Monday, 1 February 2021


Mount Simeon

 A group of beings have returned for one of their projects, these beings are called the Rizqiyians [RIZQ] Riz-qee-yians whose name translates Providers, they are providers of soular systems and are also called Guardians of soular systems and have returned for one of their most prized projects

When they initially set-up this planet, who has had different names from Tanen, Ta, Tiwawaat, Tiamat [maiden of life] and Tamtu, Qi, Ki to E-reth, they landed over what is called the Persian Gulf today and named this place Eridu [E-reth] which translates home from home, Eridu [Ir-ree-doo] that you call Earth today

This region covered an area called UT.NA.FISH.TIM [Mesopotamia] that is, Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria and Turkey and this was before the Albino-Arab-Muslims were ever created by an inferior deity

Lyra [Syria] As-syria-n is part of UT.NA.FISH.TIM [Mesopotamia] and is A.NUN.NA.GI [ANUN.NA.GI] territory, when A.NU the head being asked sum of the RIZQ to come from NI.BIRU and come down to E-reth they were given new names like Annunaqi and ANU.TU

Mt Simeon [12] is part of Tartarian and the Ottoman empire that was led by the Nubians, this structure was constructed by these Nubians 

The original ancient name, Haddad [Halab] and means Iron or and Koppa [skin colour of their avatars]  
A-mor-ite [A-Moor] MUUR

 Ishtar and the illustrations of Ba’al Haddad [Adad]
Baal-Hadad [Ba-al Ha-daad] Master of Might [Lord of Might] 

Look how tall ENLIL is against the Ziggurats

When many wonder how the MA.RE were constructed, think of a Lego set and you has an adult holding the box-set for scale 

The Sumerian word for temple is Iy and means house, isles, abode, coastland

Ziggurats [pyramids]

The main stargate out of three that is used by the Annunaqi [Anoo-Na-Qee] is over Utnafishtim where the Albino-Arabs-Muslims are sitting 

Albino Arabs Muslims [6 ether] are an invading force  

Koppa skin, ether skin, Nubian skin 

This planet was Nubian for at least 3million years and all the elite wore 9 ether avatars 

The KAANU Bennu [Ben Ben] and is called Obelisk by the Greeks

The Assyrians, Nimrod was a Sumerian and the first king of Shinar [Sumerians], a Babylonian, son of Semiramis [Ishtar] and Cush (Kush) and the Cush are the Ethiopians, that means Nimrod [Sargon] is 9 ether 

Look how tall these beings are, Camels are from West-KHMT aka todays USA [Aztlan] Atlantis  

Bab-El [Door to El]
Teleportation to NI.BIRU

Babel was built by Nimrud [Sargon] and was a gate, a stargate and not sum tower

Ur translates fire, light and is talking about a huge mothership, city

NIF.FUR Niffur [Nippur] Nif-foor translates temple of EN.LIL and is also known as Nibiru-Qi and translates Earth place of NI.BIRU and was a place where all the [Gods] assembled when they visited Earth, this area today is called Israel and Ethiopia  

These beings [Annunaqi] have returned for their planet and their off-spring
They left records in stone and not on paper or in books with drawings

They are pissed off at the way their off-spring have been handled down here and how the land that was given to them is in the hands of an inferior race


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