Galatea [Galaxy]
This soular system is charging up, this soular system and galaxies are going to spin counter-clockwise which is a number 9
All planets [plan E.T = Plans of the extra-terrestrials]
or plaNET are discs
[Nehast] means to wake up, to awaken to the higher
Heru [Haru] Horus [Harakhate]
Haru Mountainous House, Far Away
The eye [Ayin] of Heru [Wadjet], the bio-technology is
within you, activation is essential to your awakening
It will make sense to you regardless in any language
Letting go of the [need] to be the individual controlling
the outcome the more the field, which is self-intelligent, self-aware, self-transcendent,
can move through you
Holographic Omnipresence
Principles (including string-code)
Electrons in a carbon atom in the HuMin brain are
connected to the subatomic particles that comprises every fish that swims,
every heart that beats and every star that shimmers in the Ska [sky]
It is about inhabiting it all and living it all, being in
the now
The body [Khat] is the only ship to navigate the sea of
Staying in the now is everything you will ever need
Falling out of this is going into a state of flux, and
your energy is not balanced anymore; you just go round and round, you spin, and
the energies that are supposed to be only love laughter and joy and fun are
transformed into fear
We are beginning to see the entire universe as a holographic interlinked network of energy and information, organically whole and self-referential
at all scales of its existence
We, and all things in the universe, are connected with [each
other] and with all other things in ways that are unfettered by the hitherto
known limitations of space and time
Functional Activity
They are part of a well thought out plan to cut off the
direct link between living, lived and life
Three principles of living, lived and life
Let’s start with the beginning life, existence, be it
intelligent by human [humin] standards, or in that intelligence within itself,
as in the case of a jelly fish that has no brains but works off of an [instinctive]
Original life caused living, and once time and change as
consumed the original form as in the case of sperm, to foetus, to baby, then
the original is absorbed in what it’s becoming
Then lived is accomplished when it has reached the peak
of what it is to become, and man [mind] has not reached that peak, he is
metamorphosing into totality, perfection
Thus, you have life, living and lived, and that applies
to atoms and cells as well
Atoms and Cells only differ in the way that they are
measured, that is it, cells work off of electrical impulses, nerve endings, and
atoms work off electrons
In both cases you see the word electra, electron:
electronegative, from the New Latin elevtro-, from Latin electrum, amber, from
Greek electron
This is where you get the word Lucifer [Lu-Cell-fer]
-amber light
The true meaning of electron- electro, or electronics is
to select or choose, from Middle English electen, from Latin eligere, elect, to
select: e, ex, + legere, to choose; Tron is from Trans >> to move from
place to place, as the soular system has a central sun of Helium and Hydrogen,
which would be the nucleus of the Atom [Atun]
The planets moving around the sun would be the electrons,
and as there is a set pattern and system controlled by forces, the same would
apply with electrons in motion around the nucleus, as a planet [discs] rotates
and revolves around the sun, thus electronics would yield the meaning, selected
motion, energy in motion
This is what existence is all about, repeated soular
systems [you]
Whether its atoms or cells
This energy is what gives the Atom substance, messengers
of truth
They bring the message or none would know of existence
Hebrews said the Yahweh, Christians said the Thehos, and
Muslims said Allah, while many others say even other things as names
They will soon find out they are wrong for Yahweh, Thehos
and Allah are physical manifestations, through what a mortal says Yahweh, Moses,
Thehos, Jesus, Allah, Muhammad, and only are identified with the physical plane
by way of these messengers with whom they would not exist
When true existence is not determined by the hen, the
shell of the egg, or the source of such a well organised system of growths and
changes form to becoming, is this the beginning, many think so but in
actuality, you can’t determine a beginning until the end
To inner-stand this principle, time, time is the key and
change is the motive
For you see, in the religious mind, the beginning was
caused by one super natural all-knowing god, forgetting the principles of
error, malfunctions, deformities, and space, all caused by energy
This energy did not exist before their god created it, of
course this is merely a belief, for the point over-looked is the area which
fell between the nucleus, an Electron, it was of total emptiness >>a vacuum<< the dwelling place of their
deity, before creation and creatures to acknowledge its existence
So where does god exist in creation, the god of religion
who either declares or thinks things into existence must be in the centre
Why you whisper, because think about it, to think forward
is to acknowledge backwards
In order for future to exist, past must have already
existed, so if god started existence from one specific point in time, then time
To see god at the beginning of any point would be depreciating
his abilities to be at the centre of all things at the same time
This principle applies to space and god, if there is one
god, there must be another to determine the principle of one
You have no need of a one, if there is not a two and so on,
and you can’t have a one, without percentages of itself
Each percentage would subdivide into even smaller
percentages of itself
So the principle of Allah, (Rab) or Eloh (God) or Yahweh
(God), Adonoi (Master), being this individual who commands things into being is
to acknowledge that this individual is just that, an individual out of many, an
One of the beings divided or simply a Neter (Eloh) of the
These beings called by different names in different
cultures are those that seeded the planet now called earth
The earth is an electron moving around the nucleus as the
sun, electrical storms on the sun’s surface coming from its centre and erupting
on its surface, resulted in the planet moving away from the sun and getting
caught in its gravitational pull
This turning of atoms of crystallisation still continued
Every element originated from Hydrogen, because in order
to obtain sum thing, you have to start with
nothing-ness>>>VOID<<< if any god is one and alone, having no
equals, then he or she is the Hydrogen atom, think on that
And the most abundant element in the universe is Hydrogen
Hydrogen is in the vapour by ultra violet radiation from
the sun who is symbolic of the Tama-Rean (Egyptian) NTR [deity] Re [Ra]
It is in all things and where it is not, there is no
life, it’s one and alone being the first on the element chart
Re (Ra) translates creative power, to make (the suns
3 geneticists making one
Atum-Re [The Undifferentiated One]
Amun-Re [The Hidden One] (Deity of Mystery)
Atun-Re [The Unique One]
Nut [Ska] Nu [Nun] Mut [Mu]
Atum [Creator]
Shu [Air]
Tefnut [Moisture]
Geb [earth]
Nut [Ska]
Asaru [Underworld] Aset
Sutukh [Set]
Heru [Kingship]
[Bible story of void and darkness]
Chart of the Creator (God) and the Nine9 Ennead (Sedjet) Nedjer
SALAF-U (ancestors) and Paa NeTjers (universal ancient ancestors)
The nucleus is made up of protons and neutrons,
P=Positive and N=Negative, souls and spirits [you]
These particles are in turn made of trios of even older
and more fundamental particles, the quarks
Trios=three or Om, Sal, Afsu, the three original suns
then came Shamesh
Shamesh [my sun]
Om [Sun] On [Sun] the three suns or triad
Aum (Owm) Sound of Life [144]
Now we’ve reached the realm of the nuclear forces
(read the laws to the Tetrahedron)
Proton are stable, positively charged sub-atomic
particles in the baryon family having a mass bigger than that of an electron
From Greek Proton, neuter of Protos, meaning- first
The proton is a nuclear particle having a positive charge
identical in magnitude to the negative charge of an electron, and together [to
gather= not the same] with the neutron, a constituent of all atomic nuclei
The proton is also called a nucleon, as is the neutron
The proton forms, by itself, the nucleus of the Hydrogen
The mass of a proton is bigger than that of an electron,
consequently, the mass of an atom is contained almost entirely in the nucleus
The proton has an inward angular momentum, or spin, and
thus a magnetic moment
In addition, the proton obeys the exclusion principle
The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom
determines what element it is; the atomic number of an element denotes the
number of protons in the nucleus
In Nuclear Physics, the proton is used as a projectile in
large accelerators to bombard nuclei to produce fundamental particles
Proton plays an important role in chemistry
Proton energy is the highest form of light, highest form
of light that can manifest physically is Protonic light, this is atomic level
Neutrons are uncharged particles, they act as small,
individual magnets
Inserted is the inner eye, the mind’s eye, allowing us to
connect to the universe, the eye allows you to see beyond what you don’t know,
it allows for configuration
The eye of Heru, also called the [Wadjet] or [Udjat]
(Ayin = Eye), this also allows for the Supreme Beings to watch through us, from
a Supreme Being(s) point of view, you can convey your thoughts and receive
instructions through your inner eye
What are you looking at, this is a dome, left and right hemisphere, as above, so below
on the left is the eye of Heru [Horus] and on the right is the eye of Re [Ra] which is in you and above you
The eye of Re (Ra), also called the [Uteti] the eye of
[Re] the MaStar eye [camera = Ka-Ma-Ra], the Sun watches us, the eye of Re
allows for a Supreme Being to view from their point of view, an intimate one to
one with what is going on in the world from ground level
The Reptilian [Triune] brain before we were upgraded, all
reptiles have an inner eye
NI.BIRU is the Neutron Star
The earlier collision between NI.BIRU [Neutron Star] and
Earth [Tiamat, Ball of Water] meant that the genetic compatibility between the
two was assured
The KHMT [Egyptians] were known as alchemists, that is
Chemists, as you can see by the names of the Neteru [deities] and what is
ascribed to them, they begin before the manifestation of nature and matter as
you know it, which puts them into sub-atomic energies, as Quarks, bi-aps and
The weight of a Zede on the elemental chart of matter as
you know it Zedes would have no sum, or weight, making them nothingness when
weighed on the scale of sum, to sum thing with weight by the law of measurement
Its centre contains the neutrons and protons
So, you can see where they get the concept of gods,
living in a spiritual realm, other than the physical realm would be the link
from the material plane into the plane of force, on to what becomes known as
the spiritual plane, then the mental
Notice, there are four planes, and the word quarks, or
Quantum is from the number four [4D]
This is where they get their spiritual spook world from,
they refer to them as plasma, plasmatic energy, and exo-plasma
The word plasma is from the New Latin, from Late Latin,
image, figure- from Greek, from plassein, to mould, where energies and gases
are moulded into images, called etherians, god level [9] Ether is a combination
of all existing gases in nature
To the religious community, spiritual or angelic beings
It is all energy, atoms, protons, electrons and neutrons
and those forces which make them up
In addition, a symbol, the initial of the elements, to
which it belongs is also used to identify an atom
Beryllium atom, appearing [4] on the Periodic Table, has
an atomic number of four on the sum of things, yet, on the un-sum of nothing
its- 4 ether as opposed to matter 4
The element is identified by the initials [Be]
An atomic weight of 9.012 or 9.0 [9]
As above, so below, as within, as without, as the
universe, so the soul
The sun is a Nucleus and Ki [earth] and the other planets
are electrons [the neutron is in the centre]
[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultra-Violet Light [UV]
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gam-ma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray
U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of Black (Kaanu)-light
coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system
The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in
[cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2]
NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on
These are your 6 protons [6 electrons] 6 neutrons making
18 [1+8 = 9]
The 3 types of cosmic rays come in 3wave-lenghts and are;
[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves
Aka [the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]
There are Laws to the Tetrahedron which is circumscribed
by the square [cube] 360
Three forces of the Universal Law
[1] gravitation [physical attraction]
[2] electromagnetism [emotions]
[3] the weak [love] and [4] strong [hate] nuclear forces [emotions]
The nature of things [seen] and [unseen]
These rays are produced Ki [earth] when high energy
particles collide Cosmic-Ra-ys from space in the atmosphere
While this reaction prevents the arrival of radiation at
the surface, Gamma rays can be dominated by this scene, for each of the heavens
and earth, as you see from the great space [ocean] currenSea
The Blue [life force energy] colour in the image
represents low X-rays, and Green is [healing life force energy] Ultraviolet rays [Green and when the rays hits the planet goes Purple]
Gamma Rays is overloading this planet at the edges of
the image
Cosmic Gamma Ray sources extend beyond the Milky-Way
Green and Blue
Remember the sun does not rotate like how NAS show you,
the sun rotates exactly like a clock
Alpha = Electrical [Mu = Mass] Masculine
[Nu = Vibration] Nu[Nun]Nut translates, the abyss, the
deep, vibration
[E = MC2] in the equation, the increased relativistic
Mass [M] of a body times the speed of light squared [C2] is equal to the
kinetic Energy [E] of that body
Omega = Magnetic [Femi9] Electron
Electromagnetic Magnetic
Electric Electromagnetic
Emotions [e-motions] energy in motions
Masculine and Femi9
There are plenty of cubes, spheres and triangles up there
The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun]
is Septet [SIB.TU] [Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and is a dark
force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the
red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the
[electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun] SAARE [SAARU] SARA SUN [STAR] ISHTA
Nemesis and
NI.BIRU are the same system [binary]
400hz [500hz] baseline rate
Minimum 100hz
Data is missing [grey patches]
The electromagnetic [electron magnets] is amplifying
Monday saw spiking all day, this is why I wrote first part of this post, sh9t is taking place and they are hiding the data big time, Re is letting off and we have a serious CME that is due
Your emotions will be intermittent sensations [HAPI, sad, angry, feeling sorry for yourself, don't dwell in areas of your life], if you are sensitive to change, keep focused, don't play sad music or get involved in dramas, stay grounded
This was from Monday and the whole planet was ready and willing, totally charged, finger on the trigger
That was deep, for all those nests, underground bases
Crafts are creating these tornados, water spouts
Pipe shuts down in the US [Oil reserves were always going
to run out] so will food and water
The person that does these uploads is religious and is
mixing the information, what [God(s)] are causing the destruction, is it
Satan-Lucifer or who they also call the Devil, if not, who is it, who are these
people praying to
They say that they yellow curve is the bow-stock, lets go with that, the bow-stock bent inwards
Purple [gamma] ultraviolet energy is penetrating this planet
Chakra energies [radiation] streaming through with the Red [Heru and Maat combined sitting pretty]
Red is the energy that the 6ethers fear the most
Incoming, see all that red
Red portal double sphere
4D is coming online
No rain or a bow
Full Chakra frequency
Spites [spirits] the deep ocean [crystal water] aka
space, space is the deep ocean and all that dwells in the deep ocean is present
in space
Mala-ysia [Mela-nin] [y-sia = Asia]
Hi-Mala-ya [Mela-nin]
Mala [Mela]
Main craft with three scout crafts in tow
Huge fleets, armadas, clusters, spaceports-carriers are
in the ska, streaming across the fringes of reality, look up and see an army of
angels- angles of light
Oman [Omen] Amen [Amun]
Gets heavy plasma lighting
strikes, crafts are supervising and are the ones blasting the plasma over the doomed
state [look at the craft in the background]
This little girl stands there and is not scared while the strikes rain down around her
They will descend into chaos over a piece of land that
does not belong to either group, go ahead, knock yourself out
Meanwhile churches and mosques burn down and religions merge into one, what does that tell you
Whoever controls the Ska, controls this planet and its not man, Allah or Jesus
Different strikes [bolts]
Is that a chance in a million or was that car in the right place at the right time
Nature doesn't make mistakes
Purple weather [craft] cell
The Galactic Federation of Light [Ashtar Command] say that they are,
currently re-evaluating launch timing for their next test flight
Its unclear when their first commercial flights will take
All their millionaires and billionaires have been waiting for over a decade
The Galactic Federation of Light are going nowhere, 2014
saw the Galactic Federation take out their craft, this house is sealed
In reality this was to appease those that held up the
false world, you were never leaving, the doors shut 20 years ago, this house is
sealed and no one is leaving without approved authorisation
It is only the clones doing the rounds, many others it is
complete face masks that they are wearing, the real ones have either gone
underground or have been taken out or cloned
They have been walking amongst us since at least 1945 and when Hitler gave up two of the seven clones he had made
With the likes of Hitler who sold out the 6ether [HuMan]
races to other negative beings, like the Greys, the negative Pleiades and
Ashtar Command, it is forbidden to experiment or abduct the 9ether
Jews, anyone who is [white] albino [no pig-ment] like Russians to Turkish, Chinese [all Orientals],
Indians, Arabs, Native Indians [Mongolians] South Americans whether Brazilin
-Paraguay, Columbian, Italians, Greeks and more+ are all 6ethers, if you are
not [black] 9ether the you are 6ether
Even the Nazareth [Nazaroth] [Locks] are different within the
9ethers who the Nazareth are an original lineage
The 6ethers were created on the earth and are not from
the earth, the Annunaqi seeded this planet with their off-spring
So, when you read articles like this, the 9ether is not
HuMan, they are HuMin beings, these articles are talking about their races
only, the history of evolution is about their evolution not the 9ethers
Many are making their way across the borders
While others were on horses and carriages, many had
crafts and Vimana(s) and used Mercury
The MIR [MER] MARE (Pyramid) Miraat recorded in KHMT and
the Babylonians and Sumerians called them Ziggurats, this architecture was brought
to this planet
Ulmec [Olmec]
Fuelling depo[Craft park]
Craft (car) park
Liquid Mercury deposits [safely]
Blue life-force and is also the colour of the Amenti
[Amduat] Netherworld [Underworld] subconscious world [spirit world] holographic
Attention to detail
Nebthet [Nebthoot] (Nephthys) Nekhbet or Aset (Isis) [siStars]
both wear the Ner [vulture] Headdress, she is on the left in blue and means she
is in the underworld and holds the Waas, next could be Khonsu or Heru or Montu
who all have the Ba-uz [falcon] avatar- his body is brown but his head is blue
Next is who the inscription says is Tutankhamun, but may
be Rameses, whose head is red and body is brown, both (Heru) and Tut or Rameses
both have one leg in different colours, and on the right is Amun [the hidden
Above is the soular disc with the two [Uraeus] Naja
If this peace hasn’t been tamped with, then maybe they
are between worlds, transmission, brown means the living man and blue the dead
man aka the physical world and the holographic [spirit] world
The apron is called [El] Khajur, the noble Headdress [El]
Namuz, the Flail [El] Khu, the scepter [El] Hiq, the staff [El] Waas
This piece features gold, glass inlays, ivory, intricate
design spanning the last 10,000 years at least
Amun holds the Ankh, as well as its connection to the
symbol of truth and strength and is a device, its also linked to Ki-Ngship [PAA
The children of Mu
Even though Mu [Muur] Moor is a describing word, the term does have a root, LAH.MU which they call Mars is from Muur, LeMuria, BerMuda- all have Mu in there and Kammu
[the Lyra Kat beings in KHMT]
Shen [Ankh]
Wi-Fi devices
They could cut stone with sone
These are a delegation [ambassadors] in what is called
Iran today, Iran is part of Mesopotamia [Sumerian] Babylonian [Typhonian]
This delegation is from Abyssinia [Ethiopian] and called the
All these pieces were adored in beautiful colours on
these 3D layer printed images, those who didn’t want you to know the truth
spent time cleaning these images clean, not just in Sumeria but in KHMT and
Nagalan also, but humans make errors
Algeria [North Alkebulan]
Albino Bear [Kanada]
Why are many animals losing their pigment, may be they are clone, in South Africa [ABZU] they released a Cape Buffalo they had cloned and the clone gave the rest of the herd Ammonia
Protozoa which is from the Greek language Proto meaning
first in time- and Zoa from the word Zoia meaning Animals
The word Pre- simply means before and history [his-story]
comes from middle English histoire, from Old French, from Latin historia, from
Greek, from historein, to inquire, from history, learned man [man means mind]
learnt mind, simply before the acquisition of knowledge
Theory comes from Latin Theoria, from Greek theoros
meaning spectator, from thea, a viewing + oros meaning seeing
[make note that, though they call it a theory, they say
seeing is believing
-when in actuality hearing and reading is believing, and
seeing is knowing]
Archaea after the Greek word for ancient, Archaea mean(s)
Critters, meaning proof of a third form of terrestrial life [Archaea]
[The Maldekians [lizard beings] called Dinosaurs also had made their
residence beneath the water]
Dinosaurs means terrible lizard
The Nazi images and a few more are for illustration but the artifacts are very real
Cthulhu [Kutulu], are relative to each other and derive
from the same ancient Mesopotamian root word
In the Simon Necronomicon’s Introduction, under the
section entitled Octopus are not from this planet, was is an actual Mesopotamian [deity]
Deity is a word for the Roman word [God]
Neteru is a recorded name simply meaning [God] or Supreme
The Underworld in ancient Sumer was known by many names,
among them ABSU [ABZU] or Abyss, sum times as Nar Mattaru, the great Underworld Ocean,
and also as Cutha or KUTU as it is called in the Enuma Elish (the Creation Epic
of the Sumerians) tablets
The phonetic similarity between Cutha and KUTU and
Chthonic, as well as Cthulhu, is the same, the word KUTULU or
Cuthalu (Lovecraft Cthulhu Sumerianised) would mean The Man of KUTU (Cutha);
the Man of the Underworld- who is the Lord [Neb] of the Underworld
The list of similarities, both between Lovecraft’s
creations and the Sumerian gods, as well as between Lovecraft’s mythos and Crowley’s
magic can go on nearly indefinitely because there is a source
This figure was known to the Sumerians as KullulĂ»,
meaning fish man
The Kullulu was a guardian figure, a dweller of the
sacred Absu [Abzu], the watery underground domain of the God Ea [we are dealing
Figures of the fish-man were often concealed in the
construction of buildings to serve as protective symbol and domain, the figure
was associated with the [god] Dagan [Dagon] Dragon [Draco]
Dagan was a vegetation [god] [Osiris] Asaru
[KU] is the Sumerian determinative sign indicating any
type of Fish or aquatic animal or plant, as well as a representation of the underwater
realm, and associated with the unconscious-sleeping mind where in ENKI and NANNA
communicate to us via dreams
[TU] is a linking verb meaning -that which belongs to or is
a part of and is generally located between two key signs, or as an appended
[LU] is the determinative sign used generically for all
of Humanity and does not indicate gender, other signs are used to indicate the
genitive case such as EN for male and NIN for female
Therefore KU.TU.LU means literally Fish belonging to Man,
or inversely Man of the Fish, the fish-man being one of the seven AphKaLu
(Great Sage’s) as Oannes in the fragments of Berossus, which is a manifestation
of either ENKI or his messenger Idimmud
Archaea after the Greek word for ancient, Archaea mean(s) Critters, meaning proof of a third form of terrestrial life [Archaea], these are your Critters
Mount Cootha (Kutha) Kutulu in Australia, the Aborigines
know this word, they can destroy what they can but the truth is set in stone
The Femi9 electron energy will save the day, she is always there to save us, but you must go to source, the world is in troubled waters, it will increase, give gratitude for what you have now, you won't believe the amount of sh9t that you are being protected from or maybe you do know
S-he is going to restore, balance, that which is straight, order, but first chaos must consume the planet
One day its going to change for you but know that no condition is permanent..
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