Wednesday, 17 February 2021

[E]Motion Sickness

This is the symbol for the flow of consciousness, the spiral symbolises the flow of consciousness
-the word spiral is from the word spirit, this is the flow of the spirit energy    

 Its emotional out there

 Everything is rocking and rolling, immense vibrational fluctuations that has mixed the timelines and this week is going to be very energetic in either a positive or negative fashion 
WAJI[Green] is the heart chakra and is the energy [colour] of healing and life force energies, hearts are opening with the stunning pace that has been set, the vibration amplifies with every cycle [day], the collective minds are feeling these changes, me sad at the point of writing this and i-know its the energy in motion [e.motion] and no matter what ether you are, you are feeling the changes   
Deep calls deep, distant vibrations that runs deep within us all, there are intermittent sensations present in your life right now

There are only two emotions out here and the rest fall in-between, its either Positive or Negative, these vibrations that are proliferating within the timelines
Changes are taking place with or without you, you can sense the changes, they are now obvious
Stay grounded and focused in your own timeline [timeframe], express and deploy your essence of the here and now, be in the moment 
Do you dare to move forward, to take on the unknown, engage in the vibration, stay aligned within your heart, your heart is connected to your mind

Ab [this is the spiritual heart of yours] 
The connection is still present however no-longer exists because there is no before, just the now and this is merging, so be kool with a k while you are here, but not here 
Please don’t be discouraged, these are the signs around you that what was once there, is now gone and is the nu [new] that creates the sense of the immediate disconnection, you are floating between timelines, its surreal, wake-up Neo, AM I dreaming
These are the right signs for we have a convergence of timelines, varied vibrational rates, you are navigating between several [9] dimensions at once and this can also cause a loss of balance
You are perceiving these density changes more and more
Your transition from carbon to crystal is accelerating and your body will start rejecting what is too dense for the body, this is you coming online
[Watch what you are eating, your body will communicate this to you very clearly]
Watch yourself for what is taking place for you, is not taking place for another for a multitude of reasons
-your body is entering energy vortexes and food can slow down your soul evolution, and watch what you are taking in, this is a must, regulate your thoths [thoughts] 

Radiation [e-motion] sickness [energies], take time... 
ssSSSh, be still and listen, you are transitioning
This week is going to be intense, there is another portal opening, keep grounded until we reach this next portal, the Diamond [Damion] Demon [Di-Amon-d] Amun in the rough
It’s a jungle out there, stay in your lane, stay on your Ptah and come [open] from the heart
Heart [Earth] 

"I can feel there’s a force taking hold of me, it releases emotions that set me free, I tri to take hold but I lose control of my body, mind and soul"

[Soul, Mind and Body] 
[Baa, Khu, Kha] in that order, the body is last for a reason 



  1. Thank you friend. I look forward to your blogs every day. Feeling the intense well..

    1. I is humbled by your words, this gives me great encouragement in a world full of sh9t, this post has you in mind, regulate your emotions when needed and submit when you need to but know that we are all connected to the universal consciousness, one mind, one lov9...


Smiling Faces

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