Around April into July a very supreme being [force] will
become known, until then, those deem in control are losing control
In the Kabbalah it says that t-he-y will be building
until their very last breath to seem like they are in control when they are not
It is 2012 [2021] now until April 1st and that
means prophecy
Many of these events taking place can be attributed to
man, and that these are man-made events to hold you down, sum of them, this
being [force] hasn’t even begun to dismantle this Wendy House
The 99 attributes make up the one [God] and the one [God]
makes up the 99 attributes
[Its 144 but man is only on 99]
He is a S-he and She is a He
Heru and MAAT combined [Red]
Green [WAJI] is key right now, when Ultraviolet hit the planet the energy goes WAJI
Waji is healing life force and life force energy, you are in good hands
Life force energy [Chi] is spiritual energy
The soul and spirit are together
NI.BIRU [Neb Heru] Nabara is on the left and is reversing all energies [radiation] back into the planet
All colours are for your chakra system that you process through your body and take what you need and the rest flows out of your hands and feet and is to why you do not have Melanin [KAA.NU] present in the palms and souls [soles] of your feet
Sol energy comes from the Sun [Sol] soul-ar and this charges your soul and feeds your cells
Purple is plasma and plasma is hitting the planet and going to the core and coming right back up, its hot but the heat is plasma [central sun is made from plasma]
Read all data in energies
The south pole is roasting and the north is frozen
All this snow around the world, is either the poles,
along with the North going back into their ice-age, however we cannot rule out
mans weather modification machines, its interesting that they say CV numbers
have dropped, are the two not related, the huge amounts of snow to kool the planet down and the reduction in the CV numbers
Who is doing what here
Plasma is Gamma and Gamma is a killa of all that is artificial to this soul-ar system
These are Ph levels [colours] as well
As above, so below
As within, so that you are never without
As the universe, so the soul
Water is Crystal [Krystal] the Nile River connects to
space and space is an ocean, a deep ocean made from Crystal liquid water
No snow-flake is identical
The Crystal water is charged, electron
This does not say love and thanks in English or Mandarin,
new-age people are now redundant
Frozen lake New Hampshire [USA]
Musical tones frozen
Multiple funnels coming from Brazil, another [craft] system had around
10 funnels, where is that water going, these systems are happening in quick secessions
Dimensional changes, all coming from the north [crown] of the planet, energy columns, we are rising higher to Sirius the [Godhead]
Texas has a dirty secret
Running out of power, interesting, power is going down
5million, tic toc, no power and no heat
North Carolina getting battered by Tornados, ancestors are pissed
time bomb [73% of the USA is under snow]
Mexico is next with the power going down, they are saying its down to the snow and atmospheric pressure [YAWN out loud] plasma is dense out there
Etna has been in the making for a number of years, you will not be able to get millions off of the mountain in 10mins
Elon Mask, here are your satellites
All satellites are held up by balloons, including the ISS
When they pull back the ska, many hearts will fail them
access codes
Who that
West coast, east coast [you were warned to leave the coasts and if you check it you are having forced migration by your powers that used to be] now you will know what its like to be a refugee, migrant, immigrant, asylum seeker...
Cargo planes gets caught inside the groove
Older image and man didn't make that huge craft by the Moon
Moon with shield
Eye in the S.KA
Sun will shield
Little People
The soul can be bent into distortion, the soul can be
bent out of shape
-the soul can be shaped back into contention and is
The spirit energy can never be destroyed, only recycled
-the spirit will be renewed
Aspen [watching you all the way]
Humming birds make a humming sone, tone, vibration, frequency, they do not fly, they levitate, they produce a electron through friction
Look at his or her colours, can you imagine what s-he will look like under bioluminescence light [ray] in 5D, animals see in AU.RA colours
Hatshepsut daughter of Sut [Set] the Queen [Nefert] that
would be King [Neteru] featured on a fallen Bennu [Ben-Ben] called Obelisk by
the Albino Greeks
Cusa [Sicily] Italy
[Muur city]
60 stone cylindrical blocks
They were quarried here but looks like sum were moved as
we find them over Sicily, stone holds frequencies and was used in the
construction of Iy Sumerian word for house, coast, abode, isle and called
mistakenly by the west as temples or tombs
Greece and Carthage are nearby but we do not see
these actual shapes that are cut into cylindrical blocks featured in Greece or Carthage, they are different sizes and width, maybe they are
None of this architecture is made by the Albino Greeks or the Albino Romans but the Etruscans and Minoan and the Phoenician+ are already present in these places and they are all 9 ethers
Out of the Ulmec [Olmec] we get the Muurs, the children of Mu who are all prolific pioneer builders, Nimrud is also a MaStar builder and was taught by IN.ANNA
These sites and more around the world can just about be replicated by man today, and back then they were using laser cutting devices, levitation, look at the technology to cut into stone, sum are in 3D layered designs, sumthing higher was here and sumthing higher has returned
Ask religious people who believe in [God] and ask them how these places were constructed, and he doesn't know and that shows you that there is a cut-off from
All was built before the 6 ether came out of their caves
Grand Architect of the Kosmos [Im-Hotep] translates
peaceful, tranquil, satisfied or I-em-hotep or Imhotep He who comes in peace
Grand Architect of the Universe [Tah] Earth Ptah
translates Opener, One who opens the way, the Grand Master Flash, he put the G
into Gaia
Grand Architect of the Milky Way, Milky comes from Cow,
Cosmic Cow [KAU] is A-theer [Athyr] (Hatha-Hathor) Aset way, double bubble and
The universe is Omega and Alpha, she cares deeply and is controlling the energy but she can only hold off for so long, many are going to be bailing out of here, this is alright for there are energies here to take them home, NU-T translates the Energy of Nu [Abyss, the Deep] the same energy you receive when you are in lov9
Angry Kid
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