Kundalini Rising [Kidney failure]
All this material that is on this page and available to you are your own manuscripts that you are here to retrieve
-the kidney is an important aspect of the body right now
It is fitting that the 6 ether has a war on the kidneys of the 9 ether, because that is where your soul [Baa], after it rises from the sacral [red root] vertebrae of the lower intestinal tract, which is where you soul is at
Read all of this post as if it talking about what is taking place with you is directly taking place in the universe, as above, so below
They know that once the Ba [soul] rises up the soul gets nurtured within the kidney complex and is born of water, so the 6 ethers have been attacking your kidneys
The 6 ethers have been confusing the 9 ethers about high-blood pressure, the key for the 6 ether was that they had to lower the high blood pressure which is nothing more than the Kundalini rising
The person who doesn’t worry about nothing, the one who is relaxed so much that they have to find themselves because they are so relaxed, them ones, for those who have high blood pressure that is an achievement because that is the Kundalini energy rising up
Dialysis is to strip your energy away from your kidneys so that your soul will not be nurtured
In the 70’s and 80’s it was rare to find people on Dialysis and now today, wall to wall of people are on Dialysis and they are mainly 9 ether, go to Alkebulan or the Caribbean and see if you see Dialysis machines, it was rarer than rare in the 60’s
The 1920’s was called the roaring 20’s and from there up until now, every decade saw the energy rising, the dollar was only meant to last 100 years and as now expired, and now you know why
They are shutting down the actual kidneys and one of their keys is the high blood pressure medicine for they know that is where the soul takes its ascent
[It will be difficult for you to explain this to the older generation]
This book, Kundalini the Energy of Deaths by Lillian
Silvburn which is taken from ancient manuscripts aka ancient Sanskrit and was
put out by the state university of NY, they know that the first thing that
happens with the Kundalini is the heart [earth] Waji chakra starts to
accelerate to a higher level -as above, so below
Your heart starts to pulsate at a higher level and this
is the rhythm of the heartbeat [earth] Schuman machine, rhythm is nothing more
than electromagnetic energy, and we are returning to the heart
In this book by Lillian, it says on page 9, is says
return to the hearts, the energy level from the lowest one, Shiva [Chi-va]
takes back the divine energy, turning inward by a series of whirlwinds to the
initial liberation of the peaceful centre, when all rhythms have merged into
the great rhythms of consciousness, the united energy in energy to the identity
of Shiva and energy is realised
Remember they have been studying all your leftover knowledge and selling it back to you, this is all your knowledge and they had been sitting on all the data and is to why these 6 ether Asia or Asian, Indian, European look good out here, because you taught them
What she is talking about is rhythms and pulsations of the electromagnetic of the heart, which will play out for you like, no heartbeat but lay down and your heart beats like its going to jump out of your chest, this is because of the meditative state that you went into just by relaxing and the heart went into automatic range and the heart started to speed up [the planet earth-heart is speeding up and so too is the soular system and universe]
You have certain nominated minerals [375 minerals,
crystals, alloys in your body] that is all over the body, all types of
compounds and what the heart starts to do once its streaming is to accelerate
and turn the central nervous system at a higher rate to line up the KAANU
[Melanin] ether [Carbon sits in Melanin] [you may be eating a lot more, hungry,
metabolism will be increasing] and these chemicals come together to give you
the nu chemical body or the nu chemical [God] or the nu chemical Christ or the
nu chemical light, and all this is the science of alchemy [the freemasons can
only go so far, why, because they don’t have KAANU and is to why they are only
Your heart chakra has to go to another level, there is no two-ways about this
If you have your finger attached to one of these heart machines and it goes off, this is the Kundalini rising, not the medical term high blood pressure, it is but its from the Kundalini rising, this happens when you on a spiritual level and if you go to a spiritual level, it has to happen, this is why they give you water pills [tablets] if they say this is curable why do they say in the same breath if you get these things you are going to have high blood pressure for the rest of your life, if you come into sumthing automatically that they say is for the rest of your life, that is called attainment
Dehydration is a real killa, De-Hydr-ation [Hydrogen] Hy-Dragon [Dragon – serpent- Serpentine energy] and diet and sleep deprivation, those three are going to be a killa for many plus ignorance, four
There is a war against the kidneys, both are from the
medical worlds and organ trafficking and medical destruction and they are attacking
the Great Mother, Echidna [Kidney] based on water, and the last post; Sugar and
the mutated foods
Atlanta is still the capital of Aztlan [Atlantis] aka what was known has the USA in the 21st century, Atlanta is the test-program for the whole country because you have the CDC [Centre of Disease Control] based there and they test out all the sh9t on the 9 ethers over there
Soda is nothing but dehydration, Potato Chips is nothing
but dehydration, all designed to go against the Great Mother
When you read all these ancient texts, there is always a correlation to the amphibious nature, it even ends up in their Bible has the fish [Jesus] it even tells you that Jesus and Levitan are one in the same, the great fish, Jonah and the whale [craft] and is symbolic of the Christ energy rather than sum evil thing [are you still on the child level]
Water is being taken away from you by your governments,
Flint in the USA is because the 9 ethers are all there and they know many of
you are going to activate like a bit9h
The movie Water-world with Kevin Costner, all water but
the one that had the gills was the king, he was called the mutant because he
had the gills, well there is a mutation and that is what Christ is, the
fermentation, Christ comes from Dionysus and Shiva, Osiris, Heru, Hercules,
Perseus study these lot and you will learn more than you would of Jesus for
Jesus is a compound fragment to suggest the ancient form of the Christos which
is the [black] Christ
Chernobyl was also a HAARP facility
Sum of you have already died in your sleep and you don’t even know, sum of you have died [rebirthing] multiple times and you don’t even know this, sum of the spiritual people can see this in you, even the young ones, the sixth sense ones can see you
Once the seed rises up through the Gastro-intestinal
tract and goes through the heart chakra that starts to pulsate [many of you
will feel that you have a hole in your heart, this is the vibration] and this
is what the book the Kundalini the Energy of Deaths is talking about, the part
about the pulsations is talking about when the heart [earth] starts to speed up
and is because the soul has a heartbeat too, you get it, and the soul has been
asleep for most of your life and you never woke up and it is your spirit that
runs your body, their soul is asleep [nonactive]
When you see the negative confessions on the walls in KHMT that they took 10 out of and manmade 10 commandments out of 144 negative confessions which are the Laws of MAAT [its in the Book of the Dead at the back of the book] when it says, I have not done this or done that, that is talking about what the soul hasn’t done not the physical body, that is why its called negative, its what the soul hasn’t done, not the physical body for its impossible, like when the little boy in the Matrix tells Neo, don’t try and bend the spoon, what the boy was really telling Neo was too bend your mind around the spoon
It is impossible for the HuMin [HuMan] physical body not to do 144 things, its impossible for the HuMin [HuMin] physical body to be omitted from 3 things let alone 144 your whole life, its not talking about what the priests [semu] you have done, the soul [seed] is in the bottom of your Gastro-intestinal tract asleep, this [matrix] doesn’t exist and the only thing that does exist is your soul, this is a soul-ar system, the soul hasn’t done those things
You could have done what you wanted, get handcuffed to the bed or tie your misses up like in the movie the Golden Child when in Chandler dream, Charlotte is tied up in tissue paper, oh man, what a scene for a 13-year-old, I never recovered, you could have done that without worrying because its what the soul hasn’t done not the spirit
This comes from your Bible and was taken from the
conference of Nicaea; the psychic man is instructed by psychic matters [Psy
means soul] they are instructed by the works and do not have the perfect
knowledge, they belong to the earthly church [those that go to churches here on
earth], good conduct is necessary for them or otherwise they cannot be saved
[this is talking about people who do not have souls] we spirituals can
certainly be saved, not by good conduct but because by nature, we are spiritual
That was taken from the conference of Nicaea and it is the Romans who did this and you could have been doing what you wanted, its says further, your nature is spiritual, its also says, just like the earthly church cannot participate in salvation, for it is not capable of receiving it [this is talking about a person without a soul, do you know doesn’t have the soul]
In-turn the spirit cannot accept decay not matter what
actions it undertakes, as if it is placed under the mud, we cannot damage or
lose our spiritual nature if we engaged in material actions [really > if we
engaged in material actions]
Nothing on the planet earth can stop you if you have a soul, to where you are going to go
The planet is billions of years old; you have these churches and mosques that make you think that no one is going to attain nothing but them, we live on the planet where we all don’t speak the same language and these religion things, they are the only ones who have the keys to this mystery, all these pedo’s [Roman Polanski abused Charlotte Lewis-under age minor], murders, women beaters, but you’re going to heaven, that you’re going to paradise with 40 virgins, come on now [are you still on the child level]
This process has started and that is the soul taking over, and what it does, is replaces your heartbeat with its heartbeat, if your heartbeat stops beating, you will certainly die because that is the pulsation from the spirit in your body extinguishing itself but if there is another heartbeat behind that heartbeat and is getting stronger, your heartbeat stops beating, you live
So, while you’re doing stuff, you’re getting the regular heartbeat but when you laid down your old heartbeat died and the other heartbeat took over
We are talking about the nature of the last HuMans
[HuMins] in the last days, these last days are the same last days of 2,000
years ago, yes that is how long you have been reincarnating over and over,
you’ve done this, been there and now you’re bored, are you not bored sh9tless,
then lay down
There are sum things that you can look at in your own life that you do not suffer from no more and these things will let you know if you’re a dead man [rebirthed] many of you have merged into the nu you and sum of you will be doing this now, the bottom line is that you transform
The higher entity is going to take over and that is what the Christ energy is about, your higher self and this pulsation has 90% to do with that
On the other hand, they have to stop the blood pressure because they know that many heartbeats are going to another level and many will also die in their sleep, so they have to stop this change, there is a physical death and there is a spiritual-soul death
The 6 ether cannot stop nothing, man is not greater than [God] because this mutation is going to happen regardless for the 9 ether, we are talking about a quickening, that is what time we are in right now
Paulo [Yoruba]
Zarabanda is the gateway aka the Opener of the way, El
Cristo Negro [Amun Rey] is the Christos the Christ inside of you, Los Espiritus
Intranquilos is seven entangled spirits, Santissima Muerte is the [Goddess]
over the witches [wicca], San Simon the [God] over divine justice, El Cristo
Rey [Amun Rey] the Lord over the world and is another form of El Cristo Negro, Madre De Agua [God] over water aka Mami Wata in Voodoo
[Magi], La Santissima Iman this is Paulo Naomi coming out of Puerto Rico and is
the [God] over [black and white] Magic [Magi], Francisco Rayos and he is the
poWRA of the four winds aka the four elements and comes through the Atlantic
ocean at night in the form of hurricanes and storms, Mama Chola the [Goddess]
of fertility, Madre Luna the [Goddess] of the Moon and Madre De Agua is also a
ruler of the Moon, these are the ones to call upon
All these [Gods] have to give over to nu [Gods]
What the powers that be were doing on the planet was they were looking for the place in time where all the older [Gods] would have to mutate into newer [Gods] that is your X-Men that is your mutants and everyone on the planet is looking for nu [Gods] and all the systems around the earth was used up and the last ones was these Paulo’s and they were looking for a break and that break came in the form of Awais and Awais was the older one amongst old KHMT [Gods] and his old systems [Aleister Crowley] was comprised of ancient KHMT Neteru [deities] so the old [Gods] were returned with nu names, when they returned it was a composite of the old [Gods] but they would have to go through a fermentation, a transmutation, an illumination, a nu [God] a nu entity and this would be the nu eon entity
So, the occult world, the 6-ether world, the ones that
ruled you, the ones that gave you religion was looking for the nu [Gods] but
they cannot come to them, why, because they are not the original people, they
are 6 and you are 9 [3 degrees of separation]
There was a breakthrough in 2001 and the nu [Gods] started coming, they didn’t come through certain channels and the majority came through siStars as far as their names, these names were supplied via these siStars and since then more and more siStars are getting these names, there is a book entitled the Stargate Con-spir-acy and that is what they are talking about, they were looking for the nu [Gods] and were trying to save their ass on this planet when the sh9t goes down and they were not looking for no Jesus or Mohammed, oh it’s the Christ there are looking for but not the 2,000 year-old that they gave that story to you, even James, the brother of Jesus, a box with sum Hebrews words on, or sum Jesus shroud with his print on, are you serious, they even presented sum fat man and said he was a perfectly preserved Annunaqi that they said they found
When you were younger you were taught a great deal, many of you took on your parents’ things like religion and you mean to tell me at the grown ass age of 40 and you’re still carrying that monkey sh9t around with you today, the same sh9t that you grew up with and you don’t find nothing wrong with that, that means you have no evolution whatsoever, you know people feel safe in their environment and don’t want to step out of their comfort zone
I found many mistakes and my consciousness activated, sum of you just found one and that was enough for activation
No one knew who James was until you found the box, I know the James story, but he wasn’t even around and he is the older brother, James is from the same stories they got Jesus from, the shroud turned out to be Josephus [not the Nubian one] the knights of the templar guy who they burned at the stake who worked for the Roman government, James is in the Gnostic material but come on now, they were running out of ideas
That book Stargate Conspiracy was because they were trying to find a link but the link is in the ghetto and these siStars, one was in Atlanta and the other was in Los Angeles, it was 22 [Gods] and 21 have already come to the planet, 10 have been up and running since 2002 and the rest are filtering through and its 2021 [2012] now
Tic toc, the body is going to rock
Soul Rebel
The higher man
The sewer pipe at this former Muurs Castles [Kastle] in France, the Kastle has had damage, so not sure who built the sewer pipe of a Dragon
Cracks in Earth's magnetic field opened and allowed the solar wind to pour in, deep enough for pink
Electrons [check the colours]
The sea retreats in Mexico, day two
Whoever controls the ska, controls the planet
brother bowban been following you from the uk , ghanain herritage and i appreciate the wisdom genrally have you seen that nasa has apparently landed on mars with their device what is your views on this
ReplyDeleteand how will it effect the trajectory of the 9ether
Peace, nice one, NASA are not on Mars [LAHMU], the NSA are, they have to keep up appearance that they are in control, this was written in the Kabbalah, that he will keep building to give the impression that their reign will be forever, sum times you see Boris with a overall on in a factory or standing outside a building project all designed to give the impression of a future, the NSA are 40-50 years in front of this planet, many 6 ethers were taken to Mars as part of a deal with their people and others that are on Mars to mine and for food and breeding [experiments], lets say there is a device, the device could well be a bomb, for what ever happens on Mars happens on earth, for example all planets magnetic fields are reversing or dropping and earth is next after Mars, NASA and the NSA have been watching all the planets and especially Mars because earth is next, when the field goes down, the 6 ether will not be protected and this worries them, Mars is 3 1/2 years away, the NSA can get there in 40mins with TR-3B, there are two groups NSA and NASA, all recent rockets that NASA have sent have all been taken out, so apparently they have landed on Mars, maybe they have and maybe they have not, you are a world class people now and there is nothing that they can do to stop this cycle, the trajectory [good word] of the 9 ether is written in stone and is unbreakable, stay on your Ptah and in your lane, there are armadas, fleets of crafts directly above you for the secure outcome, your celestial parents have travelled for 36 light years for you, they have not come to fail you but to take you