Sunday, 30 May 2021


 Outside looking in

The only thing constant in the universe is change

Breaking Bread

Orishas, water and rum, spit the rum [or juice if you want] in the four corners of the earth or four directions
You shouldn’t give the Orishas sum thing that you wouldn’t drink yourself, this is a number one rule, why, because this is showing the union between you and the spirit [Kaa- double you] the Orishas reside in you, they are you, 99% of Alkebulan [African] systems require the [Kaa] spirit including ancient KHMT [Khemet] [Egypt], we see that from east to west they all used mainly rum and if its good enough for them, then its good enough for you

These are Meta principles and are truth, these are not sum layback things to just-to-do, these are Metaphysical principles

Inner child

There was a time in your life when things were simple and you had a vibration based on things being spiritual but you went through a process called primary school, secondary school, college, university, sum was employment, motherhood, fatherhood for sum people, and you lost that connection to that particular world, so in sum ways it is good to practice when you were at school, in your physical elements, not necessary thinking that you’re in school like- you’re in school

You will have to do this in a world like this, in a physical, economical, dog-eat-dog, competitive, euro-centric, civilized, barbaric world, where you have to use balance, that is the MA.AT balance 

Don’t dwell on the things that you say makes you an adult, your home, car, material things, employment status, when you ask the question- what is being a grown-up, an adult, same question- then what is reality, what is real..

Its based on your concept and at times we get caught in adulthood, again is to why in the movie the Matrix, Morpheus says- they do not free a mind after a certain age because the mind as trouble letting go-, and you must let go of certain things that you hold, all your doing is trying to get back to that part in your childhood, it could be in your primary stages or your teens, what you are looking to connect with is that innocence, when you were free and this will bring you into a new reality

Albert Pike who started the Klan, and the Scottish Rites Freemasonry even said that also, because they studied the Moorish sciences and based on Moorish science, the initiative would mean that your cup runneth over, which means you can have information [data] and it could be years and years of ignorance, the subconscious mind acts on what the conscious mind gives it and also acts on wrong information the same way and once that information is in there it rejects any new information coming in and is to why sum times you have to pour your cup out aka you must unlearn

We have several age-old practices that must be unlearned, you can get caught in the images and later on not see the lessons in the layers that you need when it comes to the soul

These are basic metaphysics, even when you go to psychology, a psychiatrist [psy means soul] a clinical psy-Chi-atry [Chi – force] [= soul force- the poWRA of the soul] if we take Freud and Jung who both studied the ancient mysteries, especially Jung who went over to KHMT and purchased a whole Papyrus, its called the Jung Codex, a Gnostic Papyrus, when they dug these texts up in 1945 [Nag Hammadi], so they understood

One of the basic concepts of clinical psychology is, you must face your inner-child, you must face your [demons] and get past thousands of layers

A lot of males have this based on masculinity in the concept of the ego, because sum times you develop the ego for protection, you emit a certain AU.RA about yourself, you do this so you don’t go under and at times you actually need to break down these walls

The females have egos also but its on a different level, theirs is on a domestic phase- but its still an ego

All adults have to break down this wall to get to the inner-cell-self and that is basic 101 science

Metaphysic is just talking about ancient mystery systems

This words fallen angels are talking about you the 9ether and no you didn’t fall from a certain astronomical point in space for that astronomical point in space is still here and will always be still here, the Dogon and the Etruscans [original Nubian Romans and Greeks] also said you didn’t fall from a certain point in space, that particular part of space was covered over with the physical realm later on, the frequency changed- you fell in vibration, the fall or the flood is the physical dimension covering over the spiritual dimension

So, the fall is not necessarily a geographical location but was in actuality a gradual fall [lowering of the frequency] from the spiritual realm to the physical realm which is the vibratory rate [Schuman 7.89hz] slowing down [everything vibrates to a certain degree]

The war in heaven was fought right here on earth [Ki] ancient text says so, there was a physical earth at that particular time, in 1912 they finally admitted that under the Greek name Pangaea that it was one tectonic plate aka one landmass and one people, one consciousness  

The European didn’t just colonize the 9ether, they colonized the information on the planet 

Alliterate society, that is a society that can read but won’t read, when you read sum thing, you take on the energy of that person’s mind 

2,000 years ago, the Roman government outlawed underworld mythology which is the subconscious data, which is the sub-consciousness of your being, which meant they wiped out the subconscious aspect and replaced it with the moral aspect, the problem with that is that the Alkebulan people had a rite of passage, certain things in society were a taboo based on their nature, so certain things the 9ether didn’t do because it wasn’t in their nature

How did Hannibal lose against the Romans, he saw other 9ethers fighting and it was not in their nature to fight another group of 9ethers, who these 9ethers were fighting with the Romans against Hannibal Barca 

MA.AT is an esoteric principle, so you have the 47 [144] 147 negative confessions, the historians for the last 20 years was thinking that the Semu [Sem] priests were into reciting the things that they did not do but the esoteric thing was what you call a Mantra and what you would call the 99 names of Allah and the science to this was that it was almost impossible for you in a physical body not to do 47 [144] or 147 things in a physical body, but the mystery to this was, it was not what he or she did in the physical body, its called negative confessions and is talking about what your soul [Baa] has not done, its negative

The soul is pure and is on the inside of him or her and no matter what the physical body did the soul is pure and did not do those things because your body is only a house, avatar, vessel, mekaba and a prison of the soul which is basic metaphysics 101 

The physical body does things that functions on this planet that it is impossible not to do those 47 [144] 147 things, you cannot take the Christian model and look at ancient science with it, these 9ethers were interesting in liberating the soul, you have to over-stand the concept here, the 9ethers are the most illuminated on this planet and they were called a Sage race of people which means priest, a priest race [pri comes from the word primal or primordial which means first] and these Sage races are not interested in what you call the mundane Maya aka the Matrix- the illusion, that doesn’t exist anyway, they are only interested in the soul aspect

It was their soul that hadn’t done these things [47] 144 [147] which meant they were negative- my soul has not done these things

Taking 10 of these 47 [144] 147 as commandments which is based on their Mosaic law, you were looking at this as if the KHMT wasn’t doing these things just like the Christians say you shouldn’t do this, and that concept is 2,000 years old, its 2021 now, you better recognise or ask sum body

Dogs do not need a book to learn how to be a Dog, there are certain things that the 9ether did not do based on taboo, based on rites of passage, there are things you do today because you were raised a certain way, your hardwired that way

Did you know that the ancient people didn’t even have a jail, nor did they have cages for animals, they or you had a social order [which is why they didn’t even have a jail back then] and this means the ancient people didn’t spend all his or her life worrying about certain moral aspects

Even with the albino Arabs- you see all those Islamic books, they are just copying the nature of the 9ether man and wombman, just like you have certain elements in certain animals that are going to do certain things regardless of training- its going to come online, the 9ethers have also latent things in them that is going online plus them being one clairvoyant society and was able with mental telepathy and one consciousness at one time, the 9ether already had the encoded consciousness with the archetypes of the collective unconsciousness that did not necessarily lead them astray

These morals were created for those coming out of the caves, out of their mountains and they needed a book just to be HuMan [HuMin], because they are not HuMin, these holy books whether for the Muslim or Christian was for them to use to be HuMan, not the 9ethers, the laws on the walls in KHMT was to remind you because the elders knew the vibratory rate was going to fall

The 9ether deals with the soul and they knew the soul had been separated from source and they got to-not-know, that was the part that was deteriorated and so when we look at KHMT [which is an online stone-frequency-library] in the last 20 years it was with a Christian Judeo and a Islamic mindset, thinking that they did things on a harmonious value- which they did but they did those particular things based on the nature, it was taboo not to do certain things, so when you see all those laws on the wall, they were not taking thousands of years to record HuMin [HuMan] behaviour, they were talking about esoteric sciences of the soul

The 47 [144] 147 laws were a ritual, a mantra that was recited based on the soul not doing these things, to make a [God] live is to call its name- and this means the [God] is the soul within them [you]

They were referring this particular information to the archetypes [you] of the collective unconscious

This Papyrus is about sum one who has a conversation with his soul written by Bika Reeves, Rebel in the Soul, this guy is tired of life and wants to end it all and the soul is trying to convince him otherwise and not because life is sacred
-what has happened is the soul has gotten into a state of dormant or a primal state of sleep and doesn’t want to be disturbed and it doesn’t want to be removed from its prison aka sum one coming to get you to take you to whichever heavenly state and you go kicking and screaming and like you rejecting knowledge and information and you’ve become comfortable in ignorance, the concept of the Rebel of the Soul, he wanted death because he was tired of living in a realm that he understood was a prison, in the Tibetan book of the Dead, its says, enlightenment results from the realizing the unreality of existence, this is the same thing the movie the Matrix is talking about and is called Maya, the illusion

This Rebel in the Soul is his intellect, it was also his Kundalini energy, the fire that is rising up the back of the spine that rebels and burns up- the physical body at a certain time, and when you raise to a certain level, the 6ether doing the same and cannot take this process, its called internal combustion, they burn up aka the Rod splitting the red sea is the same story, the red sea is the blood vessels in the back and the Rod splitting the red sea is the Kundalini, Moses Rod splitting the red sea, Moses tells you, I lift up serpents in the wilderness, that is the Kundalini energy rising up the red sea to the promise land which is the pineal gland, the seat of consciousness, the pulpit, the throne, the seat of the foal and the seed of that is in your lower gastrointestinal tract [under your sh9t sac]

Did you know that the only thing that is functioning right now is your soul and the intellect is being emitted from it and do you know where your soul is, its in your lower intestinal tract, in your root chakra, when they say Christ was born in a manger, what does a manger hold, a manger is full of sh9t, well then, add the dots

The soul is down there and means the rest of your body is literally an incubator machine or a cryonic machine while your ass is sleeping or has been sleeping and you’re functioning on that level

Christ [Christos] Karast [KRST] is your soul, that is what the Christos seed means [Crystal seed] 

One thing about the Christos seed, it is a destroyer, it is a seed that is your primal soul that originated with you before the beginning of this universe, y-our world was created off of several other primal worlds [that comes from the Kabbalistic texts] there is a book entitled Kabbalah and its Symbolism by Gershom Scholem, he talks more in depth about the other worlds, these several worlds were in operational before the known universe was in existence

Your soul comes beyond creation and is the Alpha and Omega and makes the soul an outside entity or an alien

So, this thing based on alien is metaphysical and means sum thing that is beyond, not only beyond the earth plane but also the primal universe and any alien seed that goes into a body, a host, if its from the outside, if it doesn’t pass through the body will ultimately destroy the body

The chakra system are alien implants 
You soul is like a primal cancer

Hebrew [Habiru] mythology, they talk about the unclean spirits that many were thinking were sum evil spirits, those unclean spirits are the essence, unclean means it was from the outside the known universe and it is alien to this cult-ure [oc-cult means hidden] 

Hans Jonas Gnostic Religion and the Alien God [read that]

So, what is this alien [God] that they are talking about, the new-age people have put their spin on it and many think it is sum bug-eyed people, meanwhile they are telling you about the actual aliens and what specific aliens, it is when they say the Reptilians, they are not talking about the lizard people, they are talking about the same Kundalini Serpentine energy that brings the alien seed up through the spine to the seat of the soul also called the Bindu seed [the gate of God]

Remember this is a soul-ar system, not everyone here has a soul [seed]

What is the Bindu seed, it is a subatomic nuclear particle and that is the Christos seed, also called the Philosophers stone, the Rock of Ages, the stone that the builders reject that will become the Cornerstone, the Hamsa stone, its called the Demon seed, its called the seed of Satan- why is it called the seed of Satan, because it is cast down to the lowest point of the body in torturous h3ll, torturous or h3ll or Hades is not only the deepest part of the subconscious mind from out here but it also goes as low down as the lower intestinal tract, this is the seed that is and will destroy the universe [read the Presence of Shiva by Wendy O'Flaherty], the seed that will destroy the universe, the word Demon or Damon is translated the Hammerstone, Hammer is Hermes, Hermetics which is Tehuti [Thoth] the Hermetic magic or the Hermetic science which is also KAANU [Melanin] because it has to deal with alchemy, these stones are nothing but the eye of Heru 

Hilton Hotema was banned, but he knows his stuff, he went vegan at the age of 9 and was a prolific writer, knows his stuff when it comes to the pineal gland and spirituality

None of the new-age people mention the pineal gland or melanin and that is for a reason, none of the Ashtar Command or its members are talking about the pineal gland and Melanin, even to where Hotema tells you that the calcified pineal gland is like a flabby paste  

With the 9ethers, energy can never be destroyed or created, so your pineal gland and your 9ether hair can be repaired, watch out for the attacking frequencies

The archetype of the collective unconsciousness and they tell you; you must face your Demons and this is not just your personal Demons, all the Demons that they put on you in this Matrix

The sphere in the Kabbalah is of melanin and is called the Daat as in Darth Vader and the whole concept was to kill Darth Vader then raise him up and kill him again because Darth Vader of the dark-side represents the realm on the backside of the tree of life- called the nightside of Eden which is the ancient part of the brain called the Medulla Oblongata, the gateway [pearly gates] is the 3 major glands in the brain aka your pearly gates which the gates of Zion is your pituitary body- gland, you get it, but in the Kabbalistic order, they say evil comes from the north, the north gate, that evil is not necessarily talking about a moralistic evil, its talking about the destructive primal force of retribution

This is one of the Hermetic laws, the Cabal [Kabal] take out the retribution law- you have an ass-whipping coming

Anne Rice who is part of one of the groups of the secret society, her vampire comes from Egypt [KHMT] she wrote the fiction version of Vampire from Brooklyn with Eddie Murphy, the origin of her whole vampire chronicles is the [Goddess] Akasha that comes from KHMT

Akasha [goddess- Inanna sister], you get the word Akashic records and Akash means black substance a blackening stage, so the Akashic records is Melanin, you need it to access the records- the Akashic records are a melanin mainframe, Rice’s vampire is Akasha

Akasha is turned into the vampire by a [God] called Armel, Armel is a spirit who fuses with Akasha to make the first vampire, the esoteric meaning is the 9ethers are vampires but the 9ethers are not the ones that drain blood

The melanin inside the 9ether comes out of the central nervous system at night and feeds off the blood and in returns heals the body and so the vampire the 9ethers have is an inner vampire, Hominis Nocturns which means the 9ethers are nocturnal which means the 9ethers are night-breeds, which means all of the central nervous system, the pineal gland, the Kundalini, the pituitary gland and more+ kicks [activates] at night and as a result, these substances are literally ancestors, that is where they go, they reside inside of you 

When sum one close to you transitions, many start seeing them in visions [dreams], because they come to you and many feel closer to them in visions than on the earth plane because they are no longer in the physical body and many feel closer because they live inside of you

These are your extra-terrestrial civilizations; these are the civilizations that reside in all bodies of Jedi warriors and the word Jedi is from Sed aka Djed [D-jed] the Djed are columns or pillars or the backbone of Osiris [Asaru] which is also the Kundalini people which is also the Reptilian Serpentine people 

The Reptilians are the Kundalini race which is on the inside of you, the Kundalini are the Djed people, the Jedi warriors are the black-dot warriors which is talking about the Alkebulan people, the Uraeus people, these are latent energies that are inside of the body and its in the melanin and is talking about mans inner nature

The vampire that they are speaking of has you thinking of the vampire of old, this is talking about the people who rule the night, the night-breed and that is the 9ethers

The melanin [Kaanu] sleeps all day, the serotonin kicks in, at night it comes out and does its thing, it doesn’t need to come out during the day because the sun is out there and you get your charge from the sun but at night it comes online, the vampire in the coffin is the physical body aka the Neb Ankh [sarcophagus] of Osiris

Armel fuses and makes the first vampire based on receiving this melanin and Armel is a [middle eastern] deity for evil, you can read more in Sumerian Mythology by Samuel Noah Kramer [PDF] its all metaphysical 

Armel enters Akasha(s) body seeking a place and infuses with her flesh and settles into her heart and brain, this is evil but not in the concept of moralistic evil- that which is opposite of death aka that which is opposite of the known universe

So this evil, these unclean spirits is talking about an alien from the outside, the alien came from the outside when the earth was created, the alien is in darkness of the lower gastrointestinal tract aka the subatomic particle and once it enters into the seat [which hasn’t been done yet]

You have your Buddhist who also talk about this Christ consciousness- which they haven’t raised that primal seed because if that primal seed was raised the earth would cease not to be anymore, this is nothing more than a subatomic nuclear fusion, sum thing that is alien from the outside

You take anything and you lock it up in a space for so long it ferments and it gets so strong, this subatomic seed or monstrous seed that they call it, this dragon seed is your soul that is inside of your body fermenting for the last million and millions+ of years and that seed is at the point that when it takes the journey this time upwards, which it is doing as we speak, the earth would cease to be, that is basic occult knowledge of this primordial seed

So, Christ could have never been on the planet full stop, because the Christos seed to Crystallise means you have coagulated an elixir into the prefect stone, the stone of water, the stone the builders rejected, the rock of ages, the lapis lazuli, the melanin is the Christ [Karast] KRST

Melanin is called the shadow in union psychology and that is the lapis lazuli, melanin is a composite of several stones together that makes up the melanin molecule that you have

Those stones are within you, throughout the whole body and this is why you need water [think of flint in the USA] and non-sleep deprivation to enhance that in the dreamworld, those stones are separated senses throughout the body and they are dormant and they are dumb aka a dumb Heru [Horus] and is represented by the Bee in ancient KHMT and Greece for melanin- for these Bees by themselves have a minor task that they can do and they are kind of dumb but once they come together as a swarm they make one intelligence centred around a Queen Bee, same with the Birds, they have one minor task but as a swarm they make one intelligence, all like a spirit, they can even fly in pyramidal formations

Look at the honeycomb that a Bee makes and then look at the melanin molecule, at the centre of that comb is what, the Queen Bee, the Bee is also the rising of Sirius, they talk about that and Dionysus and this [God] ends up in Greece but they don’t know where his origin comes from and is the [God] of sexual urges, orgies and things you would call sexual perversions based on dogma and moralistic teachings, they have a Papyrus in Germany of all types of sexual explicit acts and oral sex is in that sh9t and is not a perversion because these are Heretic, early KHMT Papyruses, [Ecstasy through Tantra- read that] which comes from the Vedic cults [hidden] the Vedic cults which is the pre-Buddhist of the ancient Kushite [Kush] Cush [Ethiopian] information that was brought there by the Dravidians and they are the ones who put those sexual acts later on known as the Kama Sutra, none of it is homosexual but based on sexual tantra and spiritual rising up through the sacred-energy-xChange [sex]

Dionysus was the [God] of drink and wine and isn’t your Jesus the [God] of wine [vine] and intoxication and if Jesus is the [God] of wine and intoxication, why is it that you cannot drink no wine and the Catholics drink wine [alcohol] and so on, it is Jesus or Christ that represents your soul

Wine and hallucinations, Dionysus breaks all forms of moral codes, if you trace Dionysus that is Osiris, cut up into 14 pieces, Dionysus is also traced to India has Rudra, Heru is a later manifestation of Osiris, it’s the same energy, one lays dead and the other is risen up, Shiva is the lost traces of that also

Shiva is a pimp, he does all sorts of explicit erotic acts, the homosexual culture came in because of the hatred of the wombman around 2,000 years ago and they outlawed all kinds of sex and fornication for the simple fact was to shut down the femi9 aspect because she was the ultimate embodiment of the femi9 energy, he figured because it’s a wombman its got to be evil, so through their Bible she is not mentioned, its all attributed to the great mother  

Its this type of latent forces, energies that the soul needs to wake up with, the soul as a dual or multiple purposes, one it is the soul of creation that lies dormant and keeps the manifestation of this world to keep creation going and the other side of that soul is the destruction and is not talking about the physical destruction of the way you do things- that is your physical body, how it gets destruction is knowledge of freedom outside of moralism, this is for those who want to know what the next step is, for those who want to break free

Your mind has to signal to your soul that all this around you is an illusion

You must pay attention to the laws that keep this illusion going and not pay attention to the illusion itself, the more you do this, the more you will free your soul, you cannot let learning stop you based on opinions, you must study, do not remove yourself from the centre of learning, you already know how to behave and it doesn’t matter if you don’t because this is an illusion and doesn’t exist, a series of events that don’t exist, your dreaming

There is also a 2billion year old organic nuclear reactor in Alkebulan 

Shiva or Sheba becomes a subatomic nuclear particle, there is an ancient Lingam [and the Yoni] in India that is also an ancient nuclear plant and is the penis aka a centralising pillar or energy that makes all of these latent forces come in together as one force, its not a physical penis, your penis is directed down into the physical world and brings in incarnation, were talking about the penis in the brain that the female has also aka the pineal gland and that is the penis of [God] and this pulls all the forces together and is your ark of the covenant which the true ark of the covenant is your brain and this comes online making you’re the monster, the super-heru that you are, the Demon that you are 

There will be two alien invasions, one is going to be physical and the only spiritual

Extra-terrestrial, terrestrial means earth and extra means beyond the earth or beyond the physical, extra-terrestrial or beyond the physical can mean inner- because they call it the inner-worlds, so this extra-terrestrial invasion is not coming from the holographic [spirit-world] universe, its coming from inside of you but will not come from the inside of you paying attention to the physical realm because the soul need to know it is alive [activated] because its been trapped here thinking that the physical body is its true self and it is not, you have only been using your five sense thinking that you are alive making you a slave to the five senses and the physical world

Get back to your inner child, buy bubble gum, do sum cartwheels, don’t make your bed, let your clothes stay all over your bedroom, do what it takes to get back to the inner child so you can get to another state, don’t be humble to the Matrix, its an illusion and you have to know this fully so that your soul can be activated, like I mean really know it’s an illusion, do not admire their world that took 2,000 years to construct, you will not activate if you are participating in their Matrix

This terrain is an illusion, the KHMT said that what we call physical earth and life on earth is the graveyard stage, it was the stage after the [Gods] died, this realm they started emitting dreams and this became the illusionary world and is to why the KHMT [Egyptians] always we see them dealing with death, that was the other realm, all the stuff we see are funerary scenes and even their [God] is the [God] of death, the lord of the dead, that was for a reason and they were trying to indicate that this particular earth was not important at all, it is a prison, go to India it is the same thing, go to Greece and it is the same thing and what changed was religion came in and they started focusing on the physical life and moral codes because religion matched physical life and that has nothing to do with the 9ethers at all, the Torah, Quran and the Bible was for the 6ethers to be HuMan, Bilal said that the ancient Quran was a book that put into words the ancient 9ethers soul and was written because the 6ether doesn’t have a soul and was a book to show them how to behave like the 9ethers, it was a book for the soulless people, the 9ether are here to learn how to be a [God] and the 6ether are here to learn how to be HuMan 

[God] acts a certain way and does not act like a HuMan [HuMin], its not about humanity no more, stop mixing the time cycles up, that cycle is over, you know like One Love by Bob Marley, lets get together and feel alright, no, that is over, you are going to the [God] realm, not back to humanity

There are those praying for others around the world when there is a hurricane or an earthquake, I have to tell you its pointless, when these volcanos go off fully, there will be no stopping them, they have given you plenty of warnings to leave, Mt Etna as had plenty of warning s over the last 5 years at least, no prayer is going to stop or save you, this system is earmarked to be deleted, prayer is begging, this is the return of the ancient ones, and there will be no stopping them, you are the ancient ones and the original prayer was sending a signal to yourself and so prayer today is just begging to a being that doesn’t exist   

NASA said that they had received a distress signal and when it was in actuality NASA sending the distress signal indicating that they were losing the spiritual war

  The primal entities were trapped into an alien existence that was a tragedy to us call the earth terrain, this was a separation from water and a substance called Carbon and when you put water and Carbon together you get a Mercury oil and that is what melanin is, it never stops moving, the entities inside of you mainly need water, this causes a comic thirst also

During slavery they took different tribes, the lost tribes of Israel [Isis-Ra-Elohim] the trinity, are the same tribes of Alkebulan, Osiris cut up into 14 pieces and scattered, Osiris is also know has the West and this means today that most of the KHMT are in the west [USA] and Aset [Isis] puts Osiris back together to create one force, a perfect union of souls mixing in the west, you are Osiris(s) body, and the gathering is you guys in the USA, each month I post the real months and what tribe they are [you] and their body function, that is the parts of Osiris body aka you, this is why you are coming back has [God] and not no fu9king HuMan [HuMin], no more HuMan manifestations of that cycle, you need to be a [God] with [God] like status, send a signal to the soul and break out of this cycle, free yourself, this will not be for the mass of people, many will just simply expire, don’t follow no one out here, follow yourself, there is a great gathering taking place and that is you


Black-Knights of the round table, the Knights is Melanin and the round table is the black dot, in the middle of the table is sum coal burning, coal is Carbon aka melanin, primordial ash, the satanic realm, the h3llfire, inside of the intestinal tract is carbonic ash, Satan burned up into the ash, all the same thing

KHMT word for universe is Nun
Sumerian word for universe is Anki [An-Ki] 

Sirius rises on the 26.6.2021 and we also have a soul-ar eclipse
June [Levi] Tribe colour [Purple] Body part [Ears]
Tribe function [Faith] 








Putting a price on nature, these are enhances for you body that drains others and charges others, today they are sitting in museums and stores with a price on their heads

Watching you all the way 
Lion [Lyra] the Kat beings 
Akur [Ekur] Lion 

Its this nature or designer cloning 

Pug + Rabbit 
This is just the tip of a sinking iceberg

1 in a million 

Sumerian HARP 

Alkebulan Kora [Calabash] Kalabash the original Guitar
-And is a Piano, which is a Harp on its side

The roof of Alkebulan [Africa]
The horn of Alkebulan

Khat [Qat]
Is a natural Herbal stimulant but is classed as a drug, like Marijuana, both are from the plant kingdoms, nature put them there, both are from the Herb [Herbal] family like Basil
Everything in moderation
Itiop [Ethiopia] Aetiòp [Latin Aethiopia] Greek Aithiopia [Abyssinia] Habasah

Powerful CME impacting but is not fully in yet, the core [plasma core] is fully charged

Multiple Corona Mass Ejections aka soul-ar energy dispensed by the Sun [Re] over the last week, this plasma energy has been hitting the planet however there are crafts in strategic positions over the planet to shield and defer sum of this energy [radiation] away from certain areas and there are crafts who will store the unwanted energy and use elsewhere on the planet 

Proton alert issued- however you have [6] neutrons [6 electrons and [6] protons and means you are covered, so who is the alert issued for

6ethers do not have [6] neutrons [6] electrons [6] protons, the 9ethers have 666 [18] 1+8 = 9, all colours are chakra system energy signatures, 6 ethers also do not have a chakra system [alien implants] to process these energies [radiation]

[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultraviolet Light [UVC] Cosmic
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gamma-ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray

U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of black-light coming from cosmic rays that come from outside of this soular-system

The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in [cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2] NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on

The 3 types of cosmic rays come in 3wave-lenghts, being;

[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves
[the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]

Read data [colours] in energy, you will go further 

When the field cuts out, all that is artificial gets destroyed, the 6ethers need the field 

Red is the energy signature that the 6ether fears the most and this energy is inside the field
each colour is an energy for this planet and you, you will need your chakra system to process these energies, check out each colour, last two images, see the left side of the planet, the arrows turn around and go straight back into the planet and means NI.BIRU is collecting the energy millions of miles out into space and sending them right back into her, into you

Quite a few rivers, steams have turned red and sum green in recent weeks 

Cicadas start natures call in the USA, millions take up residence after 17 years

  Over a million people reside on Mt Etna and they cannot be evacuated in 10mins 

Whoa, massive sinkhole opens in Mexico 

White core or bright core holds all seven colours of energy [radiation] that match the chakra system, yellow rim [soul plexus] and red outer seal, trouble for many

The sun is almost cube-ish in this image

Sphere leaving the multi-dimensional portal the sun
How many spheres are up there, NI.BIRU is not the only one

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU] [Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]
Nemesis and NI.BIRU are the same system [binary]

Nature is tearing this Wendy House down

This plague is one of the A’aferti [Pharaoh] plagues and means we are in prophecy; the rats are there to eat anything that is edible and drinkable
We are in year two of crop losses worldwide

When you see drills with so called countries that are set to war, this is them working together for the up-and-coming war against the Galactic Federation led by the Annunaqi 

Tell-a-lie vision

The cloud funnel highway

Look at the Ska and that huge craft

What is going on here

Watching you, watching me

Craft goes into volcano in Indonesia
Green [Waji]

Fleets over London 
Helicopters in the Ska, they know they are there, around the world, how long can the powers that used to be hold off, the only threat to National security is man 

These are huge crafts being caught on radar over the USA, sum are nearly 300 miles across, sum the size of Texas, this is why Musk launches these satellite links because NASA, the military cannot see them

Midwest [USA] Aztlan
Which is west-KHMT
Camels are from Aztlan  

Ishi-no-högen [Japan] 
There is a whole sub-continent under the sea, Japan is a part of Nepal 


Western science always tells you these are sacrificing alters or are temple-tombs where dead people are buried- and there are no bodies

The themed architecture is always built on the ley-lines of the planet and that they have a multitude of different purposes and are made from Granite which holds frequencies and even the shape, depth all play a role in speaker, acoustic sone [sounds] 

There is a Bennu [Obelisk] type structure in the middle

Negroid [Mongolian] Caucasian

Genghis Khan [Khar]

Kharchin Mongols, the Bornuud, the Sharnuud and the Harnuud
Bor means brown in Mongolian, and Borjigin is the family name of Genghis Khan, Khar means black in Mongolian, and the Khitans were often named as Khara Khitans by themselves and others
Genghis Khan is a 9ether leader

Slave Capital

At one point Liverpool controlled 80% of slavery in the UK, after the main ports in London were replaced with Liverpool and Bristol
It was Europe's slave capital from 1780 but has often preferred to forget it

Evidence of the mud flood with windows at ground level 
The building looks like it can lift up and transform into a Vimana
The Moors [Muur] the children of Mu were already in the UK 

All these places are going from the ancient to the past, all must be torn down to make way for the new 

This includes his negative thoughts about you, his bad intentions, his negative ways and is to why many women are just like him 

Spiritual Aura, keep yours in check, watch yourself and check yourself, its a jungle out there..






















Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...