Thursday, 18 February 2021

Tiger Balm

Electricity; Benjamin Franklin said, to give up your freedom for security, you will end up with neither
This is the key here 

The grid for your electricity was invented in the 1940’s and has never been upgraded because they don’t know how to, all they did was stack units on top of one another, they had to turn off the dirty electricity in Texas because the plasma [gamma] is frying their machines and they already knew this was going to happen, a couple weeks ago we had blackouts in parts of the world, the grid is connected worldwide and means when one part goes down, it will be a domino effect slowly but surly 

 When you are binded by luxury, you will kill anyone to keep that luxury going, and it will be those people that will give up their freedom just to keep that luxury going

 The eye of the tiger; the man [mind] who is educated and is hungry to do much, and the man [mind] who is educated but has vision

The mind [man] that has vision doesn’t have the guts [hunger] but he has the vision because he’s given too much and doesn’t want to lose what he has been given

The hungry one will kill to keep

Watch this movie, the Current War that came out in 2017 

Nowhere in the world other than in the western cultures are they hooked on their luxuries, don’t get me wrong this has now filtered into other worlds that was set by the trend setters

In the Kabbala it says that he will receive all his luxuries in this world so that no portion will be leftover for him in the next world 

When that luxury is threatened, he will go into hunger mode, survival mode  

 Luxury for many is a sports car, a designer handbag, a holiday to the Seychelles, a huge pay packet, a four-bedroom house

Luxury for many is a gallon of water or glass, a meal or three, sumthing warm to wear, a place of shelter, food for the family

Reality is going to be a bit9h for many, think of what you have seen people waste their money on, especially when you have had warnings and these people knew what was coming up and they wasted money on luxuries, and did you know that you were being watched all the way, you were to give up sumthing, even if it was small, during the last 11months or so

You should not be wondering why sh9t is happening to you or those that love the luxury be thinking wtf is going on…

For sum they have never had conditions that lasted 400 [512] years and a wake up call is looming for many

I have been to different places and in other places they have a different mindset, I happen to know this, I saw it myself

This mindset that is based on luxury is going to turn violet [ultraviolet] for many

When terrorism came out, many gave up all their laws when their luxury was threatened, they gave up their freedom [will], to keep their luxury

The USA people said, you can even poke me up the ass as long as you keep me safe

Truth be known now, who is the true enemy of the USA, you would never know for to broadcast them is to give them power

For a country that advocates the land of the free, they always had to have had an opposing force when in actuality there was never ever an opposing force, for their enemy was always within

In the 1800’s it was the American Indians [the Mongolian ones of today], in the 1700’s it was the British, in the first part of the 20th century in ww1 and ww2 it was the Germans, in ww1 and in ww2 it was the Germans and the Japanese

Then Korea threatened, then it was the Cuban [Bay of Pigs] thing, then it was Vietnam but meanwhile Russia is still public enemy number one, do you see all these opposing forces

Communism [what a sh9t word] they knew communism was going to drop by or before the 1980’s

So around 73 or 74 the gas-line started and that is when the Arabs started coming into the picture, all is by design if you know what you are looking for, they shot Regan and Alexander Haig said, I’m in charge, they asked Nixon to resign, the Iran hostage takeover, all the stuff that happened for the next 10 years and Nixon said, what and miss all of that, h3ll no, and then BOOOMBABY, the bomb drops on the 11th and Haig shows back up

The gas strikes and then you started looking at the Arabs, it is the USA and UK that built all those refineries in Arab worlds and those people were all on camels, they were broke ass people with tons and tons of oil aka the planets blood [the Saudi Royal family are Jews and not Arabs]

All payments from the oil families went into a special account and all the oil wells like in Texas was capped, so it was the USA that put the Arabs and Jews in power, the Arabs are a USA invention

[4000 Jews didn’t go work on the 11th]

They knew they had to get a new enemy, the Vietnam thing was over and the Arabs were selected

Communism was the enemy that the USA never went to war with, isn’t that strange or is that just me and yet the USA was giving grain and deals to Russia all the while

Russia is less than 10 miles away from the USA if you look the other way on the map that is upside down in reality 

 Always an opposing force that isn’t quite a force is it

In 1979 you had gas strikes and then they take the hostages in Iran

What I’m saying is that the USA build their enemies in the 3D for entertainment purposes and now there are no more opposing forces, its only the enemy within

Information that was given to those in the 90’s has more than come full circle

 Martial Law

To take your free-dome, to me there is no freedom, only free time, its your will, creative will, now based on esoteric, there are two sides, one side is what happens physically, the other side is what happens physically is sumthing spiritual behind what happened physically

There is divine judgement on the USA, they said that America would burn, Eli said this [theology of time]

 Afghanistan war, the Russians said they lost 25,000 men, the Arabs lost 1 million people, women and children, in their 10-year war from defending America and when the USA left Afghanistan and didn’t rebuild nothing in Afghanistan and became best friends with the Russians that the Arabs had been fighting for 10 years, can you believe that monkey sh9t 

The USA had their asses whipped in Vietnam, and in Korea and in WW2 [it was the Russian who won WW2 -read western history properly] Russia beat Napoleon when he went up in there and Germany under Hitler, the Russians beat them as well, the allies [USA and UK] helped but it was Russia that kicked ass

The USA have not won a war this past century or this century, they were allies in both wars helping Europe but when the USA went up against say Korea the USA lost, when they went to Vietnam, they lost

Eli told them their time was up in 1914 and the USA have not won a war since 1914

Every major war that they have gone into, they lose 

After that the USA only went to war with countries the size of New Jersey, like Grenada, Panama, and Somalia and the Somalians brought a Black Hawk Down

Think about this, the Arabs [Afghanistan] lost a million people fighting against Russia for the USA while the USA sat back and grew Poppies and drank Budweiser, and they were fighting for democracy [demon]

All the mines, bullets, missiles are made in the USA, granted the Israelis and Australia and the likes all contribute also today 

The USA is going to be punished for what they have done around the world, the European Americans and that means the 6 ether, this physical war is on many fronts, yours is spiritual, seek your conscious shield and become the spiritual warriors, this physical war is not yours to fight

Divine judgement has been set on the USA, in the last days they said, that the hand that you are judged by, you are going to cast your own judgement aka you are going to judge yourself by your own hand

 America had been under judgement and now, they are about to receive the hand [wrath] of judgement

There is a black hole watching over all, and this means you cannot lie while this hole is present, a black hole that can be described as a KAANU sphere, KAANU is Melanin and this means this sphere is conscious 

Any true enemy to the USA you will never know who they truly are and whoever they are hold enough data to expose those you deem in control of the USA, so they cannot afford to let you know who they are until their last breath

Lockdown is more than what mainstream will tell you, this is the final destiny in this particular batch of HuMins [HuMans] existence and one that is going to shape the world that is to come

This is the worst batch of HuMins [HuMans] to date 

Fight the right revolution this time

 More warnings are coming in

After extreme cold comes extreme heat, when summer gets here it will be lights out, many will not be able to come outside, the power will cut and you will have no A/C units functioning

The grid is going down and not because of the snow or adverse weather, your powers that be turned it off for a reason

Snow is on your crop fields in the USA, you know, where you grow wheat that is where the snow has fallen on, and now you have ATM machines not working nationwide, that means money is over Jehovah

The USA is the most important battlefield in this era, the belly of the beast, the 9 ethers have reinforcements above them and below them and in them, this war is mentioned in the Kabbalah and we are confident in the battle of good over evil  

 Destruction is on this planet

People for has far as the eye can see in line for the few supermarkets where sumthing is left and fast-food establishments in Texas after two days without electricity or water now the escalation of supplies
In sum areas the service begins to restore but many others still wait
People are sleeping in their cars, people dying in their homes, the national guard with over 25,000 soldiers are on guard over sum monument

 Remember a plane hit the pentagon in Washington DC in a no-fly zone and nobody saw this plane coming, you have 25,000 soldiers in WDC

No supplies for the powerhouse nation, the leaders of this world and yet their people are suffering, what does this tell you... 

 And the beat goes on..
Schuman sitting at 12hz but spiked to me up around 12pm to 70hz and is now at 12hz 

Blue [life force] electrons hitting the planet streaming from the Crown of the planet 

Soular energies 
Red MAAT [Universal Law]

the colours of energy, you are one unit and are high radioactive koppa energy beings  

 Energy releasing and building [rising]
These numbers are much higher M7+ has standard 

Volcanoes activating once again, floods, extreme weather
Ash rains down over Sicily [Italy] from Mt Etna
Snow rains down around the word but none more so that what was called the USA, Japan, Greece, so-called middle-east+ 

The fire starter, so what if there are no sunspots, they can trigger the sun into action, that beam is coming from a craft  

Blue and Green comets are on route 

From the UK but is the reflection of a car's dashboard with the speedometer 

Craft nation 

All MARE [MER] MIR (pyramids) are online from 2009 they had been activating, sum are under the ground, sum are under water

So when we see these plasma [Tachyonic] purple beams coming out of the ground or water know that there could be sum MARE(s) there 

These energy columns are spreading out more from the north 

Activation has been in the making since 2012 and again in 2021 which is 2012 [looped] we are activating in waves, if the energy came in one go we would have pitted out, waves and activation is coming on a knowledge come first basis, the more you seek and empoWRA the more you are activated, I hear a lot of 9 ethers talking about Yah [Jah] is coming and is going to save them, well my friend, Yah [Jah] is here already and s-he is not here to save you, you have to earn that rite of passage and its not assured just because you are Nubian, oh no, it doesn’t work like that at all

 Even if all the 9 ethers activated in the millions, we would be still a million or two short, and that is why the number is small, its 144hz, its a frequency 

 Red-iron-oxide [magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU
NIBIRU is about the size of Jupiter and although this planet has expanded NIBIRU(s) magnetic field is far more supreme 

And although NIBIRU was reintroduced into this soular system in 2012, they were on their way in 1989 [999] = 27 = 9 they were already getting to work in 2000 and in 2001 your powers that be did 9/11 2001, a year later which gained them 10mins which is 10 years in their time machine which has now expired

NI.BIRU or Neb Heru translates the Christ [KARAST] [KRST] Consciousness or the Christ Dimension or the Christ Particle inside of us

NI.BIRU is coming from the NTH dimension and behind NI.BIRU and the Sun is the spirit world aka the holographic universe, NI.BIRU is coming into the physical from the spiritual dimension

NI.BIRU is a Merkaba which means it’s a spiritual vessel that the positive and agreeable beings have been using to go to different time-zones since they got here

This is holographic and the planet needs to be in 5D to match NI.BIRU who is 9D   

Buma [Owl]

The plant king-dome is alive 

Communicate with the inner man
Man means mind

 When I looked at the time it was 16:02 [1+6+2 = 9] today and I had been in thought about sumone

 9 is a direct contact from the universe, 9 means she is trying to contact you, confirm with you, when you receive a number 9 be in the moment, what was you thinking about doing or not doing, who was you thinking about, what is on your mind that you need to do

There is no number higher than 9

1234567890987654321 zero is the bridge between 1 and 9 or 9 and 1

The universe is a computer code made up of numbers, 0’s and 1’s, Nu-mber and the word Un-iverse both start off with the letters Un or Nu and is from Nun or Nu-t

Once you are aligned with the universe s-he will begin to communicate with you through visions, numbers, events, people, places and things, people that you value who are dreams to allow the vision to flow, this is how they message you, this is how the spirit world works, the more you listen to them the more you gain in knowledge

Your heart chakra must be operating, there is no two ways about this, if you still care about your vessel and not speaking your truth, this will go against you, speak the truth or you will be terminated slowly  

Where that man is standing above him sumone wrote Brownie and maybe there is a W also written

This gate is in Iran and Iran is in Mesopotamia which is in Alkebulun

1956, Vietnam, under sand 

Heru [Horus]
Symbols are the astral world, the constellations [Dendera]
KAANU Granite stone, you would stand in front and the statue or this [book] and the KAANU interacts with the KAANU in you, your subconscious mind would search for the data file, KMHT is an online frequency library, the sub-mind knows what you are looking for 
Astral realm is Amduat [Amenti] the netherworld, the spiritual world, its where all things meet
That is Bes [protection] above Heru not sure who is above Bes, whoever he is has a beautiful smile and is HA.PI or content 

9 cities set up with the capital in La Venta
A palace once stood here
The mud flood came in
These designs are in KHMT and Ethiopia [Sumerian] also 
The power columns have been re-plastered at the bottom

Number 9 is spiral up

Number 6 is spiral down 

  the symbols of consciousness, the flow of consciousness, the universe and this planet and soular system had been rotating [spiralling] in a number 6 which is death, she and this soular system, universe is spiralling in a number 9 which is counter-clockwise which means life 

The same beings who left these rocks like this left them from England to the USA to Alkebulan [that includes Saudi] to Australia to Kanada [worldwide global network] 

Brimham Rocks, North Yorkshire, England
Yorkshire Moors
Moors [Muurs] 

Turn off all the lights, light a white candle and allow Al and One Way to help you find your way out of sumthing called thoths

Show gratitude to have loved and to have been loved in whatever format that love came to you

Mind-think whatever it is and project prosperity to them, give them an energy charge, this will go to them and play out has sumthing you have said that was interesting, loving, funny, sumthing that you helped them with, a song you played, they will receive sumthing positive from you and while you are in one time zone and they are in another, the signal will bounce to them and for a second they will receive sumthing positive from you in a world full of sh9t

 Come from your heart so that its heart2heart, like you have to really want to 

[I had a dream over the last three days involving the same person twice, hence Al, when I looked at the time and was in the moment Nut confirmed at 16:02 about sumthing]

Gabriy'el [Messenger of El] One who comes forth from El [Al] 
He is actually a She and is here 

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