Notice that its only Aset or Atheer [Athyr] that has her face defaced, why,
does the Femi9 Electron energy really worry you, the Romans and Greeks removed
her and replaced her with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, when we know she is the W-holy-Spirit
Everyone has a bellybutton and this means we all came
from he-r
Interconnecting of arms [energies] special image because you've never seen this type of intimacy before
There is no daughter because she is standard
Atum-Re, the new coming god, Atun-Re, the high god, and
Amun-Re, the setting god, from the three great triad provinces or sites, set up
as H.T.M, that is [H] Heliopolis (Annu), to [T] Thebes (Nu-Amun), to [M] Memphis
(Tattu), in Tama-Re of the West
West-KHMT aka the USA [Aztlan] Memphis Tennessee
These are the three great triad provinces or sites, set
up as H.I.M.
Triad is how the ancients worked, everything was in 3’s,
they even ate with 3 fingers, sumthing that the Muslims incorporated into their
man-made version once they copied the concept
Original trinity; when the Romans first come invade
before the Greeks, they see the triad of Osiris [Asaru], Aset and Heru [Horus]
H.I.M is the benchmark for the other triads that came
after H.I.M, many of the triads of ancient Egipt [Egypt] of the [Neteru] N.TU [Supreme,
gods], included a child god, emphasising the importance of family in ancient Egipt
and the divine and royal status
Discussions, reasoning took place in the dark chambers of
Wa-set that great mystic shrine at Nu-Amun, Thebes or Luxor today, and the
other two great cities Heliopolis and Memphis, that is H.I.M, the place to
learn the secrets
Triads [trinities] also included the child (Gods) Supreme
Beings, Tut, would be surrounded, these are triads of Egyptian [KHMT] [Gods] -
The child N.TU of ancient Egypt
Many of the Triads of Egyptian gods included a child god,
emphasizing the importance of the family in ancient Egypt and the divine and
royal status as a legitimate heir
The triads; Thebes, Memphis, Heliopolis, Elephantine,
Abydo, Kom Ombo, Latopolis, Edfu, Medamud, Dendera, Crocodilopolis, Mendes
The names of the sets indicated the number of major gods
worshipped [war-shipped] [poWRA] in the occult [hidden] and the locations of
the hidden centres
Allow me to point you in the right [rite] ritual direction for progression
There are seven MIR [MER] MA.RE, there are seven siStars that make up the Kiymah system [Orion] in the SAHU constellation
NI.BIRU travels at light speed, the same numbers for the coordinates for this complex
3 points of a tri-angle [MIR]
9 to 9 to the 9th POWRA [MA.RE][MA.AT]
Tuning forks
Star-gates to star-wars
Hoover dam is built over a MIR
The white house is built over a MIR
Dendera [mapping GPS]
Mirrors are portals
Communication with Ra [Re] the all seeing eye
Blue is life force energy [throat chakra]
Water holds charges [Neutron]
Bik [Hawk]
Nub [Gold] energy comes through the crown and streams out
of your hands and feet hence why the 9 ethers have no KAANU [melanin] present
The 9 ethers also have Nub running through their skin
[375 of which 50 are rare and not from this planet]
Side lock, infinity lock, trait of the Ghouls aka the
Nomos bloodline, there are many types, indicated by their lock, its not a pony tail, one bloodline is the warrior Nomos
Muurs [Moors]
Why is everything written down and you still need to write it down with an artist, why is their a gap between the two, modern and ancient, why is there a cut-off from this knowledge
KHMT is an online library, stone holds frequencies
Flower [creation] symbol
Only one set of supreme beings use this sacred geometry that they brought with them
Herodotus, the Greek, one of many beings educated by the Alkebulan [Africans], KHMT called their deity [N.TU] Khonsu, the traveller, the Greeks call their Herodotus, the traveller, one is 450,000 and the other is 2,000
Socrates, Plato, Pythagoras are all educated by the African [Alkebulan]
The last image shows the NI.BIRU and Annunaqi symbol
Herodus or Herod Mountain is in Jerusalem [Heru-Salam [Heru-Sol], this site was already there before Herod
You are from source and it is to source that one must return
British 4 Commando, 1st Special Service Brigade after
landing on 'Queen Red' beach, Sword area and ready to advance into Ouistreham
6 June 1944
Saving Private Ryan was a good movie; however, the
opening scene fails to show the 600 Nigerians soldiers that also fought and
were left there and never rescued, for the Germans to shoot
History also fails to tell you who actually took down the
SS, yes it was the USA but more importantly it was the Buffalo soldiers from
the USA
In Winston Churchill's own journals he writes that he came
across an elite fighting group while he was fighting in North Africa, he
inquired about them and was told that this group are called the Commandos
[Ko-Mon-do] guerrilla warfare
All military watch the animal kingdoms on the art of war,
especially the ant species and do not watch each other
Over 500+
The USA civilians are armed and this is why that war will
be interesting
Ignore the rhetoric in the article because they are the
very reason how these weapons are being supplied
Let them take the guns, you are being upgraded with a different type of weapon
These guns are being removed in the UK for Martial Law reasons
Associated with evil spirits, the dead spirits, listen carefully to the sones
Soular shield, the sun is omitting codes [light holds frequencies]
Spider season [Australia]
SpaceX test landing goes up in flames yet again
2.2.2021 = 9
2.2.2012 = 9
Soular streaming is speedy and spells danger for many and
means the plasma is spiking and coming in at a rapid pace, the masses around
the planet will be going offline, adults and children will be running their
mouths, UVC is ultraviolet [violence] Crown pressure [mental]
Watch yourself and check yourself, the atmosphere and
planet are highly charged and is doubling up and you will be feeling radiation
[chakra energy] sickness, the spiking came from overnight
M7's in progress, energy is building every 24hr with a finger on the trigger my nig9a
The most poWRA-ful particle accelerator is searching you out and coming from the universe [Nu Abyss] like for like
Supernova [from the seven siStars [Super meaning over in Latin] and Nova meaning New [Nu]
Next cycle [wave] coming up, buckle up, the Sigi [Jupiter Saturn] mix in December is in session, it is still 2012 until April 1st 2021 [2021]
Not needing that much sleep, not feeling hungry, if you can eliminate depression then this is good, energy is within you, slow down your metabolism [watch what you are thinking about that won't happen unless you want [thoth] it to] everything is already written in your soul, you just have to match the speed, that means don't worry, just stay prepared
Vortex number 9
Always read radiation in energy because each colour does sumthing
Australia, the land going down under
Purple haze [UVC] fires have started again from Australia in the news, homes go up in flames
This mother-ship is really low to the ground, this Mexico, Ul-mec [Olmec] land, what are they scanning for, Dulce base, Racoon city, tic toc
The clones are doing the rounds
Remember you are being changed from the inside out on a molecular
structure, you are mutating
6 electrons, 6 neutrons, 6 protons- Atom [18 = 9] is
mutating and you are charging
Ptah invented this Blue [life force] shield to block out MK-Ultra [mind control] you have one also
You don’t need someone to complete you for you can do that, you only need sumone to accept you, completely
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