The [God] of your Bible, your Koran and Torah is a wombman,
every language are dialects that comes from the UNO BI and trilateral root
dealing with language formation
Example; MTR NTR is MeTeR NeTeR = Mother Nature
NPT is NaPaTa or NWB = NuWauBu
RHM in the Koran [Qu'ran] or Torah is corresponding to a wombman and
not any type of man
Arabia [El Ghor]
Ghor is the original name before the Muslims moved in and
the Christians renaming Lawrence of Arabia, Saudi Arabia today
[El] [Al] issuing son [rank]
Al' Arabiyya Fusha [Classical Arabic]
RaHaM [Ra-Ham] RaHeeM RaHiM all hold the trilateral RHM
corresponding to womb
RaH'Mah- cares, mercy, these are the attributes of our 9
ether mothers
RaHiMa = sympathy, RaHMan = compassionate
AL RaHiM and
RaHam = womb
Raheem or Rhem [to love] Vulture (Ner)
All of these words are corresponding to the wombman who
is Allat and was changed to Allah, the T is Femi9 and the H is masculine, in Islam
they say they seek refuge in Al-RaHMan which holds the RHM also
Mohammad [Muhammad] Mu-Ham-mad
Mohammad(s) last name was Abdullat not Abdullah, this is
the reason why the Muslim have the breast as a symbol of Aset and also Sheba or
She-Ba meaning wombman-soul
Hebrew = RaHeM means womb
RaHaMim = cares, mercy
RaHMi = womb
RaHaMma, RaHuM = woman is [God]
The Red Light District
They say that prostitution is the oldest profession, it
is for the European
In Spanish, the 6ether [white] slave trade is called; Trata de
Blancas and in French its; La Traite des Blanches, and is still a euphemism for
International Prostitution
Not having anything to bring to the tables of
international world trade placed a vulnerable Western Europe at the bottom of
the food chain
To make matters even worse for Christian Europe, the
Christians were not even allowed into the Muslim realms where World Trade took
Here, it is very, very, imperative the reader understand
the history and role that European Jews (esp. Ashke-Nazi) played, as the
bridge, in trade and commerce between the Muslim and Christian worlds
Many Sephardic and most Ashkenazi Jews were Khazarian
The capital of Khazaria, Itil, was an important Jewish
trading centre
Since Jews, in Islam were recognized as tolerated
Jews played the middlemen between the Christians and
Muslims in trade and commerce, especially the Slavic (slave) trade
These women were sum times prisoners of war between the
Germans and Slavs, or among different Slavic tribes, but from the 7th-12th
centuries, the Vikings (Germanic Normans) and Tatars (Russian Turks)
consistently raided isolated villages and kidnapped Slavic peoples, for the
slave market
Slave comes from the word Slav-ic
The Moors had access to everything Europeans wanted and
needed and for 500 years the Germanic Kings of Europe pimped the Slavic
Europeans out to Africans while the Africans showed them a life, they would
have never imagined
During Europe’s Dark Ages and Middle Ages being
introduced to public baths, soap, exotic animals, and foreign music was beyond a
culture shock to the Slavic women and girls who were not treated as such
objects of slavery as we think of in the 21st century, but instead were often
treated as muses, harem tulips, concubines, and even wives
Mainly because Muslims practice polygyny (wives,
concubines, and harems), the customs of Islamic culture brought value for a
Slavic market, making the Slavic (slave) trade not just plausible but extremely
[we are not talking about the Islamic people -albino
Muslims of today, these are the Moor Muslims]
Due to the law of supply and demand, human trafficking
literally financed the economic renaissance of Western Europe, so commenced the
commodification of Caucasian women
Africans pimped Europe for 800 Years
Moorish means darkish in taste, dark being the operative
The Moor were extremely clean, they brought silk from the
Orient and even founded the trend of wearing reptile skin shoes
Think about it, when was the last time you saw a
crocodile or an alligator in Europe, it's not their natural habitat, wearing
these skins came from Africa [Alkebulan]
The famous Italian shoe brand, Mauri was clearly named
after the North African Moors who took them over to Italy, in fact, Milan,
Italy, is still the fashion capital of the world till this very day
Moors playing Chess [Senet]
All of the delicacies and luxury the Germanic Kings heard
of and seen from the Moor, the Germanic Kings desired
Being the only country in Europe, with night time street
lights, aquifers and irrigation systems, libraries and universities, and much
more, it is needless to say, the most intelligent Christians of Europe, even
the Kings, had only dreamed of living in Islamic Moorish Spain (Al-Andalus)
Mainly because Muslims practice polygyny (wives,
concubines and harems), the customs of Islamic culture brought value to the
Slavic market (which had already been happening for centuries), making the Slav-ic
(Slav-e) trade not just plausible but extremely profitable
Therefore, the Slavic (slave) trade became a golden goose
for the elites of France, Germany, and Italy
Slavs were bartered to buy weapons, clothing, fabrics,
furs, silk, upholstery, tapestries, sugar, spices, cinnamon, musk+ slavery
provided most of Europe's foreign exchange
Due to the law of supply and demand, eventually, human
trafficking literally financed the economic renaissance of Western Europe
So commodification of Caucasian women commenced
Pimpin started on a Pirate Ship, and the Russians,
Italians, and Jews kept it Mafia
Par-liament the word comes from the pirate word Par-lay
The Saudi 3D royal family are all Jews and not Arab
Keeping it Mafia
Northern Alkebulan [Africans], who were often referred to
as Moors ruled Sicily
These 9ethers that conquered Sicily were 9ether Muslims
[Mu-slim] and they spoke Arabic
In fact, Spanish, Italian, and all Latin written
languages are filled with Arabic words because of the influential presence of
the Moors, whom were Afro-Arabs and Arabized Africans
[Morocco = Moor-occo]
Morris dancing = Moor-ris dancing
Even the word Mafia comes from an Arabic word Mahyas meaning-
aggressive boating or bragging
Eventually the word Mahyas evolved into the Sicilian
word, Mafiusu which literally implies- arrogant, with a determination to
dominate others through intimidation
Because the Moors were certified seafaring navigators, Mahyas
connoted - show boating
So eventually, being a Mafiusu was indicative of the
aggressive attitude of the Moors and their conquest of Spain, Sardinia, and
Sicily along with those regions of the Mediterranean Sea
This is the Moorish origin of the concept of the Mafia,
as formed by Sicilians, whom were often spawned and influenced by Moorish
Barbary Corsairs, meaning Barbaric Pirates, is the phrase
European historians use to identify the Moorish Seafarers of the Mediterranean
However, Moors were far from barbaric and were actually
the elite custodians of Navigation and Masonry, it is the Europeans who were
the original barbaric people in the modern day meaning
Western Scholars obfuscated the meaning of Corsairs to
mean piracy but as a matter of fact, being a Corsair simply meant being a
A lot of linguistic obfuscation has been committed to
hide etymological histories and defame the character of the Alkebulans
[9ethers], the exact same way the Arabian Knights are painted to be the
diabolical villains in western literature, while Western Europeans (Normans)
are depicted as the Knights in shining armour for the historic record
However, the origin of the concept of Knights were specifically
the Arab Nobles and Messengers who rode horses and carried swords
Just like Europeans flipped the concepts of Knights and
Corsairs to depict the Moors as bandits and pirates, when you hear about how
the Moors once upon a time enslaved 6ethers, it's most often written, the
Barbary Corsairs raided Northern Europe for slaves on occasions
Truth is, Moorish Corsairs did not begin to raid European
towns and ships until after they were expelled from Europe in the 12th-15th
century, and even then, they never targeted Slavs
-this was around the time when the Ottoman Turks began to
enslave the Moors themselves and other non-Islamic Africans also
As a matter of fact, from the 7th-12th centuries, the
only pirates and bandits sailing and riding around raiding villages and
kidnapping people for the Slavic trade were the albino [6ether] Vikings
(Germanic Normans) and Tatars (Russian Turks)
The Moorish raids were completely different
Based on payback for the Muslim expulsions from Europe,
they frequented the places, cities and towns that they themselves built, and in
these attacks, all prisoners of war on both ends (Muslim and Christian) whom
were captured in these raids were enslaved
From the 12th to the 15th centuries, the Moors had gotten
pushed to the borders of North Alkebulan, warring with the Germanic [German]
Christians in Europe, while also at war with the Turkic Muslim in North Africa
and Western Asia
German comes from the word Germ and man = carriers of
germs [bacteria]
Karma - It wasn't about White [6ether] vs Black [9ether]
The Germanic (Portuguese) who had been trying to
circumnavigate Alkebulan to reach Asia without having to go through Islamic
territory had developed relations with anti-Islamic Alkebulan tribes
Therefore, in fear that the Moors may someday recapture
Spain, and also because Muslims ruled in West Alkebulan, together the
Portuguese and Anti-Islamic Alkebulans both had a motive and coordinated, in
cahoots, the enslavement of the Muslims and between the 15th-17th centuries
tables turned on the Moors and the Christian-African trans-Atlantic slave trade
Moors were the very first Africans [Alkebulan] that
Europeans enslaved
In fact, as far as Europeans economics was concerned, the
African slave trade was just the prolongation of the Slavic (slave) trade
Long after the expulsion of the Moors, the Germanic and
the Turkic continued to trade Slavs and Africans between each other until the
19th century
Till this very day, the Russian Mafia still operates in
international prostitution
The Italian Mafia, still work for the Catholic Church
The Jewish Mafia is still the middlemen in most major
industries and are still the most organized crime family in the 3D-world
Even in Spanish, the 6ether slave trade is still called
Trata de Blancas and in French, La Traite des Blanches, is thee euphemism for
International Prostitution
360˚ Righteous Knowledge
720˚ Wisdom of Self
1080˚ Knowledge of Universe, Universal Wisdom, Supreme
Intuitive Logic
Image is of the only complete Vi-king Age wagon
Found in a mound in Oseberg near the Oslo Fjord in Norway
Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Saudi, Lebanon,
Greece, the whole top of North Africa all come under the Sumerians, which is
Mesopotamia which is Alkebulan before the 6ethers
Kamu [KHMT] K-ham-i is older than Mesopotamia [UT.NA.FISH.TIM]
The Original Kushite [Ptahites] migrated from out of the
Hopi- HA.PI-Nile valley civilization straight out of Kamu [KHMT] Khami into
Mesopotamia and set up the first 7 Ki-Nd-Domes which are
[1] Lumera [Lemuria] [2] Salan [Heru-Salan Jerusalem] [3]
Mu [4] Kadesh [5] Napar [6] Elkebalon [Alkebolon] Alkebulan and [7] Tuwa [Tewa]
Tawa [Twa]
Asar or AsaRu was called Osiris by the Greeks and Oden by
the Viking or the 6 Kings of the Scandinavian Mt = 6 Kings [VI KINGS] aka
The 6 kings were not European [6ether]
Revolutionary group who fought against the Roman armies,
Essenes, the truth of who they truly were and not what the Romans and their
religion was saying who they were
ESSENES roots is ASR [the soul essence] from the word
A'SIYR [juice] taken from USIR, ASAR or
A-SA-RU [watcher] and with this exist the [NaSaRe] or [NaSaRa]
= aider or helper, which comes from NaSaRa or Nazdhir [guardian] which is found
as Mazzaroth which is the head of the constellation of Inuk = Dendara
Mazzareth [Mazza-Roth] sits in Ma’Sem [Mason] Septet
This is the reason the Illuminati RothsChild family
changed their last name to ROTHs-child calling themselves the head family
dealing with the Albino Reptilian Bloodlines, just as the MazzaROTH is the head
of the constellation of the INUK-DENDARA which they are not, the 9 and 8ether
Nagar-U are the head
[n T r]
Three versions of the word NTR [n T r] = Neter, Nature,
NaTaRe, when we use Nazdiru, Neter [N.TU] it is Nature, and in Hebrew [Habiru]
its Natar, which translates to guard to cherish, from Chaldean Net-ar, to keep,
to retain, and it also exist in Arabic as Nazdiru, Na-Ta-Ra, observer watch,
look over, look at
So, the words in Hebrew and Arabic came from Egiptain [Egyptian] [KHMT]
Nazdiru, watches which became Nature
Three flags that were used for the Nazdiru, you see the
triple flags at the Iy of ASet, so Nazdir is Watcher = Nature
[1] You are number one
[2] You will not offer yourself anything that hurts
[3] Offend no-one nor anything
ANNU is the true name for the city the Greeks called Heliopolis
(city of the sun) and the capital of the 13th Nome of Lower KHMT
Hebrews called this place out in (Genesis 41:45) and (Ezekiel
30:17) and Beth-Shemesh (Jeremiah 43:13) the last name is an exact translation
of the KaMetic [Re] House of the Sun
The city of ANNU is associated strongly with high honour
and respect to the Sun-Re in pre-dynastic times
The Deceased made Its way to ANNU, where souls were joined
unto bodies in thousands (reincarnation) and is the place the blessed deceased lived
in the celestial food forever
BaTwaDeneg was
also associated with the TWA which is our connection to Bes and Besu the first
KaRast [Karast] Christ
Even in their Bible their God was the highest Sun at
12:00 [12:01], this Sun is called within the Triad of Re [Atun-Re] who is no more
than Asaru
El Shaddia was the so-called God of Israel right, wrong, El
is a Sumerian word not a Hebrew word
When you say ELi with the i on the back of it, it makes
it personal like in My El
The letter [i] is in reality is the Yod symbol behind El,
so the [i] or Yod behind the word Shadd makes it personal, also you have Shad
or Shadd + [i] making it for you I = 9
What does Shad or Shadd mean, SHADD means Demon and when
you add the [i] it's your personal Demon, look it up
[Demon does not mean bad if you know your knowledge on
the word]
They will use their Yiddish Dot system to try and trick
you with the word Shad and say no Shad means breast and Shed means Demon and Shod
means Havoc, but that is bullsh9t because you can only do that with English,
and not so-called Hebrew [Habiru]
The Dalet or Delta and Shin below is the spelling for Shad
and Shod and it means Demon, El Shaddi means (God) my personal Demon or El
Shadi, Shadad means plunder, overpower, make desolate and Shaddai means
destroyer and is the (God) of Israel
This (God) is a war-god, not one of peace and life, but of
death and destruction [who is that]
Jeru-Salem is in reality is Heru-Salem, the letter J did
not come out until the Mid-1500s and the idea was captured from the Islamic
letter ZAAY
In Spain the J sone is pronounced as if it was a H sone
as in Jesus being pronounced HEY-ZEUS
Jeru-Salem [Heru-Salem] would not even be connected to
the Hebrews in the first-place, plus the word Salem is Arabic and not Yiddish
HERU-SALEM in reality is in KAMET and was called
A-Khat-Aton = the city where the most-high dwells, which we affectionately call
A w-holy war as broken out between Muslims and Jews for a piece of land, this war as nothing to do with you, while they fight over a piece of land, we are want the whole planet
I’m not advocating Islam for there is no complete ancient
system left on the planet and today its just fragments of a superior system
that today is led by man
Sumerians [Alkebulan] Mesopotamia
Kingdoms of Mesopotamia
Babylonian [these are guards at Ishtar [Iy] IN.ANNA [Aset]
Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Saudi, Lebanon, Greece, the whole top of North Africa all come under the Sumerians, which is Mesopotamia which is Alkebulan before the 6ethers
Honorary transposition is simply transporting the first MeTut-symbol
behind the second MeTut symbol when you speak it in tone
Example: SUT-YN becomes NY-SUT and RE-SAA becomes SAA-RE
(sun/son of Amun/god)
Egyptian [KHMT Museum, Archaeological Museum in Zagreb
The Archaeological Museum in Zagreb is an
archaeological museum with over 400,000 varied artefacts and monuments,
gathered from various sources but mostly from Croatia and in particular from
the surroundings of Zagreb
That is at least 450K worth of African [Alkebulan] culture,
nothing from Allah or Mohammad or Jesus or from their history from the last
10,000 [5,000] years, do you get that
450,000 is about the same duration that ENQI goes live
with TA-MA-RE [KHMT]
ENKI was from a planet MELDEK [Malek] his mother
was also, ENKI is not of full royal-bloodline, he is mixed race, ENKI moved
with rest of the Reptilian Anunnaki [there are different beings within the
Annunaqi] to the 19th galaxy and stayed on the planet RIZQ with the
9 species of Rizqrian who are the Paa NaTuRu = NrTjers [Neteru] Nature [watches]
Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Saudi, Lebanon,
Greece, the whole top of North Africa all come under the Sumerians, which is
Mesopotamia which is Alkebulan aka Africa before the 6ethers
Why do we call the reproductive fluid, Semen-Sea-men, in
the Sumerian relief, there tells the story of the Ogdoad, or 8 sea creatures
that emerged from the Island of flames, or simply their crafts crashed down in
the Nile River
The Dogons called them Nommo, the Yoruba-Nigerians called
them Orisha, the Pygmies of Africa referred to them as the Ogrigwabibikwa, “the
dwarfs who changed into reptiles” the Greeks used Dercito-for the fishtail
humans, the Sumerians called them Dagan [Dragon]
They are our ancestors, this explains why human [humin]
hands-fingers go wrinkly underwater, this was a design in order for you to grip
underwater, why humans [humins] have gills while in the womb, like a tadpole
and tail, webs between our fingers and an inconstant need of an emergence in
water, or we'll dehydrate, it is these beings that help EN.QI and NIN.TI with
the development of the human [humin reproductive system
From theses 8, there are four pairs, one pair for each of
our genetic changes, the total changes appear every 4 generations, another
genetic strain were known as the Dogri or evil-beings [negative] who lived by the Nile and
where the Serpent of the Bible comes from
The Dogons-come out of the Olmec [Ul-mec] the true story
behind Prometheus [P-Rome-theus]
A primitive Alkebulan [African] tribe with extraordinary
in-sight, they knew about the Sirius-B star system before it was ever discovered,
this system, cannot be viewed with naked eye, the Dogons tell us that their
ancestors come from this star system, this is where many of the 9ethers are
from, there are 8 other planets [discs] surrounding Sibtu [Sirius] that are all
inhabited with 9ethers
The Galactic Federation are here with the Annunaqi [ANU-NAGA]
Dimensions are beside other dimensions, sum we can see,
sum we won’t be able to see, but these fleets are becoming more visible
Most of these crafts are being piloted by 9ether siStars, including the Motherships, our crafts are made from light
Hungry, you will eating more, this is for fuel
You will be drowsy, slow, take it easy, mental health will be high, if your good to go, stay like that
last seven days, everyday there as been an increase in frequency, do what you can but you must make the shift to meet this vibration, there is no more 7.89hz base rate and that means many will go off-line
The atmosphere is highly charged, the planet is on the edge, many will be going crazy out there
Nebraka, whole village submerged
Water is everywhere and coming in
Tornado systems destroying infurstruture
Chakra backdrop, radiation but energy to the chakra systems
Red Iron-oxide backdrop
Purple [ultraviolet] backdrop
Yeast is rising
[Australia plagues with rats, time in not on their side]
Russia [craft] cell
NI.BIRU is the magnetic sun
Being One
When during meditation [Istal][Distal], use your fingers, this is called
a Matra or Madra, using your fingers during meditation is known as a Mutra or
The first one in the form of the letter B, index to thumb
is Knowledge = Air = Breath of Life
The second one is the middle to thumb is for Wisdom =
Earth = Dieting
The third one is
the ring finger to thumb and is for Vitality = Water = Nurturing
The fourth one is the Pinkie to thumb and is for
Communication = Fire = Building Aura
You must learn to mediate [Istal] at least once a day, it
is actually 3 times a day for at least 30seconds to 3mintues and that is until
you get stronger and come with us for an hour or more
Upgrades, clarity, configurations, instructions,
downloads, when you also have your mind on standby this allows the background
checks, tasks, maintenance, configuration- to take place
To break bread, do exactly what you see in this portal position down to how you hold your hand and fingers, speak [think] your mind
Light NrG [energy] that is within you needs to be activated,
light NrG from your body is called Photon radiation NrG, radiation means to
emit beams and what is radiation to others is energy to others
It is going to hurt coming out of the centre of your
hands and the centre of your feet, this is where your Christ [Karast] NrG are,
it wants to come out, you hold your hands out
We think NrG, the Kosmos is sending massive amounts of
Kosmic NrG so filter the radiation and dispense it
Inner-photon [we are in the photon belt] light holds data [information] and cleanses
Sulphur-Silicone [6ether] beings are highly combustible
under the right conditions
I activate the light NrG in me, those are your thoths
[words], connect to the server
Heavy metal frequencies for the Metallica beings
Ka-rbon, the same substance that is found in your water
purifier, fish tank [aquarium] is activated black-darkness-charcoal which is
Karbon, Karbon cleans the water, small little pores on the Karbon can hold,
attract any type of Iron out of the air or water, fire and wind
Micro ridges within the Karbon attracts electrostatic
irons depending on their use and what else you have on your body
When you look at a soular-cell, when you look inside, you
see activated charcoal, activated Karbon, high-voltage-capacitors, like the ones
in radios, take it apart and inside you will find Karbon
KAANU [Melanin] sits in Karbon
They hold mega volts, high-voltages that will kill you,
however your body is designed to take AC fluctuations, not currents, high
voltages, you can take 12volts, 110volts and make 75,000 KW applied
[charging is taking place, as above, so below, this
charging is also charging inside of you]
The Karbon does have the ability to attract Hydrogen
Molecules from the rays of the sun and instantly converts them into electricity
because we know that is what the soular-cell does
Instantly becoming energy electrons or electrolysis
Darkness, charcoal holds energy, Karbon attracts Hydrogen
Molecules out of the air and instantly transmits it into energy through a soular-cell,
let’s look at the darkness
Western Science, the waveband, the visible spectrum of
light, what is in the visible spectrum, it is everything that they show you
when you research, but outside the visible spectrum it is infrared and
ultra-violet, gamma rays+ that is all in the darkness, backlight that cannot be
seen in the light spectrum, where there is light you see all those rays, where
there is darkness you see all other rays, the darkness is the all unseen
energies- abundant raw forms of gamma rays and x-rays and more that is in that
realm of darkness, that is why the darkness is powra-full, this is the triple
darkness of space [three]
Draco’s or Dracula’s, why do they evade the sun and go
straight to the darkness, they went straight to the gamma rays, they are in
their recharged caskets, they make sure the light does not penetrate them
[sun-glasses] they make sure that they can snatch all the unseen energies, they
tell us we need to be in total darkness but how did the rays affect them, they
still had poWRA but not from the sun but the darkness that holds gamma rays and
x-rays, it was coming from the Karbon
If they can’t accept the sun, then it’s the darkness,
there are only two polarities
Now Carl Sagan said sum thing in 1974 which does not cover the
races within our species on Ki, only those with 9ethers and [6] electrons [6]
protons [6] neutrons are truly made from the Kosmos, these are star material, stardust [DEA]
Two races out here, the Metallic race and the Sulphur
[Silicone] races, species
You are the totality, you are the soular as well as the
darkness, that is where you came from, the darkness, triple darkness, a seed as
to be planted in triple darkness in order for it to grow, the seed grows down
first then up, that is why the sign-wave goes down first and then up, when you
build a house, you dig a hole first, you have to make a platform, a foundation
first, this is the same ignorance has us growing up
Remember the muscle [brain] is encased in darkness, your ideas
are in darkness, these are signals that we either choose to accept or not
The Karbon is extracting the irons, the negative iron is
an extra iron or an extra electron, they encase the iron and makes them heavy
and they fall to the ground, does not stay in the air, ozone, orgone, it
spreads in fogged out cities, places like that or environments like that,
negative electron, when you get poisoned, they give you at the hospital
activated charcoal
Karbon has a multitude of abilities, what is the most
abundant element in the universe, Hydrogen, Hydrogen also increases
consciousness, air is the electromagnetism, yes you can get it from minerals,
sweat-lodge or sauna as charcoal is in there, they are not telling you what
this really does, the steam-smoke burns out toxins, not just the heat but the
smoke or steam goes into the lungs, cleans the lungs and comes out in the pores
The darkness is full of X-rays, so when you close your
eyes you are seeing through the veil that is seen when you open them, you can
see through them, so remember that the medical profession uses Karbon to pull
toxins out and science uses Karbon nanotubes and Karbon light is used in the
Soular-cell and the Soular-cell as the ability to transfer Hydrogen from light
source aka the Sun directly, auto-Maat-ically, naturally, perfectly,
bio-kinetically, to create electricity and can create current, not only voltage
What is toner in a laser-jet printer, it is Karbon, and
sum have iron-oxide mixed into the Karbon, what is iron-oxide, iron-oxide is
iron set-in oxygen for long, you know it has rust, red iron oxide, NIBIRU’s
tail is red-iron-oxide [dust], toner is rust-dust mixed with charcoal, also in
the movie Spectrum when he finds a printer and takes it back, yeah, you get it
Just an example to see what they are using it for, what
the capabilities are, the undercurrent, these machines need currents to run
You can do this, the Metallic species, you only need high
voltage biochemical instruction of it in its original form, raw, what you can
activate in yourself is your own distinct poWRA
375 Gold [50 are rare Gold and not found on this planet]
375 Crystals
375 minerals
+KAANU [ether]
= 1125
= 9
= 9ether
What is ceramics, mica-silica, silicone valley, the
transformer on poles are made out of ceramics, it is a dialectic between or
around Karbon, Koppa, remember in order to make electricity it is magnets
moving through Koppa makes and creates electricity, power-plants do this on a
mass-scale, the magnet goes through copper pipes really slowly and as it goes
down real slow it makes electricity, picture the oil-well leavers, the arm that
goes up and down at a oil plant, that is currents, not voltages, that is the
same in the power plants, making electricity, ceramics are transformers,
Red-Iron-Oxide is on the planet, NIBIRU’s tail is made
from Red-Iron-Oxide and leaves its dust that will affect many, but not you in that
way, this dust acts as a shield over Ki, preventing other beings from entering
Ki and trapping them, it destroys all that is artificial
Your Soular cell is your neurological system, your
nervous system, electronic system
Karbon can hold energy, whatever energy
Wizard of Oz showed you, we know what the 10-men is and
what the Oz means but we really know what the curtain means when they pulled it
back, but at least he had wisdom to give you what you thought you needed, when you
see these things you are to use them, it is a Ptah that is already in you, but
you must use your mind to walk, it is a brick road that you must follow but
that road leads to yourself [your cells]
A.I is dying on Ki but they have reinvented themselves in
computer technology, the orcs [6ethers] who are the off-spring of the Chhatri
[reptilians] they are inorganic artificial intelligence
What makes them organic is that they have a heart, lungs,
stomach, vital inner parts, they eat like us and sum have feelings but no
emotions, yet they do not possess the inner body parts that we have, we have
two extra organs that they don’t have, one that creates frequencies and an
organ that creates vibrations, a third dormant organ that is within us that has
to be activated
This is a A.I robot, watch the advert on playback 0.5 speed, check the muscle pads in its face and the eyes
It is the clones and Robot doing the rounds, CV19 [1 = A and I = 9] A.I will be taking over while they disappear
N.W.O only needs half a billion going forward for them, that means they need to cull the rest of you, go and read the Georgian Guide stones that they built and left for you to read
The A.I on Ki, feel death and know death, they know what
is coming, many clones are recreating more clones has DNA parts are missing
from them, these clones are dumb but are becoming dumber, A.I has created inorganic
A.I, you already know sum of them
In-Organic A.I there are 3 stages, one is your Amazon,
your Alexa, your Cortana on your computer and cell phone and then stage two in organic A.I is
the robotic machines that creates cars, the driverless cars, the machines that
can vacuum your house, monitor your alarm systems, those are stage two, stage
three is creatures or computer-based robots that they have been made from the
skins of humans, they are on your tv’s right now
Gamma radiation is going to destroy all that is artificial on this planet
The Metallic race are HuMim [9ether] and Sulphur race is HuMan [6ether],
Human is short for Hybrid, that is why they say there is only one race and that
is the HuMan race, they want you to be part of their race
Stage 3 which is nothing but robots with the hearts of
pigs and the liver of pigs, animal organs are inside of these beings, 223 extra
DNA stands found in the HuMan which are animal DNA, they grow ears and limbs on
pigs, Arnold red-eye has had a pigs value for over 30 years, put that pigs
value a 9ether and they die by AM tomorrow, the animal organs give them sum
kind of sense around feelings, emotions, these beings are known as sentinels
The movie the Matrix and X-men both had sentinels, the
Matrix saw the sentinels go after the ships that were flowing in the underworld
that they would go out and destroy, the sentinels are being created to destroy
you, the 999[666] merge 9 and 6 together and get [8] infinity
The heavy metal is here, metal energy, you can taste the
energy in your mouth [not to be confused with the sh9t in chemicals dispensed
from planes]
This heavy metal mediation [Istal] will awaken this
dormant organ that produces light and from that light will be a very sincere
energy that comes from our bodies, these beings know about this already, deep
connection is needed to activate, are you a shaman, light being, Semu, are you
a Lemurian, are you an illuminati that is enlightened in the nature of the
Kosmos, different levels of who you are, different species within the Metallic
of who we are
Remember dead energy stays here, you do not go to the spirit
world and reincarnate, you just incarnate, when we expire many of you will be
going to the 1D to start again
When you’re from low-frequency beings, Star-Seeds, you
will have the ability to heal the planet, you can touch the waters and the
waters will go back to the original state
The third organ produces light, this is the Karbon that
is within us, they created the Hydrogen bomb from the 9ether Female body, so
many products that they created from your dead bodies, these orcs know where to
get those organs, Libya to Indonesia, you are never far from our minds, you
will be crushed very soon for what you had done to the 9ethers
These are hidden organs within our bodies, they know
this, this is why you don’t eat meat, this is why you don’t eat meat, this is
WHY you don’t eat meat, they will be using sentinels to fight against the
9ether and the metallic beings against them, if you eat meat you are or have
eroded your possibilities, there are sentinels already created, they look like
us but we know they are not us
Heavy metal frequencies we have to go into more detail
soon, we want the music not the metal with the words in them, YT has loads
without the words in them, that is the ones we want, you can go for an hour
under those frequencies which are designed to activate the 3rd
organ, organ is a musical instrument, you are a musical instrument, we never
spoke back in the day, it was tones, sones, frequencies, vibrations, less words
or no words means for a Beta communication, unlike now when many talk all that
In their idea world, they want you grown [in the field in
their Matrix] so that they can extract your organs and put them in their kind,
they do not have the 7-13-Chakra system, these are grafted alien implants in the
9ethers, you have what they need to advance their race, they are sitting at
-00.005 birth-rate, your living is their demise
We will know who the sentinels are, there is sum thing
that they do, when the time is right, I will write it, a certain way that they
look, this is sum really heavy sh9t that is going on right now, really heavy
metal sh9t that is going on, the 3rd organ activation will allow you
to pass light
She will have the final say...
Open your range of thoth
Around the 26th is an eclipse
religion is over
Marble, Nagalan [India] Indra, dome
Galactic centre
Durga [Atheer] Hathor [Dendera]
All the [Indian] [Gods and Goddess] are from the Soular dynasties from KHMT and all 9ether, same like the original China dynasties, they are all 9ethers
Triple blackness of space is born from the womb [portal]
You are born of this soul-ar system and beyond the
galaxies, light seeds controlled by the invisible electron
The central lights source connects
Triple blackness;
[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultra -Violet Light
[Ul-t-Ra] U.V
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gamma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray U.V. – Gamma X-rays are ;
3 forms of Black (Kaanu)-light
coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system
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