720 [360]
The cube and sphere are un-identical twins, each shape
[cube-triangle-sphere] all transmute energy in different ways
The cube has 6 sides and 8 corners which create the 14th
The cube deals with motion, energy, speed, sone, vibrations,
frequencies, evolution and revolution and radioactive plasma
NI.BIRU travels with 8 other satellites and we can see
them around the sun and moon, they are there to ensure the flowing and evolving
of the frequency, vibration, energy, energy in motion
This cube as four different composites within the cube itself
The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU]
[Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and is a dark force field -cubed,
the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is
NI.BIRU, and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu
[Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]
Nemesis and NI.BIRU are the same system [binary]
Neb Heru [NIBIRU] the Merkabah [vessel] Chariot of the higher ones
Magnetic energy converted to kinetic energy causing
motion, magnets the side of New York city and sum smaller on NI.BIRU
The Electronics on NI.BIRU are Bluetooth, the screens are
hologram, the 24 feet gauge wires are around the outside
NI.BIRU is built like a piece of jewellery or charm, like
a ring, one solid crystal with perfect cuts, the wires is like the trim
NI.BIRU was parked on the other side of the sun outside
the asteroid belt
There are 12 NI.BIRU(s) that were made in the fleet
NI.BIRU is like Air-Force-One
11 NI.BIRU(s) are active now in the galaxy
Feathered bird is also the symbol
NI.BIRU is piloted by an interface chair
Locked with a DNA Code
Most of our ships have this chair, like the Atlantic
fleet and Anu fleet of Destiny
Size of Jupiter
NI.BIRU has a 36 mile antenna on the top, that can sent
signals anywhere in the galaxy
Neb Heru
NIBIRU is coming from the spiritual world into the
physical world [the holographic world aka the spirit world is right behind
NI.BIRU and the Sun], the earth [Ki] is already in the 9D
NIBIRU is bending time = light, they have tilted this
soular system, the earth, the moon, the sun and the entire soular system for
their desired outcome, we are under the StarStations supervision
NI.BIRU there are many other names for this Star-Station,
this is the chosen chariot of a group of Supreme Beings, who are also Guardians
and Providers of many Soul-ar system
This is our magnetic sun, the one they fear the most, Re
(Sun) is pushing back further to make room for NIBIRU who will rule the
Northern skies and Re the Southern skies
The word NI.BIRU is from the ancient Sumerians as found
in the Chaldean, Accadian, Aramic and Ashuric as NA.BARA (Nabara) to raise, to
elevate, to go up
The Star-Station(s) is coming from another dimension, the
spiritual [holographic] dimension, for NIBIRU is a spiritual craft and is stripping this
dimension down and upgrading it to theirs in order to meet the requirements,
number9, in physical appearance the composition of NI.BIRU is; antenna at the
top, 1 of 4 stones, Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald, Diamond, placed at the top part of
the craft, Solar panels the size of pin heads, top and bottom
4 magnetic force areas (they look like panels) the panels
are in the middle part of the craft with the Emerald stone in the centre, in
the middle that rounds around the cube is a magnetic conductor, hologram beam
at the base
Jupiter sized+, cloaking device, crystal top frame, then
middle splits and the bottom also has a crystal frame+
Travels at light-speed [AKUR] (Giza] connected to the main motherboard
The Star-Station is emitting a pulse you feel, sense the
Soul Ma-star, not through sight, the human-eye-sight, the inner minds eye
The same coordinates as the EKUR (Giza) are the same for
light-speed to which NIBIRU travels at
NI.BIRU does have an environment, only those genetically
calibrated for transformation and transfiguration will be transported there
NI.BIRU is multi-dimensional, holographic, cubed,
Tetrahedron, Megaton, MIR [MA.RE] MER (pyramid) shaped Star-Station, they can
form any shape within their sacred geometry that they brought with them
There are more than one NI.BIRU(s), 8 satellites also
shadow the main Star-Station, making nin9 when in unison
Also known by;
#Merkabah chosen vehicle of the elite
#NBERU (Throne)
There are many names of the same source, reflecting the
different time periods, different interpretations from the different cultures
and civilisations that recorded and interacted with the Supreme Beings
Since the Star-Stations reintroduction to this Soular
System, that is named the 18th-Draco System, they have been guided in by the
144,000 [144hz] souls who are managing the Star-Stations final approach, there are no
crew members sitting at the forefront or captains log of NIBIRU, they have been
in and out of time zones, realms, expanses since they got here, these are
entities, spiritual masters, ether-beings, nin9 level, the highest number in the universe,
they are (God) level status, they are not here to serve us, we go to source, there are over 6,000 different beings on NI.BIRU
The craft emits a pulse, a frequency, yes we can see the
StarStation, for a minute, the dimensions of this world have been upgrading,
some at a different rates depending on which four corners of this world
The upgrading is being done to match their dimensions,
the upgrade applies to you, you do not use your human eyes to see NIBIRU, and
at any rate you they are emitting a pulse, frequency, tune-in and drop out,
inner-eye meets red-eye
We are involved in a soul revolution it’s not a evolution, we have been here before, all is merging into one
NIBIRU as locked this soular system down, no-one or being
is leaving, the Galactic Federation are present and are streaming over the ska because they own it, a stand-off had been occurring, the Vatican and NASA have been in
dialogue, after top secret you have 38 levels, above that is a handful to 30
mixed beings [namely Ashtar Command] that have made earth their home, unfortunately, they are not from
nature and so must leave
The Annunaqi [AnuNaga] want to walk the planet, many of
us are still trapped here, many cannot break rank, the elite members are still
here but the earth must be purified before this can happen
SA.HU (Orion) Septet [Sibtu] (Sirius) has changed, there
is a huge amount of activity taking place, the gateway is surrounded and
protected, no-one is leaving, the only way out of here is through Sahu, NI.BIRU is here to ensure we make Sibtu [Septet] Septet
The three stars or three Ki-ngs from Sah or Orion's Belt are coming from the 19th galaxy,
this is a holographic gateway
111+111+111 = 333
222+222+222 = 666
333+333+333 = 999
123+123+123=369 what's the point
Birth is an existence in itself (1/3)
Life is an existence in itself (2/6)
Death is an existence in itself (3/9) birth life and
death are actual living entities that you learn from, they are actual one of a kind
type being(s) as the only beings we are aware of in the 7[8] and the 9th
The shield also as a full coloured [rainbow] rim
History already knows about the shield
Image of St Maurice [Maur-Muur] with a [halo] around his
There is a conscious shield [Halo] around the sun, all
planets are getting one and so are you
Countless images now show the sun and his shield [Halo]
and one must consider that in sum places around the planet- you are in darkness
The sun crosses from the Northern hemisphere [hemi means
half- dome-sphere] to the southern hemisphere, NI.BIRU is also known as the
planet of the crossing, the sun is electrical and NI.BIRU is magnetic, the
[Jesus Christ] story is based on the 9ether, we will leave out the [Jesus] name
but keep the Christ [Christos] name which is based on the word Karast [KRST]
and is an energy
When you deactivated [died] on the cross that is your eye
[Wadjet], becoming dormant and when NI.BIRU or the sun or both rise up- your
eye is activated when they cross the equator, remember this planet is one plane
and is not a sphere [hemi means half and is talking about half a sphere – dome]
Every planet and NI.BIRU are lining or aligning up
The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU]
[Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and is a dark force field -cubed,
the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is
NI.BIRU, and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu
[Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]
Nemesis and NI.BIRU are the same system [binary]
The sun is going to go dark [black-out]
[Sirius is the dark-cube and will block out the main sun
of this soul-ar system]
The sun is not setting in his normal place and you can
see this with sum of the images coming from around the world
When the sun is rising and setting we can see NIBIRU is
behind the sun and is rising and setting with him, at times we see NI.BIRU just
off to the right behind or left behind but they are interacting
The red-eye [NI.BIRU] is activating DNA, the 9ethers are
those with 90% [dormant-junk] DNA [RNA] and there are the 6ethers who have
animal DNA, this is important because the codes [sun-light] from the sun is
unlocking-upgrading those with dormant DNA [DEA is your celestial ingredients]
The sun is being blocked by the powers that used to be to
stop the codes reaching the planet and the receives of such codes
We have not seen the sun since 2001 at least
The sun is encoding many and is to why they want you to
take the vaccination as this alters your DNA, they do not care about their own
kind because they need to cull [N.W.O] anyway, but they do not want many to
activate with the bulk being the children of the 9ethers
We are getting real close to where the activation will
become too much to hide and then they will enforce the vaccination
The planet is on her way to heaven [haven] aka Sirius
[Septet] Set [Sothis] Sibtu which is the 5th dimension
No one is leaving, this house is sealed and no energy can
escape, planes are flying lower and coming in at different flight paths because
radiation is burning the pilots up, engines cutting our or burning out, the sun
is white and white holds all frequencies and is emitting radiation and that
radiation is called U.V.C
The sun [sol] APSU is a womb, a multi-dimensional portal,
a black-hole, a city
There are three types of UV [Ultraviolet] radiation
[1] U.V. Rays [2] Gamma rays [3] X Rays
Which are coming from the sun aka Re [Ra] [Ray] who are
the three types of energies and each Re or Ra is called;
[1] AtumRe [HaRu] Ultraviolet Rays, black-light, purple
[2] AtunRe [Asaru]
[3] AmunRe = the hidden one or hidden light which is a
part of the 3black-lights called; UV [Gamma] and X-rays
Or you can read it like this;
[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultra Violet Light
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gam-ma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray
U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of Black (Kaanu)-light
coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system
The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in
[cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2]
NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on
The 3 types of cosmic rays come in 3 wave-lenghts, being;
[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves
[the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]
Trios = three [tri] or Om, Sal [Sol] Afsu, the three
original suns then came Shamesh, the sacred names of the three suns, Shamash,
Afsu and Utu of Sumeria and in KHMT they are recorded as Atun, Amun and Atum,
and Hu, Huhi and Huwa is the etheric
counterparts of the netherworld, these beings once dwelled in this realm and
now they are guiding forces and controlling forces from beyond this world,
working as the involuntary, to the voluntary in the HuMin body
The original tri-ad of Ptah, Hika and Sia, Huhi is one of
the creative forces of will- that constantly accompanies Re [Ra] the sun Neteru
[deity], the source of life, the provider of sustenance in this world, the
This highest triad is the triangle with the eye of Re in
the centre, and the three points of the triangle represents Atum
[undifferentiated one- in creation] the full disc-morning is Atun [the unique
one- in life] and Amun [the hidden one- at death-netherworld] full disc at
Re[Ra[ whose tone [wavelength] vibrated as Aum (Om)
Shamash became a disc of Hydrogen and Helium, an active planet called Aum,
containing all of the planets, moons and satellites which make up this soul-ar
system until they spread out
Gamma radiation or energy destroys anything that is
artificial to this soul-ar system and planet
UVC radiation is a mutating wavelength and the most
poWRA-ful wavelength in the universe
The 9ethers have [1] PROT-on [2] NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on
which are their [666] and will protect them along with KAA.NU from the
radiation and convert it into energy that they can process and it will destroy
everything else
The UV changes your DNA, its alters the molecule
structure of your DNA from the inside out, all these images of different
coloured ska-lines many look amazing or beautiful to most but what many failed
to grasp is that they are being deleted from the inside out
The Ozone-layer, Electromagnetic field, Van Allen Belt,
Dome are all the same thing and is going to drop full stop and at times cuts
out to let in the radiation and as you can see India is getting at the moment
[whenever you see the numbers being given out by your powers that be in an earthquake
of those dying from CV- and the virus that they have unleashed- its treble that
Man made UV is used in labs as a detoxifier
4 years ago the Moon went on a 33degree [angle] passage
over the USA and your man Jesus died at 33 and you have 33 vertebrates up our
spine [Jacobs ladder or Osiris back-bone] the Moon went from the west-coast to
the east-coast over all those states, at the top of you spine is your eye,
stick out your arms and that is your cross, your eye is Jesus and your energy
is called Karast [Christ] or Kundalini, your eye is the doorway, it is your
seat of [God] the seat of consciousness [throne-seat-pulpit] and is where you
sit out, forget your body, it is the eye that is the driving force-seat
The [Halo] is white and white holds all frequency codes
or chakra colours, there are seven but its nine and thirteen which the
thirteenth is hidden, pure white body, the light worker, rainbow people
Sleep patterns have changed, birds talking at different
times of the night and then when there’s light or the sun rises, they all stop-
what do they know that you don’t, your body is changing
You are changing with nature
We are getting real close to the next stage, the next
elevated event because the Halo [shield] is becoming frequent
The word Halo comes from the Greeks
1560s, ring of light around the sun or moon, from Latin
halo (nominative halos), from Greek halos disk of the sun or moon; ring of
light around the sun or moon (also disk of a shield); threshing floor; garden,
of unknown origin
The sense threshing floor (on which oxen trod out a
circular path) probably is the original in Greek the development to disk and
then to halo would be via roundness
Sense of light around the head of a holy person or deity
first recorded 1640s
As a verb from 1791 (implied in Haloed)
Halo does not mean double sun, it means shield, all
planets are discs
We are not with the Asthar Command and the Galactic
Federation of Light
We are with these beings that are the Annunaqi led by the
Neteru who are with the Galactic Federation, Asthar are on this planet and are
trying to leave but the Galactic Federation and Allies and Alliance have this
planet surrounded with one finger on the trigger and one in the barrel
From birds to sharks, they all use the planets magnetic
field to circumnavigate, this is a sixth sense or ESP
Why did [God] talk with all the other races but the other
races had to beat the sh9t out of you for you to talk with him, why did they
put the 9tehers through slavery, torture for their [God] to speak with the
Aether [ether] atheist [a-the-ist] you do not believe in
any [Gods] for you are a [God]
These are stills from footages, its real busy up there
If you reside in the black box, you are going to die
![]() |
7 days into May and its event horizon, we are in the era
of the records being broken, the Schuman is spiking with 90hz multiple times
with 75hz becoming the norm in May
Buckle up because if the trends stay the same then we
have elevated into the next phase
Connection will be lost at times for the balloon held up
satellites will be frying
We will be in LAHA.MU [Venus] transit all the way for she
is FEMI9 energy and she is sending her codes
70hz and 110hz twice
Soul-ar energy [radiation]
Check out the colours
Same as the images above
Full chakra energies
Look at the shape of the suns reflection
Cube and sphere [un-identical twins] 720
And the floods came in, land slides mean land is moving
Birds dying in India, Holland+
Crafts over Popocatepeti
How is the sun 93million miles away and the moon 250K but can cast reflections, they are both under the dome, they lied to their people about the truth, so why they tell you any different
History will be repeating itself to many
This is your grandmother and are the daughters of Wicca
women, who wore mini-skirts, tight pants, go-go long boots, bell pants and no
bra, she listened to Johnny Rivers, Led Zeppelin, Beatles, Janis Joplin and the
Rolling Stones
She drove Beetles, Jeeps and Firebird, Pontiacs, piloted bikes with
sarachus 4/1 exhausts, bat handlebars and fast scooters
She smoked marijuana and thin cigarettes and sum times
from the can too
She drank Cuba-Libre and Coquinho on Augusta Street,
arrived at 4am home and still went to work the next day..
So no matter how much time you think it is, you will
never be as legal as your Grandma
Salem and in Spain, Europe and Australia
Bitch [Zitch] Witch [Wicca]
Grand-daughters are part of the ancestral ancestors and
will also be settling scores
Celt (n.)
Also Kelt, c. 1600, from Latin Celta, singular of Celtae,
from Greek Keltoi, Herodotus's word for the Gauls (who also were called
Used by the Romans of continental Gauls but apparently
not of the British Celtic tribes. Originally in English in reference to ancient
peoples; extension to their modern descendants is by 1830s, from French use in
reference to Brittany (from c. 1700).
Gauls is from [Ghauls] Ghouls [Nomos] these are children
of the Annunaqi
Pics is a name given to the Moors by the Romans because
of all the body paint on their bodies, the Twa and Bantu where in Ireland
Scotland is named after KHMT Neteru Scotia [Aset’s
cousin] and she is one of Akhen-aten and Netertiti(s) daughters
Aten [Atun]
The Stone of Destiny is the seat of consciousness, pulpit, it is a teleportation, wi-fi connection point
Oval Iron [Bronze] shields
Moor [Muur]
found in the UK
Callanish Stones
PoWRA points [magnetic stones]
Carrigagulla Stones
All these circular [Henges] are all over the planet
Italy and Peru [Heru]
Peru [Heru]
Kush [Ethiopia] Abyssinia like the ones found in Bolivia which is near Peru
Peru [Heru]
Man is forbidden to build anything near this site
Pre-Columbian [Columbus] culture aka Congo
Aztec is from the name Mutec-zuma who was the last
emporia of Mexico Mu-tec-Zuma [Az-tec]
Inca is a left-over word from the Spanish that they told
the English that they were called when the name Inca [Inka] is from the Mali
tribe called the [Mandinka] Mand-InKa [Inca]
Ul-mec [Olmec] is from Abyssinia [Ethiopia] and today are
called Almade [Al-made] [Ul-mec]
Maya [Mayan] is the name of their writing-text
Kanaga [Yaz][âµ£] Petroglyphs all around the world are from Alkebulan Kush
[Africa], Asia and the Americas, Peru [Heru]
Ta-mazagh = Amazigh; the true etymology of the word
Amazon = Amazonian, the word used to name the South American rain forest and
the Indigo [blue-beings] people formally known as Negro [Naga] de Terra
The Inca, Aztec and Ulmec [Mayan] are all Alkebulan
[African] aka Naga
Out of the Ulmec we get the Muurs [Moors]
Image is also from Peru [Heru] what kind of machinery cut this stone, how did they have laser cutting technology
Turkey, how did they cut this stone, what could have made impressions like this, Granite- nothing harder than Granite than Diamonds
100 tons each and how did they get the Granite from miles away down into a hole the size of a man
From Mexico to India
This is a global network all coming from one source
Global Network
Etruscan [Troy] Helmet
Mesopotamia [Alkebulan] knife
The 9ethers history is billions into millions of years, the 6ethers came out of caves within the last 10,000 years and 3-5,000 to refine, none of this is their history because you cannot go from caves to frontrow in just thousands of years
Black [Gold Stupa was originally covered in gold but was
stripped by the invades in 1827 But during the war with Siam in 1827, and would
have been called the Gold Stupa
Cone or pyramid in shape
This maybe an entrance, there is a seven-headed Naga
snake also present
Naga comes before the Buddhas, the Buddhas are
enlightened ones, those who taught and came out of Alkebulan, Senegal, Ghana+
There are seven [nine] thirteen and they also have females among them in the Buddhas
[that is not their recorded name] they are teachers, they are the enlightened ones, they are many
Stone Masonry [Mason]
Our ancestors spent time making and building structures so that everywhere you looked you would find an existence of your presence, its all over this planet, all designed for you to put two and two together, so that you would know who you belong to, who you really are and where your going...
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