world full of sh9t

Sum one knows, they like you because they give you more, the higher ones give you more because they like you because you can handle what the others cannot

This is a small compensation to such a large mountain that you have to climb everyday, but know that everyday [cycle] that you keep on turning up- you gain in strength
Soul [Baa] translates Strength, PoWRA-ful, you turning up everyday is a test against your soul, how poWRA-ful it is, your inner strength which strengthens each time you come through a day 

Do not let no one take you under, answer unto yourself, we are close, we are far, we are in the moment


The energy is emotional, there are intermittent sensations flowing through you, regulate your emotions, recognise when you are slipping and sliding and detach from that realm of reality

Plenty of spiking over the last two days

Soular wind [stream] hitting the planet, this is soular energy for soul-ar beings in a soul-ar system
Outside is electrified and howling with the CME that is pounding the planet

Symptoms, violence, headaches, body aches, no appetite, insomnia, irritation heart-flux-palpitations, hot flushes – body hot, fatigue, rages, mental health issues, breakdowns, know sum one this, get the fu9k away from them [5150]  
Internet, power outages+ 

Jellyfish that reside on the seafloor come up to the surface of Heru [Peru] and this only means one thing, impending disaster  

No earthquake and building shakes violently for unknown reasons in Shenzhen [China]
we don't know what these buildings really house or what they really do inside, but sum one does

Nature is tearing apart India [Pakistan] the worlds biggest manufacture of drugs, like the vaccine
Too many train derailments, like sum sort of a trend going on there 
While the world watches the Eurovision contest, nature continues to dismantle this false world 

China [M8+] 

Congratulations are in order if you have taken the vaccine, you are now part of their N.W.O, when they switch on their 5G you will be now online
Get a fridge magnet or magnet and place it over the injection area, on the skin and if it sticks your in a world full of sh9t 

Ecuador ancient arch collapses

red and green 

Energy is penetrating the planet, radiation aka energy, crown energy 

Heru(s) energy came in on the 25.12.20 and is the energy signature red which means warrior, destruction, Ma'at is also universal law and means this energy is controlled her energy, Maat and Heru combined, the energy signature that the 6ether fears the most 

This is a 24hr operation with NI.BIRU on the left pushing all that energy back into the planet

Electron flux, red and yellow and green mixing, blue also, all these images above are showing the same thing
All planets have a crown, you have a crown

These fields [crowns] are like huge walls, they cannot show the other planets because they are in higher dimensions, even though these are illustrations that they are showing here 

Always read data in chakra energy which is called radiation by western science




Nu horizon

Texas, huge crafts, purple backdrop, sum thing brewing 

Texas is going to be punished along with many other states, these crafts and weather systems have 9ethers energy in them, eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, you reap what you sow


The abyss, the deep
Nun swallows the Mekaba NI.BIRU through her mouth [universe] and NI.BIRU travels through her to wherever the destination is
Blue is the underworld [netherworld] Ameti [Amduat]

This image is from 2018, what is beyond those clouds 

Two crafts, one is at the south pole and the other is at the north pole, the planets axis have shifted once again, this can cause off balance in one or two or all three of your bodies
emotional, spiritual and physical 

Check out the lights on the interior of this craft 

This one is on the moon

Oumuamua [Oh-Moo-uh Moo-uh] and means Scout, the word Oumuamua also translates a messenger from afar arriving first

No doubt since 2017 this craft along with the others are in direct communication, crafts like this in shape are referred to as Shams, there are 5 different shapes in that range

Greer set up the Disclosure Project
Find out who his uncle is and then you can connect the dots
Greer talks about crafts all day and no one says nothing to him
Ashtar Command member
defected Reptilians, Greys, negative Pleiades+ 
They have no planet of their own 

Ulmec [Olmec]
Maya [Mayan] is the name of their writing system, when the Ulmec returned they found they had been taught blood sacrifices, so the Ulmec took sum of them to hollow earth and the rest went to Cambodia [Angkor Wat] which housed 750,000

The Indian ones came after, like 600 or 800 years after the Ul-Mec left for good and did not build anything in Mexico  

The Ul-Mec [Ul-Mac] Olmec are pioneer builders

The Ul-Mec device was taken from the wall by the English
Ul-mec [Olmec] Rubber people [the only ones to manipulate the rubber tree [sap] rubber soles, football+

9 cities set up by the Ulmec with La Venta being the capital, cities not villages and is where the
Ul-mec device was situated [calendar-compass+]

Images come from 1885-1895

In the middle of the Ulmec device we find Bes with his tongue out, he was one of seven lead [NTR] Tahites [Pygmy] deities 

Its the last 100 years that everything as happened in that era

Hannibal Barca

Russia [Prussia] 
After the mud flood
Wi-Fi devices
ready made buildings, who was there before, why was the mud flood sent in

Etruscan acoustic theatres [stone holds frequencies 

Neteru Scota
Tanites [Ptahites] Pygmy tribes


One in Portugal and two in Italy and are positioned towards the volcanos island
PoWRA-ful frequency generator with antenna send infrared beams through the sphere you see at the front [disc] satellite dish

These are meridian satellites, there are more around but these ones would be a main hub

Magnetron systems

Data transfer
Power transmission

Portugal houses the name Port like Portal

Places may be under water now but their positions are still locked

The Moors [Ulmec] build all the stone structures in Europe that includes the Castles, Cathedrals and what we call today Churches   

Those twelve sons are the twelve signs of Dendera [Zodiac], why the consistency of twelve, there are 66 books in their Bible [their first Bible] and 72 books in their Catholic Bible [their second Bible] that is based upon Moorish science the Kabbalistic system of writing that was invented by the 9ethers ancestors and handed down through the ancient Osirian mystery system to those who now call themselves Masons which brings us back to the Moors

Qez [image]  is the Fez which means crown that the 9ethers have, meaning when you wear this crown, you are they and they are you, they are you by initiation, you are you by birth

The divine order [Mason] is fragmented now and in parts today its good and in other parts its terrible

The search is about the best of what you really are, the highest possibilities that the universe has granted you, that is what you must activate in your vessel [ship] and this will activate your Christ [Christos] Karast [KRST] energy that will answer you, all answers do not come from the outside, all is answered from the inside and are tailor made for each individual [in-divide] nobody else gets your answers

Many will come in [his] name, that is what it says, how can this be when you are the one, no one can tell you how it ends to begin..only you know....ssSShh [finger on lips]        

















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