Saturday, 20 February 2021

If you knew

He who knows one book, knows none

 When they dropped the bomb on Hiroshima [Nagasaki] [Herushiva][Naga-Shakti] and they went up in there afterwards, they saw that the people were not as bad as they thought they would be

When they went down to the lake, they saw that seaweed was growing in the lake and it was the seaweed that was purifying everything, with blood pressure its better you use Kelp [seaweed] weed is a part of the herb family like Basil

Sleep deprivation and dehydration and not exercising is killing people, water is going to be so key but water is going to be key on an extra-terrestrial level

The S-hak-ti [C-hak-ra] or Arat energy and the Kundalini energy and the astral body around the [penis] and the Shakti energy is poWRA and will neutralise, vaginal secretions all deals with killing off AIDS, the research is out there, the condoms is what was breaking down your natural energies, the condom cuts your energy

Sugar cane from the USA is modified, its now the size of a domestic flash light [torch] when the cane used to be around 5.5ft or higher, they grow the cane for 6 months

Louisiana farm
[Nature is dealing with all genetic and modified food (GM)] 
Osiris is the WAJI [Neteru] [God] all vegetation comes from him, not man 

The USA have been cloning the sugar cane and not only have they cloned the cane, you cannot sell the regular canes to the mills and they don’t buy it and only buy the cloned hybrid canes

The mills won’t take it full stop and the seeds have to come from the government

 They have altered the sugar cane and the hybrid cloned sugar is the key to them shutting down the KAANU [Melanin]

 This hybrid cloned sugar is called Fructose Corn Syrup and is in everything and because they had added this modified clone sugar in everything, this lets you know that they can control the KAANU molecule by keeping it dormant through the cloned sugar

Its in regular honey [remember honey does not run, its not liquid]

 The reason drugs affect the 9 ethers so much is because you are KAANU people, you have KAANU in you and on you

KAANU [Melanin] responds to stimulants and altered states of substances or substances of altered states of consciousness

 Palate [you have KAANU on your tongue and is what allows you to taste, when they say that has you get older your taste buds fail, this is only for the 6 ether because they do not have KAANU on the tongue] they do not have a palate 

The 9 ethers breast milk contains THC which is the same THC found in the herb plant Marijuana, called Tetrahydrocannabinol, the main psychoactive component of cannabis, Psy means soul

Cannabis was brought here from the constellation of Can-cer in attempt to calm the 6 ethers down and to reduce cannibalism hence the word Cannabis [Cann-abyss] for the sons of Cain [Cane] Kane  

 KAANU [Melanin] responds to certain types of foods

 Suga [sugar] in the ancient world was a potent drug, doctor Charles Pratt said that the KHMT [Egyptian] SE.MU [priests] would eat sum and go to other dimensions, other levels of consciousness

 Suga is now part of our regular diet and we don’t get that now, on one hand real sugar probably would now, why, because we are mutating, and are going to be newer beings

 They have already studied the KAANU and understood that one of the keys is sugar, when you smoke Marijuana, your KAANU jumps within 10mins, have you ever given sum to sumone and they said it does nothing to them, this is one of the reasons, there is a book entitled Melatonin by Joe Robinson, Your Body’s is on Wonder Drug and this is why Marijuana is everywhere

 Ancients never smoked Mari-juana, they ate it or incensed it, your lungs are not designed to take in smoke

You get high because your KAANU responds, you only smoke when you want to open the 3rd eye, to reach the most-highest of frequencies 

This is because you ate modified food [GM] its called cellulite which is toxic fat and this is the result, your bodies fat or muscle is now broken down because of what you ate wasn’t from nature, it was from man, all food is modified and you will see this in the first-world mostly
Fat goes to your legs mostly and we find it on women mainly, they said this was from pregnancies, all food is GM and there is no getting away from this, they have cloned all food that you need 

  Its 2021 [2012] so how long do you think they have been modifying the sugar cane, 20 years, 30 years, 40 years, lets say it was 20 years ago and 20 years ago you had certain cells and chakras and these centres would shut down because we hadn’t gone through the quickening period yet

How do you know that, because your conscious now are you not

20 years ago if you spoke about what you know today, what is on this page, people would look at you as if you were crazy, but in the 80’s and 90’s [1989 = 999 = 27 = 9] we had a shift into consciousness and they shut it down again and in the mid 90’s they put people back to sleep, but many stayed activating in waves, so if you had the real sugar that wouldn’t have done nothing 20 years ago but now you would be going to another level and the KAANU would respond to it, for you is mutating  

KAANU [Melanin] evolves every 3-5 years [KAANU sits in Carbon] 

They cloned food [sugar] and that shut down the KAANU because cloned food [GM] is a shut down product and now your KAANU responds to a lower level which is what cloned food is 

Its in Soda and all your fruit drinks, Welch's brand has it all in there, this is the equivalent of crack cocaine, its addictive

A little boy in Sudan was asking for food and sumone gave him a bottle of this fruit juice and the little boy took it, opened it and drank sum and immediately spat it out and looked at us, his look was what did you just give me, he spat all of it straight out once it hit his lips

Sumone I knew got hooked on crack-cocaine and I asked her what does it feel like and she said to me, don’t you ever try it, she said that she only tried it once and that was it, she was hooked, her story became reminisce of many other people that would tell me; I only tried it once..

A man from the UK got caught on a Jet-Ski on his way back from Holland after purchasing Co-Cain-e, what does this tell you, when the drugs and alcohol cannot be obtained no more, many will go offline, he only got caught because the Jet-Ski ran out of fuel, many only function in society because they have sumthing to take them through each cycle

Crack cocaine

What if you already had a precursor to the crack in the sugar and this would explain why the 9 ether is so susceptible to much   

Macdonald, there was this guy who did cocaine and would eat Macdonald's, the fish meal, he was Muslim and never ate the meat meals but did cocaine, ok then, he said his lips went numb and his nose was leaking, they were lacing the Macdonald food, so of course when he did crack, he was hooked the first time round, sum people do sumthing a couple times before they get hooked but crack is a first timer for many, precursors, sugar cane is a hybrid food and is like for like and is a form of crack cocaine

 All the food is genetically engineered, all of it

You are in the middle of a pandemic and yet tons and tons of chicken is still available to eat after 11 months of this pandemic, milk is still flowing and meat is still flowing, where is all this chicken coming from

 Sugar is in everything you eat, its called fructose corn syrup and called sumthing else beginning with the letter P and I cannot remember while writing this what its called, all your sauces, its all got hybrid fructose corn syrup in it and is shutting the central nervous system and that is where your KAANU is, however the 9 ether mutates

 We have lost many generations to GM food let alone crack-cocaine, however these generations in the last years are really smart for a generation of lost children, these children are smart and smart in the things that they do that would get you a beating from your parents or jail time but they are smart in what they are thinking about doing, clever in that regard, so young and able to have the audacity to do the things that they think of, that is so condescending, and despite them being genetic babies they are smart in the sense of anything that I ever did, there are sum real genius sh9t going on out there, I’m just talking about the calibre of the way sum of these children are thinking  

 These children are 40 years old at 5 years old, mature, quiet, grown-up type of quiet, sumthing is mutating in them, not just the children but its sumthing to watch out for, you know, like you go blind and your eyesight becomes better, we may have lost a couple hundred thousand of these children along the way, its taken a while after growth deterioration but after the body latches on its just like the phoenix rising from the ashes, it starts to feed off of its own squalor and that becomes fuel for it

So in sum ways it doesn’t matter because you mutate

AIDS[HIV] Ebola cannot kill you, you mutate, there are people out there with double chakras, double immune systems, the list goes on, like I said we have lost generations but these new batches are on point, they are built to last

During the lock-down sum 11-12 months ago, many children have not been incarnated into a man-made hospital and are free from immunisation [they were born in Zion] 

Your child sits in your Chakra system when conceived and you are fueling the child with everything you are feeling, thinking and eating for 9 months at least [think about this] even when you ate meat, all the hormones, the fear adrenalin secreted from the animal when it was being slaughtered goes into that child during that 9 months, children with fears, nervous dispositions, thoths, you gave that to the child

Mind over matter, high blood pressure, it is impossible for the 9 ether not to have high blood pressure which is actually caused by the Kundalini energy rising [and to much sugar or salt] 

 Many of you do not get certain conditions because of one simple factor, in your mind you are still 21 and for sum of you, you haven’t seen yourself in any other way other than being young, young at heart

 Its psychological [psy means soul] this is sumthing you have to come to, never go out with sumone who works in fashion or a beauty parlour, hairdresser for they spend all day looking at themselves and this psychologically fu9ks them up, they in consent fear of getting old or do I look ugly today, buy this and buy that...

 Its your behaviour that takes you to other levels, having nothing to do that isn’t stimulating brings on the nothingness, and in that nothingness, you find boredom

 Sumtimes you don’t like the day you’re in, so you will do sumthing to take you to the night to kill that day

 Psy means your soul, it’s the behaviour of your soul, you have to come psychologically

 At this stage in your life, you need to be dealing with esoteric aspects of religion, you have done the other religions which is the book that they gave to the masses of people

 Always deal with the esoteric

Esoteric Christianity is Gnosticism, that is what Christianity was fashioned out of, esoteric to Hebrew [Habiru] is Kabbalah, esoteric to Islam is Sufism

You reading those other books is nothing but inspirational [inspired is in-spirit, that is what that word comes from] although you can go into those books and find esoteric things, but you cannot go by those books, there is a difference, you go by the scriptures which was taken from ancient manuscripts taken out of KHMT mystery systems and all of the mystery systems around that part of the world

So you need to leave the theology alone and you can use those books as source books, referencing because the texts are different from what they had taught you

 The Albino Greek word Theology comes from Tawaret [Tiwawaat] Tiamat (Theoris)

Their word theory as the Albino Greeks say theoris becomes Thehos for [God] for the Albino Greeks, taken from Taweret, the Tama-Rean [Goddess] of wombmen in childbirth, the Great Mother, and birth is of the Sun (Son) [Sophia] aka the [Black] Madonna aka Aset aka Taweret 

 The Big Bang, firstly, make note that they, the scientific community refer to the Big Bang as a theory and the word theory comes from Latin Theoria, from Greek, from theoros, meaning spectator, from thea, a viewing + oros, seeing

Make note that, though they call it a theory, they say ‘seeing is believing’ when in actuality hearing and reading is believing, and seeing is knowing

 For example, the [Goddess] Astarte, you get the [Goddess] Easter [Ester] Astarte is the [Goddess] Oshun, the book of Ester [Easter], even the Torah, so many books, many were taken out of the conference of Nicaea, their books are from many sources

Only a man would call a book a revelation after her read it from sumwhere else, it was a revelation to him 

 Revelation is their oldest book in their Bible because it didn’t come from their Bible, Revelation comes from the Persian apocalypse, there is a book called Parallel Mythology by J Bierlein and he has all the apocalypses in there and you get the Persian apocalypse in there, all they did was plagiarized it and this Persian apocalypse predates the Bible by thousands of years, the Persians got the book from the Library of Alexandra

Persia is modern day Iraq and Iran, not the Muslims of today but the Persians were the Ethiopians [Kush], the Persians are a delegation, who are also the Sumerians, the Babylonians [all the same thing] but the Bible Revelation book comes from Persia, all pamphlets were put together by authors, John the Divine and more are just put together, read 101 Bible Myths, or 101 Myths of the Bible by Gary Greenberg, he also wrote the Moses Mystery, and basically these are edited commentaries by several authors around that area and many of you think it’s the word of [God]

Like [God] is into writing down books on paper that comes from trees, and now you think [God] is Joan Collins, s-he [God] wrote in stone and on Papyrus which is were you get the English word Paper 

These are ancient fragments from the Mystery Systems [My-Star-y] taken out of the mystery systems by the later cults or the later authors for whatever society they found themselves in

 Why does the Korean [Quran] have the old testament in the front of that book, so Jesus got this Revelation that nobody else got but it’s the old testament that is in the front of the Koran [Quran] 

Koran is the English version, all this is edited material

 You have to grow up and over-stand the esoteric meanings behind these edited material on how sh9t is going to go down

This is an alchemical text is what its really talking about, and its your body that is going through a certain transformation and transmutation, the apocalypse is inner alchemical – chemical marriage and an alchemical wedding of the rising of the soul [this is a soul-ar system] 

If you want to deal with sumthing make it that and not sumthing that is inspirational in this stage, you are world class people now, if you went to the Pope with your Bible, he would look at you like your crazy, have you seen most of all the Churches are being burnt to the ground and no one is saying nothing from the religious community..

There is a book called Theosophia [Theo Sophia] theosophy- and this is what the Pope and their crew deal with

Theosophia, Hidden Dimensions of Christianity by Arthur Versluis and they are dealing with the realm of the Mother [Goddess] the Great Mother aka Sophia the Divine [Goddess] 

 If you are trying to get sumwhere and your thoths do not comprise of the [Goddess] you’re going down, many are waiting for a man, when it is the Femi9 [wombman] that is the primary source for this final destiny, the Pope even tells you that Mary mother of [God] is the most important aspect more so than Jesus, why, because they have studied the [Goddess] Sophia which is the same [Goddess] Oshun

 The whole concept is to go back into the court of the [Goddess], the realm of the [Goddess] why do the Albino Greeks call Sirius Osiris [Alpha and Omega] the divine femi9 is the key

 If you are following anything that doesn’t have anything to do with the divine Femi9, then you are wasting your time, the 9 ether knows it’s the mother, they know this, and that she is everything from the mundane to the monumental, from the sublime to the nightmare

 It’s the realm of the [Goddess] that is the mystery, we are in Venus transit until the end of time, no matter what planet alignment that goes on, Venus is a satellite and not a planet

 Theosophia, Hidden Dimensions of Christianity, there is a whole book on what they deal with in the Vatican, 6 miles of all the worlds artifacts at their leisure, meanwhile you have Muslims blowing themselves up with a book that a European edited, and you have these people using holy water for what exactly, your insane and sum of the 9 ethers practice insanity

The Pope would dare not call the Most-High a he, why’d you think they can kill Arabs like that
-the Arabs hate women, why do their women wear full blown black attire and cover their hair, why would your [God] give you long black hair for you to cover it up all day in the sun, why is Allah not Allat, it was a Female before they changed it to Allah a Male

 They had to come in secrecy to the 9 ether, he couldn’t just roll up on the 9 ethers like how they did with the Arabs, the Arabs go against the [Goddess] so they are mince meat and he knows this, they opened war against them because he knows they are mince meat for what they have done to the [Goddesses] Femi9 energy, Muslim women will have their day court [realm]

 Sufism goes into the [Goddess] Sophia

 The Divine Femi9 is not just the celebration of Motherhood, its also the celebration of the [Goddess] being totally free [will]

 Moorish Science, the Hero takes a journey and ends up into the court of the Divine [Goddess] once there, he and his land and his whole universe is sovereign under the Divine [Goddess]

 El Cristo Negro is the crucified Christ and they had to shut this down, El Cristo Rey is the lord of the worlds, San Antonio in Texas [USA] has a huge statue of El Cristo Rey and El Cristo Rey is Amun Rey [Amon] Amen Ra [Re] Ra-y is from Re-y 
El Cristo Negro [Amun Rey]
Los Espiritus Intranquilos
Santissima Muerte
San Simon
El Cristo Rey [Amun Rey]
Madre De Agua
La Santissima Iman
Francisco Rayos
Mama Chola
Madre Luna
El Cristo Negro and El Cristo Rey are different composites of the same figure
These are sum poWRA-ful energies right there, the other stuff has been used so much that the energy is worn right out of it 
My point is, if your pan-theo-n does not line up with a certain amount of Femi9 entities then you will go down, by not dealing with the [Goddess] means you will get left behind in the Devils playground

What do you have to do is research them, acknowledge them, call out their name [in your mind] find their symbol and image in your mind, Kali, Mama Bridget, Aset, Maat, Nu, Tawaret, Hathor, the list goes on, image them, learn sumthing about them, they had to go up against man in a world full of sh9t, it was a jungle out here for them, these energies are you today 
Mama Chola, Madre De Agua, Santissima Muerte are composites of the one [Goddess] and the one [Goddess] is one and is called the triple [Goddess] and is still the most poWRA ful material left still on the planet
 Zarabanda is a form of ANU.BU [Anubu] and Tehuti [Thoth]
Mama Chola [Shola] 
The track Maria Maria 
When Carlos sang Maria Maria all the rappers started talking about Mama Chola, who is the [Goddess] of fertility, Ester or Easter or Astarte is the [Goddess] of fertility and all comes back to Ishtar [INANNA] which is 24 forms of Oshun
24 forms of Oshun, 24 forms of Erzulie
Carlos Santana knows about Paulo, Metatron came to see Carlos, Metatron [Megatron] is a Hebrew Angel and is known has the Cosmic Christ [Karast] Christos] and is another of these same entities listed and is just the Hebrew [Habiru] version Metatron [Megatron] Meduty [KMHT and Hebrew composites]

 Metatron is the Divine Angle [Angel] Metronet is his counterpart, they are Christ [Karast] figures
Metatron appears to Carlos in 1995 and told him, you do what I need you to do and I will put you back on top, Supernatural stayed on top for nearly two years and it is Carlos who is singing Maria Maria, the only track he sings on

Metatron and Melchizedek are one in the same, in their Bible, Jesus says, I am of the priest [Semu] order Melchizedek

Mel = Melanin
Chi = life force energy [Waji]

Melchizedek or [Al] Khidr [the Green One] of the Sons of the Green disc light 

Metatron is in the Hebrew book the Hebrew Goddess by Raphael Patai and they talk about Metronet who is the Habiru [Hebrew] [Goddess] and they talk about the sacred marriage between Metatron and Metronet, the same [God] that came to Carlos Santana

 You can channel these entities and most 9 ether females can more so

 Metatron is the equivalent to the Cosmic Christ and in so many words would be a form in you Metatron, Metatron is a title, rank, Christ is a title, like Baal, Heru

Colonial Sanders

The real colonial Sanders family had slaves and the recipe for KFC came from the slaves, no ethers knew about herbs and the 11 herbs and spices came from the 9 ether

They only stopped using Kentucky fried chicken when they stopped using real chicken and were using MSG and they rebranded the name to KFC, he owned a gas station and suddenly he invents the 11 spices and herbs for one of the best fast-food brands in the world, come on now, be serious

Kentucky was a slave state and these families held onto these recipes, this is why the recipe was a secret and why it took so long to come out is because they had to translate the spices and find them

 Why won’t they tell you what is the ingredients in Coke-cola [cocaine]

 The word Kidneys comes from the word Echidna who is the Albino Greek [Goddess] Echidna, who is half snake [serpent] in Greek mythology, Echidna was a monster, half-woman and half-snake

She was the mate of the fearsome monster Typhon and was the mother of many of the most famous monsters of Greek myth

This is talking about Levitan and Typhoon who are the [Gods] that ruled before the soular dynasties in KHMT as mentioned in the Gods of the Greeks by Károly Kerényi

 Where you see one [God] or [Goddess] they are all over the world, you just have to collect the fragments and put it all together, this is why you are writing hiStory, and is to why this is your mystery, myStory

I tri and give you a book to read for if I do that you will have sumthing to gain greater access to, so you have sumthing to further your quest, you can quote sumthing while you’re trying to learn sumthing other than this page, this takes you out of being subservient, takes you out of being the student and gets you to be the teacher, the Jedi MaStar in waiting, empoWRA yourself [cells] because sh9t is coming and you want your shield to protect you during this phase

I don’t want nothing from you, no need to paypal me or buy merchandise, I’m doing right by you, I might curse a few words, be funny, but that is how she is

She wants you to learn, be that student, she thrives on awareness, she enjoys when you get it, she wants you to be successful

 Work with the energies, the Femi9 electron energy, don’t be a centimetre off or you will be working from a jailhouse, energies come and roll with you, they hang with you because they find you interesting, they want to see how you function   

 As it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end 


Under the Vatican, think of all those children, this is 6 ether practices and must be deleted from this planet 

  This seal was intact for over 5,000 years at least and maybe longer
Right angle also found and would be in the 5,000 years and higher
The real Masons [KMHT] 

They are online and so are you 

Only the Annunaqi, Allies and Alliance, and those from the Federation are occupying the ska-line 

Who that

Seen over Japan and sumwhere else

Chakra energy columns, seen mostly in the North, we are rising higher, it is huge crafts poWRA-ing the stabilising of this planets dimensions
Russia, USA, Kanada 

What is that above the columns 

Chakra colours promoting harmony, this is not an invasion but a reintroduction

Not a reflection [subwoofer] 

If this is all we were left with as a women, abortion would be the law, wtf is this thing, too many manbirds out there, all that is not natural must be deleted  

What she has written is about the 6 ether only and not the 9 ether

The Guardian newspaper headlines, End of the Neanderthal [6 ethers] linked to the flip of the magnetic poles, you are not Neanderthal and this is their deletion 

You are HuMin and not HuMan and you are built from the stars and from the planet, they are built on the planet with no stardust  

Water [crystal], sone [light], KAANU [ether] = Big Bang (explosion of light] as above, so below 

Its seven energy waves of deletion 

Spirit level
When you lay down the spirit hoovers over the soul, goes back to Zer0 

 Shields up 

Romania 19.2.2021 Pink radiated skies 

All this snow is coming from where exactly, these ice Lily pad’s look like the ones from Antarctica, we saw this last year in NY, is the snow coming from nature or is HAARP playing a role, makes sense that they would want to make it cold because the plasma is also coming from the core upwards and they need to reduce the numbers who are dying, so me not so sure that all this snow is from nature and will not rule out that man is involved 

What about this ice-age, the poles, who is doing what here

20.02.2021 = 9 
Zer0 point reference [Poles moving planet responding]  

Melkeb is having problems with his YT page and you can watch his uploads on fb 

M4 hits the Muslims in KHMT [Egypt] and they wrote, rare earthquake, rare, your time is coming
3 volcanoes erupt at the same time Guatemala 
Outside is highly charged, weather systems come highly charged and means many people will be acting up

Electromagnetic pulses are occurring, corrections in the right hemisphere, you can hear them in your right ear 


Read all data in chakra energies which is radiation to others, see that wall of arrows on the left side of this planet, this is all soular energy which is classed has radiation by others, soul-ar energy for soul-ar beings in a soul-arena  

serious [Sirius] amount of electrons [6] hitting the planet [you]

Can you see the cube around this planet [dimension] no energy can escape, chakra energy all the way, that yellow curve is the electromagnetic field, aka the dome aka the ozone layer aka van allen belt, its going to go down and at times cracks wide open, when it goes down, if you don't have a functioning chakra system and ether, you are going to go down with it, red is the one that man fears the most    

Solar wind, flash, flare is soul-ar energy for souls, look on the left and see those double rows of arrows indicating all energy [radiation] is streaming back into the planet 


The Koreans are 5.5ft and where created by the Ethiopians [Kush] people 

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